The Great Perhaps
Game Details: Sci-Fi, 2019
Steam Achievements: Completed (14/14)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 12/30/2019
Suggested Listening: Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)
Leave your shuttle and head right, jumping over the log. Push the blue cart to the right so that it falls into the bog, then continue over it and open the door to enter the house. Go through and open the next door, then examine the teddy bear next to the grave. Keep examining it until the batteries run out I Miss You. Keep going right into a forest.
Continue right and enter the building. Approach the pile of rubbish and you will pick up the lantern. After the man collapses and the black creature appears, run right, then use the lantern to travel back to the past. Continue right to leave the large room Certified Time Traveler.
Go downstairs to level -1 and open the door to the right in the past. Head right and pick up a light bulb from the desk in the future. Go downstairs again and use the light bulb on the panel on the machine to the left; rotate the components in here to create a path from the battery to the electrical panel, and the system will come to life. Go back upstairs and take a gear from the crates to the left in the past. Return downstairs again and jump into the mine cart. Turn around and throw the gear to the lever so you start rolling to the right. Continue through the door ahead.
Head down the steps to the right and use the lantern to travel to the past so you can continue past the rubbish pile. Go just to the right of where the pile of rubbish finishes, then wait and you will get killed by a train The Train is Coming. Try again, and this time get past the rubbish pile and quickly change back to the future. Push the barrel to the right, then jump on it and up into the abandoned train carriage. Keep going right until you reach a barricade. Change to the past and go through to the other side, then quickly change back to the future again. Make your way up some stairs to find a door that is damaged in the future, and locked in the path.
Continue right, and when you see the huge monster, change to the past. Head to the right, then change back to the future and keep running to keep ahead of the monster. Climb up to the raised platform at the end and go through the open doorway. Change to the past and grab the key from the right wall, then change back to the future and return out to the platform. Go back to the left, switching to the past to get by the monster once more.
Use the key to open the door in the past, then go through. Switch to the future and grab the valve from the skeleton on the right, then go back to the past and through the door again. Now head to the far right, up on to the raised platform. Use the valve on the door mechanism here, then head up the stairs.
Go right and switch to the past to get through the closed gate into a carnival. Go back to the future and head right until you reach a large hole in the ground. Travel to the past again and keep going right until you see a girl steal a key from a security guard and climb up on to the far gate. Go over to her, but she will only trade the key for a present. While you are exploring the carnival, watch out for the tentacles coming out of the ground in the future. In the future, pick up the bottle of alcohol from the right, then go to the past and enter the clown's carriage back to the left. Talk to him to find out he wants helium and alcohol. Give him the alcohol, then go back outside and go right to the teddy bear game, then return to the future. Pick up the helium bottle from here. Go to the past again and return to the clown, giving him the helium bottle. Now you can take a balloon.
Go back outside and head to the far right. Throw the balloon to the little girl on the gate, and she will drop the key Enfant Terrible.
Use the key in the gate and go through. Run straight ahead until you reach the large building (if you stop in the gardens in the future you will die). Go to the past and enter the hospital.
You need to stay away from the guards in the past, who will attack you. Make your way to the right in the future, and go up the stairs to level 2. Head left and go to the past so you can take a tomato from the jar. Go to the future and throw it just to the left, so you attract the huge insects down here. Return right and go up the stairs to level 3. Head left and break open the large pod, taking the red flower from inside. Switch back to the past and talk to the old man, who wants to get to ward 11. Pull his trolley all the way to the right, then press the elevator button, choosing to go up to level 4.
Push the trolley to the far left, and the old man will tell you about the nurse on level 5. Return to the right and go up the stairs to level 5. Put the red flower in the vase on the desk, then wait for the nurse to see it Lovestruck.
Use the elevator to get back down to level 1. In the past, go and grab the key from near the reception desk. Use the elevator to get back up to level 5. Use the key on the gate at the stairs.
Go right to the 2nd rooftop in the future, then head inside. Go to the past and pull the lever on the right, then return outside and continue across to the 3rd rooftop. Return to the future and cross to the 4th rooftop. Go back to the past and enter the door here to find an attic. In the future, there is a highlighted book to the far right, but you have no reason to pick it up yet. Go to the past and head back outside. Climb up the ladder here, then down the next ladder to the right. Talk to the man on the ledge to the far right.
Return into the attic and pick up the highlighted book. Go back outside and give it to the man on the ledge Suicide Hotline.
Follow the man inside to the right. Get through the open office door in the past, then switch back to the future and head outside to the right. Enter the door on the next rooftop.
Go to the far right and through the door, then walk to the far left to see that the bank is being robbed in the past. Pick up the monkey from the crate in the future, then climb down the ladder in the elevator shaft twice to reach the basement. Walk to the right to see that the tunnel is blocked. Enter the room on the left and travel to the past, then free the guard, who will take out the robber in the room to the right. Head right and return to the future, then climb up the ladder to the ground floor.
Carefully switch to the past and throw the monkey near the patrolling guard, then switch back to the future - he will be electrocuted. In the future, travel to the large room on the left and take a fruit from the tree - you will automatically drop it and realize that it is a sedative. Take another fruit, then go over to the left. Carefully switch to the past and throw the fruit towards the middle of the room, the switch back to the future - everyone will be knocked out by the sedative Crime and Punishment.
Pick up the explosives in the past, then travel back to the future. Go right and climb down to the basement again. Use the explosives on the blocked tunnel on the right, then switch to the past to avoid the explosion. Come back to the future and go through the tunnel to the right.
Climb the ladder on the right, then enter the apartment building. Continue right to see the memorial board, and the black creature will appear again. Your lantern will stop working, so quickly head right and up, then jump to the left. Take a can from the crate and throw it at the ladder to the left to knock it. Repeat this a second time, then climb the ladder. Run right and push the desk to the right, then jump on it and climb the next ladder.
Run to the far left and break the handle off the bike, then return right to the elevator. Use the handle to force open the doors, then climb the ladder to the floor above. Walk right into the room and your lantern will automatically activate Homecoming.
Outside, travel to the past, walk to the right, return to the future and head through the open gate.
Head to the far right. Travel to the past and open the doors to enter the greenhouse. The botanist will ask you to leave the manure at the entrance. Follow him all the way to the right so that he will tell you about Carl and his special formula. Follow him back to the left until he goes downstairs. Switch to the future and go downstairs, then partially use the lantern so you can see what he is doing without being seen yourself. Watch as he creates his formula, then wait for him to leave and follow him upstairs. Switch to the past and follow him right to see him feed the formula to Carl. Now recreate the formula in the future:
- Take some red reagent from the beaker on the ground to the far left, then put it in the yellow watering can.
- Go upstairs and take some green reagent from the box just to the left, then go back downstairs and put it in the yellow watering can.
- Take some yellow reagent from the sack on the ground to the left, then put it in the yellow watering can.
Now pick up the watering can and go back upstairs. Go and use it on the future version of Carl Expert Gardener.
Once Carl bends down to drink, take the key. Use this on the door to the right.
Pick up the snack from the ground on the right and switch to the past to see an ostrich. Throw the snack into the ostrich's pen, then when it bends over jump up and on to it - you will ride it over to the right Ostrich Tamer.
Go to the past and enter the building, then switch to the future again. Go upstairs and open the door to the right, then go through. Switch to the past and take the key from the wall in this room. Go back to the future and head back downstairs. Go to the past and use the key on the door to the baby elephant. Open the latch on the door here, then follow the elephant outside. Wait until it meets up with its mother. Still in the past, open the large wooden gate and go to the far right. Switch to the future and go through the doors.
In the room with the huge octopus, you will be able to see its tentacles approaching based on shadows. Get it to smash open the wooden crate, then pick up the teddy bear. Go down the ramp to the right and climb the ladder. Switch to the past and throw the teddy bear at the bear. Go to the far right, past the bear, and travel to the future. Head to the far right to leave the zoo.
Go right until you see the inscription in the light of the lantern. Continue right in the past and enter the art gallery (the building with large arched windows). Use the lantern's light to find the first key to collect. Back outside, return to the future and go to the far right. Insert your key in the lock here.
Go to the past and head left to find a church. Go inside, then switch back to the future. Move the crates to the left of the image of a key, and move the desk slightly to the right. Jump on the desk, then on the crates so that you can take the key. Travel to the past so you can leave the church. Back outside, return to the future and go to the far right. Insert your key in the lock here Hide-and-Seek.
Try to open the door, but you are missing a component. Enter the cinema complex just to the left, and go to the far right. Switch to the past and take the light bulb from the base of the statue, then go back outside. Back in the future, examine the door and you will use the light bulb; now rotate the components to create a path from the battery to the electrical panel - you will then automatically enter the tunnels.
Underground City
Switch to the past and take the green valve handle, then go back to the future. Walk right until you see the elevator, then use the handle on the circular part of the machine to raise the elevator. Head right into the elevator and it will automatically descend. Step on to the platform and pull the lever.
In the next area, watch out for falling debris (small debris first is followed by larger rocks that will kill you). Go through the first door to reach the top of the left tower. Grab the drilling arm and push it right, then go through the next top door to bring it down to the ground level. Push it right and attach it to the large robot.
Enter the small medical building just to the left and start pushing the large battery. Push it outside, then take it left and through the door just to the right of the left tower. Push it to the far right on to the charging machine, then wait for it to charge fully. Take it off the charging machine again and push it back outside. Drag it all the way right to the large robot, and insert it. Climb into the robot Mecha Pilot.
Walk right in the robot and use it on the 3 piles of rocks. Dismount, then climb the ladder to reach the surface. Head to the right.
Military Base
Run to the right until you reach a large rubbish dump. There is a large creature in here you need to avoid in the future, but there is a light from the military base you need to avoid in the past. Switch to the past and run forward most of the way, then change to the future for the final part. You will notice that the creature is visible in both time zones, meaning it is in a time anomaly.
Still in the future, go ahead to the gate, and you will see a soldier ahead that is in another time anomaly. Go forward and climb the ladder, then switch to the past and aim the light to the right - the soldier will then head to the right. Switch back to the future and climb down the ladder again. Head to the right until you see 2 more soldiers in a time anomaly at ground level. Go back to the large building with a blocked door. Travel to the past and go inside. Climb the ladder and grab the key, then use it on the orange control panel to the right - this will get the 2 soldiers outside to move out of the anomaly.
Outside, switch to the future again. Go right and pick up the alarm clock. Climb the ladder just to the right, then head right to the next roof. There will be 2 more soldiers in a time anomaly below you. Travel to the past, then head inside to find a dormitory. Go right and down the ladder. Now walk (don't run) all the way to the left, put the alarm clock down, and walk back to the ladder. Climb up and the alarm clock will go off Intertemporal.
Head back outside and switch to the future. Go left and down the ladder, then go right. Continue past the black roots and go through the large double doors.
Research Center
In this building, the temporal anomalies mean that you are constantly shifting between the past and the future, although the lantern still lets you switch to a certain extent.
Go right and upstairs twice, then enter the small office on the right and pick up the key-card. Return left and downstairs once, then use the key-card on the door in the past to get through. Go to the far left and switch to the future, taking the globe from the fallen chandelier. Leave this room and go back downstairs. Head to the right and through the door at the far end into the server room. Insert your globe into the panel on the right, but you need to find another one. Return out of the server room and go left, then upstairs again.
Staying in the future, run right into the next room so you are near the big reactor, then travel to the past. Grab the other light bulb from the desk behind the scientist, then switch to the future again. Make your way back to the server room and use the panel again. Now rotate the components to complete the circuit. You will now retrieve the box from the machine. Carry this to the left out of the server room, and you will automatically go to the reactor Looking for the Great Perhaps.