Blackstone Chronicles
An Adventure in Terror
AKA John Saul's Blackstone Chronicles
Game Details: Horror, 1998
Links: Moby Games, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 12/24/2021
Suggested Listening: Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)
First Floor
Start by going forward and up the stairs. Talk to the portrait of Malcolm about everything. Turn right and enter the elevator. Try to use the controls, then read the notice about the missing handle. Leave the elevator, then go back downstairs. Turn left and go through the door into the day-room.
Turn left and open the case, then take the knife and awl. Turn right and go through the doors with windows in the distance to find the kitchen. Turn right and go forward towards the sink. Sharpen your knife on the strop. Try to open the high cabinets here, then use your knife on them. Take the wrench. Turn left and take a skewer from the ceiling, then turn left twice more and grab the tongs. Leave the kitchen the same way you entered. Turn right immediately and try to open the wall cabinet. Use your awl on the exposed hinges, then take the hacksaw.
Leave the day-room and go up the stairs, this time heading through the doors on the left into Malcolm's office. Step forward behind the desk. Try to talk to the portrait of Olivia. Turn left and pick up the coffeepot. Examine this in your inventory to see the initials MM. Turn left again and open the desk drawer, taking out the nutcracker - you can use this to talk to Malcolm now without having to return to his portrait. Turn left again and examine the photo here, remembering the date mentioned (4/24/52).
Head over to the computer and look at the note. Use the computer, entering the password "scooter". Search for Oliver Metcalf, but the file is sealed. Go back towards the doors. Turn left and open the case, then take the handle and keyring.
Leave the office and enter the elevator again. Attach the handle to the controls, then push it to 2.
Second Floor
Exit to the left and go through the door to the women's wing. Enter the far room on the right and you will see a vision then briefly talk to Marilyn Wilson. Turn left and examine the case here. Turn around and open the desk drawer to find a diary. Read through it, but 2 pages are stuck together. Examine Marilyn's photograph and talk to her about everything (you will learn about the hydrotherapy room key). Leave here and return to the elevator. Push the handle to 1.
First Floor
Return to the office and use the computer to search for Marilyn Wilson. Use the elevator to head to a new destination.
Leave the elevator and go through the first door on the right into hydrotherapy. After talking to Jane, then left and take a sheet from the shelves. Turn around and look at the controls in the red box on the wall - Jane will mention a secret code. Return to the elevator for now.
Second Floor
Enter the women's wing and Marilyn's room again. Turn right and talk to Marilyn about the steam box to learn the code.
Enter hydrotherapy again. Approach the red control box and press the second and third buttons from the top to activate it. Turn left and open the steam box. Put the diary inside, then close it and turn it on. Open the steam box again and take out the diary. Read through it fully (you will learn about the furnace room key). Leave this room and turn right, then go through the door at the end of the hall into the furnace room.
Ask Seamus about everything, then turn left and take a fuse. Turn around and touch the furnace door to feel it is hot. Use your wrench to remove the bolts, then open the furnace door. Look at the lighter, then take it using your tongs.
Timed Sequence
Once you find yourself trapped in the heat chamber, flick the lighter. Look to the left, then use the lighter on the thermostat.
After freeing yourself, go back to the elevator.
Second Floor
Go to Marilyn's room and open the case on the left. Put the lighter on the stand. Now talk to Marilyn about a secret room. Leave her room and turn right, then continue through the door ahead. Now go through the far door on the left. After Vi talks to you briefly, turn left, then walk around to the right into the main part of the room. Look in the small box, and Vi will tell you she is missing some needles. Put your skewers in the box, then talk to her about everything (you will learn that the next hallway is opened with a key that has 26 engraved on it). Leave this room and head left. Continue through the door ahead.
Enter Lorena's room on the right. Walk forward and talk to Lorena, then turn left and pick up the feather and magnifying glass. Use the magnifying glass on your coffeepot. Turn around and open the makeup case. Take out the compact, then close the case again. Open the compact in your inventory, and take out the makeup (eyeliner). Now open the makeup in your inventory. Head back towards the door and turn right. Look at the coffee set in the hutch, and use your coffeepot here. Talk to Lorena about everything (you will learn about the ECT room key). Return to the elevator.
Leave the elevator and step forward once, then go through the right door into the fever therapy room. After Nick's introduction, turn right and look at the hutch and the drawers, to learn the name Mandy Lee. Leave this room and go into the ECT room, which is directly opposite. Turn right and take the stethoscope from the case. Go back to the elevator.
First Floor
Go down the stairs, turn left and enter the day-room. Go through to the kitchen. Feel the freezer straight ahead. Open the box here, then remove the blown fuse and insert your new fuse. Close the box, then feel the freezer again - it got cold very quickly.
Leave the kitchen, and head back to Malcolm's office. Use the computer to search for Merle Martin, Lavinia Willougbyand Mandy Lee - in particular note Mandy's address in apartment 3C. Next go to the portrait of Olivia behind the desk. Use your stethoscope to tap on the top of the frame. Open the safe with the date combination from the photograph earlier: 4-24-52 (click with the arrow directly over these numbers). Take out the egg and casket. Return to the elevator again.
Enter the fever therapy room. Turn right and use the clue from Mandy Lee's address to decide to open the bottom right drawer from the top left group of drawers. Use the key you get to unlock the casket in your inventory. Open the casket and take out the handkerchief. Leave here and return to the elevator.
Second Floor
Exit to the left and go through 2 doors, then enter Vi's room on the left. Go further into the room and turn right to see the desk. Use the black makeup case to fill up the inkpot on the right. Put your feather into the pen holder on the left. Go back to the case near the door and place the handkerchief on the stand. Now press the crown symbol on the bed post. Take the blade and attach it to your hacksaw. Go back to the elevator.
Head to the furnace room at the end of the hallway. Go to the back of this room and turn left to see a padlocked gate. Use your hacksaw on the padlock. Step forward and try to throw the switch, but it is too dangerous. Drop the sheet in your inventory, then take the locket.
Timed Sequence
Once you find yourself trapped in the electric chair, use the compact in your inventory to see some reflected numbers. Turn right and press the buttons to display the numbers 1-2-8.
Second Floor
Exit to the left and go through 3 doors, then enter Lorena's room on the right. Turn right and put the locket on the stand. Talk about everything, including a hint regarding books in Malcolm's office.
First Floor
Go straight across to Malcolm's office. Approach the computer and turn left to look at the bookshelves. You need to press the books highlighted in blue below:
Step forward into a new area.
Secret Rooms
Turn right and open the box. Administer the streptomycin (to treat bubonic plague). Turn around and pick up the journal, then read it. Turn right and open the door, then go down the spiral staircase.
Turn left and examine one of the bottles to talk to a boy - talk until you agree to play a game of I Spy with him:
- Something that begins with T: Turn right and guess the "table".
- Something that begins with L: Guess the "light" hanging from the ceiling here.
Talk about everything else (you will learn about the chapel key). Go back up the spiral staircase and out to the main area again.
First Floor
Leave the office. Go down the stairs and turn right, then go forward into the chapel. Turn right and take the hammer and the ice pick. Leave the chapel and return to the office, then go through the bookshelves again.
Secret Rooms
Go down the spiral staircase to continue your game of I Spy:
- Something that's white: Step forward towards the green door and guess the "diploma".
- Something that begins with tiger: Turn left and guess the "grate".
Talk about everything else. Leave the secret rooms again.
First Floor
Return to the chapel. Walk forward, then turn right to see a suit of armor. Use your hacksaw on the head, then use your knife on the straps - you will end up holding the lance. Take the doll.
Timed Sequence
Once you find yourself trapped in the cage, turn left and use the lance to snag the key. Turn right and use the key on the padlock, then open the cage.
Secret Rooms
Turn right and go up the stairs. Turn around and go down the spiral staircase. Continue forward and try to open the green door. Also try to push the buttons on the green door's lock. Turn around and head towards the spiral staircase, then turn right. Place the doll in the shelves, and agree to one more game of I Spy:
- Something that's red: Guess the "book" in the shelves here.
Talk about everything to find out that Dr Metcalf called Abe "125". Use the ice pick on the locked drawer, then take out the music box.
First Floor
Go to the chapel and approach the organ. Open the music box in your inventory and the organist will mention that Dr Metcalf liked Bach.
Secret Rooms
Go down the spiral staircase and approach the green door. Push the buttons to spell out Bach using the same code as for Abe (2138). Use the handle, then go forward into a laboratory that looks like a dungeon. Turn left and look at the flayed skin to talk to Paul Becker. Talk about everything. Pick up the fingerbox. Turn left and go back up the stairs.
Turn left and empty the machine to get a bone. Put the fingerbox into the machine. Return down to the dungeon laboratory to talk to Paul again. Step forward, turn left and take the club. Turn around and take the rope, then look at the iron maiden. Use your nutcracker on the egg, then read the message, which says "The word you seek is the thing itself". Push the symbols on the iron maiden in this order, spelling out "Eye Run Maiden":
Use your club to prop the case open, then take the stereoscope.
Timed Sequence
Once you find yourself beneath the swinging blade, turn left and use your rope to hook the lever.
You will be facing the flayed skin again. Pick up the crowbar and you will talk to Marilyn again. Make your way back out of the secret rooms.
First Floor
Go down the stairs and turn left. Hit the rhino head with the lance to get the crypt key.
Secret Rooms
Go through the rusty door straight ahead. Turn right and look at the sarcophagus, then use the crowbar on it. Look in the sarcophagus, then get inside.
Timed Sequence
Use your knife to carve up the nutcracker in your inventory. Next rip up the MM journal in your inventory. Turn right and use your crowbar to smash the skull. Turn right again and use your crowbar to break the case. Take the lighter, then turn left again. Flick the lighter, then use it to burn the portrait.