Detective Max: Double Clues
Game Details: Mystery, 2022
Links: Moby Games, Steam
Walkthrough Updated: 9/19/2024
Suggested Listening: Caught Up in the Panic (Ash 25)
The Office
Open the door to meet Sergeant Mike Heard. Look right and examine the clipboard on the desk. Search the small folder on the right of the desk to find a photo fragment of Sheila Woods (1/4). Next look in the desk drawers. In the top drawer you will find a piece of paper highlighting the numbers 3784 (from top to bottom). In the middle drawer you can take a locked phone. In the bottom drawer is a photo fragment of Adam Woods (1/4).
Examine the phone in your inventory and unlock it with the code 3784. Read the last 3 messages on the phone. Next examine the red purse on the chair behind the desk. Move all the other items so you can collect a fragment of a magazine. Back out and return to the entrance.
Turn left and look at the floor to the left of the left statue. Click on the spilled paint can, then click on the box and you will take 4 small flasks and 3 large flasks. Next look at the floor to the right of the right statue. Use a large flask to take a sample of the cigarette ash, then pick up a photo fragment of Sheila Woods (2/4). Return to the desk and use a small flask to take a sample from the bottle. Return to the entrance again.
Look up and click on the surveillance camera. Back out and now examine the outline of the body. Click on this, then also click on the "he killed me" message written in lipstick. Back out and look at the fallen light on the ground. Click on the wedding ring on the floor further to the right.
Go to the far side of the room. Click on the flowers, and on the card on the table in front of the flowers. Look at the floor to the right of the right chair here and click on the cigarette lighter. Back out and look at the large set of shelves in the corner of the room. Look between the books on the right to find part of a lever. Look in front of the books on the left for a photo fragment of Ethan Bailey (1/4). Use a small flask to take a sample from the small bottle in the left shelves.
Go back to the entrance and look left. Look behind the right statue to find a mechanism. Use your lever on the mechanism, then pull the lever to activate a blue light. Look at the writing on the wall and click on it, paying attention to the code 5836. Click on the door between the statues and enter the code 5836 then click the lock symbol - you will enter the back office.
There is a padlock on the locker here that requires a combination. Look at the certificates on the wall and notice Ethan's year of birth. Open the padlock with the combination 2000. Click on the roll of money, then click on the red shirt to find a photo fragment of Anna Woods (1/4). Examine the note, which shows the number 19016 upside down. Open the wooden box here with the combination 19016 to find jewellery inside.
Next examine the shelves on the right side of the room. Look in the file folders on the right of the middle shelf to see a visitor list. In the middle of the middle shelf you can find a photo fragment of Ethan Bailey (2/4).
Back out and look at the floor to the left of the locker. Pick up the handle from here. Next look at the picture to the side of the certificates on the wall. Use the handle on the mechanism beneath the picture. Number the switches along the bottom 1-5 from left to right. By trial and error you can work out the order in which to flip the switches: 4, 1, 3, 5, 2. Look in the safe that is revealed and take the key. You can now view the coroner's report and travel to a new destination.
The Woods (1st Floor)
Use the key to open the door and head inside. Look at the dining table, then look at the newspaper to see a mathematics puzzle. Substitute numbers to get the answer, which is 2 * 9 + 7 + 7 = 32 (meaning the missing numbers are 973). While you are here, look on the left of the table to find a photo fragment of Anna Woods (2/4). Back out from here and look at the small table on the right side of the room. Click on the wooden box and then on the 3 letters.
Go back outside and look at the blue mailbox to the right of the door. Open this with the combination 973. Now look in the mailbox to see a letter. Head inside again and look at the dining table once more.
Examine the suitcase on the chair to the right. Read the note, then try to open the suitcase, but it is locked. Back on the table, look at the book at the far end of the table. Open the book and take out a medallion. Use this to unlock the suitcase on the right chair, and you will end up with a chess piece. Back out and look in the shelving cabinet on the right. Pick up the camera. Back out again and use the camera to take pictures of the two symbols on the left wall. Now head up the stairs on the left.
The Woods (2nd Floor)
The left door is locked, so go through the right door into a master bedroom. Examine the notebook on the bed. Look at the lamp to the left of the bed and pick up another fragment of a magazine. Go further into the room and pick up another fragment of a magazine from the bench at the foot of the bed. Look at the lamp to the right of the bed to find a photo fragment of Ethan Bailey (3/4). Look at the empty picture frame on the wall here - use the 2 photos you took downstairs on this, and you will end up with another key.
Back out and look in the basket beneath the TV on the wall to find a photo fragment of Madeline Young (1/4).
Next look at the round table near the window. There is a code 137-385 here, as well as a QR code that you should click. Use the phone on the QR code, but you will be asked for a password, so back out for now. Turn right and collect a photo fragment of Ken Young (1/4) from the floor on the right. Look at the black folder here, which contains a series of paper strips with numbers. Rearrange these so the top numbers give the order of the provided mobile ID (2675019), then look at the bottom numbers (0072162).
Go back to the round table and scan the QR code again, then enter the password 0072162. While you are here, use your magazine fragments on the black sticky tape on the left of the round table, then click on the magazine article to read it. Return to the hallway and use your key on the left door to enter Anna's bedroom.
Look beneath the desk and plug in the lamp. Look at the wall behind the lamp to see two sets of numbers, with several of them highlighted with smudges (8915). Back out and look beneath the desk to plug in the computer. Look at the computer monitor and enter the code 8915 to unlock it. Read the chat message and click on the other friend on the left, but you will need a password for this. Back out from the computer and notice another puzzle on the left side of the desk. Each central number is found by subtracting the top-right number from the sum of the other three, so the missing number is 10. The puzzle asks for an answer with 5 digits, which would be 00010.
Still on the desk, look at the small statue on the left side. Click on it to tip it over, then take the photo fragment of Adam Woods (2/4).
Back out and look at the magazine on the bed to the right - look at the puzzle on the right page, which is solved with the directions Left, Up, Right, Up. Next look beneath the bed. Notice the red mark on the sole of the shoe, then examine the wooden box. Open this with the solution to the maze puzzle (Left, Up, Right, Up). Inside the box, click on the glowing paint in the jar, and read the paper which shows an alphabetic code.
Back out from here and examine the cryptex on the desk chair. Open this with the code 00010 from the desk puzzle. Click on another bundle of money that comes out from the side of the cryptex. Look back at the desk puzzle and notice the 4 symbols at the bottom left corner. Using the alphabet from the box beneath the bed, this spells out MIGO. Use the computer again and access the password-protected chat with the password MIGO.
Next look at the small cabinet to the right of the lamp. Read the opened book on the top of the cabinet. Now look at the receipt on the floor (which fell out of the book when you read it). Finally look behind the picture frame in the cabinet to find a photo fragment of Merel Peeters (1/4). Leave the room and head up the stairs on the right.
The Woods (Studio)
Examine the electrical box to the left of the door. Rotate the connectors so there is a path from top-left to bottom-right. Now you can back out and open the door to enter the studio. Look to the left and take the photo fragment of Ken Young (2/4) from the top of the cabinet.
Go to the middle of the room, then look at the chessboard picture on the left wall. Find a missing piece of this picture behind a frame just to its right. Next look over to an ottoman in the far corner of the room and pick up another piece of the chessboard picture. Back out, then look at the armchair, and then at the small coffee table next to the armchair. Take the chessboard picture piece from on top of the book here. Look beneath the shark soft toy on the armchair to find a photo fragment of Anna Woods (3/4).
Go back to the studio entrance and look right to see a rocking chair. Look at this more closely to find a magnifying glass. Next examine the pictures on the wall behind the rocking chair to find another piece of the chessboard picture. There is also a photo fragment of Ethan Bailey (4/4) on the bottom shelf of the table to the right of the rocking chair. While you are here, look at the camera on the stand to the right. Zoom in on the picture to see the jewellery from earlier.
Return to look at the chessboard picture and insert your 4 missing pieces to complete the picture. Now note the title of the picture "Queen sacrifice" and locate the white queen at position D8. Go back to the cabinet to the left of the entrance and examine the lock. Rotate the dial so D and 8 are both to the left, then press the star button to open the cabinet. Read the blue day planner and pick up the chess piece.
Head over to the chessboard on the floor near the ottoman in the far corner of the room. Pick up a 3rd chess piece from the floor, then use your 3 chess pieces on the board. Look inside the envelope that appears to the right to see a note. Back out and examine the coffee table in the middle of the room. Use a large flask to take a sample of the cigarette ash. Also look at the business card on this table to get another address to visit. Finally look at the flower pot next to the armchair and look on the ground to find a photo fragment of Merel Peeters (2/4).
Go back to the chessboard picture on the wall and click on the photo just to the right to get one more address to visit.
The Office
Look at the message written in lipstick on the ground and examine it with the magnifying glass to see a letter is missing.
The Youngs Apartment
The door is locked and requires a combination. Look at the numbers through the bottom pane of glass, which are reversed. Enter the combination 1080 to get inside. Look in the toolbox on the floor and pick up the screwdriver. Next look at the dining table and use a large flask to take a sample of the cigarette ash. Go into the kitchen and look at the refrigerator. Read the note and take the photo fragment of Madeline Young (2/4). Open the refrigerator and move the front packages to reveal a series of bottles. Use a small flask to take a sample from the bottles.
Back out from the refrigerator and look at the kitchen bench. Look inside the jars to find a ring. Back out from the kitchen and go right into the living room. Head over to the arcade machine in the far corner and click on it until you get a coin. Look at the coffee table in the middle of the room and pick up the remote controller. Use this on the television and take note of the cipher displayed on the screen. Just to the left of the television, pick up a photo fragment of Merel Peeters (3/4). Now back out to the dining room and turn left, then go through the door into the bedroom.
Look at the chest of drawers on the left. Read the fortune cookie message to see a series of numbers (4, 16, 36, 64) - based on square numbers, the next number in the sequence is 100. Look in the top drawer to find a postcard and a photo fragment of Sheila Woods (3/4). Next look at the middle drawer, which you will find locked. In this close-up view click in the guitar on the right to find a photo fragment of Madeline Young (3/4). Now use your coin to unlock the middle drawer. Examine the locked box in the left of this drawer - you need a 4 letter combination, and there is a clue of 4 symbols at the top left. Based on the cipher from the television, open the box with the combination KENS. Inside you will find a phone, but it needs a SIM card. While you are here, search the bottom drawer to find some hair pins.
Head over towards the amplifier on the floor. Pick up a photo fragment of Sheila Woods (4/4) from beneath the shoe on the right. Use the screwdriver on the amplifier to find a SIM card. Go back to the phone in the middle drawer and insert the SIM card - you will be prompted for a password. Enter the code 100 from the fortune cookie. Read the message on the phone. Look at the magazine near the foot of the bed. Next look at the small shelf high on the back wall of the room. Open the drawer and take out a small light bulb.
Go back to the living room, then look right to find another locked door. Use the hairpins here to get a close-up view of the lock. Drag each of the pins down so their main markings line up with the arrow at the same time. Back out and you will enter Madeline's office.
Go to the desk, then look in the trash can on the floor to the left to find a photo fragment of Ken Young (3/4). Click on the papers on the right side of the desk, then pick up a key. Use this on the suitcase just to the right, then click on the letter inside. Back out and look at the shelves on the wall opposite the desk. Examine the silver figurine, then attach your small light bulb to it - now look at the numbers you can see on the side of the clock here. Look at the clock and set the time to 7:10. Once the compartment opens, read the note inside. Return to the desk and use the computer, unlocking it with the password "madam".
Herbalist House
Look at the bench to the right. Search in the bucket here to find a big key. Look at the bottle on the ground to the left of the bench, and use a small flask to get a sample from this. Back out and search the bushes to the left to find a photo fragment of Merel Peeters (4/4). Go to the front door of the house and use the big key to unlock it and head inside.
Look in the shelves on the left and take the knife. Look in the shelves to the right of the fireplace to find a key and a photo fragment of Anna Woods (4/4). Back out and look at the kitchen table to the right. Pick up the bottle of chloroform. Look at a small note which has the directions Right, Left, Up, Down written on it. Move one of the bottles so you can find a photo fragment of Adam Woods (3/4) inside the basket. Now head through to the second room.
Walk forwards to the desk and click on the white machine in the left corner of the room. Use your cigarette ash samples on the machine. Look at the box beneath the desk and use the key from the first room to open it. Read the notebook inside. Back out and click on the postcard hanging from the shelf over the desk. Look at the open book on the desk and take a photo fragment of Ken Young (4/4) from inside it.
Back out and look at the jigsaw puzzle on the carpet to the left. Solve the jigsaw puzzle, then pick up the nearby photo fragment of Madeline Young (4/4). Click on the jigsaw puzzle again to flip it over and see the letters UDDL. Back out again and look in the shelves to the right of the room. Look at the box with the "Fragile" label and open it with your knife to find another letter.
Go back out to the first room and look at the kitchen table, then look at the box on the chair to the left. Based on the UDDL clue, enter the code Up, Down, Down, Left. Read the note inside. Back out and take the blue bottle of Sulphuric Acid from the shelves on the left side of the room.
Head through to the second room again and approach the desk. Go over to the shelves in the left corner of the room. Look between the books in the top shelf to find a photo fragment of Adam Woods (4/4). Also pick up the purple Potassium Permanganate from the middle shelf, then back out again. Look at the shelves over the desk and take the pink Nitric Acid and yellow Ammonia Solution.
Look down at the desk and click on the petri dish to get ready to perform some analysis. For the first experiment, add the following to the petri dish:
- Chloroform
- Sulphuric Acid
- Potassium Permanganate
Back away, then click on the petri dish and perform a second experiment by adding the following:
- Nitric Acid
- Ammonia Solution
You should now have all motives and all clues. You can make an accusation - the correct option is Madeline Young.