Circuit's EdgeCircuit's Edge

Game Details:  Sci-Fi, 1990

Links:  Moby Games, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  7/1/2013

Suggested Listening:  Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)

Circuit's Edge is a combination adventure game and RPG, set in a fictional city in the Middle East. The game is based on the novel When Gravity Falls. You play as Marid Audran, a private investigator, and end up looking into the death of one of your clients.


There are random fighting sequences in the game that can get you killed, so you will need to get a Kung Fu Master chip and a switchblade or stiletto. After each fight make sure you pick up any money that is left behind. If you lose most of your health, you can go to the nurse at the Medical Clinic and buy nuclear healing.

The order described in the following walkthrough gives a basic outline, and for the most part there are no time restrictions. You can only save your game in the Five Pillars Apartments, so you may want to use your map to go back there every now and then to save.

The Budayeen

The Five Pillars

Start by going to ACTION, CHIP-IN and select your Bio-Scanner chip. Now just wait here until your belt phone starts ringing, and TALK to Saied, then you can EXIT. From here, go south 6 times, east 7 times, north 4 times and west.

Cafe de la Fee Blanche

TALK to Gargotier about FUAD, then EXIT. Now go south 4 times, east twice and north.


TALK to Fuad about PACKAGE, then go to your INVENTORY and use your belt phone to contact Saied (131AEP69). Now EXIT and go west 3 times and south 3 times.


TALK to Saied and go to your INVENTORY so you can give him the cologne package, then end your conversation. Go to ACTION, CHIP-IN and select your new Chronos 2000 chip. In INVENTORY, drop your wrist watch. EXIT and walk north, east 8 times and south 8 times.

Crazy Abdul's

TALK to Crazy Abdul and buy a switchblade. Now wait here until your belt phone rings, then TALK to Papa. EXIT and head north 8 times, east 11 times, south 6 times and east.

The Bougainvillea

LOOK to reach Carter's room. After you wake up, LOOK again, then go to ACTION and try to get the video holodisk. EXIT and go north 5 times and east.

Computer Banking Teller

Enter your banking code (4D424C), then withdraw all of your 628 Kiam before exiting the machine. Go to INVENTORY and drop your banking disk. Head north, west 4 times, south 6 times and west.

Laila's ModShop

TALK to Laila and buy a Kung Fu Master chip, then end your conversation. Go to ACTION, CHIP-IN and select your new Kung Fu Master chip. EXIT and go north 6 times and east 7 times.

Bill's Cab

TALK to Bill and tell him you want to go to Friedlander Bey's, then EXIT.

Friedlander Bey's

TALK to Papa, then EXIT.

Bill's Cab

TALK to Bill and tell him you want to go to the Police Station, then EXIT.

Police Station

TALK to Hajjar repeatedly until he listens. Talk to him about KENJI and then about the MORGUE. Under ACTION try to use the computer, but you are not authorised, so just EXIT.

Bill's Cab

TALK to Bill and tell him you want to go to the Budayeen, then EXIT.

The Budayeen

Back in the city go north 3 times.


TALK to the Attendant, and go to your INVENTORY to show him your morgue pass. Now go to ACTION and see the effects, then back in ACTION get the video holodisk and the black wallet. In your INVENTORY, look at the black wallet to find a tag from a pawn shop, then drop the wallet and the morgue pass. EXIT, then go west twice, south 5 times and east.

Mustafa's Pawn Shop

Unfortunately this business is now closed, so go north and east instead.

Leather Goddesses

TALK to the Madame about MUSTAFA, and she will tell you the shop has been closed for over a month and taken over by another merchant. EXIT here and go north twice, west 30 times, north twice, west 3 times and south.

Friendly's Pawn Shop

TALK to Friendly. Go to your INVENTORY and show him Mustafa's tag, then give him 20 kiams to get half a brass ring. In your INVENTORY look at this to see an inscription. TALK to him again to buy an answering machine, then EXIT. In your INVENTORY, drop Mustafa's tag and use the answering machine. Again in your INVENTORY, use your belt phone to contact Papa (111BWS64) in an attempt to get some money. Now head east 13 times, south 3 times, east 14 times, south 5 times and east.

Laila's ModShop

TALK to Laila about ORIENTAL and then about JAPANESE, then EXIT and go north 7 times, east 7 times, north 5 times and east.

Jewels of Morocco

TALK to the Jeweller about JAPANESE; you will only get the chip you need if you solve a robbery for the Jeweller. EXIT and walk south 6 times, west 28 times and south 9 times.

Tattoo Parlor

TALK to Franco about SERPENT to learn about two possible suspects for the robbery. EXIT and go north 10 times, east twice, north 4 times and east.

The Five Pillars

Under the ACTION menu select to sleep until 6:00pm - you will wake up hungry. Save your game. When you EXIT you should be given 600 kiams courtesy of Papa. Now go south 8 times and east.

Cafe Solace

TALK to Old Ibrahim and buy some food until you are full, then EXIT. Walk north 4 times, east 3 times and north.

AAA Secured Loans

TALK to Guido about MANNY and he will give you a matchbook. In your INVENTORY look at this to see the initials SP, then drop it and EXIT. Head south twice, east 13 times and north twice.

The Silver Palm

TALK to Heidi about MANNY to learn he has unnaturally blue eyes, then EXIT. Now go east 10 times, north 7 times and east.

The Eyes of Texas

TALK to the Shopkeeper about MANNY to learn he was into card counting, then EXIT. Next walk south 8 times, west 5 times, south 7 times and west.

The Gambling Den

TALK to Karim about MANNY to learn he lives with a dancer with red hair and green eyes, then EXIT. Now you will need to search throughout the lounges and cafes using your map until you locate Fanya (most commonly in the Red Light Lounge or the Cafe Solace).

Fanya (Random Location)

TALK to Fanya about MANNY to learn he lives at Ad-Dur House, then EXIT. Now make your way to Ad-Dur House at South 9th Street.

Ad-Dur House

LOOK to reach Manny's room, but it is locked. TALK to the Landlord, then go to your INVENTORY and give him 100 kiams. LOOK again, then under ACTION get the crumpled note. In your INVENTORY, look at the crumpled note then drop it and EXIT. Head north 8 times, east 17 times, south 8 times, east, south twice, west 5 times and south.

Warehouse (South 1st)

LOOK to see a suspicious crate, then in INVENTORY use your switchblade to find Manny and another half of a brass ring. In your INVENTORY look at this to see another inscription; together they say "SHIMAAL MOSQUE 1AM". Drop both halves of the ring, then EXIT. Go east 5 times, north twice, west, north 8 times, west 9 times, south 6 times and east.


TALK to Sampson about MARCO to learn his full name, then EXIT. Walk north 5 times, west 13 times, south 6 times, west 3 times, north twice and east.

Adult Video Holos

Answer YES to both questions to view your holodisk, then EXIT. From here go south 3 times, west twice and south.

Tattoo Parlor

Wait here until after 9:45pm then TALK to the Street Dealer and buy a detective badge from him. EXIT and go north 8 times, east 21 times, south 6 times and east.

Laila's ModShop

TALK to Laila and buy Alpine Jack, The Phantom, Rad Hacker and Super Spy chips, then EXIT. Go north 6 times and east 9 times.

Bill's Cab

TALK to Bill and tell him you want to go to the Police Station, then EXIT.

Police Station

Under ACTION, use the computer (now that you have your detective badge). Search for KENJI CARTER and TAMARA CARTER and then MARCO HERRERA and ALEJANDRO HERRERA. You will be discovered at this point, but make sure you note down the commcode of the computer, then EXIT.

Bill's Cab

TALK to Bill and tell him you want to go to the Shimaal Mosque, then EXIT.

Shimaal Mosque

Just wait here until 1:00am and someone will give you the code for the police computer. EXIT.

Bill's Cab

TALK to Bill and tell him you want to go to the Budayeen, then EXIT.

The Budayeen

Go west 11 times, south 6 times and east.


TALK to Sampson and buy a data-link terminal, then EXIT. Head north 6 times, west 21 times, north twice, west 3 times and south.

Friendly's Pawn Shop

TALK to Friendly and buy the uplink cables. Under ACTION, CHIP-OUT your Kung Fu Master chip, and CHIP-IN your Rad Hacker chip. Under INVENTORY, use your data-link terminal. Connect to the police computer at 054AJR86, and use the login code GRAVITY. Search for ALEJANDRO HERRERA, then just press enter to leave the computer. Under ACTION, CHIP-OUT your Rad Hacker chip, and CHIP-IN your Kung Fu Master chip. Drop your uplink cables and data-link terminal. EXIT and head west twice, south 3 times and east.

The Medinah

LOOK to get outside Herrera's room. Under ACTION, CHIP-OUT your Kung Fu Master chip, and CHIP-IN your Super Spy chip. Go to your INVENTORY, and select the CHIP RACK, then use the chip skill of Super Spy to get inside. Under ACTION, CHIP-OUT your Super Spy chip, and CHIP-IN your Kung Fu Master chip. LOOK again, then under ACTION get the bullet and star sapphire. EXIT here, then go north 3 times, east 15 times, south twice, east 21 times, north 6 times and east.

Jewels of Morocco

TALK to the Jeweller. In your INVENTORY, give him the star sapphire. Under ACTION, CHIP-IN your Japan-Easy chip. In INVENTORY, use the answer machine, then drop the answering machine and answering chip. EXIT and walk south 4 times, west 4 times and north.

Medical Clinic

TALK to the Nurse about TAMARA, but she needs to see her picture to remember her. EXIT and go south twice, west 22 times, north 6 times and east.

The Five Pillars

Under the ACTION menu select to sleep until 6:00pm - you will get woken up almost immediately by your belt phone. TALK to Mahmoud, then save your game. EXIT and go south 6 times, east 11 times and south 3 times.


TALK to Mahmoud about HASSAN, then in your INVENTORY look at the ransom note. EXIT, then head north twice, west 7 times and north 8 times.

Scarlet Orchid

TALK to the Shopkeeper, then go to your INVENTORY and show her your ransom note to get another clue. EXIT and go south 9 times, east 4 times, south 4 times and west.

Heavenly Fragrances

TALK to the Shopkeeper, then go to your INVENTORY and show her your ransom note to get another clue. EXIT and go north 6 times, west 4 times and north 8 times.

Scarlet Orchid

TALK to the Shopkeeper about TIGER, then EXIT again. Head south 7 times and east 24 times.

Bill's Cab

TALK to Bill and tell him you want to go to the Ad-Dur Docks, then EXIT.

Ad-Dur Docks

LOOK to see a high window you need to reach. Under ACTION, CHIP-OUT your Japan-Easy chip, and CHIP-IN your Alpine Jack chip. Go to your INVENTORY, and select the CHIP RACK, then use the chip skill of Alpine Jack to get up to the window. Under ACTION, CHIP-OUT your Kung Fu Master chip, and CHIP-IN your Super Spy chip. Go to your INVENTORY, and select the CHIP RACK, then use the chip skill of Super Spy to get inside. LOOK again to get 2 packages that you can examine later. Under ACTION, CHIP-OUT your Phantom chip, and CHIP-IN your Kung Fu Master chip. Now EXIT.

Bill's Cab

TALK to Bill and tell him you want to go to the Budayeen, then EXIT.

The Budayeen

Walk west 19 times, south 6 times and west.

Heavenly Fragrances

TALK to the Shopkeeper, then go to your INVENTORY and give her the orchid package. EXIT and head north 6 times, west 8 times, south twice and east.

Cafe Solace

TALK to Old Ibrahim and buy some food until you are full, then EXIT. Walk north 8 times and east.

The Five Pillars

Under the ACTION menu select to sleep until 6:00pm - you will get woken up almost immediately by your belt phone again. TALK to the Shopkeeper to get a phone number. Go to your INVENTORY and use your belt phone to contact the odd woman (774TFF60). Under the ACTION menu select to sleep until 6:00pm - you will wake up hungry. Save your game. EXIT and go south 8 times and east.

Cafe Solace

TALK to Old Ibrahim and buy some food until you are full, then EXIT. Walk north 11 times and west.

Muhammad's Glass

TALK to Muhammad about ODD WOMAN, then under INVENTORY give him 150 kiams to get a crystal ball. EXIT and go south 10 times and east.

Tarot Den

TALK to Madame Mimi, and in your INVENTORY give her the crystal ball (she will refund your 150 kiams). TALK about COLOGNE, then EXIT and go north 3 times and west 11 times.


LOOK, then fight the man here and you will see he drops a radio direction finder set to a specific frequency. EXIT.

The Budayeen

Walk east 15 times, south twice, east 11 times, south 6 times and east.


TALK to Sampson and buy the radio direction finder and the wire. EXIT and in your INVENTORY use the radio direction finder. Follow the signal north 6 times, west 21 times, north 9 times, west and north.

Warehouse (North 14th)

You need an explosion to get into this warehouse. In your INVENTORY drop the radio direction finder, then head south, east, south 7 times, east 7 times, north 7 times and east.

The Smoke Shop

TALK to the Shopkeeper, then in your INVENTORY show him your cuban cigar to learn about it and get some more information. EXIT and go south 9 times, east 7 times and south twice.

Maq-allah's News

TALK to Maq-allah about TERRORIST, then LOOK to read the newspaper. EXIT and head north, east 18 times and north 3 times.


Under ACTION get the morgue pass that you dropped here earlier. TALK to the Attendant about TERRORIST. Under ACTION get the Demolitionist chip, CHIP-OUT your Kung Fu Master chip and CHIP-IN your Demolitionist chip. Now under INVENTORY drop your morgue pass and then select the CHIP RACK and use the chip skill of Demolitionist to realize you need a detonator. Under ACTION, CHIP-OUT your Demolitionist chip, and CHIP-IN your Kung Fu Master chip. EXIT and walk south twice, west 13 times and south 9 times.

Crazy Abdul's

TALK to Crazy Abdul about DETONATOR, then go to your INVENTORY and give him 100 kiams. EXIT and head north 8 times, west 19 times, north twice, west 3 times and south.

Friendly's Pawn Shop

TALK to Friendly and buy a countdown timer, then EXIT. Go north 9 times and east.

Warehouse (North 14th)

Under ACTION, CHIP-OUT your Kung Fu Master chip and CHIP-IN your Demolitionist chip. Now under INVENTORY use the explosives. Under ACTION, CHIP-OUT your Demolitionist chip, and CHIP-IN your Kung Fu Master chip. Go east into the warehouse and fight Alejandro Herrera, then LOOK to free Hassan. EXIT and head west, south 9 times, east 13 times, south 3 times, east 6 times and south twice.


TALK to Mahmoud to get a static pistol and holoviewer. EXIT and go north 3 times, east 11 times and north twice.

Medical Clinic

TALK to the Nurse, go to the INVENTORY and use your holoviewer; she requests some emerald earrings before helping you. EXIT and head east 4 times, north 4 times and east.

Jewels of Morocco

TALK to the Jeweller about EMERALD, then EXIT and go south 6 times, west 17 times and north.


TALK to the Street Dealer about EMERALD, then go to your INVENTORY and give him 50 kiams; he will tell you he sold the earrings to a blonde dancer. EXIT here and when the hooker approaches you and asks for your number just answer NO (this serves no major point in the game). Now head west 7 times, north 6 times and west.

The Five Pillars

Save your game. Now you will need to search throughout the lounges and cafes using your map until you locate Kandy (most commonly in the Red Light Lounge or Big Al's Old Chicago).

Kandy (Random Location)

TALK to Kandy about EMERALD and she will tell you Lily has the earrings. So now you must search for Lily (also commonly in the Red Light Lounge or Big Al's Old Chicago).

Lily (Random Location)

TALK to Lily about EMERALD and she will tell you she needs something green to trade for the earrings. EXIT and make your way to House of Snakes at North 9th Street.

House of Snakes

TALK to the Shopkeeper and buy a green snake. EXIT and return to where you found Lily.

Lily (Random Location)

TALK to Lily, go to your INVENTORY and give her the green snake; she will faint and you will steal the emerald earrings. EXIT and go to the Medical Clinic at North 3rd Street.

Medical Clinic

TALK to the Nurse, go to your INVENTORY and give her the emerald earrings; she will tell you Tamara is now Arissa. Now you must search for Arissa (most commonly in Chiriga's or the Red Light Lounge).

Arissa (Random Location)

TALK to Arissa about TAMARA, and she will agree to phone you shortly. Leave her and go back to the Five Pillars.

The Five Pillars

Save your game. Wait here until your belt phone rings, then TALK to Arissa. EXIT and go south 6 times, east 5 times, north 8 times and east twice.

The Grey House

LOOK to see a message from Abu Salah. EXIT and go west, south 8 times, east 15 times and north 3 times.

Medical Clinic

TALK to the Nurse and buy nuclear healing (you need to prepare for the upcoming fight). EXIT and head east 3 times, south 10 times, east, south twice, west 5 times and south.

Warehouse (South 1st)

LOOK, then fight Abu Salah. After you win, under ACTION get the notebook. Wait here until Abu starts the torturing machine - you now have 60 minutes to save Arissa. EXIT and head east 5 times, north twice, west, north 8 times, west 14 times and north twice.

Persian Rugs

LOOK, then under ACTION get the black key. EXIT and now go east 14 times, south 9 times, east, south twice, west 5 times and south.

Warehouse (South 1st)

Under INVENTORY use your black key to save Arissa. EXIT and go east 5 times, north twice, west, north 8 times and east 3 times.

Bill's Cab

TALK to Bill and tell him you want to go to Friedlander Bey's, then EXIT.

Friedlander Bey's

TALK to Papa.