Palindrome Syndrome
Escape Room
Game Details: Puzzle, 2020
Steam Achievements: Completed (6/6)
Links: Moby Games, Steam
Walkthrough Updated: 11/10/2021
Suggested Listening: Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)
Cryogenic Room
Examine the locked toolbox directly in front of you. Looking at the padlock you will see a series of equations. For each of them, the 4-digit number is made up of the difference of the 2-digit numbers, followed by the sum of the two 2-digit numbers:
- 42 -+ 11 = 3153
- 35 -+ 15 = 2050
- 40 -+ 20 = 2060
- 26 -+ 14 = 1240
Open the padlock with the code 1240. Examine the piece of paper inside the toolbox, which shows a grid of arrows pointing up and down - the bottom row has been left blank. Cross the room and examine the wall of 16 levers, then set them to match the paper, filling in the bottom row to complete the pattern:
Grab the red screw from the compartment that opens. Turn around and approach the puzzle on the opposite wall, and you will automatically insert the red screw at the very top. Now you need to arrange the red and blue screws to match the numbers below. If the red screws are each worth 2, and the blue screws are each worth 1, you can position them as follows:
Take the yellow gear from the compartment that opens. Turn left and approach the final puzzle here, and you will automatically insert the yellow gear at the very top. You need to place the gears on the pegs to connect the top and bottom gears in the main section. The gears will only fit on pegs of the right color, so this puzzle is very simple. Once completed, the door will open CRYOGENIC ROOM. Go through the open door, then around through the only other open door, marked Biolaboratory.
Look through the glass window with "Kidneys Sample" written in blood, and you will see groups of 2, 3, 1 and 1 red tubes. Now find the machine along the right wall also labeled "Kidneys Sample" and open it with the code 2311.
Take out the red test tube from inside. Look at the bench just to the right to find a diary entry. Also pick up the yellow test tube from the large bench in the middle of the room. Now go over towards the test tube stand. Find another diary entry here and read it carefully to determine a speed order for the different organs from slowest to fastest:
- Heart
- Lungs
- Kidneys
- Stomach
- Brain
Look up at the chart above to assign colors to each organ, then sort the test tubes according to this order (noting the reversed direction
Note the ID code that is written on the underneath of the table that rises up once you have solve this puzzle (ID: NSDRYLOE). Also look at the ID card on the corner of the large bench in the middle of the room, to see the name "Dr John Reynolds". Now go over to the Biohazard sign next to the large locked door. There are 4 buttons here, and there are 4 colored symbols with numbers on a sign near the entrance to the room. Just press the buttons in this order:
Go through this door to find a keypad, with the same layout as the ID note now in your journal:
Press the numbers to enter the code REYNOLDS: 48517632. Go through to the back room, then look out through the far window to see 4 symbols and 4 numbers. Come back out to the main lab to find 6 buttons on the opposite wall. Press them in the order indicated by what you saw through the window:
This will open a panel in the back room. While you are here, find a set of 6 switches on the wall just to the right. Turn right to see 6 large lockers on the wall with the same layout, then adjust this switches to match:
- Top Row: Right, Right, Left
- Bottom Row: Left, Right, Right
Go over to the opened locker and read the diary entry inside. This mentions a series of chemicals: P4C10, C4O2, O3P4, N4O2. In the second phase of the disease this order is reversed. Go through to the back room again. Examine the opened panel and press the symbols in the reversed order from the diary entry (since it says Phase 2 on the wall here):
Once completed, another door will open BIOLABORATORY. Go back out to the corridors, then through the new open door into the Break Room.
Break Room
Head over to the bar, where there are two separate puzzles. Look at the left puzzle first, where you need to work out the next logical order of the drinks. As the drinks are just cycling to the left, if the buttons are numbered 1-5 from left to right, press these buttons: 3, 1, 4, 2, 5.
Now look at the right puzzle here, again working out the next logical order of the drinks. Each time, the 5th position changes with another position. The solution to this puzzle is the same as for the other one: 3, 1, 4, 2, 5.
Over to the left, there is a glass cabinet with a combination lock on the top. Using the sign above, you need to go around the room and count numbers of various items:
- Milk Bottles: 9
- Pizza Slices: 2
- Apples: 6
- Bananas: 3
Open the cabinet with code 9263. Now take the diary entry here, as well as the diary entry in the other open cabinet. Grab the sliding piece from the open fridge, and the book from the sofa. Read the "chess puzzle" diary entry, then examine the chess board on one of the tables. You need to position the black king (K), bishop (B) and queen (Q) to satisfy the rules provided:
Go over towards the panel that has now opened. Look through the door to see the name MARGARET in this layout:
Examine the sliding puzzle, and you will automatically insert the piece you found earlier. Given the numeric layout above, click on the pieces in this order to reveal the name: 6, 5, 2, 1, 4, 7, 8, 9. Go through the open door to a bedroom. Go to the bookshelf and you will automatically insert the book you found on the sofa. Using the number clues, which tell you how many books lie to the left and right of each book you are inserting, drag the books into the slots in this order from left to right: red, blue, green, brown. Take the card from the small chest that opens.
Read the "incident date" diary entry, then go over to the calendar puzzle on the wall, and you will automatically insert the missing card. Drag the cards to create a valid date based on the clues from the diary entry: 10 December 2258. The next door will open BREAK ROOM. Head straight across the Break Room and into the Office.
Look at the computer screen ahead on the right to see a travel order. Now go to the grid of symbols on the wall next to the Travel Order buttons. You need to work out the numbers that match each symbol, so they add up to the displayed totals:
Now press the buttons with symbols corresponding to the travel order on the computer:
Look at the nearby wall to see a password: 71624538. Look down at the compartments that have just opened, with these characters: RT320GM3. Go around to the far computer terminal and grab the diary entry. Now login to the computer - the password is the characters from the compartments, in the order specified by the password on the wall: MRGT2033. Go and take the printed paper that has arrived on the printer.
Turn around to find a corridor with ABCD written several times. Look through the pairs of windows, to see 2 groups of 4 symbols associated with each letter. You need to find the common symbol in each of the pairs of groups. Now look at the buttons on the wall, and press these buttons:
Next head around to find a Tissue Samples Reaction poster with an adjacent wheel. You need to spin the wheels so that the relationships indicated on the poster remain correct:
Go to the two open lockers and take lever buttons A and B. Go to the large closed door in the middle of the area and you will automatically insert the 2 missing levers. Now you need to move the levers so they are all pointing right at the same time. From the starting position, if they are numbered 1-5 from top to bottom, move these levers: 2, 2, 4, 4, 5. Enter the small room and notice lots of numbers on the wall. Their layout matches the printed paper in your inventory:
Add up each of the colored numbers to generate the code for the locked container: 798. The next door will open OFFICE. Read the diary entry here, then go straight across through the Break Room into the Tech Lab.
Tech Lab
Straight ahead, there are three buttons and three flashing lights. You just need to press the buttons to match the order of the flashing: blue, yellow, red, red, blue. Take the gear from the open box. Move to the next light puzzle. This time just count the number of times each light flashes and enter it as the code: 452. Take the lever from the open box. Move to the final light puzzle. This time, the red light means to move right, the blue light to move down, and the yellow light to select a position on the grid. You need to drag the 3 white markers to these positions:
Take the elbow pipe from the open box. Turn around and approach the wall of pipes; you will automatically insert your elbow pipe. Now you just need to rotate the pipes to create a path from the top to the bottom:.
Turn left and approach the gears puzzle on the next wall. You will automatically insert your gear. Similar to the gear puzzle back in the cryogenic room, the gears will only fit on pegs of a certain size, so this puzzle is very simple. Just attach gears on pegs to connect the left and right gears. Continue around to the next wall and approach the lever puzzle. After automatically inserting the missing lever, you need to flip the levers so all the lights come on. Number them as follows:
You need to get all the levers pointing upwards; the fastest solution is 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 8, 8, 8, 8. Now you can go around and look at a series of 3 images panels that have been revealed, showing correct and incorrect cannister positions. Go over and examine the cannister puzzle closest to the wall of pipes, and insert the cannisters according to the rules:
Next head around to the other set of cannisters and arrange them according to the rules:
Look at the numbers on the railing near the large fluid vats, then find the 4 colored buttons on the wall and press them in the order from the numbers: green, orange, blue, purple. Grab the medicine from the opened panel. Go back to the device near the entrance to the Tech Lab. Read the diary entry, then use your medicine on the device TECHLAB. Return out to the main corridors. Turn left and enter the Infirmary.
Look at the Dosage chart on the wall and the racks of empty medicine slots. Based on the initial position of the red medicine, and the numbers of the other colors, insert them as follows:
Take the x-ray from the opened drawer. Next find an eye chart just around the corner and examine it. Reading from the top, each + symbol is a skipped letter. The entire sequence is therefore A+ C+++G+ I+++M+++Q+ S+++W+++A+++E+ G+++K+++O+++S+++W. Enter the code as GKOSW, then take the anatomy card.
Go over to the Osteology chart on the wall, then look down at the puzzle on the table. After automatically adding your anatomy card, you need to match the body parts with the numbers of bones in each:
- Elbow: A-3
- Neck: B-7
- Knee: C-4
- Hand: D-27
- Back: E-5
- Foot: F-26
Just drag the cards on top of the correct numbers. Take lever B from the compartment. Go over to the x-ray board and you will automatically insert the x-ray. There will be a grid of 6 x-rays:
You need to move them around to form a single red line by clicking on these positions: 2, 3, 6, 5, 2, 3, 6. Pay attention to the letters along the line you have created. Back out and look right to see a series of 5 levers with PQRST written on them. You need to adjust them so they match the x-ray line:
- P: Second from top
- Q: Fully down
- R: Fully up
- S: Fully down
- T: Second from top
Take lever A from the cupboard below. Head over towards the large scanning device. Note the colors on the nearby drawers, then move the rings so the top colors match the drawers:
Grab the code that appears from the nearby wall slot. Go to the large locked door and insert your two levers. Just flip the top two levers to the far right, and the door will open. Go inside and look at the code on the computer terminal. Convert this to letters using the code in your inventory, then enter this into the panel to the left: MARGARET. Take out the medicine, then go out and put it in the device next to the large scanning device. Go back to a new keypad near the exit door and enter the code JOHN INFIRMARY. Return to the Cryogenic Room.