Escape Again
Game Details: Puzzle, 2019
Links: Moby Games, Steam
Walkthrough Updated: 8/3/2020
Suggested Listening: Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)
First Room
Break out of the shipping crate. Examine the broken wire above the light switch, and you will see a sliding puzzle:
Solve this by clicking on the squares in this order (one possible solution): 8, 7, 4, 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 8, 7, 4, 5, 8, 7. Now that the wire is repaired, use the light switch to turn on the light. Take the key from the middle of the shelves, and use it on the lock on the wooden cupboard. Inside you will find a safe, which requires three numbers and shows three objects. Look around the room and count the objects:
- Glass jars: 8
- Red crosses: 5
- Square crates: 9
Enter code 859 on the safe, then press the red button and it will open. Look at the note inside the safe, as well as the similar notes inside the broken shipping crate and in the shelves. Examine the pin board in the shelves and set it according to the information from the 3 notes:
Take the key from inside the box and put it in the look for the room door. Open the door and head through.
Second Room
Use the light switch just inside this room to the right. On the crates ahead you will see a blue stone with a symbol on it. Based on the painting in the first room, touch this until it is purple in color. Enter the side room and examine the broken wire above the light switch, and you will see another sliding puzzle.
Solve this by clicking on the squares in this order (one possible solution): 15, 11, 10, 6, 5, 1, 2, 6, 5, 9, 10, 14, 15, 11, 7, 8, 4, 3, 2, 6, 10, 11, 7, 3, 2, 6, 10, 14, 13. Now that the wire is repaired, use the light switch to turn on the light. Find a yellow stone low down on the shelves. Based on the painting again, touch this until it is red in color. In the shelves behind this, find a green stone with a symbol, and touch it until it is orange in color. If you look at the large treasure chest in this side room, the 3rd symbol should have now turned green.
Looking out through the doorway you will see a painting with 7 colored squares. These are the colors that you should set for the 7 small pedestals on the shelving in the side room. Once these are set correctly, the 2nd symbol on the large treasure chest should have turned green.
Now you must examine the series of 8 colored jars on the rear set of shelves. There are 2 pieces of paper that combine to give you the correct order, one on the crates in the second room, and one on the shelves in the side room. This is the final order you are seeking:
Once this is correct, all 3 symbols on the large treasure chest should be green. Go and open it and take the axe from inside. Before leaving this room, find 4 groups of nails all together and count them: 3, 5, 4 and 9. Now leave the room. Use your axe on the planks in the second room, then go through the doorway and up the stairs.
Find a chest of drawers in the far left corner with a stack of tiny cubes and 4 number inputs. There are 4 notes you can find that have pictures of irregular stacks of cubes that you must count:
- On a barrel in the first room (61 cubes)
- On the low glass cabinet upstairs (72 cubes)
- In the rear shelving in the side room (69 cubes)
- On a dining chair upstairs (64 cubes)
Enter these numbers, 61-72-69-64, and the cubic box will open. Cross the room to where there is a locked casket sitting on a low glass cabinet. Look at the groups of nails just to the left. You need to rearrange these to create the numbers of nails you saw in the side room downstairs: 3549. Now open the casket.
Next you need to find 4 notes that each have 3 rows of colored lines:
- On a crate in the first room (blue middle row)
- On the pillar in the middle of the room upstairs (red middle row)
- Inside the cubic box on the chest of drawers upstairs (orange middle row)
- Inside the casket on the side table upstairs (green middle row)
Now you need to go around and adjust the bookcases based on the information on these 4 notes. Start with the bookcase with the blue middle row, and arrange the books in the top shelf to match those in the bottom shelf exactly (allowing for the fact that the green book in the bottom has fallen out):
Go over to the bookshelf with the red middle row, and arrange the books in the top shelf so they are 1 space to the left of those in the bottom shelf (allowing for the fact that a yellow book in the bottom shelf has been moved up):
Next go to the bookshelf with the orange middle row, and arrange the books in the top shelf so they are in reverse order compared to those in the bottom shelf:
Finally go to the bookshelf with the green middle row, and arrange the books in the top shelf so they have cycled symmetric colors compared to those in the bottom shelf:
Now you need to locate 3 matches, which are all upstairs:
- Inside the cubic box
- Open the edge of the large dining table
- On the middle shelf of the bookshelves with only yellow books
Use these to light the candles in the corners of the room. Wait for a while and the match on the dining table will reappear, so you can light the final candle.
Final Door
Now you finally have all the information to tackle the large door. This has 16 symbols and they can all be adjusted. Start with the first column, which is based on the shapes projected by the candles in the 4 corners of the room upstairs:
- Change this 1 time from the starting shape
- Change this 2 times from the starting shape
- Change this 3 times from the starting shape
- Change this 1 time from the starting shape
The second column is based on paint splats and number puzzles that you can find scattered throughout all of the available rooms:
- The red paint is in the bottom drawer upstairs (18 - 3 - 7), red is 8
- The yellow paint is at the top of the stairs and scratches in the ceiling (5 + 3), yellow is 8
- The green paint is in the side room (9 - 2), green is 7
- The blue paint is on the first door (series of equations), blue is 6
The third column is based on symbols in paintings:
- There are 3 trees in one of the paintings on the wall upstairs
- There are 3 tree stumps in the other painting on the wall upstairs
- There is a sun in the painting behind the door in the first room
- There are 8 stars on the painting in the second room
The fourth column is based on the books that have fallen out of the nearby bookcase by rearranging the books in the other bookcases:
- There are 2 circles on the red book
- There is 1 triangle on the blue book
- There are 3 astroids on the green book
- There are 3 squares on the orange book
Wait for the door to open, then head through to escape.