Oz Orwell and the Crawling Chaos
Game Details: Horror, 2012
Links: Moby Games, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 9/2/2014
Suggested Listening: Help Me Out (Ash 25)
Day 1
Pick up the old newspaper, then go right to the corridor. Enter the nearest door to the right and you will have a vision. Back in the corridor, go through the middle door on the left. Pick up the broken probe from the floor. Look through the window and return to the right. Walk to the corridor at the back of this area. Enter the room on the left and pick up the thermometer. Leave and enter the bathroom to the right; you will have another vision. Back in the corridor, go upstairs.
Enter the study on the left. Open the desk drawer and take a diary from inside. Use the diary on yourself to read it (you will find a tuning fork). Return to the right, then enter the music room on the right. Pick up the ouija board from the small table and look at it in your inventory. Leave this room and return downstairs. Head down along the corridor, then downstairs again to the right.
Go to the corridor to the right of the stairs to find the kitchen. After the vision, take the knife and look at the note in your inventory to see the word "vacations". Return to the entrance hall and go upstairs, then through the nearest door on the right. Use your frequency meter on yourself. Leave this room again and go to the corridor at the back, then enter the bathroom on the right. Take the piece of wood from the bath, then leave again. Go down along the corridor and into the nearest room on the right again. Put your ouija board on the table, then the piece of wood on the board. Talk to the spirit to complete the day.
Day 2
Leave the room and continue into the room to the right. Pick up the key from the floor. Leave this room, then go downstairs and into the dining room on the left. Pick up your broken recorder from the floor. Use the key in the cabinet to open it, then take the jar from inside. Look at the jar in your inventory, then use it on yourself.
Go up towards the house, then search your Uncle Henry's pockets to get a precious stone. Pick up a part of a pistol on the ground just left of the tree (very hard to see). Try to enter the house, then go back to the path and down to the cave. Look at the hole in the ground and you will pick up another part of a pistol. Combine this with the other part in your inventory. Now enter the cave and put your precious stone in the hollow of the statue (near the top right). Look in the mouth of the statue to get some ammunition. Put this in your pistol. Leave the cave and return to the house. Shoot the door and head inside, then shoot the masked man.
Day 3
Leave the room and enter the room on the right. Talk to Zoe about everything (her word is "riddles"). Leave this room and enter the middle room on the left. Talk to Byron about everything, then look at the window before leaving. Go back and talk to Zoe to find out Byron's word is "throne". Leave again and go to the corridor at the back of this area, then enter the room on the left. Talk to Alcide, whose word is "Samedi". Leave the room, then go upstairs and into the music room on the right. You need to use your tuning fork on 3 items in the correct order in this room: the dragon, the bust, and the suit of armor. Go to the right end of the room to find the Door of Dreams. Use the note in your inventory on yourself again to realize "vacations" is your word for the door.
Talk to the door and say "vacations". Go to the house and head inside. Take the cane from next to the table, then leave the house, go to the path and back through the door.
Talk to the door again and say "riddles". Look at the creepy bird, then try to read the strange symbol beneath it, but you are too scared. Look at the gravestone to the right of the tomb to see the name "Adam". Enter the church and walk down to the crypt. Talk to the second hooded figure and answers his riddles with "today", "clouds", "coffin" and "Adam". Leave the church and go back through the door.
Talk to the door again and say "Samedi". Head to the crossroads. Examine the first body and take the diamond ring. Look in the pockets of the second corpse to get a lighter. Search the bushes just to the left to get some poisoned meat. Follow the path to the shack on the lake. Talk to Baron Samedi about everything, then return to the crossroads and enter the shack. Take the strange symbol from the left before exiting again. Head to the open area at the top left and try to enter the hut, then return to the crossroads and then back through the door.
Talk to the door and say "vacations". Head to the cave and put the poisoned meat in the hole in the ground. Enter the cave and take the precious stone back from the statue. Return outside and use your newspaper to pick up the dead animal. Return through the door again.
Talk to the door again and say "riddles". Use your diamond ring on the bird and it will leave. Now look at the strange symbol and use your knife to get it free, then return through the door.
Talk to the door once more and say "Samedi". Go to the crossroads and into the shack. Try to take the spray can, then put the dead animal on to the raised platform and take the spray can. Go back through the door.
Talk to the door and say "throne". Try to climb the stairs to the throne on the right, then enter the large building on the left. Click on the winged creature, then combine your lighter and spray can to make a flamethrower and use this on the winged creature. Take the pinecone and combine this with your cane. Take the strange symbol from the back wall, then leave the building and return through the door.
Talk to the door and say "Samedi". Go to the crossroads, then to the open space on the left. Walk to the pillar and see that it has 3 recesses. You need to put the 3 strange symbols here; to identify them just look at them in your inventory. Place Papa Legba at the top, then Maman Brigitte in the middle and Damballah Weddo at the bottom. If you do this correctly the Loa will appear and then leave again. Go back to the crossroads, then to the shack on the lake. Talk to Baron Samedi and tell him you saw a creature. Go back to the crossroads, then back through the door.
In the house again, leave the music room and go downstairs. Enter the room on the left and talk to Alcide; you will get a phial of dimethyltryptamine. Leave here and go down, then enter the room on the left. Talk to Byron; you will get a phial of serotonin. Now go back and talk to Zoe; you will get a phial of melatonin. Go back out to the corridor and you will meet Nicolas. Head upstairs and left into the study. Open the back door and climb upstairs to see Nicolas again.
When you meet the inspector, talk to him and answer his questions:
- I have a website on haunted houses...
- I went to Angst Mansion straightaway to shoot some footage...
- There were ghosts, and a force controlling them...
- He was trapped there, like me.
Talk to the inspector again and this time answer slightly differently:
- I have a website on haunted houses...
- I went to Angst Mansion straightaway to shoot some footage...
- There were ghosts, and a force controlling them...
- I didn't explain myself very well before. We couldn't find the door...
Day 4
Head upstairs, then downstairs to find Livia, then upstairs again. Go to the corridor at the back, then upstairs and left into the study. Look in the desk drawer to find a book, then use it on yourself to read it. Return to the corridor then into the music room on the right. Return to the corridor again and go downstairs and right into the bathroom to find Livia. Search her body to get the 3 phials and her pistol. Leave the bathroom and go down along the corridor. Search the inspector to get your cane and pinecone back. Head downstairs.
Enter the corridor to the right of the staircase to return to the kitchen. Continue right into the cellar. Walk over to the altar and use one drop of each phial on the altar, then place your cane on it.