Black Mirror 3
Game Details: Mystery, 2011
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 4/2/2014
Suggested Listening: Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)
Chapter 1
Willow Creek
Starting in the police station, head left to the jail cells. Look in the left locker to get a pencil, then talk to Matt to get some diary pages. Return left to the office and you will leave the police station.
Outside, use Dr Jones' card with the telephone box to phone him, then take the card from the telephone booth and use it on the phone to call the fortune teller. Leave the telephone and pick up the menu board from the table. Enter the old fashioned shop and talk to Abaya, then take a walking map from the counter. Now leave here and enter the cafe next door. Talk to Denise, then look at the counter to see there are no more doughnuts. Ask Denise about the doughnuts, then get her to make you a coffee. While she is distracted, enter the storeroom. Look at the shelves and take the doughnuts, then put them back again. Look at the freezer twice to note the seal is almost gone, then leave the storeroom and go outside.
Next go towards the pub on the left. Pick up the sponge from outside on the left, then return to the cafe. Get Denise to make you another coffee, and enter the storeroom again. Open the freezer, then pick up the doughnuts and put them in the freezer. Dip your sponge in the washbucket, then use it on the freezer and you will freeze the doughnuts inside. Leave the storeroom again and go outside.
Enter the police station and talk to Constable Zak. Fix the photocopier, then talk to him again. Go outside and use your menu board with the letter box, then after Zak uses the letter box go and pick up your files from it. Open the file and read it. Go over the bridge, then right towards the hotel.
Gordon's Palace
Head inside and talk to Murray to get a camera, rucksack and key. Open the rucksack to get a lighter, bloody knife and plastic soul key. Talk to Murray again, then go outside and use the map to return to town.
Willow Creek
Read the poster on the museum door, then knock on the door to the left, but Dr Winterbottom is busy. Head left out of town, then follow the path.
Crossing in the Woods
You will reach a crossroads, with paths leading to the right and ahead. Follow the right path and explore the lighthouse, then come back to the crossroads and take the other path. Here there are paths left and right. Go right to reach the castle.
Black Mirror Castle
Use the intercom, then talk to Sister Antolini and Lady Victoria. Once back outside, use your camera on the castle gates to take a photo of yourself.
Gordon's Palace
Talk to Murray, then give him the photo. Go through the door on the left and enter room 2. Pick up the letter from the floor and you will read it. Go back to reception and talk to Murray again.
Willow Creek
Go over the bridge and into the cafe. Talk to Dr Winterbottom, Denise, Edward and Bobby. Next go to the police station and talk to Spooner and Zak.
Crossing in the Woods
Go forward and then take the left path. Continue over the bridge and look at the small beaten path, then go left to reach the church.
Warmhill Church
Look at all the graves, then continue left to the old graveyard and look at everything include William Gordon's gravestone. Look at the family crypt, then return right and enter the church. Go to the confessional on the left and talk to the gravedigger. Return outside and leave the church, walking toward the bridge. When the hell hounds appear, run to the beaten path and you will enter a hut. Use your lighter on the oil lamp, then pick up the rake, file and can. Use the rake on the bed to get a cardboard box, then open this to get Mr Bubby, a sticker and a cork. Look at the peculiar shadow on the wall, then at the oil lamp to find a rusty key. Use this to unlock the box near the door and look inside to get a robe with a message, a corkscrew, a ruler and a chainsaw. Look at the shed door. Use your ruler on the floorboards to see there is space beneath them. Use the can and cork on the chainsaw, then use the chainsaw on the floorboards and climb down to escape.
Chapter 2
Willow Creek
Talk to Dr Winterbottom, then go outside and over the bridge. Talk to Matt, then use the fortune teller's card on the telephone to call her again. Try to enter the shop, but it is closed. Enter the cafe and talk to Edward, then go to the police station and talk to Zak. Go back over the bridge and talk to Dr Winterbottom in her office to learn about the barrel. Return to the shop and look in the barrel outside it to get your pills and a package for Murray. Look at the pills in your inventory.
Gordon's Palace
Head inside to see Murray isn't there, then enter his office on the far left.
Warmhill Church
Try to enter the church but it is now locked. Go through the gate on the right and talk to the gravedigger. Pick up the tree lopper from next to the priest's house.
Crossing in the Woods
Take the path to the right. After your vision, use the tree lopper on the barbed wire, and go over the gate.
Tumbledown Building
Look at the sign over the entrance, then look at the car. Look in the bushes to the left to find another sticker, then also check the bin and the intercom. Look at all the other bushes until you decide to give up searching.
Warmhill Church
Enter the church and talk to Father Frederick. Look at the list in your inventory, then talk to him again. Go outside and through the gate on the right to talk to the gravedigger again. Now go back out to the graveyard and look at the anonymous graves.
- Dreamcatcher - Dr Heinz Hermann
- Caduceus - Dr Robert Gordon
- Bible quote - James
- Pathetic grave - Henry Stanton
- Rotting flowers - Samuel Gordon
Go back to the church and talk to Father Frederick again, then look at the right column to find a secret compartment and another note. Leave the church and head back along the road, past the castle, towards town. Talk to Phil at the broken down car and help him with his car.
Tumbledown Building
After you wake up in the box, look at all the walls then at the ceiling a few times until you see a stretcher. Use the corkscrew on it, then use the handle you have created to escape. Go over and use the red blinking light to turn on the lights in the room. Now open the filing cabinet to read some medical records. Go over and examine the desk, and take the cigarettes and little bottle. Examine the Bunsen burner to see it is working, then open the drawer and take the chemistry book and scalpel. Back away from the desk and look at the skeleton to get the skull. Also take the thigh bone from the ground. Now go and examine the drawers you escaped from to see a body and realize there is someone else locked in another drawer.
Try to use the projector. Look behind the projection screen to get some color filters, then lower the screen again. Look at the skull in your inventory to find a film reel, then use this in the projector. Also use the filters in the projector, then use the projector on the projection screen. Use the controls to pause the film on the focused frame, then look through the blue filter to see "218" and through the red and yellow combined filters to see "2180". Return to the desk and open the metal box.
Now use your scalpel on the cassette player in the shelving next to the desk. Use these wires to repair the intercom near the door. Use the projector on the door, then use the intercom to get Phil's attention. After he enters, hit him with your thigh bone. Look at him to get his shotgun and key ring. Use the key ring on the locked drawer and open it, then try to wake Ralph up. Use your chemistry book on your little bottle to get a recipe for smelling salts.
Go out through the door to head upstairs. Pick up the stag's head from the floor near the back of the room, and look at the display case on the right to get a flask. Return to the morgue and go over to the desk. Use your file on the deer antlers, then put the powder in your flask and put the flask over the Bunsen burner. Turn on the Bunsen burner and light it with your lighter. Go and use the smelling salts on Ralph, then give him Mr Bubby and he will leave.
Go upstairs, then use Phil's key ring on the cellar door to lock him downstairs. Pick up an empty plastic bottle from the left, then use Phil's key ring on the drawer and take the gun, ammunition and necklace. Pick up the diskette from the left of the desk, then read the post-it note on the computer monitor. Use the computer and enter password MORGUE. Now go over to the cupboard on the right and look at the drawer, then open the secret compartment. Use the video cassette with the television to watch it. Go out through the front door and break the intercom. Look at the waste container to the left of the building and use Phil's key ring on it to get a cardboard tube and an iron M. Dump the gun in the bin, then leave and go to town.
Willow Creek
Talk to Constable Zak in the police station, and Denise in the cafe.
Gordon's Palace
Go inside and you will confront Murray. After he leaves, enter his office on the left. Look at the big steel cabinet to see it is locked with a combination lock. Look in the drawer on the left, then on the drawer of the desk to get a user manual. Now read the diploma on the top left to get Murray's year of birth. Use your ruler on the steel cabinet, then leave the office and go to the hallway leading to the rooms. Read the plan on the right wall. Take some pliers from the toolbox on the floor. Now enter Room 2.
Use your ruler on the wall here, then use your scalpel on the wall, and use the cast iron M on the hole. Look in the hole to get the serial number. Return to Murray's office and use his phone to get the combination. Now open the steel cabinet to get a photograph and a folder. Look in the folder to learn more about Spooner.
Black Mirror Castle
Head to the castle and you will see the White Lady at the crossroads - follow her to the castle. Look at the menhir, then go through the gate. Look at another menhir, then go to the front door. Try to go inside, but you hear men inside. Head around to the back of the house by going around to the right. Look at 2 more menhirs, then enter through the back door.
Pick up the candle from the right, then go out to the hall to see the workmen. Back in the kitchen, light the candle with your lighter. Use your pliers on your ammunition to get some black powder, then put this in your cardboard tube. Use the lit candle on the tube to seal it, then attach the cigarette to make a firework. Go back outside and around to the entrance. Put the firework in the broken lamp on the right. Run back around to the kitchen and wait at the edge of the hall - you will automatically head upstairs. Try to enter Victoria's room, and you will eventually get there after hiding first. Talk to Victoria.
Chapter 3
Hut in the Woods
Knock on the door and talk to Ralph.
Black Mirror Castle
You will automatically talk to the workmen at the gates. Go through the gate and take the toothpicks from the lunchbox, then head to the entrance. Talk to Steve, then examine the skull and the broken lamp before going inside to the main hall. Look at the foundation stone in the middle of the hall, then go left to the library. Use the notary's business card on the phone, then the fortune teller's card on the phone. Go back to the hall then right to the kitchen. Look at the ceiling, then use your bunch of keys on the cellar door and head through.
Take the hose clips and spray can from the left, and the extension cable from the right. Look at the stairs going down to the cellar, and the bucket of salt. Look at the floor and the light switch, then return to the kitchen, then out to the hall. Now go through the door at the bottom right into the tea room. Examine the black stain on the wall, then search the drawers to get a bank statement and an envelope; examine both of these in your inventory. While you are here, also look at the marble plinth and the various statues.
Return to the hall and climb the stairs, then go through the right door to a storage room. Look at the paintings here, then go back out and examine the passage in the middle. Try using your keys here, but none of them work. Enter Victoria's room on the left, and examine the jewelry box on the dressing table, the painting on the right wall and the machines on the left side of the bed. Now examine the main painting on the back wall.
Go downstairs and through the kitchen to the backyard, then go to the greenhouse beyond the tree and head inside. Look at the statue, then pick up the bucket and hose on the right, and the wooden shaft on the left. Move the carpet, then move the loose tiles and open the trapdoor beneath them. Combine your wooden shaft and hose clips, then add your cast iron M to make a grappling hook. Use this to get the briefcase. Open the briefcase in your inventory, then read the notebook.
Leave the greenhouse and go back into the castle, then to the library. Look at the books scattered everywhere and the books in all the sets of shelves. Look at the family tree, then go back out of the library and upstairs to the storage room. Examine the paintings and you will find Dergham's portrait. Look at this closely and take the separate piece of the frame. Examine the remaining frame to see 7 small holes. Use your toothpicks on the holes, then use your separate piece of the frame on the toothpicks to make a home-made key. Go back downstairs and into the tea room. Look at the marble plinth that the horse is standing on. Look at the suspicious spot and press it but nothing happens. Use your home-made key on the holes in the side, then press the suspicious spot again. Take the cash and letter from the secret compartment, and read the letter. Head outside the front of the castle and talk to Gregory, then give him the money. If you don't find work for him to do, go and look at the facade of the castle out the back, then talk to him again. He will go to work and your phone will ring.
Willow Creek
You will automatically have another session with Dr Winterbottom and get a drawing. Head outside, and Constable Zak will escort you back to the castle.
Black Mirror Castle
Look at the skull, then take the industrial cleaner and brush from the right. Talk to Steve on the left, then go inside to see Spooner. Back outside afterwards, go out to the gate and look in the letter box to get a letter and a newspaper. Read both in your inventory.
Gordon's Palace
Go inside and you will return Murray's key.
Black Mirror Castle
Use your walking map on the 6 menhirs around the castle:
- Outside the front gate
- Outside the front entrance
- The foundation stone inside the main hall
- Next to the ladder in the back garden
- Next to the tree in the back garden
- The statue in the greenhouse (first clean it with the industrial cleaner)
Now use your pencil on the map and draw lines to replicate the layout of your constellation map. Now draw lines from the foundation stone to Warmhill Church, from the foundation stone to Gordon's Palace, and from the foundation stone to the Academy Ruins.
Academy Ruins
Go to the lighthouse on the map and walk to the ruins in the background; you will automatically note the portal location on your map (see it by using the pencil on the map again). Look at Ralph's shed while you are here.
Warmhill Church
Go inside and talk to the priest, and you will mark another portal location on your map. Head back outside and to the gate on the right. Look at the old door on the right and take the round pane of glass.
Gordon's Palace
Go to the path on the right side of the hotel to find a stream. Talk to Bobby about the necklace and he will leave. Pick up the waders he leaves behind, but they have a hole in them. Read the signs on the left and look at the menhirs in the water.
Willow Creek
Look at Constable Zak's bicycle and take the repair kit from it, then use this to repair the waders. Cross the bridge and talk to Constable Zak in the police station, then Edward in the cafe.
Gordon's Palace
Go back down the path to the right and use your waders. Go over and look at the menhirs, but you can't see underwater well enough. Combine the glass pane and broken bucket in your inventory, then use this on the dark area. Go back towards the hotel and you will remove the waders automatically. Use the pencil on your map again and draw two more lines, from the foundation stone through the other 2 menhirs out towards the swamp and the woods. Fill your bottle with water from the fountain while you are here.
Crossing in the Woods
Head to the right, then take the beaten track to the right of the barbed wire fence. When you reach the marsh, look at the marsh, animal bones and bridge, and pick up the broken metal detector. Now return to the crossing in the woods and this time take the left path. Read the warnings on the tree, then pick up the branch from the ground here. Look at the bear trap, then try to go to the path on the left (try again if you want to die). Examine your metal detector.
Tumbledown Building
Examine the car's bonnet, then use Phil's keys on the car to open it (you will automatically get another sticker). Look at the open bonnet to get the battery. Go inside and look at the junk next to the TV to get a transister radio. Now combine your metal detector with the battery then with the radio to fix it. Go down to the cellar and look at Phil to see he is dead.
Crossing in the Woods
Go back to the crossing and go to the left path to reach the tree with the warning signs again. Use your metal detector on the bear trap, then you can go along the path here; you will automatically use your stickers to mark where the traps are located. You will end up reaching a large rock. Look at the menhirs and the large rock on the ground, then look closely at the gap near its base. Use your branch on the gap to realize there is a cave below.
Black Mirror Castle
Go to the entrance and look at the hammer drill to see it is out of petrol. Pick up the empty petrol can on the left.
Tumbledown Building
Go to Phil's car again and use your garden hose on the tank cap, to half fill your petrol can.
Black Mirror Castle
Use your half full petrol can on the hammer drill, then take the hammer drill.
Stone Circle in Woods
Use your hammer drill on the large rock. Use your bottle of water on the holes in the rock, then use your can of construction foam to seal the holes.
Black Mirror Castle
Talk to Bobby at the castle gates.
Chapter 4
Willow Creek
Go outside from the doctor's office and go across the bridge into town. Use the fortune teller's card on the telephone to call her again. Head into the cafe and talk to Spooner, who will escort you out of town.
Tumbledown Building
Try to open the door, then use Phil's keyring on it and go inside. Head down to the cellar and open the chilled compartment with the corpse.
Stone Circle in Woods
Look at the big rock and you will go down the steps automatically. Look at the chasm below and the roots above.
Black Mirror Castle
Go to the backyard and pick up the folding ladder lying against the wall; you will automatically return to the stone circle cave.
Stone Circle in Woods
Go over the chasm and look at portal, black ball holder and stone tablet. Use your camera to get a picture of the hieroglyphs on the stone tablet.
Willow Creek
Go to Dr Winterbottom's office and talk to her to receive a hieroglyph book. Look at the book, then use it with your picture. Leave the office and go next door into the museum. Look at the flyers in the stand on the desk to see they were prepared by Edward. Next head into the cafe and talk to Edward. Now go to the police station and talk to Spooner, then talk to Zak; you will end up going to Miss Valley's apartment. Search the bookcase to find a folder. Look at the desk, then at the notepad on the floor to get a piece of paper, then look at this in your inventory. Get some coal from the fireplace and use this on the piece of paper in your inventory. Now look at the folder you found; you need to underline 3 phrases to help locate the burial mound: "sector 13", "animal bones" and "marsh land" (the game seems to have trouble accepting sector 13 so you may need to skip this puzzle). Talk to Zak to leave the apartment.
Eastern Marsh
Look at the pile of stones and read the letter you find. Look at the animal bone on the right again, then continue right to find a menhir and a burial mound. Look at both, then take some dry branches from near the entrance. Look at the circle marked on the wall and the hieroglyphs on the ceiling, then go inside. Look at everything here, until you suggest stopping your medications to have a vision.
Willow Creek
Enter Dr Winterbottom's office again and ask her about the medicine. Now cross the bridge and buy some antacid from Abaya in the old fashioned shop, and some coffee from Edward in the cafe.
Black Mirror Castle
Enter the greenhouse out the back and pick up the Valerian plant from the ground on the left. Now enter the kitchen inside the castle and pick up the pot from the stove (you will automatically fill it with water). Head out to the main hall and pick up the damp-proof sheeting from the floor near the back.
Eastern Marsh
Go right and enter the burial mound again. Use the small stones on the ground to make a hearth, then add your dry twigs and use your lighter to start a fire. Put your pot of water on the fire, then add the valerian plant to the fire (not the pot), but the smoke blows outside. Go outside and use your sheeting on the entrance, then go back inside again. Use your valerian plant on the fire again to make a lot of smoke. Add the antacid and coffee to the pot to see another vision. Look at the black mould on the left wall and you will take the black ball.
Stone Circle in Woods
Go down the hole and over the chasm to the holder on the right. Put the black ball in the holder, then look at the portal before going through.
Academy Ruins
Look around the chamber, then search Louis' body to get a letter. Look at the rocks near the bottom of the area, and search the rocks again to see a piece of cloth. Use the camera on the gap between the rocks and you will get a picture of another black ball. Search Louis' body again to take his arm, and use the arm one of the gaps. Search the other gap to get the black ball. Use this in the holder, then go through the portal.
Ritual Chamber
Look at the skull wall and the black ball in the holder on the left, then pick up the book twice.
Chapter 5
Black Mirror Castle
Look at the door to see it is broken, then open the wardrobe. Take the rope from near the window, then read the note on the table. Look at Mordred's book, but the pages are blank. Pick up a shard of glass from the floor here and use the book. Downstairs, talk to Valentina, and she will give you a book and lead you to the church.
Warmhill Church
Talk to the priest, who needs information.
Black Mirror Castle
You will automatically talk to Edward and give him the letter. Now head into the castle and go upstairs, then through the passage to the room where you just woke up. Pick up Mordred's book. In your inventory, look at the Book of the Guardians, which is the one Valentina just gave you. Head downstairs and into the library, then use the phone to call the fortune teller again.
Warmhill Church
Enter through the side door and talk to the priest again.
Chapter 6
Black Mirror Castle
Read the Gordon file in your inventory, then use the telephone. Go out to the kitchen, then into the cellar and down the stairs. Examine the barrels, puddles, dark corner, well, water pump and large lever, then go back upstairs and back into the library. Examine the columns between the bookcases, then use your match there to notice a draft. Use the columns to reveal a strange keyhole. Head upstairs and into Victoria's room. Take a syringe from next to the machinery at her bed, and take the jewellery box from the dressing table on the right. Leave the room to se Adrian. Talk to him about everything (he will break open the jewellery box for you and give you a sword handle). Return to the library and use the sword handle in the keyhole, then examine it in your inventory.
Head to the library and talk to Valentina.
Give the sword handle to Adrian.
Willow Creek
Enter the police station and talk to Spooner to receive the bracelet.
Black Mirror Castle
Go to the gate and look in the letter box to get some sunglasses. Walk away from the castle along the road, and take the road towards Warmhill, then take the side path to the hut. Walk inside and you will look around and automatically leave again. Go right back out on the path, and you will hear singing voices when you reach the crossroads. Head back inside the castle.
Head upstairs to your room again. Open the wardrobe and you will take some pliers and a candle. Use the pliers on the bracelet, then put the ruby in the sword handle. Go down to the library and use the phone to call the fortune teller. Now use your sword handle in the keyhole and head down the stairs.
Look at the water basin, then look at the 2 symbols on the floor and the 4 symbols on the pillars. Talk to Valentina about all of this, then head back upstairs. Go to the kitchen, then into the cellar. Take some salt from the bucket. Plug one end of your extension cable into the socket on the wall, then pick up the other end and throw it downstairs. Light your candle with your lighter, then go down. Pick up the end of your extension cable and attach it to the construction light on the floor to get light in the room.
Look at the well and you will call down to Valentina. Examine and open the water pump on the right, then take the chain from over the well and attach it to the pump. Pick up the wire hanging on the right and attach it to the water pump. Now pick up the power cable in front of the water pump and put it in the grate next to the well. Put your salt in the puddles over on the left, then get the 3 phase power from the ceiling and put it in the salty puddle. Pull the large lever on the back wall to turn on the power. Go and use the controls on the water pump to raise the elevator. Use your rope on the well. Go back upstairs, into the library and downstairs again to the sewers. Talk to Valentina to make a plan.
Go through the kitchen to the cellar and downstairs to the well.
Get into the cage and pull the rope. Now you need to quickly match symbols as they were shown on the pillars. Look at the symbol at the top and click on the matching symbol at the bottom, then turn right to the next one and repeat a total of 4 times:
- House - Jar
- Trident - Flowers
- Bird - Head
- Fish - Hand
Look at the statue and the large relief to its left. Now look at the offering dish beneath the statue and you will trigger a mechanism releasing 6 capsules on chains along the wall. Look in the capsule on the far right to get a golden key. Use this on the stone door on the far left; you need more of them. Look at the helmet on the floor, then at the first sarcophagus. Try to open it, then Valentina will help you. Look inside twice and you will take an arrowhead. Repeat this with the next sarcophagus and you will get a warrior shield. Pick up the sword from the ground here. Open the third sarcophagus and you will get a fish. Open the last sarcophagus, but it is empty. Look at the hole to the left of the door on the right, then reach inside to find a map. Now go through the stone door on the right (ignore the warning).
You need to avoid the shades in this area; the map you just found shows the number of doors that should be open to light each room; the shades must stay in any room that is darkened. You open and close the doors using the levers next to them; you can separate your characters but they need to be together to open any sarcophagi. The easiest path is as follows:
- Adrian: Open the door to the south and proceed south
- Adrian: Open the bottom door to the east and proceed east
- Valentina: Move to join Adrian
- Adrian: Open the sarcophagus and look inside to get a crown
- Adrian: Open the door to the east and proceed east
- Adrian: Open the door to the east and proceed east
- Adrian: Open the door to the east and proceed east
- Valentina: Move to join Adrian
- Adrian: Open the sarcophagus and look inside to get nothing
- Adrian: Go all the way back to the southwest room
- Adrian: Open the top door to the east and proceed east
- Valentina: Go all the way back to the northwest room
- Valentina: Close the doors to the west and the east, then go south
- Valentina: Close the doors to the north and the east
- Adrian: Open the door to the north (the shade will flee west)
- Adrian: Head north and close the door to the west
- Adrian: Search the niche to get a decorated bowl
- Valentina: Go to the southwest room, then east twice
- Valentina: Open the door to the north and proceed north
- Valentina: Open the door to the north
- Adrian: Open the door to the east and proceed east
- Adrian: Open the door to the east, then look at the green light here
- Adrian: Return west and close the door behind you
- Adrian: Open the door to the west, then go south and close the door behind you
- Valentina: Go back to the southwest room
- Valentina: Close the bottom door to the east
- Valentina: Open the door to the north (the shade will flee east)
- Valentina: Go north, close the east door and open the west door
- Valentina: Go south and open the east door
- Valentina: Go to the room east of Adrian (open 1 door along the way)
- Adrian: Join Valentina, close the north door and open the east door
- Adrian: Go south and east, then close the east door
- Adrian: Open the door to the north (the shade will flee west)
- Adrian: Go north and close the top west door
- Valentina: Move to join Adrian
- Adrian: Open the sarcophagus and look inside to get a staff
Leave the maze by going back through the way you entered. Have Valentina look at the relief to the left of the statue, and look at each section for some information. Now switch back to Adrian and use the offering dish. Place your arrowhead, bowl, staff and fish in the dish, then all the capsules will line up. Look in the capsule on the far left to get 6 keys, and use these on the stone door on the left. Go through the door and follow the passage through to the colonnade.
Open both sarcophagi here, and take the sword tip from Maria's sarcophagus on the right. Talk to Valentina, then examine the altar to see more hieroglyphs. Click on the symbols in this order (given mostly by the symbols from the relief earlier):
- Sun
- Crown, bread, house, boat, shield, goblet
- Axe, head, sword, arrow, shield, bow
- Moon
Head down through the secret passage into a laboratory. Examine the swords on the right, then talk to Valentina and ask for her dagger. Head through the door.
Examine the Black Mirror and the altar, then return to the laboratory. Examine the swords, the lectern and the alchemy table, then return to the colonnade. Look in Mordred's sacrophagus to formulate a plan.
Look in Mordred's sacrophagus, then use your camera on it, and take the bones from inside. Use the bones on the altar in front of the black mirror, and arrange them according to the picture you took.
Look at the black stain on the wall and use your dagger on it, then take the sword. Leave this room.
Talk to Valentina.
Examine the alchemy table to get some poison. Use the sword on Adrian. After the fight use the adrenaline on Adrian.