
Game Details:  Horror, 1996

Links:  Moby Games, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  1/28/2025

Suggested Listening:  Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)

Ripper is a detective mystery set in New York in the year 2040 that makes heavy use of full-motion video. You play as a crime reporter, Jake Quinlan, investigating a series of brutal killings reminiscent of the crime spree of Jack the Ripper. There are 4 different possibilities for the outcome of the game, chosen at random from the start - you will find out which of these you are playing at the start of Act 3.


Murder Scene

Enter the room and talk to Karl on the right, then Magnotta on the left. Look at the computer, then examine the mug on the floor and you will scan it into your WAC. Acknowledge the incoming WAC transmission from Catherine by clicking the icon at the bottom of your screen. Now use the WAC and reconstruct the broken mug in the object database - you will be able to read the word "Salisbury" once you are done. Use the World Map to travel.


Watch the scenes - you will automatically travel to Catherine's apartment.

Act 1

Police Station

Walk forward and talk to the desk sergeant. Turn around, then go around to the left. Enter Magnotta's office and notice the cigar box on the left of the desk. Scan the 2 documents on his desk, then talk to him. Leave here and go around to the evidence room. Talk to the clerk, but you aren't allowed to take anything.

Tribeca Center

Turn left and talk to the receptionist. Now approach the elevator and head up to the wards. Go around to the right, then through the doors on the left. Talk to Dr Burton and Dr Cable, then use the holographic journal to the right. Also examine the Ripper image on the display to the left of this. Return to the elevator and head down to the morgue. Talk to Dr Farley, then examine each of the 3 bodies.

Police Station

Go to Magnotta's office and talk to him.

Cafe Duchamp

Talk to Gambit Nelson, then walk forward and talk to the bartender.


Turn right and enter the office so you can talk to Ben Dodds about everything. Go back out to the main room. Head to Catherine's desk (the first one on the left) and examine her Rolodex - take note of the names here. Now go over to your desk, which is directly across the red carpet. Read the white note from Catherine, then use your computer on the left to access cyberspace.

Turn right and access the virtual library. Talk to the librarian, then search the floating orange receptacle. Talk to the librarian again, then enter the unscrambled call number: HC2021R. Back out from the library and turn left, then exit cyberspace.

Catherine Powell's Apartment

Find a birthday card that has the date 25 February 1990 (and this is beneath a picture of a fish, indicating the star sign Pisces). Look at the poster of the Zodiac signs further into the room on the left, noting the layout of Pisces. Now examine the crystals on the table.


Arrange the crystals as follows (the color of crystals does not matter, just the placement). You can bypass this game by typing the cheat code PISCES.

A light beam will shoot over to a book titled "Horoscope". Go over to the cane near the door and examine it to see the inscription "J Dorsett".


Use your computer to access cyberspace. Turn right and access Catherine's WELL with the password "Horoscope".


You will be attacked by a virtual police robot and must shoot constantly to destroy it. Target the rockets at the base of the enemy and it will eventually be destroyed. You can bypass this game by typing the cheat code ARCADE.

You will end up with Catherine's notebook in your database. Turn left and exit cyberspace. Examine the electronic journal in your WAC, but it is encrypted.

Soap's Smoke House

Walk forward and talk to Soap about everything.

Wofford Cottage

Talk to Covington. Look at the desk in the middle of the room and flip the power switch - only 2 of the vacuum tables come to life. Back out and go through the door into the next room. Examine the game table in the middle of the room. You need to get the marble to reach the end zone in the bottom right, and control the path by adjusting the switches on the right. The solution depends on the puzzle difficulty level you have selected:

  • Easy: Flip 2, 3, 4
  • Medium: Flip 1, 3, 5, then flip 3, 4, 5.
  • Hard: Flip 1, 2, 3, then flip 2, 3, 4, then flip 1, 4, 5

Once you are successful, take a vacuum tube from the drawer that opens. Head upstairs and notice the patent award on the wall, which has the number P2X255127.5A. Continue upstairs and enter the bedroom. Examine the antique cash register on the desk to the right. You can press 4 buttons on the device to the left of this to release coins, which display numbers on the cash register. Based on the patent number you need to display 510255 (2 x 255127.5). To achieve this, press the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 2nd buttons. Take another vacuum tube.

Examine the clock on the chest of drawers to see it has stopped with a time of 2:35. Go back downstairs and look at the map on the wall, which shows you different time zones. Now examine the 3 clocks on the wall to the right. Set the times as follows:

  • Egypt (Pyramid): 9:35
  • Germany (Cuckoo): 8:35
  • USA (Army): 14:35

Take the final vacuum tube. Return out to the first room. Use your 3 vacuum tubes to replace the 3 that didn't work. Flip the power switch and you will see the word "Vulcan". From here, go right, forward, left and examine the port to enter cyberspace. Turn right and access Wofford's WELL with the password "Vulcan". Turn left and exit cyberspace.

Falcon Eddie Safehouse

Walk forward and talk to Twig - get angry with him to find out another password.


Use your computer to access cyberspace. Enter Falconetti's WELL with the password "Circus Maximus". Talk to Falconetti and he will agree to help you if you can beat his high score.


Shoot the bad guys and avoid shooting the good guys. You need to get a final score of more than 30000 points. You can bypass this game by typing the cheat code PARADISE.

Once you are successful, exit cyberspace.

Falcon Eddie Safehouse

Walk forward and talk to Twig. Continue through to the room on the right and talk to Falconetti about everything.

Act 2

Tribeca Center

Turn left and talk to the receptionist. Now approach the elevator and head up to the wards. Go around to the right, then through the doors on the left. Talk to Dr Burton and Falconetti. Once Dr Burton has left, use the computer to the right to access Catherine's mind.


Shoot the blobs as they approach Falconetti - keep destroying them until he finishes his task. You can bypass this game by typing the cheat code CAFFEINE.

After another conversation with Falconetti, exit Catherine's mind. Return to the elevator and head down to the morgue. Talk to Bob.

Police Station

Walk forward and talk to the desk sergeant. Take Magnotta's scan card from the evidence tray on the bench. Turn around and make your way to the observation room. Press the red button so you can see into the interrogation room. After the view is blocked again, leave this room and go straight across to the file room.

Approach the filing cabinet straight ahead and use the scan card. You will get to see Magnotta's personnel file. Open your WAC and examine the electronic journal. The password for decryption depends on the puzzle difficulty level you have selected:

  • Easy: The password is "slayer", from the bottom of Magnotta's personnel file.
  • Medium: The password is "scorpio", from the middle of Magnotta's personnel file.
  • Hard: The password is "cigar", a reference to the cigar box on Magnotta's desk.

Read through the first 3 journal entries - the others will fail to decrypt.

Catherine Powell's Apartment

Look on the far left wall below the star signs poster, and open the book. Number the blue buttons as follows:


Based on the 3rd journal entry, enter the code 155362. Take the data disk. Go over to the computer in the other corner of the room and use this data disk - pay attention to the equation displayed on the screen.


Go to Catherine's desk and examine the calculator. Press the buttons in this order (according to the equation you just saw):

  1. ON
  2. 46
  3. Squared
  4. Divide
  5. 7
  6. Inv
  7. Equals
  8. 5

Take out the 2 bugs.

Police Station

Go to the observation room and press the button to see inside again. Now head to Magnotta's office and use the cigar band bug on his box of cigars.

Tribeca Center

Turn left and talk to the receptionist. Pick up the scan card on the counter to the left. Now approach the elevator and head up to the wards. Go around to the left, then use the scan card to get into Dr Burton's office. Examine the anatomy model on the left and replace an eyeball with the other bug.

Back out, then examine the open book on the bench to the left of the anatomy model. Go around to the main desk and scan the document and prescription pad into your WAC database.


Go straight ahead and into Professor Bech's office, then talk to her about everything. Leave the office and go right. Use the electronic bulletin board on the wall, and view all 8 messages. There are 5 of them that have a number in their last line, and that you can piece together to form a message. You must drag these in order across the bottom of the display. Spread these out in this order from left to right:

  1. Pink: Webb (4)
  2. Blue: Runners (50)
  3. Red: meeting at the new address (14)
  4. White: a former warehouse (42)
  5. Green: on Grammercy Street (86)

You will mention that you've got the message when they are correctly positioned.

Web Runners Loft

Press the Code button, then enter a code made up from the numbers on the bulletin board: 450144286. Talk to the girl inside about everything. Turn right and look at the pictures on the wall.


Use your computer to access cyberspace. Enter the Web Runners WELL with the password "Anachrony Station".


You need to solve a 25 piece sliding puzzle to recreate the Web Runners logo. You can bypass this game by typing the cheat code ZZTOP.

Click on each of the monitors to get some history about the Web Runner members, then exit cyberspace. Go out to the world map, then return to the newsroom. Acknowledge the incoming WAC transmission from Stephanie by clicking the icon at the bottom of your screen.

Web Runners Loft

You will automatically talk when you arrive on the scene.

Tribeca Center

Use the elevator to go down to the morgue. Talk to Bob, then turn left and look at the computer - you need to work out how to insert the memory chips.

Soap's Smoke House

Talk to Soap, then turn left twice and scan the circuit manual into your WAC. Read this thoroughly.

Tribeca Center

Use the elevator to go down to the morgue again, and examine the computer to see this layout:


Insert the chips as follows:

  1. XDD3 7916EP ER9RJ
  2. XD77 3966PE TE9RJ
  3. XDD7 3912PE TE9RJ
  4. XD77 3956PE ET9RJ
  5. XDD3 7916PE TE99J
  6. XD77 3959PE ET9RJ
  7. XDD7 3912EP ER9RJ
  8. XDD7 3912EP ER18J
  9. XD77 3959PE TE9RJ
  10. XDD7 3912PE ET9RJ
  11. XD77 3956PE LT9RJ
  12. XDD3 7916PE TE18J
  13. XDD3 7916EP ER18J
  14. XD77 3959KO H18J
  15. XD77 8959KO H18J
  16. XD77 3956PE TE9RJ

You can now read the 4th journal entry in the electronic journal in your WAC database. Go through the other door from this room, then go to the far right corner and examine the voice lock on the door.

Soap's Smoke House

Talk to Soap about voice locks.


Turn right and enter the office, then talk to Ben Dodds about everything. Leave his office and use your computer to access cyberspace. Enter the virtual library. Talk to the librarian and ask for an audio editor. Exit cyberspace.


Talk to the gym attendant, then use the terminal next to her and look up Clare Burton's record - notice who is listed as her spouse. Now walk further into the gym and talk to Dr Burton about everything.

Tribeca Center

Use the elevator to go down to the morgue, then make your way to the voice lock in the animal storage room. Open up the sound sample in your WAC and click the Quantize button. Play the top sequence to listen to all available phrases, then highlight and drag down these phrases:

  • This is
  • Doctor
  • Burton
  • open
  • up

Go through the door. Acknowledge the incoming WAC transmission from Ripper by clicking the icon at the bottom of your screen. Examine the body to see the attached medical chart. Proceed around into the lab on the left. Turn left and watch the small video projector. Further along this bench, examine a device with 3 sliders.


You need to find the correct settings for the 3 sliders. Drag the left slider up 9 times from the bottom, the middle slider up 1 time from the bottom, and the right slider up 6 times from the bottom. Now press the button at the bottom - you should hear the monkey say "She can kill others like me without touching me in cyberspace". You can bypass this game by typing the cheat code SPARKY.

You can now read the 5th journal entry in the electronic journal in your WAC database.


Go and talk to Dr Burton.


Use your computer to access cyberspace. Enter Falconetti's Secret WELL with the password "Leather Apron".


Click on the tiles to swap them around, recreating a picture of Falconetti's face. You can bypass this game by typing the cheat code HEADACHE.

Read the floating book on the left, and examine both letters on the desk. Exit cyberspace.

Falcon Eddie Safehouse

Go through to the second room and talk to Falconetti about everything.

Police Station

Walk forward and talk to the desk sergeant. Next head to Magnotta's office and talk to him about everything.

Tribeca Center

Use the elevator to head up to the wards. Go around to the right, then through the doors on the left. Continue into Catherine's room and talk to Dr Cable, then use the computer to the right to access Catherine's mind. Talk to Catherine about everything, then leave her mind again. Acknowledge the incoming WAC transmission from Ripper by clicking the icon at the bottom of your screen. Talk to Dr Cable again. Go out to the previous room and examine the updated Ripper image on the display.


Acknowledge the incoming WAC transmission from Vic by clicking the icon at the bottom of your screen.

Cafe Duchamp

Watch through the next scenes.

Act 3

Police Station

Acknowledge the incoming WAC transmission from Gambit by clicking the icon at the bottom of your screen. Walk forward and talk to the desk sergeant, then get him to check for fingerprints on the knife. If he finds prints for Vigo Haman, you will end up following Ending 1. Go to Magnotta's office and talk to him about everything. If he gives you a picture of Falconetti as Ripper, you will end up following Ending 2.

Falcon Eddie Safehouse

Go through to the second room and talk to Falconetti about everything. If he gives you a picture of Magnotta as Ripper, you will end up following Ending 3. If an ending still hasn't been chosen yet, you will end up following Ending 4.

Magnotta's Apartment

If you are not in Ending 2, acknowledge the incoming WAC transmission from Ripper by clicking the icon at the bottom of your screen. Examine the panel to the left of the door. Note the number 4 at the top right - you need to divide each of the other numbers by 4 to get the code. Back out and examine the keypad on the right, which looks like this:


Enter the code 226481 and you will enter the apartment. Turn left and look down - use the electronic device to scan an other journal entry into your WAC. Now examine the 6th and 7th journal entries in the electronic journal in your WAC database. Note the neon sign in the room that says "Clarence".


If you are in Ending 2, acknowledge the incoming WAC transmission from Ripper by clicking the icon at the bottom of your screen. Turn right and enter the office so you can talk to Ben Dodds about everything; if you are in Ending 1 this will include asking about Vigo Haman.

Leave the office, then use your computer to access cyberspace. Enter Wofford's WELL with the password "Vulcan". Talk to the AI about everything, learning multiple passwords. Back out, then enter the Weapon 1 WELL with the password "Pegasus".


This is like a modified version of chess. You can bypass this game by typing the cheat code ASPIRIN.

Next enter the Weapon 2 WELL with the password "Orestes".


You will be attacked by four-armed monster and must shoot to destroy it. Target the glowing eyes and blue orb in the forehead and it will eventually be destroyed. You can bypass this game by typing the cheat code ARCADE.

Now enter the Weapon 3 WELL with the password "Odysseus".


You will be attacked by a large rat creature and must shoot to destroy it. Target the red eye-piece and it will eventually be destroyed. You can bypass this game by typing the cheat code ARCADE.

Enter the Virtual Herald WELL. View each of the magazines and note their dates. Back out, and return to Falconetti's Secret WELL with the password "Leather Apron". Turn left twice and examine the new book here.


Read the letter on the first page, then flip forward twice to see a book index and a series of blank lines. You need to match each of the 14 sentences from the letter with a book title, then drag these titles in order onto the last page:

  1. Fix: The VR-Living Complete Book of Home Repair
  2. Track: The Open Road, A History of 20th Century Auto Racing
  3. Fits: Epileptic Reactions To VR Environments
  4. Down: The Neo New Age, Tearing Down The Myths
  5. Grand: Earn Thousands as a VR Data Angel
  6. Lady: The Duchess In The Clock Tower
  7. Catch: Virtual Fly Fishing, Always A Hatch To Match
  8. Start Again: Phoenix, Phact Or Phiction?
  9. Games: Short Excursions into VR Role Playing
  10. Red Stuff: Topical Agents For The Treatment of Hemorrhaging
  11. Red Ink: Deficit Spending In The Late 20th Century
  12. Ears Off: Van Gogh, a Psychological Study
  13. Keep: Keeping Sharp: A Cutlery Collector's Bible
  14. Good Luck: Rabbi T.S. Foote, A Biography

You can bypass this game by typing the cheat code SPONGE.

Look at the final pages of the book, then exit cyberspace. Listen to the audio file that is now in your WAC database.

Soap's Smoke House

Talk to Soap about everything.

Tribeca Center

Use the elevator to head up to the wards. Go around to the right, then through the doors on the left. Continue into Catherine's room and talk to Dr Cable, Turn right and enter each of the 3 Ripper murder dates:

  • 11-19
  • 11-20
  • 11-21

Turn back and talk to Dr Cable about this. If you are in Ending 2, ask him about the image of Falconetti. If you are in Ending 3, ask him about the image of Magnotta. Now use the computer to the right to access Catherine's mind. Talk to her about everything - if you are in Ending 1, you will get some extra questions. Leave her mind.

Pan Financial Bank

After talking to the man at the desk, turn left and go to the safety deposit boxes. Open box 759 with the code 185621 (from the Rolodex on Catherine's desk at the newsroom). Scan the electronic ledger inside the safety deposit box and view this in your WAC.


Use your computer to access cyberspace. Enter Berman WELL with the password "Berman4".


This is a moving memory game - you just need to find 3 matching tiles with the bar-code 34117-00863.

Read the 2 documents here, which will be scanned into your WAC. Back out from here, then enter Kane's WELL with the password "Digital Eden". Talk to Kane, who will give you a compression program and tell you to find a sensor program and an anti-viral program. Back out, then go right and enter Isis WELL with the password "Psy Bard". As you enter, you will hear "What is the name of my master's brother's son?".


Here you need to convert hieroglyphs to letters. The words in the middle of the puzzle are: Shelter, Noose, Mouth, Quail and Folded Cloth. Now press the letters HORUS in order on the buttons around the edge (the hieroglyphs match these five words):


Return left and enter Kane's WELL again. Talk to him to learn where to find an anti-viral program. Back out, then go left and enter Anti-Viral WELL with the password "Exterminator".


In this game you need to make your way across the red and green tiles as follows: Left, forward, left, forward twice, left, forward, right 3 times, forward, back, forward, right, left, right and forward twice. You can bypass this game by typing the cheat code PRETZEL.

Exit cyberspace. Examine the new documents in your WAC.

Soap's Smoke House

Walk forward and talk to Soap, showing him the handwriting samples.

Police Station

If you are in Ending 4, talk to the desk sergeant about Vigo Haman, then go to Magnotta's office and talk to him.

Cafe Duchamp

Step forward and talk to Gambit about everything. If you are in Ending 1 or 4, go to the back of the restaurant and talk to Vigo Haman about everything.


Use your computer to access cyberspace. Enter Warp Space WELL with the password "Warp". Click on the blank screen and note that the game was closed on December 23. If you are in Ending 2, take note of the access by Clarence. If you are in Ending 3, take note of the access by Jack Rip. Exit cyberspace.

Tribeca Center

Use the elevator to head up to the wards. Go around to the left, then through the door on the right. Talk to Dr Burton about everything. If you are in Ending 2, ask her about the image of Falconetti. If you are in Ending 3, ask her about the image of Magnotta.

If you are not in Ending 3, go around to Catherine's room and talk to Dr Cable. Now use the computer to the right to access Catherine's mind and ask her about Clarence. Exit her mind.


Turn right and go up the stairs, then talk to Ben Dodds about everything. If you are in Ending 2 or 3, leave his office and go over to the desk near the window. Scan the software on the desk, then use your WAC. Examine the picture in your database and click the Analyze button to see that it is a fake.

Police Station

Enter Magnotta's office and talk to him about everything.

Falcon Eddie Safehouse

Go through to the second room and talk to Falconetti about everything.

Cafe Duchamp

On your journey you will receive a transmission from Dr Cable.

Tribeca Center

Use the elevator to head up to the wards. Go around to the right, then through the doors on the left. After hearing from Ripper, connect to cyberspace directly through this monitor. You will be presented with a series of 9 Tarot cards and the song Don't Fear the Reaper will start to play in the background. You need to place the cards according to the lyrics of the song: "seasons don't fear the reaper, nor do the wind, the sun or the rain". If the cards are numbered 1-9 from left to right, place them in this order: 8, 3, 9, 7, 2, 1.

Now you need to click on the Ripper when you see him/her. The correct solution changes based on the Ending:

  • Ending 1: Catherine
  • Ending 2: Magnotta
  • Ending 3: Falconetti
  • Ending 4: Dr Burton