
Game Details:  Sci-Fi, 2012

Steam Achievements:  Completed (38/38)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  8/28/2015

Suggested Listening:  Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)

Resonance allows you to play 4 separate characters through an intertwined point and click adventure of technology and terrorism. The Steam Achievements are also obtained within the game's native interface.

60 Hours Earlier

Search the hamper and then the pants to get your cell phone, and examine it in your inventory to see the battery is dead. Head right and try to open the drawers, but they are locked. Pick up the papers from the floor and examine the masking tape. Pick up the key from on the microwave and use it on the drawers, then open them to get a phone battery. Use this with your cell phone, then use the phone. Use the phone's address book, then check the caller ID. Call Dr Morales to store his call in LTM. When Morales asks for the results of the equation, drag your notes to the conversation.

There are now 4 different sections that you can complete in any order.

6:27 - The Nightmare


Save your game. There are 2 different ways to play through this scenario, the normal way and the very fast way. The very fast way yields a special achievement, but does not give you full points, so it is best to do this first, then load your game and complete the normal way.

Examine the chest, opening it with code 591, then quickly hide under the bed. Go to your LTM to see Uncle Javi's gift. Examine the 365 pesos in your inventory, and immediately use the single peso on the vent cover Quick escape.

Click on the unlocked door to lock it. Pick up Senor bear from the floor, then click on the bear's key in LTM. In your inventory, look at Senor bear, and you will see a numbered tag. Back out and examine the chest, opening it with the code from the bear (591). Go to your LTM to see Uncle Javi's gift. Now hide under the bed and click on the vent cover. Examine the 365 pesos in your inventory, then use the single peso on the vent cover to open it Gotta hide.

6:55 - The Metro


After Anna boards the subway, pick up the coin she drops. Talk to Anna about everything "That" Guy, then give her the coin That went well. Talk to her again. After she leaves and there is a power surge, take the loose bar to the right of the doors. Try to open the subway doors by hand, then use your pipe on the doors and leave.

7:05 - The Stakeout


Go left and pick up a piece of brick from just left of the trash pile. Continue left and examine the mirror on the stripped car, then use your piece of brick on it and pick it up. In your inventory, combine the piece of brick and car mirror to get a shard of mirror. Examine the newspaper vendor machine to the left. Go to your inventory and examine your wallet, then use your credit card on the newspaper vendor. Sit down on the bench to the left and combine your shard of glass and newspaper, then use this combination Mirror Master.

7:30 - The Mainframe


Examine the smartphone in your inventory and read the emails and then the memos. Look at the clock near the ceiling to see the time, then drag the clock into your STM. Drag the mainframe on to the secretary to talk to her about it, then talk to her some more, including about the clock in your STM - she will now leave you alone.

Use the secretary's computer; the login "ewalters" will already be entered on the screen, so use your password cracker in the USB port, then click the "enter" button (all passwords are stored in your smartphone for future reference under the memo "Antevorta"). Read the email called "What's my user name?" and take note of the username of her boss (this will be random). Now read the "Approved Visitor List for Sunday" to see her boss's name is on the list. Now go to drafts and read the email there before clicking Send Just because.

Logout. Now enter the username as the username of the secretary's boss, and use your password cracker again. Login and the doctor's name will be shown at the top of the screen. Read any of the emails here if you want, then back out of the computer.

Examine the trash can and take the empty pop can, then open the drawer beneath the terminal on the wall to get some cotton swabs. Now use the terminal. Enter the username as the first 3 letters of the doctor's first name and the first 3 letters of the doctor's last name (for example Alexei Jones would be ALEJON; Angus Patterson would be ANGPAT). Enter anything for the password, then type /HELP, followed by /PASSRESET and then the username again. Back out and use the secretary's computer again. Log in as the doctor, then read the new email to see the new password (this will also be random).

Use the terminal again and enter the correct username and password, then you will be prompted for a DNA sample. In your inventory, use the cotton swabs on the empty pop can, then insert the can swab into the slot on the right to complete the login process. Type /HELP again, then /SEARCH followed by 3. Use the can swab on the slot again to see the doctor's name, FTTN and DNA sequence. Type /SEARCH followed by 3 again. In your inventory, combine the cotton swabs with your smartphone, then insert the new swab into the slot. Type /SEARCH again, followed by 1 and then ABATRA. Note the reference number provided (once again, this is random).

Back out of the terminal and look at each of the drawers of the filing cabinet on the left to find the correct drawer matching the reference number, then open the drawer and type in the reference number Get the scoop.

Juno Laboratory


Talk to the janitor and don't interrupt him Good listener to get Saul's story in your LTM. Approach the building and click on the entrance, then on the concrete slab. Click on the broken window, then drag it to your STM. Go back to Saul and drag the broken window from your STM on to him, then you will meet up with Bennet. Talk to him and get him to follow you Duo, then return to the building entrance. Drag the concrete slab on to Bennet, then click on it again and the two of you will topple it over. Now drag the broken window on to Bennet and you will get a boost inside.

Try to turn the valve, but you need a wrench, so drag the valve into your STM. Try to open the maintenance door on the left, then also drag it to your STM. Click on the sketch to the left of this door to reveal a No Smoking sign No smoking. Return outside and go over to Saul. Drag the valve and then the maintenance door from your STM on to him, and you will get Saul's keys. Finally, use Saul's story from your LTM on him to get a monkey wrench. Go to the building entrance and drag the broken window on to Bennet to get inside once more.

Try to use the monkey wrench on the valve (either direction) but you aren't strong enough. Use Saul's keys on the maintenance door and take the step ladder. Talk to Bennet and get him to follow you, then climb through the broken window. Take the duct tape and screwdriver from the maintenance closet, then give Bennet your monkey wrench. Use the screwdriver on the ventilation access, then go inside and crawl right over to the leaking pipe.


Use the monkey wrench on the valve, turning it to the right.


Click on the rusty pipe to remove it, then use the pipe from your inventory on the missing pipe and use your duct tape to secure it in place Teamwork.


Use the monkey wrench on the valve, turning it to the left.


Use your screwdriver on the fuse box to the right, then use the fuse box to turn off the power to the main hallway. Go back outside and give the keys back to Saul, then enter the building through the broken window again. Click on the panel near the door on the right, then open the panel cover and use your screwdriver on one of the screws.

Turn the power switch off, then remove the burned wire. Right-click on the primary pin, one of the other pins, and the indicator lights at the top to understand how the panel works. After using trial and error to work out the effect of each pin, connect them up in this order using the loose wires:


Wrap the wire around these terminals, then turn the power switch on and the door should open Wired.

Go through the open door, then enter Dr Morales' lab. Click on the keypad on the side of the simulator, and you will see that 3 of the numbers have been used a lot. Back out and look for a book trapped beneath a metal beam. Drag the metal beam on to Bennet to get him to lift it, then take the book. Examine the book in your inventory and take the loose paper hanging out. Examine the loose paper to see sketches of the simulator and a Pi symbol. Click on the keypad again and enter the first 4 numbers of Pi (3141). The door will open and Dr Morales will fall out Savior.



After Ed gives you the journal, look at the hospital ID badge in your inventory to see your DOB is April 22. Enter the code on the journal as 422, then open the clasp Angel.


Answer Bennet's questions, and you will see Ray on his way to the elevator.

Vent Maze


Crawl through the maze (which is different on each game). Find a blue glowing area to get Hansel and Gretel in your LTM, then keep searching for a grate to fall through to the second level. Now click on Hansel and Gretel in your LTM, then click on 364 pesos in your inventory. You can click on them again to leave pesos in the maze to help your navigation. Find another blue glowing area to get Where's Mama in your LTM, then keep searching until you find another grate and fall through to the third level.

Keep using the pesos to navigate your way through the maze, and find another blue glowing area to get Papa in your LTM. Keep searching to find the exit grate - if you found all 3 memories Dream master then wake up, otherwise choose to continue dreaming.

Anna's Apartment


Push the bookshelf to the right, then open the window and climb outside. Climb down the ladder on the left, then go over to the mechanism next to the broken ladder on the right; click on the button in the middle of the mechanism to get a handle. Climb back up the left ladder, then up the right ladder. Go over to the mechanism here and attach the handle, then drag the handle anti-clockwise until the ladder is fully extended. Climb up to the roof. Quickly go over to the broken window to get some broken glass, then use it on the rope just to the right of the ladder. Saw through the rope just below the mid-point Cut the rope.

Baseball Fields


Choose any of the dialogue options.


Ask all available questions, then when Ray appears tell him he looks familiar and use Ed & Anna at the Hospital from your LTM on him Quartet.


Look at The Cypher in your LTM, then look at Morales' Journal in your inventory. Decipher the journal with a substitution cypher, starting with letters you know, and then gradually filling in the blanks (the start of the text is "Dear Anna, I'm sending you this journal for safe keeping, and the help you make the decision that I may need to ask of you - a decision that I, myself, was unable to make"). Find and substitute the remaining few letters (Q, V, X and Z). Read as much of the journal as you like, and if you have translated it all correctly, when you back out Anna will comment that she has the message Decoder ring.

Drag Angelo's grave from your LTM on to Ed and go with him to the cemetery - after viewing the headstones you will automatically return to the baseball fields.


Talk to each of the others and get them all to follow you, then leave this area.

National Credit Systems


Try to pull back the red curtain, then leave and go to Police Administration, then leave him there and switch back to Ray.


Pull back the red curtain, and talk to Ozzy about everything, then drag Get financial info from your LTM into the conversation. You will get Ozzie's terms in your LTM. Pick up the empty pill bottle, then examine this in your inventory to see it is a prescription for someone else. Look at DNA Database in your LTM. Give the cotton swabs from your inventory to Anna. Talk to Anna and get her to follow you.



Go to the hospital entrance and use your hospital ID badge on the card reader, then go to level 9. After the conversation with Irina, pick up the death certificate and the ultra-sonograph from the right. Examine Morales body, then use the cotton swabs on his body. Return to the elevator and go to level 2. Walk to the left and look at the patient files to find someone who is on Comfocil. Now use the AutoPharm machine and use your hospital ID badge on the card reader to authenticate yourself. Enter the code 8468E which corresponds to the patient record you found, then select Options and Fill with Placebo. Go back down to level 1 and give the Morales' swab to Ray.


Go to the hospital entrance and head up to level 7. Drag the terminal into your STM, then talk to Emma; mention the early morning shift, then drag the terminal from your STM into the conversation to be given access again. Examine the smartphone in your inventory and read the latest emails and memos. Use the terminal and type /SEARCH followed by 3. Use the Morales' swab on the slot to get his FTTN. Go back down to level 1 and talk to Anna, getting her to follow you again.

National Credit Systems


Click on the red curtain and give Morales' FTTN to Ozzy.


Click on the red curtain and give the placebo prescription meds to Ozzy Hippocrates. You will receive Morales' credit statement See the Wizard. Look at this in your inventory to learn about Tortoise Security (it will be added to your map).

Tortoise Security


Ring the bell on the desk and talk to Tortoise about everything. Show him Morales' credit statement and you will end up with Get Will and Death Cert in your LTM.

Police Administration


Go upstairs and to the left to see Officer Johnsen. After he requests the blueprint for you, click on the City Archive to the left and scan your index finger - you don't have the appropriate clearance. Drag the City Archive into your STM, then talk to Officer Johnsen about everything including Get Will and Death Cert from your LTM. Go over and scan your index finger to get the will.

Tortoise Security


Give Morales' will to Anna.


Ring the bell and give Tortoise both the will and the death certificate - you will receive a security cam picture. Talk to Bennet about the security cam picture and then about the Alleyway Door from your LTM - you will both go there.



Click on the Alleyway Door in your LTM again and take note of the knocking pattern. Click on the middle door (Door XI) and select to knock twice, knock once, knock three times, then stop knocking. You will automatically go inside, receive a paper swan, and leave again.

Baseball Fields


Click on the paper swan to unfold it, then right-click on the vault plans to look at them more closely. Talk to Anna and get her to follow you again.

Tortoise Security


Ring the bell and show Tortoise the Vault Plans to find you need a thermal image scanner. Talk to him about the City Archive from your STM, then show him the Security Cam Picture from your inventory, and you will receive a master keycard Blackmailer.


Save your game. Use your ultra-sonograph on the ornate safe to the right. Now click on the safe and solve the 4 sides as follows:

  • Blue: down, right, up, up, left, left, down, down
  • Green: right, down, left, up, up, left, right, down, down, right, up, up, left, down, left, down, right, right, up, left, up, right, down, down, left, left, up
  • Yellow: left, up, right, right, down, down, left, up, up, left, down, right, up, left, down, down, right, right, up, up, left, left, down
  • Red: down, right, up, up, down, left, left, down, right, up, up, left, down, right, down, left, up, right, right, down, left, up, left, up, right, down, down, right, up, up

By solving all four sides you will open the safe Safecracker.

If you want to get all achievements, load the saved game and open all four sides of the safe without using the ultra-sonograph Safe seer. You will, however, not get 3 points for using the ultra-sonograph this way, so cannot get a full score.

Juno Laboratory


Go inside and into Morales' lab. Use the terminal on the left, click Touch to Start, Utilities, and then Thermal Scan. Adjust the temperature down to 185. Click on Scan for Anomalies, and adjust the slider on the right to scan each level until you find an anomaly on level B8 - now you need to find the blueprints.

Police Administration


Make sure everyone is here with you. Give the master keycard to Ray, then go upstairs and select to take Ray with you. Go left and drag the copy room door on to Officer Johnsen and he will be distracted.


Drag the control panel on to Officer Berry and he will also be distracted.


Head out of the interrogation room and go left, then use the archive computer. Uncover the USB port at the bottom of the screen and use your password cracker on it. Click Enter, then Recent Documents, and take note of the references for the blueprints and the will (these are random). Click Back, then Log Out. Use the master keycard on the City Archive, and select Retrieval Arm Manual Alignment. Use the guides to calibrate the machine so that instead of targeting M20 it targets the wrong box - you need to confuse the machine so that when it tries to retrieve the will, it will give you the blueprints.


Interrupt what's happening in the copy room (Ray will be caught, but it doesn't matter). Ask for another copy of the will from Johnsen, and if you have calibrated the machine correctly you will get the blueprints Blueprint snatcher. There is a special bonus if you succeed the first time Archive master.

Morales' Vault


Open the first fuse box and use it to activate the switch above, then climb the ladder and use the switch to raise the large metal crate.


Walk past the first crate and climb the next ladder, then use the switch there to raise a second crate and a metal platform.


Walk right to the gap with the raised crate and platform, and stand directly beneath the two Ns on the wall.


Release the switch you are holding.


Walk up the platform to the right and try the final switch, but there is no power, so head back down beneath the two Ns again.


Press the switch here again.


Head right and open the second fuse box, then flip the switch inside and two walkways will appear. Open the door here, then get everyone to join you and head through Magnetic personality.


Click on Bennet to take his badge and credit card. Use the door controls on the left wall, then click on the bars to see a close-up view. Try to pick up the fuse on the floor, but you can't reach it, so back out.


Give your pipe to Ed.


Combine your duct tape and pipe, then go back to the bars and use the pipe with tape to get the fuse. Now examine the fuse panel on the right end of the console and remove the fuse here. Take the pencil and small box, and click on the small box in your inventory to get another fuse. Now try to put all 3 of your fuses in the 3 slots - one of them will not fit. Examine it in your inventory and straighten the pin, then put it in the final slot. You will have noticed the number 3 on the bent fuse - rearrange the fuses in the slots so they are numbered 1, 3, 2 from top to bottom.

Now click on the yellow pad of paper on the console, and use your pencil on it - drag the pencil back and forward to reveal the code 31322133. Examine the small code panel just to the left, then click on the panels in the order indicated by the code you just found Access granted.


Use the vault computer and click Touch to Start.

Climb up the stairs, then you will appear in the cemetery. Use your uncle's key on your father's grave, then drag the pencil over it to reveal a series of letters. Enter the phrase "Te Prometo", then click OK on the vault computer I promise you. Play the video once you are alone, then choose to either destroy or open the vault.


Talking to Bennet, select these options:

  • What do you want with the Resonance research?
  • What do you want with the Resonance research?
  • Explain that note.
  • (Bennet's letter from LTM) Close to heart
  • (Morales' note from LTM)
  • (Ed & Anna at Hospital from LTM)
  • (Subway map from inventory)

While Ed is in the inner vault, use the fuse panel.

Baseball Fields


After selecting the option "You know I didn't do those things" in your conversation with Reggie, use The alleyway door from your LTM. Use The alleyway door from your LTM again to receive a paper crane in your inventory, and Reggie's number in your LTM.



Go right and into the alleyway. Click on the paper crane in your inventory, then right-click on the haiku to read it. Click on the middle door (Door XI) and select to knock once, knock four times, knock twice, then stop knocking. Inside, choose all dialogue options except "Arrest them". Let Ray talk, and use DNA database from your LTM. Let Bennet talk again and select "Arrest them", then use the security cam picture from your inventory. Keeping talking until you automatically leave.


Use the drafting compass you just received with your subway map. Click on the scale at the top of the map and select a distance of 4km, then center the blue circle on the lab Finding north.

Ed's Apartment


Click on the camera tripod to get Resonance Device B, and 14B number in your LTM. Click on the device in your inventory, then check text messages on the phone you discover to get 14A number in your LTM. Click on the drawers and take all to get some of Ed's items.


Use the smartphone in your inventory and select the Phone icon, then use Reggie's number from your LTM. Use the 14A number from your LTM and Reggie will agree to help you.

Police Administration


Go upstairs and to the left, and try to open the tech room (just right of the copy room), but the door is locked. Use your credit card on the door to get inside. Right-click on the electronic lock and make a note of the number. Go back downstairs and use the control panel. Click on the Manage button, then enter the number from the lock. Go back to the tech room and click on the electronic lock to open the door. Use your screwdriver on the small magnet within the lock to take it with you. Use the terminal screen and use the 14A number from your LTM Technophile.



Use your smartphone and read the new email. Back out and use the Phone icon, then use the 14A number from your LTM - you will hear a sound from upstairs. Click on the forklift, then right-click on the yellow sticky note to read it. Step on to the front platform of the forklift.


Click on the left locker to see it belongs to Todd. Pan up to see a gap in the venting, and use your ultra-sonograph on this gap. Now pull it across to reveal the locker's contents, and pan down to find a key. Use the magnet from your inventory to drag the key out of the pocket, down to the bottom of the locker, then up the left side and out the vent at the top Key nabber. Use the forklift key on the forklift, then click on it again to see the controls. Move the right lever to the green section and move the left lever to the top until the lift stops half way. Now move the right lever to the blue section and move the left lever to the top until the lift reaches its highest point.


Use your smartphone and select the Phone icon, then use the 14A number from your LTM - you will see one of the pipes on the right start glowing. Click on that pipe to get Resonance Device A. Step back on to the platform.


Use the forklift controls again. Move the left lever to the bottom until the lift stops half way. Now move the right lever to the green section and move the left lever to the bottom until the lift reaches its lowest point.


Click on Resonance Device A in your inventory, then check text messages on the phone you discover to get the Cellfish number in your LTM.

Police Administration


Go upstairs and into the tech room again. Click on the terminal screen and use the Cellfish number from your LTM.


Ask for advice on what to say to Ed, then agree to call him, and use the following options:

  • Be interrogative
  • Go aggressive
  • Call him a murderer
  • Command him to stop
  • Go interrogative
  • Ask why he did it
  • Ask about Amul and Reno Phone tracer

Use the Antevorta file from your inventory.



Go to the hospital entrance and head up to level 7. Use the DNA database from your LTM on Emma. Return to the elevator and go down to level B (basement). Use your smartphone, click on Setup, and turn on the signal alert. Now walk down the corridor until your phone indicates it is out of signal and kick the door down here. Take the Live Resonance Device here, then return to the elevator and go to level 1. Click on the wire gate to open it. Save your game here to be able to view multiple endings.


Ending 1: Stop Ed

Ray & Bennet

Click on the TV to watch the news reports, and you will automatically use the elevator. Select the following dialogue options The new world order:

  • Then educate me on Antevorta
  • Let Bennet do the talking
  • Step forward
  • What happens now?
  • Step forward
  • "We?"
  • Let Ray say something
  • Step back
  • Let Bennet do the talking
  • More murder, Ed?
  • Step forward
  • Can't you see the irony?
  • Let Ray say something
  • You're delusional

After the press conference, you can choose to either publish or delete the article (you will see different newspaper headlines during the credits).

Ending 2: Don't Stop Ed

Ray & Bennet

Click on the TV to watch the news reports, and you will automatically use the elevator. Select the following dialogue options Lesser of two evils:

  • Then educate me on Antevorta
  • You're a sociopath
  • How do we stop them?
  • Show him the device in your pocket
  • (News reports from LTM)

With either of these endings you should have received a total of 340 points High Score. There is another reward for not asking any of your colleagues for advice during the game Independent. You can also replay the game with commentary turned on the whole time Listen to us.