
Game Details:  Fantasy, 2024

Steam Achievements:  Completed (13/13)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  7/14/2024

Suggested Listening:  Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)

Unleaving is a magical side-scrolling artistic journey through a hand-painted world. You play as a young child awakened by a fallen leaf, which transforms into a cicada and leads you to explore a magical world.


The last leaf will fall and transform into a cicada. Run to the right, chasing the cicada why are you here?. Slide down the hill, then fall into the water to die (1/15). Next time, jump over the water to the opposite ledge. Keep heading right to find a floating tree house.

Tree House

Fall off the ledge to the ground below to die (2/15). Next time, jump over to the tire, which will fall down. Make sure you are at the bottom of the rope, then swing left and right until you have enough momentum to jump to the ladder and climb up.

Go left into the house and jump onto the crate, then jump down to the left side of it, so you end up pushing it right off the ledge. Keep pushing it against the next platform, then jump onto the crate and up to the platform. Continue right to reach a windmill.


Pull the broken cart to the right, then jump onto it. Jump on the left side of the cart, then run along it to the right so you can grab the dangling cloth on the windmill blade as it spins past. Jump off again at the top to reach the next ledge.


Run to the right and a sun will appear in the background how do you begin?. Continue right until you see the cicada hovering above the well. Wait here for 2 minutes van gogh. Now approach the well more closely and jump to the rope. Climb all the way to the bottom what do you search for?. Jump over a small ledge to the right, then run down the hill to find the tree house is broken.

Broken Tree House

Drag the tire left up the hill to the top, then push it and chase after it. Jump to the rope and swing right and left several times, then jump to the tire, and next to the opposite ledge. Continue over the buildings and forward to a broken windmill.

Broken Windmill

Wait while the dog attacks you to die (3/15). Next time, jump up to the rope above you. Swing left and right several times, then jump right and jump into the windmill blade to die (4/15). Now try again, but this time run beneath the windmill blade and let it kill the dog.

Dead Dog

Push the body of the dog along the passage to the right and down onto the counterbalance, so that the cage holding the elephant's head rises into the air. Stand beneath the cage and pull the dog's body over to you to die (5/15). Repeat this process, but leave the dog's body on the counterbalance and continue to the right.


Jump up and crawl through the opening into a large room with a red tapestry on the right what dulls your fears?. Jump onto the red tapestry and climb down, dropping off the bottom end. Head left first to find a large machine with water below.

Water Pump

Climb down to the left and move the crate into the middle of the device. Stand on the crate and jump to the left so you can climb back up to the top. Move the red handle to the right, then jump on the crate when it is nearby and ride it up to the previous area. Push the crate into the room on the right, where there are two large scale platforms.

Balance Scales

Move the crate just to the right of the left platform, then jump on it and up onto the platform. With it lowered, pull the crate onto the left of this platform (so there are 2 on the left platform). Push the other crate into the corner beneath the ladder. Jump on this crate and climb up the ladder, then onto the right platform. Once it reaches the ground, move the crate onto the left of this platform. Stand on this crate and jump up to the ladder again. Wait for the ladder to rise up, then jump on this platform. Quickly push the crate onto the left platform, and you will keep rising up to the top. Climb up further and go right.


You will be in a large room with a chandelier and a bell. Head over to the right and pull the red handle to ring the bell 3 times - the chandelier will fall and a fire will start. Run into the fire to die (6/15). This time after ringing the bell, jump up on top of the ringer, then jump to the rope inside the bell. Climb up to the top, then go right.

Collapsing Cave

After you enter the dark green cave, get crushed by any falling debris to die (7/15). Next time, wait for the box to fall from the ceiling, then push it right until it starts sliding. Head back to the left and wait for the large piece of fallen rock to stop moving, then jump on it and continue right. Jump onto the box and climb up to the next area.


You will now see a large pink rocking horse. Fall off the high ledge here to die (8/15). Next time, run and jump over to the rocking horse. Run left and right to get this to tilt - when the right side is as high as possible, run right and jump to reach the red handle so you ride it to the right what sates your hunger?.

Circus Duck

Swing left and right, then jump over to the boxes. Stand on the tilting platform to the right. Pull the rolling duck to the middle of the platform, then push it to the right. Run to the left so that the platform tilts up at the right time to let the duck jump over to the letter blocks. Go over there as well. Push the duck to the far right, then climb up on it. Jump into the Jack-in-the-box.

Bison Ride

Once you end up to the right of the cage, pull the box to the right until the bison emerges from the cage. Stand to the left of the box and the bison will attack you so that you die (9/15). Next time, pull the box further to the right and stand on it. When the bison runs at you, jump onto its back. After the bison jumps to the ring in the middle of the screen, jump to the handle on the right. Now on the third spin around, jump off at the very top and you will hit the metal structure above and die (10/15). Next time, jump off at the top right and you will reach the small balloon. Walk right to enter a hot air balloon and fly to the right.


Once the hot air balloon gets caught on the tower, climb up the rope and the balloon will fall away. Climb down the tower and go right to find a later what quenches your doubts?. Move the large battery up the slope to the left and place it on the yellow platform. Now climb back up the outside of the tower, then down the inside. Once you are inside the building, pull the red handle to the left to open the trapdoor.

Climb down the ladder, making sure to go quickly through the first section of water. Jump over to the red handle on the right to pull it down. Now jump over to the opening on the right.

Battery Control

Use the switch, then stand beneath the falling battery to die (11/15). Next time, let the battery fall to the floor, then pull it far to the left. Turn the switch on and off to carefully guide the battery to the yellow panel on the right. Now pull the red handle beneath the battery to the left.

After you see the fish all die, use the switch on the left to guide the battery past the yellow panel into the new area, where gravity is acting sideways. Jump into this area yourself.

Sideways Gravity

Push the battery so it is on the top yellow panel, and the elevator will start moving up and down. If you position the battery half on the panel, you can stand on it and get crushed by the elevator to die (12/15).

Next time, position the battery on the top yellow panel, then push it off when the elevator pauses and makes noise. Position the battery on the lowest yellow panel. Go back up to the previous ledge. Climb the ladder here and jump into the altered gravity region to end up inside the elevator. Climb into the next area and pull the lever.

Gravity and Water

Pull the battery down, then push it into the water and a ladder will start moving. Go all the way back to where you entered this area and press the first switch. Now go forward through the sideways gravity area to see the ladder has stopped moving. Jump from the top of the ladder in the sideways gravity area and climb onto the ladder in the water. Jump across to the ladder along the left wall, then climb up and pull the red handle. Go through the opening on the right.

Flooding Chamber

Press the switch at the bottom left and wait until the 5 lights have almost all gone out, then jump to the right - if you time it correctly you will end up in the top right of the chamber. Pull the red handle to flood the chamber. Run left over the floating beam and jump to the left. Climb up the cable, then climb up the tall ladder to the left.

Dead Fish Lake

Climb down the tower in the rain and head right. When you reach the lake, jump across by landing on the dead fish floating on the surface. Keep going right through a strange forest.


You will end up seeing a zoomed version of yourself in a lens what drives you?. Focus on the smaller version in the background. Go to the far right and pull the cart to the left. Climb on the cart and jump up to the vines so you can climb up and jump over to the tree. Run right and jump into the lens - unless you are very lucky you will fall down to the ground and die (13/15).

Next time, make sure when you jump into the lens that you time it so your body falls onto the cart as it travels right. Wait until it returns left, and you will enter the lens to crack it again. Repeat this entire process once more.

Bleeding Lens

As soon as the lens starts bleeding, push the cart to the right and jump onto it. Now jump up to scare the bird so that it flies into the lens. You will float upwards on the cart. Once you reach the top, jump over to the right. Keep going right through another strange forest and then onto a snowy plain.


You will find yourself chained to a monster and it will start snowing what is inside you?. Head left to get eaten and die (14/15). Next time, press the button to the right, then run left. As soon as the monster roars at you, run right and jump onto the ladder. Once the ladder stops moving, run right again. Fall off the cliff at the end to die (15/15) zen.

Next time, instead of falling off the cliff, jump and grab onto the elephant tusk. Once the creature is in the black lake below, climb up and walk into the elephant's head. You will end up making it to the far side of the lake.

After the Black Lake

Head left until the monster roars at you again, then run to the right.

Elephant House

Climb up the red tapestry in the right side of the house. Jump across to the elephant trunk, then to the left tapestry. Climb up this and jump over the elephant's head to the right, then drop to the floor (the chain will be looped over the elephant's head now). Go left until the monster roars at you, then run into the house and you will be caught. As soon as the monster is hanging by the chain, keep jumping up and you will escape from the monster again. Jump right to the tapestry, then climb down and jump out the right doorway.

Run right up the slope and jump over the water.


Continue right onto a bridge who are you?. Gradually make your way to the right - either you or your reflection must be on a platform to avoid falling, and your reflection won't count it is blocked by darkness.

Once you reach the vines at the far right, climb up and then jump back to the left. Allow the white block to come up to the water surface. Drop to the right and drag this block up to the far right. Climb up the vines again, and when the white block falls into the water, jump onto it to be propelled up to the higher vine on the left. Climb up to the platform above.

Cascading Hills

Head right and jump over the water until you reach a dead tree over a waterfall.


Jump across each of the hanging bodies, then jump right to reach the red part of the statue in the water. Jump back to the left so your reflection reaches the drifting body and hold on as you float to the right, then jump to the ledge and climb out at the far right.


Run to the right past the clocks until you reach a huge elephant. Gradually move the trunk down to you, and you will end up riding on the elephant as it swims. Once you reach the tree, run down the elephant's trunk and climb into the tree. Drop down into the water below, then keep swimming down.

Watch through all of the credits till the end. There is an extra achievement for completing the game in one sitting persistence.