Game Details: Puzzle, 2000
Links: Moby Games
Walkthrough Updated: 1/11/2025
Suggested Listening: Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)
You will see a sign ahead of you. Pick up the note on the ground and read it. Press Tab and you will see the in-game booklet, which gives basic instructions and shows the entire list of puzzles that you need to find and complete. You do not have to complete the game in the order outlined below; but this is a reasonably logical way to explore the landscape.
From the starting position head right.
You will hear a crashing sound as you arrive here. You need to reassemble the Canon camera. Each piece can be dragged around, and can be flipped over with the right mouse button.
Return left, then go forward twice.
Waltzing Matilda (Part 1)
Collect 4 phrases from the trees, then walk right and collect another 4 phrases. Go right to get 4 more, then right again to get the final 4 phrases. Return to the left and click on the campfire. Now rearrange the phrases as follows:
- Once a jolly swagman camped by a billabong,
- Under the shade of a coolibah tree
- And he sang as he watched and waited 'til his billy boiled,
- You'll come a-waltzing Matilda with me.
From here, go right twice.
Click on the shining object, then on the kaleidoscope viewer. You will see a grid of 16 images as viewed through a rotating kaleidoscope. You need to arranged them in the correct order from position 1 to 16. Click on the square at the far top right to see an animation of the correct order. Now click on pairs of images to swap their positions. The starting layout is random, so a fixed solution for the puzzle is not possible. Once you are finished, click the square at the top right again to confirm your solution.
Back out from the puzzle and walk forward.
Picture Perfect
Pay attention to the landscape, then click on the shining object in the water and the display will change to a grid-based puzzle. Click on pairs of images to swap their positions, aiming to recreate the landscape. You can tell whether pieces are in the right position because they will be distorted when moved to locations that have a different shape.
Continue forward.
Blue Spiral
Click on the Turtle machine on the ground to view its display. Your goal is to create the 6 complex shapes displayed around the edges. You must start by creating basic shapes, then use these ones in your final creations. To draw a shape, you need to enter a number (which is the number of repeats), then a basic shape, then another number (which is the angle to turn between repeats). After entering the desired input, press the right green button. Create these basic shapes first:
- Square: 4, arrow, 90
- Hexagon: 6, arrow, 60
- Pentagon: 5, arrow, 72
- Octagon: 8, arrow, 45
After each shape, clear the display by pressing the left green button. Now create the 6 required complex shapes:
- Shape 1: 8, octagon, 45
- Shape 2: 6, hexagon, 60
- Shape 3: 9, pentagon, 40
- Shape 4: 5, square, 72
- Shape 5: 4, square, 90
- Shape 6: 8, square, 45
Watch an animation on the display when you are done. Now go right, forward and right.
Rock Scramble
As you enter here, the landscape will again turn into a puzzle. You need to click on each puzzle piece to rotate it and recreate the landscape.
Next head left, forward twice and left.
The Birds
Pick up the note from between the rocks, which describes a series of 10 different bird calls. Each time you hear a different bird call, click on the name and it will highlight. If you get one wrong, you need to start again. If you hear a bird you have already heard, just ignore it.
When you are done, head right, back 3 times, left and forward.
Eleusis Master
Click on the green game table. There are 8 secret rules that you need to guess. Click on one of the numbers at the bottom to select that secret rule. You will then see the current card at the top left and the next card in the middle of the screen. You need to work out whether the next card matches the secret rule indicated, and click either the Yes or No buttons. Get 15 correct in a row to prove you know the secret rule. The rules are always in the same order:
- Colours alternate.
- Same suit or value.
- Odds & evens alternate.
- Suits are in alphabetic order restarting with a spade.
- An odd card must be followed by a red card. An even card must be followed by a black card.
- Black cards followed by a higher value until a King appears. Red cards followed by a lower value until an Ace appears.
- A club must be followed by two hearts. A diamond must be followed by two spades.
- Increase till a King then decrease till an Ace.
Once you are done, head forward 4 times and right.
Green Stone
Click on the pattern of stones in the water. You now have to solve a series of 3 puzzles, where you need to jump stones over each other to remove them and be left with only a single stone. The follow diagrams show the starting positions, followed by the moves to clear the stones:
Moves: 24-22, 10-24, 25-23, 22-24, 29-17.
Moves: 16-14, 18-16, 5-17, 17-15, 14-16, 29-17, 16-18, 19-17.
Moves: 10-12, 3-11, 18-6, 1-3, 3-11, 12-10, 5-17, 17-15, 4-16, 15-17.
Walk left twice.
The Mystic Rose
Click on the Turtle machine. The controls are the same as last time. Create these basic shapes first (some may already be completed):
- Square: 4, arrow, 90
- Hexagon: 6, arrow, 60
- Pentagon: 5, arrow, 72
- Triangle: 3, arrow, 120
After each shape, clear the display by pressing the left green button. Now create the 6 required complex shapes:
- Shape 1: 40, square, 9
- Shape 2: 12, hexagon, 30
- Shape 3: 10, pentagon, 36
- Shape 4: 5, arrow, 144
- Shape 5: 6, triangle, 60
- Shape 6: 10, triangle, 36
Watch an animation on the display when you are done. Now go forward and left 3 times.
8 of 4
Click on the shining object in the water, then click twice more to reach the puzzle. You need to create every possible shape that uses 4 linked blocks. When you are creating them, green indicates no block, purple 1 block, and light blue 2 stacked blocks. After designing each shape, click on the bottom-right green block to actually create the shape. Here are all 8 shapes you need to create:
Back out to the surface of the water, then go forward.
Gold Cup
Click on the green game table. This is a form of poker solitaire - you need to place cards in the grid on the right so that you find 4-card poker hands vertically and horizontally. You will score points for each of the hands listed and must reach a score of at least 35 to complete the puzzle.
Once you are successful, continue forward again.
Nine Stars
Click on the shining object beneath the top of the cliff. Night will fall and you will see stars in the night sky. You need to use your keyboard for this one. By trial and error you can work out the correct sequence of 9 letters to press (OTTFFSSEN):
- O: One
- T: Two
- T: Three
- F: Four
- F: Five
- S: Six
- S: Seven
- E: Eight
- N: Nine
Go back twice, right twice and forward.
Click on the postcards on the ground. Now you need to reorder them in the order of the screens you have passed through to get here. Once you are done, continue forward twice.
Click on the Turtle machine. This time you store patterns temporarily in memory - press the blue square to save the current pattern in a blue smiley face, then another pattern in a yellow smiley face. If you press the blue square again it will clear the memory.
After each shape, clear the display by pressing the left green button, and clear the memory by pressing the blue square. Now create the 6 required complex shapes:
- Shape 1:
4, arrow, 90 (save as blue)
blue, blue, blue, blue (save as yellow)
9, yellow, 40
- Shape 2:
arrow, 120 (save as blue)
3, blue, arrow, blue (save as yellow)
6, yellow, 60
- Shape 3:
4, arrow, 90 (save as blue)
arrow, blue, home (save as yellow)
9, yellow, 40
- Shape 4:
arrow, 60, arrow (save as blue)
blue, 90, arrow, (save as yellow)
12, yellow, home
- Shape 5:
3, arrow, 90 (save as blue)
180 (save as yellow)
4, blue, yellow
- Shape 6:
5, arrow, 72 (save as blue)
blue, blue, blue, blue (save as yellow)
5, yellow, 72
Watch an animation on the display when you are done. Head back 3 times and right 3 times.
Oz Animals
Click on the brown game board. This is a simple matching game where you need to find a picture of an animal and its name. You have a limited number of tears to complete the board before it resets.
Once you are done, go left, then forward 3 times.
Assuming you have already repaired the camera, you can just click on the butterfly as it flies past to take a photograph of it.
After doing this, go back and right twice.
Click on the cave to enter it. After you are done falling, look around with your flashlight and click on another sparkling object to be able to see inside the cave. Click on the top of the device to make it rise out of the water, then click on it again to view the puzzle. This shows a picture frame and a series of 9 green buttons. Press the buttons in the following order:
Go left.
Waltzing Matilda (Part 2)
Click on the bright colors, then click on any of the colored squares and the scene will change. You need to drag the colored squares into the correct order at the bottom of the screen to recreate the tune for Waltzing Matilda:
Listen through the entire song before backing out. Go right 3 times.
Click on the puzzle in the far cave. Move your mouse cursor around and click on the puzzle to see a close-up view. You need to insert the pentominoes in the right spots to completely fill in the grid:
Go right again.
Word Square
Click on the wooden beam and it will rotate so you can click on it again. Now use your keyboard to type in words that fit into the grid:
Continue right again.
Click on the shining object and you will have a large view of the stars. You must drag the circles so they encompass the stars making up known constellations:
- Taurus: Far left, just above middle of the screen
- Aldebaran: Largely overlapping Taurus, slightly down and right
- Orion: Just left of the middle of the screen
- Betelgeuse: Largely overlapping Orion, to the bottom left
- Rigel: Largely overlapping Orion, to the top right
- Canis Major: Far right, half way down from the top
- Sirius: Within Canis Major, towards the bottom left
If you click the smiley face, it will make a sound when one of the constellations is correct. After you are done, head right.
A Way Out
Click on the shining object to the right. Watch the binary pattern of lights on the right as the staircase rises up. The second time, you are in control of the 3rd light and must turn it on or off at the right times (the easiest way is to realize that you need to toggle it on/off every 4th time the lights change).
After the puzzle is complete, go forward to exit the cave.
Now continue forward 3 times, right and forward twice. Go right and examine the note, which just says "Xiama". Go left twice and pick up the phone. Press the red button to turn the phone on. Type the word "Xiama" by entering the numbers 94262 and pressing the green OK button - you have the correct number of digits but must work out what Xiama stands for. Back on the first screen of the game, as well as the title, there were the words "Xiama is a Mulawa adventure" (each word starts with the letters in the word Xiama. Count the number of letters in each word - now enter the numbers 52169 and press OK.
When you are prompted to do so, press the 1 button and you will be saved.