The Legend of Kyrandia
Game Details: Fantasy, 1992
Links: Moby Games, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 6/7/2001
Suggested Listening: Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)
The Forest
Get the jewel and note from the table, then take the saw from beneath the table, and look in the big pot to find an apple. Now head outside and go down to the ground. Walk east twice to reach a pond, and catch a teardrop. Head east again and get the peridot. Walk north and east to the forest altar, where you should get the lavender rose. Walk east and collect the sapphire (it will be on this screen or at least somewhere nearby). Now walk west, west, south, and west 4 times to reach the starting point.
Head west and use the teardrop on the willow - Merith will appear. Follow him until he disappears, then head south, south, west to find Herman. Talk to him and give him your saw. Go outside again and head north twice, then west as far as you can. Walk north and enter the temple. Talk to Brynn and give her the note, then the lavender rose (you will get a silver rose). Head east as far as you can, then north. Pick up the marble when Merith is gone, then go east and use the marble on the altar. Now use the silver rose on it to get the amulet. Grab a purple rose while you are here. Go back to the cave (west, south as far as possible, west) and cross the bridge.
Over the Bridge
Head west and enter the hut. Talk to Darm and you will be told about a quill to locate. Exit the hut and walk south to enter a small forest. Walk around and gather gems - just drop these near the gold altar when you inventory gets full. You also need to find an acorn, walnut and pinecone. Drop these into the hole to the south of the area to receive the first stone on your amulet (for healing).
Talking to the guy on the bench will reveal information about a wounded bird. Head northwest to find it, and use your healing power to receive a feather. Give this to Darm in his hut, in exchange for a magical scroll. You will now learn about the birthstones you must collect. Get the sunstone from the river near the fountain, a tulip from nearby, and a ruby from the tree with the snake. Remember to heal yourself after getting poisoned. Place the sunstone and three other stones in the altar (the other stones required change each game, so just keep trying), and you will get a flute. Go back to see Darm again, then head to the southeast to the serpent's grotto.
Try to go inside, then after Malcolm throws a knife, throw it back at him. When he shields the cave, use your flute, then drop everything except the scroll and go inside.
The Labyrinth
This is quite difficult to navigate without drawing a map (or following these directions):
- East, east, to reach a gate that closes
- East, get 3 berries
- North, drop berry
- East, drop berry
- South, drop berry
- South, get 3 berries
- East, drop berry
- North, get rock, drop berry
- North, drop berry
- East, get 2 berries
- North, drop berry
- East, drop berry
- East, talk to floaters
- East, get 3 berries
- South, get rock, drop berry
- South, drop berry
- West, drop berry
- South, get 2 berries
- South, drop berry
- South, drop berry
- East, get coin and rock
- East, get 3 berries
- East, drop berry
- North, drop berry
- West, drop berry
- North, get 1 berry
- North, get rock, drop berry
- South, get 3 berries
- East, drop berry
- North, drop berry
- East, drop berry
- South, get 2 berries
- East, drop berry
- North, get 2 emeralds
- North, drop berry
- East, get 2 berries
- East, drop berry
- North, get rock, drop berry
You should now have five rocks, two emeralds, a gold coin and a scroll. Return to the gate by heading south, west, west, south, south, west, north, west, south, west, south, east, south, west, west, west, north, north, north, east, north, north, west, west, west, south, west, south, south, west, north, north, west, south, west.
Go outside to the wishing well and throw the coin into it. You will receive a moonstone. Now go back into the cave and head to those glowing floaters (from the gate, head east, north, east, south, south, east, north, north, east, north, east, east). Put the moonstone in the altar and you will receive another power on your amulet. Use this purple power, then head east, east, east, east, south, south, west, south, west, south, east, east, east, south, east to find a volcanic river. Use your scroll then go north to get an iron key. Go south again, then use the purple amulet and head west, north, west, west, west, west, west, north, north, north, north, west, west, west, west, west, south, west, north to reach the Chasm of Everfall.
In wisp form, go across then head east twice to leave the caves. Grab the apple, then head east twice more. After being hit by the tree, you will awaken in Zanthia's home.
Zanthia and the Forest
After a brief conversation, she will ask you to get some magic water. Go west twice to meet Malcolm again. Now go south, south, west, west, west, north, north to find a fire. Use your scroll again (then you can drop it) and grab the crystal ball. Head back to the fountain (south, south, east, east, east, north, north) and replace the ball. Get some water in the flask and drink it. Now get some more water and take it back to Zanthia. You now have to find some blueberries.
Head outside and go west, west, south, south, west, west, west, north, west, west, west, north and get some blueberries. Now retrace your steps to the hut and Zanthia should be gone. Drop the berries in the cauldron and the liquid will turn blue. Now you need to get your items from the first forest. Head northwest to find the cave, use the purple stone in your amulet, and head southwest to reach the first forest. You need to gather the tulip, apple and rose, as well as a topaz, ruby and sapphire, then head back to Zanthia's place.
Drop all the gems near the cauldron, then click on the carpet to reveal a secret passage. Go through and get the rainbowstone from the trunk. Head north, north, east, east, east, north to find exotic flowers (actually orchids) - take one, then return through the passage to Zanthia's hut. Now make up these potions and collect them in the empty flasks lying around:
- Blueberries (already added) + Blue sapphire = Blue potion
- Red flower + Red ruby = Red potion (get two of these)
- Yellow tulip + Yellow topaz = Yellow potion
Now go back through the passage. Head south, south, west, south, south, east, north to find two green crystal towers. Use these two mix a blue and red potion (making purple) and then a yellow and red potion (making orange). Go back to Zanthia's house, then head west to the fountain, then south, west to a floating chalice. Use the blue stone on your amulet, then chase the little guy to the east. Click on the little door, then drink your purple potion to go inside. Give the pipsqueak your apple, then go outside and get the chalice. Go back through the trapdoor and to where you found the red flowers. Drink the orange potion (make sure you have a lavender rose, iron key and royal chalice).
The Castle
Once you reach the island, head east and put the rose on the grave. You will receive the final stone on your amulet. Head east twice more to reach the castle, and click on the red stone. Use the key in the keyhole and go inside.
After talking to Malcolm, head east, north, west to reach the foyer. Go through the northeast door, then east into the kitchen. Get the sceptre then return west, west to the foyer and go through the northwest door into the library. Pull out the following books: Opal, Potions, Enchantment, Nature; now get the crown. Head back to the front staircase and go upstairs.
Walk west, then north to meet Herman. Use your yellow stone, then head west and play Do Fa Mi Re (green, white, gold, blue) with the mallet. Take the key from the safe, then go back downstairs to the north door from the foyer. Use the gold key, then go to the library and step into the half circle. You will find yourself in the catacombs.
Walk west, west, north, north, west, north, east to find a green forcefield. Use your blue stone, then head north, west. Move the stone and get the hidden key. Now retrace your steps and leave the catacombs. Use the second key on the locked door to open it. Go inside and use the crown (middle), sceptre (left) and finally chalice (right). The door opens, and after your warning from Malcolm, you will automatically head east. Use the red stone, then step in front of the mirror to the right.