Genesis NoirGenesis Noir

Game Details:  Fantasy, 2021

Steam Achievements:  Completed (17/17)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  3/15/2022

Suggested Listening:  Caught Up in the Panic (Ash 25)

Genesis Noir is a detective noir adventure of cosmic proportions. You play as No Man, caught up in a love triangle that also involves Miss Mass and Golden Boy. When things turn sour, a gunshot from a jealous god causes The Big Bang, and you must search for a way to either preserve or destroy all creation.


When you gain control, beckon anyone forward, then drag a watch on to them to sell it. Repeat this twice more. Now run to the right until you trip over a shoe on the sidewalk.

Up in the clock tower, knock over the phone and the rubbish bin, then pick up the phone and the napkin (to see a phone number). Dial this number (980-6650) on the rotary phone. Once you reach the massive door, shake the door handle until the door breaks.

Grab the flask, then pop the bubbles as they appear. In the next view, look right and examine the dressing table to take some notes, then look in the mirror to return. Now grab the shell casing near Golden Boy and rotate it until you see a spiral pattern.


Follow the path around to the golden man, then touch him before picking up the white seeds. Click on yourself to open your hand, then use one of the white seeds on the light rays here to get rid of them. Go up to the light rays between the gold fence and use another seed here so you can continue through. Go right and touch the golden man again, then pick up the black seeds. Click on yourself, then use a black seed to get rid of the dark energy bands.

Continue right to find a small glowing hole in the ground, and use either type of seed on it. Click on all of the golden pollen in the flower until it turns white, then pull off all of the flower's petals. Once the sun has formed, drag it downwards. Go over the new bridge and follow the path to another glowing hole. Plant a seed here, then click on all of the clouds. Follow the new path and plant another seed in another hole. This time, you need to drag the slider right until the waves are smooth and hold it in position. Now drag the slider left until the waves are flat and hold it in position. Finally drag the slider right until the plant is as high as possible - a tree will form and 2 new paths will appear.

Follow the right path and click on the golden man again. Return to the tree and follow the other path. Plant another seed in the hole here. Rotate the starry sky clockwise many times, until the bush grows completely and 3 new paths appear. Follow the left and right paths, click on the golden man each time. Now return to the bush and take the lower path. Use a white seed to get rid of the light rays, then click on the golden man here. Continue left to find another golden man and some more light rays. Plant a seed in the hole here. Click on the branches with foliage on them so that new branches form. Once there are 3 birds, click on them.

Continue left and find a new hole where you can plant a seed. This time you need to clear a path for the roots to get down to the water below. Drag the debris out of the way of the growing roots (you need to click on the larger bits several times to break them up first). At the bottom, click to make holes for the roots to reach the water. Follow the new path and click on the golden man, then pick up the gold seeds. Go around to the right and plant a seed in another hole. Go right and approach the golden gates, using a gold seed on it to make it disappear. Click on the golden man, then follow the path up to the tree.

Click on the fruit above Golden Boy so that he leaves, then click on the spiral 3 times. Examine the spiral again, then click the spiral on your hand Seeding.

Crime Scene

Turn left and focus on the gunfire. Click on each of the golden particles, starting from the right, until one turns into a diamond, then select it.


Head right, clicking on the smoke clouds as you go. Examine the ember, then continue right and click on the smoke and ash around the lit cigarette until you can take the match, matchbook and flyer. Go through the opening in the fence to the right. Knock on the door, then go inside. Turn on the spotlight at the top-left, then click and hold on the stage to get closer. Take the bottle to the right, then pop all the bubbles and other symbols that appear.

Follow the golden bubbles to the planet, then continue straight into the planet. Click on Golden Boy, then on the smoke around the cigar and finally the cigar itself. Pick up the cigar, then click the spiral on your hand Starstruck.

Crime Scene

Turn left to the gunfire again. Click on more golden particles to find the next diamond.


Head right until you can click on a huge tie. Pick up the bottle, then pop all the bubbles and other symbols that appear. Back at the first scene, continue right until you reach Golden Boy. Examine the flask, then click on the rocks to throw them until Golden Boy starts playing his saxophone. Click on No Man once, twice and then 4 times to clap and keep the music going. Walk right until you end up in the ocean. Now you need to solve a series of 5 puzzles where all white dots need to be connected (this can be solved with trial and error, but in general start by connecting white to golden, then white to black).

Collect the small creatures until they turn golden, then click on the group of them. Repeat this a total of 4 times. Click on the golden disc. When you are given 3 objects, click on the cylinder, ring and ball. Click on the golden object, then the golden disc. Next you will have 4 objects, so click on the cylinder, star and ball. Click on the golden object, then the golden disc. Now that you have 5 objects, click on the cylinder, light and star. Click on the golden object. Now click on the saxophone until it comes free, then click the spiral on your hand Reflection.

Crime Scene

Turn left to the gunfire again. Click on more golden particles to find the next diamond.


Follow the golden bubbles in space until you find Golden Boy, then click on him. Repeat this process twice more, then take the press photo that he offers. Pick up the fountain pen, then click the spiral on your hand Surveil.

Crime Scene

Turn left to the gunfire again. Click on more golden particles to find the next diamond.


Rotate the galaxy clockwise, then follow the golden tracks to the right. Click on the leaves several times to reveal more golden tracks. Cross the river and follow the path, then go forward through a winding tunnel. Click on the lady several times so she draws a deer and jumps into the water. Head back through the tunnel, then follow the longest set of white tracks. Click on the lady again, then follow the golden tracks. Move the leaves to reveal the deer again. Rotate the sky clockwise again. Pick up the antler, then click the spiral on your hand Hunt.

Crime Scene

Turn left to the gunfire again. Click on more golden particles to find the next diamond.


Look around to find a golden wreath, then look through this to see some constellations. Click on the stars and drag lines between them to create images - you cannot form incorrect lines. You will create images of a rabbit, drum, bottle, timepiece, hand and village. Click on the whole scene to zoom back out. Look around to find a second golden wreath, then use the stars to create images of a heart, bracelet, flowers, comb, lyre and bird. Click on the whole scene to zoom back out. Zoom in through another wreath, and now create images of a tree, serpent, human figures, cigar, gun and cornucopia. Look twice at the glowing golden star. Pick up the horn, then click the spiral on your hand Observe.

Crime Scene

Turn left to the gunfire again. Click on more golden particles to find the next diamond.


Click on the asteroid to break it up, then follow the trail to the right. Keep going to the right, automatically breaking more asteroids as you go. Click on the groups of asteroids to reveal planets, then keep going right again. Click on the arrow head, and you will see No Man in a field. Click on the leaves to remove them, then follow the arrow heads to the right. Search the long grass to find six seeds, and click on each of them.

Click on the 3 sheep, then go further to the right. Click on the rug, then click on a series of vases to break them. Further to the right, grab the large vase and keep spinning it right until it breaks. Keep going right, then push open a gate and continue further right. Take the loose bricks from the wall so you can keep going. Click on each of the lotus plants, then go right and break the divine golden statue. Look at the broken fragments. After the eruption, clear the ash from the screen. Pick up the staff, then click the spiral on your hand Gather.

Crime Scene

Turn left to the gunfire again. Click on more golden particles to find the next diamond.


Drag the Earth around until a thunderstorm starts developing, then hold it still. Next drag the Earth around until the land starts to turn golden, then hold it still. Drag the Earth around until leaves start blowing past, then hold it still. Finally, drag the Earth to look up at the North Pole, then hold it still.

Follow the path to the right, where a warlord demands you find him 4 items. Click on the list of items, and the cup will automatically be provided. Head left and follow the path. When you reach a darker area, look around and pick up the chopped wood. Go back to the path and follow it left again. When you reach the fallen cart, lift the side flap, then drag open the drawers until you find the tea leaves (in the middle drawer in the right column). From here, go right through a gap in a brick wall, and out onto a frozen lake. Grab the pail of water.

Head all the way back to the warlord. Click on the palanquin, then on the list of items. Enter the building. Wait until the fire pit turns golden, then click on it. After the tea is made, break the cup. Click through the next few scenes, then drag the broken tray pieces together. Continue by piecing together a destroyed children's toy, a crushed skull, and a shattered ceremonial cup. Pick up the cup, then click the spiral on your hand Thaw.

Crime Scene

Turn left to the gunfire again. Click on more golden particles to find the next diamond.


Drag the slider right, left, right and right in order to get the 4 sound waves to be as smooth as possible. Head right until you reach some stairs at a train station. Climb up the stairs, then drag the train to the right. When you see a golden lever, use it to adjust the train tracks. Drag the train down, then walk to the left. Click on No Man three times to listen to the sound waves.

Drag No Man right and then down along the sound waves. Click repeatedly on the bass player until the scene changes and you are playing music with him. You need to play the same notes as the bass player by clicking on the white segments on the left. If they are numbered 1-4 from left to right, the correct sequences are 31, 3124, 312423. Now play any musical sequences 3 more times.

Once the entire keyboard appears, play all the notes repeatedly until they turn golden and then black. Now click on the audience. After the scene changes, click and hold while dragging the mouse around to the right to draw the city skyline. Once you see the train, drag it to the right. Pick up the cup, then click the spiral on your hand Improvisations.

Crime Scene

Turn left to the gunfire again. Click on more golden particles to find the next diamond.


Grab the asteroids to throw them and you will fall down to the planet surface. Examine the 4 highlighted objects on the ground, then find another beneath the plant on the right - unfold the flyer here. Once the collisions start occurring, run to the far right, until you go through a door and stop in line with a whole group of other men. Pick up the bottle, then pop all the bubbles and other symbols that appear.

Rotate the sky clockwise until the screen goes dark and a matchbook appears. Grab a match and strike it on the black bar. When you regain control, select the spiral button at the bottom right.

Click on the glowing screen near No Man in the background, then on the 4 objects that are shown. After a short break, click on the nearer glowing screen with the right arrow. Look left at the blackboard and move your mouse over the loose papers to discard them. Now follow these instructions to adjust the settings on the machine:

  1. Turn the 5246-k dial to point right
  2. Slide the 5246-k slider to the right
  3. Set both X1-66 dials to the middle
  4. Press the glowing button

After the failed experiment, select the spiral button at the bottom right again. Take the chalk from the bottom of the blackboard. Click on the glowing screen and look at the blackboard again, then use these settings on the machine:

  1. Turn the 5246-k dial to point right
  2. Slide the 5246-k slider to the right
  3. Set both X1-66 dials to the middle
  4. Turn the COP 547 dial to point top-left
  5. Slide the COP 547 slider to the middle
  6. Press the glowing button

After another failed experiment, select the spiral button at the bottom right. Take the heat resistant flask from the bench near No Man. Click on the glowing screen and look at the blackboard for the next machine settings:

  1. Turn the 5246-k dial to point right
  2. Slide the 5246-k slider to the right
  3. Set both X1-66 dials to the middle
  4. Turn the COP 547 dial to point left
  5. Slide the COP 547 slider to the middle
  6. Set the J&E 801 dial towards the left (3rd dot)
  7. Press the glowing button

After another failed experiment, select the spiral button at the bottom right. Now pick up the radio dish from the floor. Use the glowing screen and blackboard, and start the machine with these settings:

  1. Turn the 5246-k dial to point right
  2. Slide the 5246-k slider to the right
  3. Set both X1-66 dials to the middle
  4. Turn the COP 547 dial to point left
  5. Slide the COP 547 slider to the middle
  6. Set the J&E 801 dial to the far left (2nd dot)
  7. Turn the L75 dial to point top-right
  8. Press the bottom-left L75 button
  9. Press the glowing button

After another failed experiment, select the spiral button at the bottom right. Examine the golden flowers to the left. Use the glowing screen and now set the machine as follows for the final time:

  1. Turn the 5246-k dial to point left
  2. Slide the 5246-k slider to the right
  3. Set both X1-66 dials to the middle
  4. Turn the COP 547 dial to point up
  5. Slide the COP 547 slider to the middle
  6. Set the J&E 801 dial to the far right (2nd last dot)
  7. Turn the L75 dial to point top-left
  8. Press the top-right L75 button
  9. Turn the M200D dial to point top-left
  10. Slide the M200D a dial almost to the far left
  11. Slide the M200D b dial to the far right
  12. Press the glowing button

Select the spiral button at the bottom right. Pick up the perfect-bound book from the floor, then flip through the whole book to the end. Break the spiral by running over it with your mouse from the top. Piece it back together, then click each piece to turn the whole symbol golden. Move your finger to touch the top of the spiral. Pick up the manual and read it, then click the spiral on your hand Collision.

Crime Scene

Turn left to the gunfire again. Click on more golden particles to find the next diamond.


Grab the sun and rotate it clockwise until rings form around it. Now drag it around until the rings fill up with gold and stay fixed in position. Examine the middle of the sun. Walk towards the door 7 times and you will automatically have a drink. Pop all the bubbles and other symbols that appear. Rotate the screen around Miss Mass until the black hole fills the screen. Pick up the flower, then click the spiral on your hand Orbiting.

Crime Scene

Turn left to the gunfire again. Click on more golden particles to find the next diamond.


Look at the Departures board at the top left to see a series of 3 scheduled times. Back out and examine the clock, then set the time on the clock to these 3 times, each time backing out to get the Departures board to update:

  • 4:25
  • 7:05
  • 11:15

Up in space, head to the far right. Rotate around the satellite until you can click on the golden record on its side. Flip the record over and listen to part of it, then back out. Click the spiral on your hand Voyage.

Crime Scene

Turn left to the gunfire again. Click on more golden particles to find the next diamond.


Once you have control of the telescope, change to the second filter, then pan around to find the image shown in the small search window on the right. Click on it when you find it. For the second search, change to the middle filter and pan up to the left. Go to where the large concentric rings converge and click on the planet Earth at the middle of them. For the third search, pan slightly left to find the small planet Earth. Change to the bottom filter and follow the static pattern to the right until you find the missile to click on. Take the portrait from the astronaut. Click the spiral on your hand Reveal.

Crime Scene

Turn left to the gunfire again. Click on more golden particles to find the last diamond.


Drag one of the golden spirals from your hand onto the spinning rings. Head up and right until you find Earth, then click on No Man and drag a golden spiral onto Earth. Drag the center of the portal to the right until it fills the whole screen. Run left and the single being will become four. Talk to each of them, then move your mouse around to clear the smoke. When offered a choice, click on the golden spiral on your hand.

Open the matchbook and light a match, then wander around until it goes out. Repeat this twice m ore. Light one more match, then examine the stolen watch. Keep lighting matches and passing time until you light the last one. Use this to set all of the other objects on fire. Click on the fire to make it grow larger. When the door appears, use the knocker until cracks start to form in the door, then use the door handle and it will break down Singularity.


Click on the hand until it disappears. What right until you can look at the large golden statue. Break off its arm, and you will talk to Siren Sapien. Talk several times to form a ring of golden flowers around No Man, then they will be knocked to the ground. Collect them up and put them on No Man's arm, then a fight will begin. Drag the fight all over the entire area, making sure to highlight all of the small glowing areas. Now you need to visit 4 discs around the edges of the area, each time hovering over the disc to surround it with small people:

  • The Hunter: Lift up the leaves around the spiral from the outside in
  • The Ronin: Put together a simple jigsaw puzzle
  • The Musician: Copy the musical sequences: 24, 243, 2431
  • The Scientist: Move the top slider to the middle and the bottom slider to the right, then press the button

Interact with the dance scene to bring it to an end, then examine the colored discs. Go through the door, then travel forward until the whole screen turns white. When No Man and Every Man are sitting on the bench, turn the camera around and go through each of the 4 doors:

  • The Endless Hunt: Click on each of the 3 Hunter heads and travel through the scenes
  • Revenge in Winter: Click on each of the 3 Ronin heads and travel through the scenes
  • Playing the Hits: Click on each of the 3 Musician heads and travel through the scenes
  • Inquiry into Relativity: Click on each of the 3 Scientist heads and travel through the scenes

Zoom back out from the stolen watch, then click on the large clock on the wall. Click the spiral on your hand Free Will.


Go right until you find No Man. Walk towards the door 5 times and you will be faced with a choice:

  • Offer the flower to Miss Mass Not Alone
  • Walk away from Miss Mass Alone

Start the chapter again from the Chapter Select screen if you want to receive the other achievement.