The Excavation of Hob's Barrow
Game Details: Mystery, 2022
Steam Achievements: Completed (40/40)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 2/9/2023
Suggested Listening: Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)
Walk left until you automatically enter Ticehurst House.
Railway Station
After a cutscene you will arrive at Bewlay Station Arrival. Read the letters in your inventory, then talk to the woman across the tracks. Try to exit, then you will talk to the woman again. Now exit t he station and go right until you reach the village square.
Bewlay Village Square
Continue right and try to enter the Plough and Furrow Inn - while talking to the drunk man, choose to slap him The Slap. Inside the inn, examine all of the decorative plates (6/7) over the bar. Also examine the top-right painting to the right of the deer head over the fireplace An Ode to Tondbert. Now go and talk to the innkeeper, then give him some money in exchange for a room key. Go through the door to the right of the bar, and you will go to your room. Examine the decorative plate (7/7) A Curious Collection. Pick up the matchbox and the jug of water, then exit your room again.
Talk to the innkeeper (Stanley) about everything, then go and talk to the old man (Cyril) at the far right. Once you start talking with Arthur, agree to get him an ale. Give your remaining money to Stanley to get a tankard of ale, then give this to Arthur. After he passes out, pour your jug of water on him. Enter the lavatory - open both cubicle doors, then examine the door on the far right. Return to the main room and talk to Cyril and Stanley, then go out through the front door.
Go right and enter the alley. Pick up the glove, then move the wood that is holding the door closed. After automatically entering the lavatory, go back out to the right. Leave the alley, then continue right twice after the old man Into The Night. Return to the inn, then head up to your room.
Bewlay Village Square
You will receive an achievement for starting this day ADVENTUS. Leave your room and talk to Stanley about everything, then leave the inn. Talk to the gravedigger on the right, then go left and talk to Douglas and Betty. Further to the left, talk to the blacksmith about everything. Look at the fossil hanging on the outside of the forge. Walk up into the distance here.
St Edmund's Church
Talk to Mrs de Plancy outside the church. Pick up the trowel from the flower bed. Enter the church and take the necklace, then go back outside. Head right twice and sit on the bench. Wait here for around 30 seconds Rest. Now head left 3 times to reach a crossroads.
Herne Wood
Walk up along the path and talk to Jane and Wally. Look at the fossil in the rock here. Return down to the crossroads, then head to the left.
After the Vicar collapses, use your handkerchief on the fallen spectacles to get some broken glass. Use this on the Vicar The Bloodletter. Now ask the Vicar about everything - don't head off to Mr Shoulder's house yet. Instead continue left and then down along the path. Talk to Horace, who won't let you go past. Return up and right twice to reach the crossroads, then go down and left twice.
Railway Station
Talk to Arthur about everything, then return to Herne Wood.
Herne Wood
Save your game. Go left from the crossroads and talk to Father Roache about going to see Mr Shoulder. As you pass by the graves, the correct answer to the first question is "Richard II".
Talk to both of your parents.
The Devil's Toe
After a brief conversation here, you will continue on to your final destination.
Mr Shoulder's Cottage
Look at the carved stone on the door; the correct answer to the second question is "Othello". Pick up one of the hens Feathered Friend. Now knock on the door until you start repeating yourself. Just to the right, look at the glove on the clothesline, then use the one in your inventory on it to compare them.
Talk to Father Roache about everything, then look through the window. When prompted, go back with Father Roache; he will ask one more question, the answer to which is "Romeo and Juliet". There are two possible achievements to get from this segment, and you will need to load your game again to get both:
- Get all 3 Shakespeare questions correct The Scholar
- Get all 3 Shakespeare questions incorrect The Fool
St Edmund's Church
Talk to Mrs de Plancy about Father Roache's health Scandalmonger. Talk to her about everything else while you are here.
Herne Wood
Head up and talk to Jane again, who wants you to get her rag doll Myrtle back from her brother.
Bewlay Village Square
Go right and talk to Wally to find out that the doll is hidden.
St Edmund's Church
Go right, then through the archway. Use your trowel on the patch of dirt amongst the mushrooms.
Pick up the doll "Josephine" from the far left.
Take a worm and the rag doll from the hole (you will also get a hairpin).
Herne Wood
Go up and give the rag doll to Jane. Follow her down and left twice, then look in the hole on the left. Use your trowel on the hole, then climb inside. Try to crawl forward, and try to use your matchbox on the darkness, but it will blow out. Head back out of the hole for now.
Railway Station
Kenneth isn't here, so ask Arthur about everything.
Bewlay Village Square
Walk up into the distance just to the left of the inn. Talk to Mr Long, then look through the window in the green door to the right. Return to the village square and enter the Plough and Furrow Inn. Talk to Stanley about everything (including opening a tab), then give him the silver necklace. Go back outside and return to talk to Mr Long again - he will accompany you for a beer. Return to see him a second time and he will come for a second beer Hob's Barrels.
Leave the inn and go left past the blacksmith. Talk to Cyril and offer him a drink - after you are done, he will stay in the inn. Go back to Mr Long and offer him a third drink. Now that Mr Long is distracted in his argument with Cyril, go back to his house. Use your hairpin on the green door Lockpicker.
You will end up in the alley, with a lantern and a chisel from the crate. Go out to the village square and talk to the blacksmith - he wants to trade for some lantern oil.
Herne Wood
Go up from the crossroads and use your chisel on the fossil in the rock.
Bewlay Village Square
Give the fossil to the blacksmith Fossil Collector, then use the paraffin on your lantern.
Herne Wood
Head left twice and enter the hole. Go all the way to the left, and you will automatically leave again.
St Edmund's Church
From the front of the church, head right, through the archway, and continue up along the path.
Mr Briden's Farm
Knock on the door and talk to Mr Briden about everything, then show him your letters. Go through the gate to the left. After a short journey, examine the stone on the ground. Continue left and touch the barrow Hob's Barrow.
Pick up the trowel from in front of the statue, then use it on the 3 piles of dirt.
Return right to head back to the farm.
Bewlay Village Square
Enter the inn and try to head up to your room. After drinking with Arthur you will go to bed.
Go left towards the barrow.
Bewlay Village Square
You will receive an achievement for starting this day EXPISCOR. Pick up the book from the floor to get a journal and a strange stone. Leave your room and talk to Stanley about everything. Try to remove the knife from the table to the right, but it is firmly stuck. Leave the inn for now. Go left and talk to Father Roache.
Herne Wood
Talk to Arthur at the crossroads.
St Edmund's Church
Head right twice and sit on the bench again A Moment of Reflection.
Herne Wood
Go up from the crossroads and talk to James. Head back down, left twice and down again. Use your chisel on the tree stump to the right to get some resin. Continue down.
Mildred Walker's Cottage
Talk to Mildred Walker A Family Connection?. Leave to the right
Go right and talk to your mother. Go left and pick up Josephine, then return to the right.
Herne Wood
Go through the wood and talk to Arthur again when you find him.
Bewlay Village Square
Talk to the blacksmith about everything, and you will end up with the knife from the inn.
St Edmund's Church
Go right twice and talk to Mr Shoulder about everything The Mystery Man Revealed. Go right after the conversation.
The Devil's Toe
You will automatically get a fiddle bow from the young girl.
St Edmund's Church
Go right and through the archway. Look at the hole in the ground and pick up another worm. Head further along the path.
Walk left and pick up the page that falls to the ground.
Mr Briden's Farm
Talk to Mr Briden, then show him the journal stone, and you will get Briden's stone Permission Granted.
Bewlay Village Square
Talk to the apple seller and you will get a rotten apple - combine this with the worm in your inventory. Go left and talk to Miss Tompkins, who needs some milk.
Mr Briden's Farm
Knock on the door to get permission to milk the goat. Pick up the bucket to the right, then use this on the goat further to the right. After the vision, knock on the door again.
Mildred Walker's Cottage
Before you arrive here you will have another flashback.
Collect the red urn from the crate to the right, then place it next to the lamp.
Talk to Mildred Walker, who needs some flintwort and elderflower.
Herne Wood
Go up from the crossroads and pick some of the white elderflower from the shrub on the left.
St Edmund's Church
After a brief chat with Father Roache, enter the church to talk to Mrs de Plancy. Go back outside and look at the memorial plaques on the front of the church. Find the one that mentions Romeo and Juliet, and use your chisel on it - you will end up with a church key. Use this on the door to the left of the church entrance. Once you reach the top of the tower, grab some flintwort from the potted plant on the right. Head back down to the ground, and you will return the key automatically.
Mildred Walker's Cottage
Talk to Mildred Walker - apparently your elderflower is actually cowbane.
Bewlay Village Square
Look at the herbs with white flowers in the cart here. Talk to the woman, but she won't let you have any without paying. Talk to Jane, then give her your rotten apple. Now while the woman is distracted, swap your cowbane for some elderflower The Swap.
Mildred Walker's Cottage
Talk to Mildred Walker again and you will receive a poultice.
Mr Briden's Farm
Knock on the door and you will end up getting some milk Eunice the Provider.
Bewlay Village Square
Talk to Miss Tompkins and you will give her the milk, then follow her to a new destination.
Panswyck Manor
Talk to Ms Fenchurch until you meet Lord Panswyck - he will take you to the site of a ruined chapel and ask for some Bakewell puddings.
St Edmund's Church
Enter the church and talk to Mrs de Plancy. Leave the church and go right. Talk to the gravedigger, then examine the wooden cross over the fresh grave. Return left and into the church to talk to Mrs de Plancy once more - she wants a hippeastrum flower. Head outside again.
Panswyck Manor
Examine the large red flowers on the side of the building. Talk to Miss Tompkins, who wants you to locate Mr Ambrose.
Bewlay Village Square
Talk to Ralph, who is standing outside the inn. Leave to the right.
Examine the 5 items on the shelves near the bed.
Go right once more.
Eastern Road
You will receive an achievement for visiting every location on the map Cartographer. Use your knife to free Mr Ambrose, and you will take him with you.
Panswyck Manor
You will automatically receive the hippeastrum Elopers.
St Edmund's Church
Enter the church and talk to Mrs de Plancy. In the conversation at the grave, select the option "Not at all" Dauntless. Return left and into the church. Search the basket on the floor to get some Bakewell puddings. Head back outside again.
Eastern Road
Pick up a pink flower from the ground near the signpost.
Mildred Walker's Cottage
Show the pink flower to Mildred Walker Hellebore.
Panswyck Manor
While talking to Lord Panswyck, select the option "Why not" Romance on the Moors.
Bewlay Village Square
Enter the alley to the right of the inn and examine the horse - you will almost be kicked. Enter the inn and talk to Mr Cross. Take a sugar cube from the table to the left. Leave the inn and return to the alley. Give the sugar cube to the horse, then use your knife on the horse to get some horsehair. Combine this with your resin, then with the fiddle bow.
The Devil's Toe
Give the fiddle bow to the girl, and you will end up with the fiddle The Abandoned Fiddle.
Bewlay Village Square
Enter the inn. Once you regain control, talk to Arthur to the right. Head out to the alley to meet him. After both men leave, talk to the horse Zoolinguist. Go back into the inn.
Go left towards the barrow.
Bewlay Village Square
You will receive an achievement for starting this day INCANTAMENTUM. Examine Herbert the cat on the chair in the corner of the room Herbert. Leave your room and talk to Stanley to receive a small key. Head outside for a confrontation. Now you can't use your map, so go up towards the church, then right 4 times.
Mr Shoulder's Cottage
Pick up the small box from in front of the door, then open it with your small key - you will get Shoulder's stone and a note. From here, go left 3 times, through the arch and along the path to Mr Briden's farm.
Mr Briden's Farm
Go through the gate, then head left The Seal is Broken. Go back outside to see you are now alone Abandoned. You will automatically go back into the barrow.
Hob's Barrow
Use your trowel on the flowers. Move the 2 rocks, then use your trowel on the boards. Follow the dark passage until you eventually reach a large stone door. Try to push the door, but it won't budge. Use your chisel on the narrow panel to the left of the door. Examine the panel to see it has 3 slots. Look at the 3 stones in your inventory and count the stars on each of them. Insert them as follows:
- Left Slot: Journal stone (1 star)
- Middle Slot: Shoulder's stone (2 stars)
- Right Slot: Briden's stone (3 stars)
Now look at the narrow panel to the right of the door. Now you need to click on the letters here in the same order they were displayed on the stones: IAW, ABPA, CAZ. You will automatically go through the door once it opens Temple.
Pick up the pot from the floor on the right, and use it to collect some water from the left wall. Use your trowel on the large closed pot to the left, then pick up the crank. Use this on the box in the corner of the room, then take out some glowing seeds. Next use your trowel on the soil to the right, then plant the glowing seeds here. Use your pot of water on the soil. Now use your knife on the wheat to get a sheaf of wheat, and use your knife on the roots on the right wall. Combine the root with your crank. Look at the murals on the wall, then put your sheaf of wheat in the right arm, and your whip in the left arm. Head through the doorway.
Use your pot on the black substance on the floor to the right to get some grease. Head through the doorway just to the right (you won't be able to continue further right because of the black goat).
Take the severed hand from the right crank along the back wall. Also take a gold coin from the far left animal bust, and use your pot of grease on the 2nd crank from the left. Now you need to turn each of the cranks so that the animal busts all point towards the middle. If the cranks are numbered 1-6 from left to right, turn them this number of times from the starting position:
- 0 times
- 5 times
- 7 times
- 4 times
- 5 times
- 2 times
Now you can take a fragment from inside the goat bust. Leave this room, then go through the doorway 2 to the left to find a standing stone. Pick up the serpent key, which is a shining object on the statue to the left. Pet the cat, then give it the severed hand and pick up another gold coin. Leave this room, then go through the doorway to the far left.
Look at the vessel on the plinth, then insert your 2 gold coins. Now look down at the plinth to see some Greek letters. Press the four letters mentioned on page 3 of the journal in your inventory: ΡΘΕΞ. Take the plinth fragment and coiled rod.
Now examine the wheel on the left wall. Insert the serpent key into the slot in the middle, and take the ouroborus rod from the bottom left. Insert your ouroborus rod into the left hole (at the 9 o'clock position) then click on the outer disc until the arrow points to this. Insert your coiled rod into the top-right hole (at the 1 o'clock position) then click on the inner disc until the arrow points to this.
Leave this room and return to the standing stone in the previous room. Reach into the hole in the standing stone to get the standing stone fragment. Leave and and go right, examining the panel on the floor in front of the black goat. Insert your 3 stone fragments to get rid of the goat The Goat Below.
Pick up the journal page from the floor in the new room. Use your trowel in the soil in the coffin on the left. Examine the goat skeleton to get a horn. Examine the large bust over to the right, and attach the horn to the fixture on its right side. Use your knife on the right eye of the bust, then pick up the fallen eyeball. Use this on the niche below the goat's coffin. Examine the small recess just to the left to find a tomb key. Examine the small recess just to the key to find a keyhole. Go back to the bust and insert the tomb key into the keyhole in the eye socket. Next turn both horns to face down, and the jaw will open so that you can take the horned bust key.
Back out and use this on the keyhole you found in the recess earlier. Once you hear the sounds, use your fiddle on the carvings over the closed door. Now you need to play notes based on the carvings; notice the string names at the bottom of the fiddle display and play these notes: GADAG Ceasing of the Racket.
Go through the door and you will eventually reach a room with 3 doorways. Read the plaque on the left, which is translated on page 5 of the journal in your inventory - this tells you the doorways you should head through. Based on this, go through the left doorway (moon).
Walk to the left.
Pick up another journal page from the floor, then go through the right doorway (stars).
Pick up the trowel from in front of the statue, then use it on the 3 piles of dirt.
Continue through the middle doorway (ear).
Talk to both of your parents, then pull down the sheets.
Finally head through the middle doorway (mouth) The Final Descent. Head to the far right and go through the massive entrance. Examine the soil.
Ticehurst House
You will receive an achievement for starting this day VINDICTA. Once you are inside, head to the far left and enter room 9. Pick up the urn from next to the lamp, then use it on your father Abraxas Rex.