Return of the Obra DinnReturn of the Obra Dinn

Game Details:  Mystery, 2018

Steam Achievements:  Completed (16/16)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  12/16/2020

Suggested Listening:  Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)

Return of the Obra Dinn is a first-person mystery set aboard a merchant ship that was thought lost at sea. After it returns, you board the ship and with the help of a magical pocket watch that lets you see the exact moment of a person's death, you must recreate the fateful events that led to the loss of all lives on board.


Look up the Obra Dinn and climb up the ladder. Wander around on the main deck until the man on the rowboat calls you back. Climb back down and open the box, taking the book from inside. Look through the book, then close it and you will take the Memento Mortem.

Climb up the ladder again. Turn left and head towards the captain's quarters. Outside, you will find a skeleton on the deck and you will automatically pull out the Memento Mortem.

Use it to see your first memory. Within the memory, you can focus on the 4 men and locate them in the large gallery picture. Eventually the memory will time out, and you will be taken to the appropriate part of the book. Examine each of the four parts of this section of the book to learn how the interface works. You will see a new section of the book each time you find a new memory. Back out of the book and you will return to the memory. You can now leave the memory by going through the open door that has appeared out on the deck.

While you do have the ability to start assigning fates to the 60 crew members on page 3 of the book, the easiest way to collect achievements is to leave this step to the end. The order of memories indicated below is the order in which they will be revealed to you during the game, but you can jump back into memories you have previously seen at any stage.

Chapter 10: The End

Part 1: Outside the Captain's Quarters

This is the first memory, which was activated by examining the skeleton on the deck outside the captain's quarters. There were 3 others present, the captain inside his quarters, and 2 other men outside. Leave via the door on the deck.

Part 2: Inside the Captain's Quarters

Go forward through the open door into the captain's quarters and examine the first body you find. There were 2 others present, one in the captain's quarters, and one jumping down outside, holding a knife between his teeth. Leave via the door out on the deck.

Part 3: Inside the Captain's Quarters

Further into the captain's quarters, approach the next body. There was only 1 other present, in the captain's quarters. Leave again via the door out on the deck.

Part 4: Inside the Captain's Quarters

Go into the inner room within the captain's quarters, and examine the skeleton on the floor. There were no others present. There is only the captain, who has committed suicide. Nearby, you can find the body of Abigail in a bed. Leave via the door out on the deck.

You have now completed this chapter, and the book will appear, indicating that all 4 bodies have been discovered.

Chapter 7: The Doom

Part 8: On the Main Deck

Examine Abigail's body in the bed in the captain's inner quarters. This memory will reveal a dramatic scene out on the deck with a lot of action. There were 10 others present, scattered about the deck. After this memory is over, your Memento Mortem will shake. Use it to highlight the next body of interest, then go there and click it again.

Part 7: On the Main Deck

Use the Memento Mortem and follow the white smoke out to the deck to locate the body for the next memory. The victim in this memory is being torn in half by the kraken. There were 12 others present, at various positions around the deck. You will again be led by the Memento Mortem after this memory.

Part 6: On the Main Deck

Follow the white smoke to the next body, also outside on the deck, over near one of the cages. Inside this memory there were only 5 others. Leave via the door that appears out on the deck.

Part 5: On the Gun Deck

Go down the stairs at the end of the main deck to reach the gun deck. Straight ahead, examine the body beneath the cannon. There were 4 others in this memory, where the victim is crushed by a cannon. After the memory, you will be led to the next victim by the Memento Mortem.

Part 4: On the Gun Deck

Follow the white smoke forward and to the right to find the next headless body on the ground. There were again 4 others in this memory, which depicts the kraken breaching the wall as a cannon is fired. The Memento Mortem will again indicate the position of the next body.

Part 3: On the Gun Deck

Follow the white smoke, which will lead you to another body just behind the previous one. There were still 6 others in this scene, in which the kraken grabs a lit cannon and uses it to crush one sailor, leaving the others in the firing line of the cannon. Leave via the door at the end of the gun deck.

Part 2: On the Bow

Staying on this level, go all the way to the front of the ship, through a blurred door to the outside. Look down to find a skeleton in pieces, which will trigger a memory. There were 13 others, mostly up on the main deck. Use the Memento Mortem to find your next target.

Part 1: On the Main Deck

Follow the white smoke up the stairs to the main deck. Examine the body on the bench to trigger a memory with 3 others. After the memory, leave through the door that appears on the deck.

You have now completed this chapter, and the book will appear, indicating that 9 bodies have been discovered, and 7 wayward souls have disappeared.

Chapter 9: Escape

Part 6: In the Midshipmen Cabin

Go back down to the gun deck, and find some small rooms near the middle of the ship. Notice some blood on the floor outside one of them. Open the door and go inside to find the next body. There were 3 others present in this memory, 1 in the room and 2 outside. After the memory the Memento Mortem will shake again.

Part 5: On the Aft Gun Deck

Leave the room and follow the white smoke to the aft gun deck to find the next body. In this memory there were 3 others present. The Memento Mortem will lead you on once more.

Part 4: On the Aft Gun Deck

The next body is right next to the previous one, so just wait for the smoke to settle here before examining it. This memory shows a man's head being blown off by a shotgun. There were 6 others present, mostly outside. The Memento Mortem this time will lead you outside and upstairs.

Part 3: On the Stern Deck

Follow the white smoke outside and up to the balcony above the captain's quarters. There were 11 others in this memory, including some in a small boat off the side. The Memento Mortem will lead you to the next memory.

Part 2: On the Stern Deck

Once again, the next body is right next to the previous one, so you can stand still and wait for the smoke to settle. There were 12 others here, in a scene that sees one man stab another with a sword. The Memento Mortem will shake again after the memory, back down both sets of stairs.

Part 1: In the Officer's Mess

Find the next body back downstairs. There are only 5 others in this memory, with the dying man and back near the stairs. Go through the opened door after the memory is over.

You have now completed this chapter, and the book will appear, indicating that 6 bodies have been discovered, and 4 wayward souls have disappeared.

Chapter 3: Murder

Part 3: On the Main Deck

After leaving the last body, go back towards the central part of the ship and you will notice a blurred door to the right. Enter the first mate's cabin here and find something hanging outside the window. This triggers a memory where 11 others were present. The Memento Mortem will lead you up and outside to the next body.

Part 2: On the Main Deck

Go up to the main deck, following the white smoke to the next body. This triggers by far the largest memory so far, with 28 others present. The Memento Mortem will lead you on once more.

Part 1: On the Cargo Deck

The next body is on the bench below the last one, so just wait for the white smoke to settle here. In this memory, there were only 2 others. You will also see a glowing artifact in a side room. After the memory is finished, go through the door that appears.

You have now completed this chapter, and the book will appear, indicating that all 3 bodies have been discovered.

Chapter 2: A Bitter Cold

Part 3: On the Orlop Deck

Go down two sets of stairs and head to the middle of the ship. Find a cow skull on the outer wall of the ship to trigger the next memory. In this memory you will see a cow being slaughtered. There were 10 others present. After the memory, the Memento Mortem will lead you to some nearby stairs.

Part 2: In the Surgeon's Room

Follow the white smoke to the nearby stairs to locate the next victim. This memory shows a man overcome with illness. There were 7 others present. Use the Memento Mortem to continue.

Part 1: On the Gun Deck

The next body is on the floor at the base of the stairs here, so just wait for the white smoke to settle. This is another large memory, with 22 others present. Find the open doorway and leave.

You have now completed this chapter, and the book will appear, indicating that all 3 bodies have been discovered.

Chapter 6: Soldiers of the Sea

Part 7: In the Port Walk

Looking at the base of the stairs here, turn left and go to the front of the ship, then follow the trail of blood around the narrow alley to find the next body. In this memory you need to look through the windows along the port walk to work out what happened. There were 11 others present. Use the Memento Mortem at the end of the memory.

Part 6: On the Orlop Deck

Follow the white smoke back along the alley to find the next body just inside against the wall. There were 8 others present in the memory that you see here, where a man has been pinned to the wall. The Memento Mortem will lead you on again.

Part 5: On the Orlop Deck

The white smoke will lead you to the massive pool of blood on the floor where the big battle against the crab took place. There were 11 others present in this memory. Once again, use the Memento Mortem to continue.

Part 4: On the Orlop Deck

This time the white smoke will lead you into the next part of the same deck, to find 2 bodies. There were 15 others in this memory. Use the Memento Mortem again at the end.

Part 3: On the Gun Deck

Follow the white smoke up the stairs and around to the next body. This memory shows another man being impaled by spikes from a crab, with 6 others present. Again use the Memento Mortem to keep going.

Part 2: On the Main Deck

Go up another set of stairs to reach the main deck to locate the next body, following the white smoke. This memory shows 2 crabs boarding the boat, with 7 others present. Use your Memento Mortem.

Part 1: In the Rigging

Find the next body with the aid of the smoke, and the memory will lift you up into the rigging above. There were 14 others in this memory, showing a man electrocuted by lightning as the crabs start to board the ship. Enter the doorway after the memory is over.

Part 8: On the Cargo Deck

Go down 3 sets of stairs and go through the right door when facing the front of the boat. The crab's body here triggers the next memory, which shows a man and crab in a final battle. There were 5 others present. Go through the open doorway at the end of the memory.

You have now completed this chapter, and the book will appear, indicating that all 9 bodies have been discovered.

Chapter 1: Loose Cargo

Part 2: On the Cargo Deck

Leave this small room and go around to the one just on the other side of the stairs. Find some flies hovering on top of a barrel in here to trigger the memory. There were 12 others present, and the Memento Mortem can be used at the conclusion.

Part 1: On the Cargo Deck

Follow the white smoke out to the middle of the cargo deck to find the next body and memory. There were also 12 others present at this one. Head through the door when you are done.

You have now completed this chapter, and the book will appear, indicating that all 2 bodies have been discovered.

Chapter 5: Unholy Captives

Part 4: On the Cargo Deck

Go to the far end of the cargo deck and you will find a pair of leg bones on the ground behind the stairs. This will trigger the next memory. This memory shows a man missing a leg, surrounded by other men. There were 18 others present. The Memento Mortem should be used at the end.

Part 3: On the Orlop Deck

Follow the white smoke along the deck and upstairs to find the next body. This memory contained 10 others. Once again, use the Memento Mortem at the conclusion.

Part 2: On the Gun Deck

Follow the smoke to the top of the nearby stairs to find the next victim. This is another huge memory where 28 others were present. At the end, use the Memento Mortem.

Part 1: On the Main Deck

Head up to the main deck, following the smoke, to locate the next 2 bodies. There are 2 casualties here, and 15 others were present. The Memento Mortem will indicate the next body is nearby.

You have now completed this chapter, and the book will appear, indicating that all 5 bodies have been discovered.

Chapter 4: The Calling

Part 6: Off the Port Side

Follow the smoke to the next victim, who is also on the main deck. The memory occurs in a rowboat off the port side of the main ship. Only 3 others were present. Use the Memento Mortem at the end of the memory.

Part 5: On the Open Sea

Find the next body adjacent to the previous one. The memory occurs with the rowboats out at sea, with only 1 other present. Again use the Memento Mortem when you are finished.

Part 4: On the Open Sea

The next body lines up with the previous two, on the main deck. This reveals another memory out at sea, with 2 others present.

Part 3: On the Open Sea

You can go straight to the next body in the rowboat out at sea, which reveals the next memory out here. This time there were 4 others present.

Part 2: On the Open Sea

Move to the next body to view the next memory, showing more of the fight with the 2 sirens. There were 6 others present this time.

Part 1: On the Open Sea

Move on to the final victim, which reveals a memory of the initial siren attack. There were 7 others present at this stage. Go through the open doorway at the conclusion.

You have now completed this chapter, and the book will appear, indicating that 6 bodies have been discovered, and 2 wayward souls have disappeared.


Review the book, and start making your way through the book from Chapter 1. Click on each portrait as you go through and set them as follows:

  • Chapter 1 Part 1: Samuel Peters (60) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)

  • Chapter 2 Part 1: Soloman Syed (54) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 2 Part 2: Renfred Rajub (51) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)

  • Chapter 3 Part 1: Nunzio Pasqua (20) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 3 Part 2: Hok-Seng Lau (26) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 3 Part 3: Timothy Butement (37) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)

  • Chapter 4 Part 1: Li Hong (40) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 4 Part 2: Patrick O'Hagan (58) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 4 Part 3: Samuel Galligan (30) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 4 Part 4: Bun-Lan Lim (23) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 4 Part 5: It-Beng Sia (24) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 4 Part 6: Edward Nichols (3) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 4 Conclusion A: Aleksei Toporov (47) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 4 Conclusion B: Alarcus Nikishin (46) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)

  • Chapter 5 Part 1A: Chioh Tan (25) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 5 Part 1B: Hamadou Diom (55) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 5 Part 2: Thomas Sefton (12) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 5 Part 3: William Wasim (53) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 5 Part 4: John Naples (50) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)

  • Chapter 6 Part 1: Huang Li (38) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 6 Part 2: Nicholas Botterill (42) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 6 Part 3: Marcus Gibbs (11) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 6 Part 4A: James Wallace (9) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 6 Part 4B: Jie Zhang (39) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 6 Part 5: Charles Hershtik (35) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 6 Part 6: Emil O'Farrell (13) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 6 Part 7: Zungi Sathi (27) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 6 Part 8: Winston Smith (10) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)

  • Chapter 7 Part 1: Lars Linde (49) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 7 Part 2: Edward Spratt (18) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 7 Part 3: Abraham Akbar (52) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 7 Part 4A: Christian Wolff (14) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 7 Part 4B: George Shirley (59) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 7 Part 5: Roderick Anderson (31) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 7 Part 6: Peter Milroy (33) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 7 Part 7: Maba (43) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 7 Part 8: Abigail Hoscut Witterel (19) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 7 Conclusion A: Omid Gul (36) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 7 Conclusion B: Nathan Peters (48) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 7 Conclusion C: Alexander Booth (57) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 7 Conclusion D: Duncan McKay (16) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 7 Conclusion E: Wei Lee (41) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 7 Conclusion F: Finley Dalton (17) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 7 Conclusion G: Charles Miner (7) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)

  • Chapter 9 Part 1: Alfred Klestil (6) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 9 Part 2: Paul Moss (29) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 9 Part 3: Leonid Volkov (45) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 9 Part 4: Olus Wiater (15) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 9 Part 5: John Davies (5) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 9 Part 6: Thomas Lanke (34) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 9 Conclusion A: Emily Jackson (21) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 9 Conclusion B: Miss Jane Bird (22) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 9 Conclusion C: Davey James (32) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 9 Conclusion D: Henry Evans (8) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)

  • Chapter 10 Part 1: William Hoscut (2) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 10 Part 2: Henry Brennan (56) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 10 Part 3: Lewis Walker (44) was axed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 10 Part 4: Robert Witterel (1) hung himself

At this point if you view the crew list and passenger manifest on page 3 of the book, you will see that 2 names remain blank. Don't worry about this for now. Climb down from the side of the ship and click on the man to leave. One week later, you will review the insurance assessment, and if you have incorrectly charged Captain Robert Witterel with 57 counts of murder you will receive an achievement Captain Did It. Go to the end of the document and sign it. One year later you will get a letter explaining how poorly you have done Abandon Ship.

Rewind the save game to appear back on the ship. Review the book again and this time correctly assign the fates as follows:

  • Chapter 1 Part 1: Samuel Peters (60) was crushed by falling cargo

  • Chapter 2 Part 1: Soloman Syed (54) succumbed to a tragic illness
  • Chapter 2 Part 2: Renfred Rajub (51) succumbed to a tragic illness

  • Chapter 3 Part 1: Nunzio Pasqua (20) was knifed by Edward Nichols (3)
  • Chapter 3 Part 2: Hok-Seng Lau (26) was shot with a gun by Henry Brennan (56)
  • Chapter 3 Part 3: Timothy Butement (37) was shot with a gun by Edward Nichols (3)

  • Chapter 4 Part 1: Li Hong (40) was speared by a terrible beast
  • Chapter 4 Part 2: Patrick O'Hagan (58) was speared by a terrible beast
  • Chapter 4 Part 3: Samuel Galligan (30) was knifed by It-Beng Sia (24)
  • Chapter 4 Part 4: Bun-Lan Lim (23) was clawed by a terrible beast
  • Chapter 4 Part 5: It-Beng Sia (24) burned to death
  • Chapter 4 Part 6: Edward Nichols (3) was shot with a gun by Chioh Tan (25)
  • Chapter 4 Conclusion A: Aleksei Toporov (47) was drowned by a terrible beast
  • Chapter 4 Conclusion B: Alarcus Nikishin (46) was drowned by a terrible beast

  • Chapter 5 Part 1A: Chioh Tan (25) was spiked by a terrible beast
  • Chapter 5 Part 1B: Hamadou Diom (55) was spiked by a terrible beast
  • Chapter 5 Part 2: Thomas Sefton (12) was struck dead by a beast's tail
  • Chapter 5 Part 3: William Wasim (53) was crushed by falling cargo
  • Chapter 5 Part 4: John Naples (50) was killed with a sword by Fillip Dahl (28)

  • Chapter 6 Part 1: Huang Li (38) was electrocuted
  • Chapter 6 Part 2: Nicholas Botterill (42) was speared by a terrible beast
  • Chapter 6 Part 3: Marcus Gibbs (11) was spiked by a terrible beast
  • Chapter 6 Part 4A: James Wallace (9) was decapitated by a terrible beast
  • Chapter 6 Part 4B: Jie Zhang (39) was decapitated by a terrible beast
  • Chapter 6 Part 5: Charles Hershtik (35) burned to death
  • Chapter 6 Part 6: Emil O'Farrell (13) was spiked by a terrible beast
  • Chapter 6 Part 7: Zungi Sathi (27) was shot with a gun by Charles Miner (7)
  • Chapter 6 Part 8: Winston Smith (10) was speared by a terrible beast

  • Chapter 7 Part 1: Lars Linde (49) was clubbed by Nathan Peters (48)
  • Chapter 7 Part 2: Edward Spratt (18) was crushed by a terrible beast
  • Chapter 7 Part 3: Abraham Akbar (52) was crushed by a terrible beast
  • Chapter 7 Part 4A: Christian Wolff (14) was blasted with a cannon by a terrible beast
  • Chapter 7 Part 4B: George Shirley (59) was blasted with a cannon by a terrible beast
  • Chapter 7 Part 5: Roderick Anderson (31) was crushed by a loose cannon
  • Chapter 7 Part 6: Peter Milroy (33) was blasted by an explosion
  • Chapter 7 Part 7: Maba (43) was torn apart by a terrible beast
  • Chapter 7 Part 8: Abigail Hoscut Witterel (19) was crushed by falling rigging
  • Chapter 7 Conclusion A: Omid Gul (36) was drowned by a terrible beast
  • Chapter 7 Conclusion B: Nathan Peters (48) was drowned by a terrible beast
  • Chapter 7 Conclusion C: Alexander Booth (57) was drowned by a terrible beast
  • Chapter 7 Conclusion D: Duncan McKay (16) was drowned by a terrible beast
  • Chapter 7 Conclusion E: Wei Lee (41) was drowned by a terrible beast
  • Chapter 7 Conclusion F: Finley Dalton (17) was drowned by a terrible beast
  • Chapter 7 Conclusion G: Charles Miner (7) was drowned by a terrible beast

  • Chapter 9 Part 1: Alfred Klestil (6) was torn apart by by a terrible beast
  • Chapter 9 Part 2: Paul Moss (29) was killed with a sword by Leonid Volkov (45)
  • Chapter 9 Part 3: Leonid Volkov (45) was shot with a gun by Emily Jackson (21)
  • Chapter 9 Part 4: Olus Wiater (15) was shot with a gun by John Davies (5)
  • Chapter 9 Part 5: John Davies (5) was clubbed by Henry Brennan (56)
  • Chapter 9 Part 6: Thomas Lanke (34) was knifed by Olus Wiater (15)
  • Chapter 9 Conclusion A: Emily Jackson (21) is alive in Africa
  • Chapter 9 Conclusion B: Miss Jane Bird (22) is alive in Africa
  • Chapter 9 Conclusion C: Davey James (32) is alive in Africa
  • Chapter 9 Conclusion D: Henry Evans (8) is alive in Africa

  • Chapter 10 Part 1: William Hoscut (2) was shot with a gun by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 10 Part 2: Henry Brennan (56) was knifed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 10 Part 3: Lewis Walker (44) was clubbed by Captain Robert Witterel (1)
  • Chapter 10 Part 4: Captain Robert Witterel (1) shot himself

You will receive a series of achievements as you enter these correctly:

  • Solve 6 fates Any 6
  • Solve 15 fates Any 15
  • Solve 30 fates Any 30
  • Solve 45 fates Any 45
  • Solve all fates in Chapter 1 Loose Cargo
  • Solve all fates in Chapter 2 A Bitter Cold
  • Solve all fates in Chapter 3 Murder
  • Solve all fates in Chapter 4 The Calling
  • Solve all fates in Chapter 5 Unholy Captives
  • Solve all fates in Chapter 6 Soldiers of the Sea
  • Solve all fates in Chapter 7 The Doom
  • Solve all fates in Chapter 9 Escape
  • Solve all fates in Chapter 10 The End

You will now get a message that there is nothing left to do on the Obra Dinn. Climb down from the side of the ship and click on the man to leave. One week later, you will review the insurance assessment. Go to the end of the document and sign it. One year later you will get a package containing the book, a letter and a monkey's paw.

Chapter 8: Bargain

Part 5: In the Lazarette

Unwrap and examine the monkey's paw to unlock this memory. A monkey was killed and 2 others were present.

Part 4: In the Lazarette

This memory is triggered by one of the bodies here, and showed a man spiked to death while 2 others were present.

Part 3: In the Lazarette

Examine the beast's body in the middle cell to see a memory where the Captain speared a trapped beast. Only 1 other was present.

Part 2: In the Lazarette

Next look at the beast's body in the left cell to reveal another memory, this time of the Captain shooting a beast. Again only 1 other was present.

Part 1: In the Lazarette

Examine the final body and watch the last memory, where nobody else was present. Leave through the door to finish this sequence.

Examine the book and assign the two final fates:

  • Chapter 8 Part 1: Fillip Dahl (28) burned to death
  • Chapter 8 Part 4: Martin Perrott (4) was spiked by a terrible beast

This will complete the game Obra Done.