Randal's MondayRandal's Monday

Game Details:  Comedy, 2014

Steam Achievements:  Completed (21/21)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  5/9/2023

Suggested Listening:  Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)

Randal's Monday is a comedy adventure game based on a time loop. You play as Randal, who decides to sell an engagement ring before using it to propose to his girlfriend, and thus unleashes a curse that dooms him to repeat the same day over and over.


After the initial conversation in the pub, head outside after Matt. Talk to him and you will automatically steal his wallet.

Day 1

There is an achievement for starting this day Day 1: A box full of junk and too much free time.

Get Out of Your Apartment

Head to the living room, then try to leave and you will end up talking to Mr Marconi. Back inside you will automatically try to talk to Mortimer. Take the broom and TV remote from the left side of the living room, then the duck-hanger from the bathroom. Look at the TV remote in your inventory to find some batteries. Return to Randal's room and combine the broom and duck-hanger, then climb out to the fire escape. Climb down one ladder, then use the extendable duck-hanger with the hook and climb down again.

Ride the Subway

Talk to the bum until you get a rusty razor blade. Look at the trash can and take the tube of glue, then look at Matt's wallet to find some cash and the ring. Leave the alley and head right and down the stairs to the subway. Try talking to Betty, but she ignores you. In your inventory, use the razor blade on the glue. Now push the telephone earpiece off, then quickly use your glue on the telephone while Betty is distracted. Go to the ticket vending machine to the left and use the intercom. Now hop over the turnstile to the right.

Escape Murray's Office

Take a figure from Murray's globe. When the room isn't shaking, use your oily pages on the loose pin at the bottom of the globe. Wait for the room to stop shaking again, and take the oiled pin.

Get Some Money

Talk to Betty again to finally get a subway pass. Head right to the subway platform and go to Emerson Express. Head inside and talk to your boss, then go back outside and pick up the broken radio. Examine this in your inventory to get a nut and a spring. Enter Mel's Pawn Shop across the street and talk to Mel, but he doesn't want to buy anything you have at the moment. Use the subway to get back to Randal's Apartment.

Try to head inside, but Marconi is still in the hallway. Back outside, talk to the salesman who is sitting on the stairs over to the right - mention Marconi, then offer to try, and ask if he is still waiting for you in the hallway. Now you can head inside and enter your apartment. Go to your bedroom and take the box of junk, then go back outside and the salesman will give you a hammer. Return to Mel's Pawn Shop via the subway. Use the box of junk on Mel, and try to sell everything, then you will eventually sell the ring Cursed.

Manage to Get Inside Matt's Building

Go outside and you receive a phone call. Go to the subway and head to Matt's apartment. Talk to the hot dog vendor and you will get an empty gas cylinder and a receipt. Use the subway to return to Mel's Pawn Shop. Try to talk to Mel inside, but he is busy with a customer. In your inventory, combine the pin and nut, then use your modified pin on the hole in the side of the cuckoo clock. Use it again to wind the clock, then talk to Mel. Now you can take the new gas cylinder from the shelf on the left (you will leave the empty one behind). Use the subway to return to Matt's apartment. Give the new gas cylinder to the hot dog vendor and you will get a hot dog. Now talk to Murray, then show Matt's wallet to him.

You will end up inside the apartment building. Go through the door on the right into Matt's apartment, and you will meet up with Sally. After your chat, head into the kitchen. Read the suicide note on the fridge when you get a chance, then talk to Sgt Kramer a second time and you will end up back at home. Go inside and into your room to end the day.

Day 2

There is an achievement for starting this day Day 2: Excuse me, am I trapped in time already?.

Live Your Life

Leave your room and look at the newspaper on the floor, then open the door. Talk to Marconi and pay him, then head outside. Go into the alley and talk to the bum again to learn about a new location. Head to the subway and travel to Matt's apartment. Once there, head inside and talk to Sally, then go to the kitchen. Read the suicide note on the fridge again, then talk to Sgt Kramer before leaving and returning to the subway.

Go Back to the Pawn Shop

Travel to Mel's Pawn Shop and talk to Mel, then take the empty bottle from on top of the gas cylinder. Outside, search the pipe on the side of the building to get a rotten lemon. Use the subway to travel back to Matt's apartment and head inside. Go to the kitchen and fill your empty bottle using the faucet.

Find Out Who Has the Ring Now

While you are in Matt's apartment, take the matchbox from the counter, and search the cupboards to find some rat poison.

Go Back to Where it All Began

Leave and use the subway to go to Clayton's Cave. Head inside and talk to Father Roy about everything, then go right and take the bowl of corn. Talk to Elaine at the bar to get a cocktail for Father Roy - try to give it to him, but it is too weak. Put the batteries, rotten lemon, rat poison and rusty razor blade into the drink. Now you can take the cue ball from the table.

Find Out Who Bought the Ring (Finally)

Return to Randal's apartment. Go up to the rooftop and use the bowl of corn to feed the pigeons (1/3). Use the subway to return to Mel's Pawn Shop and head inside. Put your bowl with corn on top of the gas cylinder, then use your matchbox on the gas cylinder and take back your bowl (which now contains popcorn).

Now head back to your apartment - go inside and climb the stairs up to the rooftop again. use the bowl of popcorn to feed the pigeons (2/3). Add some rat poison to the popcorn, then feed the pigeons (3/3) Three meals a day.

Now you can take the beer bong (and get a funnel and a tube). Return to Mel's Pawn Shop and go inside again. Put your bottle of water on the gas cylinder. Attach the tube to the bottle, then take the other end of the tube and put it in the hole in the side of the clock. Put the cue ball in the cannon on the front of the clock, and Mel will become distracted. Open the notebook on the counter, then look at it to find out about Charlie.

Get the Ring Back

Travel to a new location, Charlie Comics. Go inside and talk to Charlie, then wait for him to bend over and quickly put your tuna sandwich leftovers in his soft-drink.

Steal the Lingerie Catalog

Take the soft-drink that Charlie was drinking from to get a glass and a straw. While you are in the shop, look at the case on the right, and look at the lock. Go to the subway and travel back to the Threepwood St Station. Take the marker from the ticket office window. Next head to Matt's apartment and go up and into the kitchen. Use the dried-out marker in the mug, then the wire in the blender. Return to Charlie Comics and go inside. Look at the large poster for the Sci-Fi Con, and use your marker on it. There is an achievement for doing this without first talking to the bum in the alley behind Clayton's Cave I want no spoilers.

In your inventory, use the hammer on the spring, then combine the spring and twisted wire to make a homemade lock pick. Use this on the lock to the right - now you need some of Charlie's fingerprint and DNA. Head outside and look at the note stuck to the wall, then take the piece of scotch tape.

Travel to Clayton's Cave and head inside. Talk to Elaine and try every drink from the menu, then go upstairs to the restroom. Talk to Elaine again, then pick up the trash bag and go out through the fire exit door. Put the trash bag in the dumpster and you will talk to the bum. Go back inside and up to the restroom again, and take the make-up kit from the left. Now you can leave and return to Charlie Comics. In your inventory, use the make-up kit on Charlie's glass to reveal his fingerprint, then use your scotch tape on it to lift it. Use this on the fingerprint reader in the store. Use the straw from Charlie's drink on the DNA reader. Take the catalog, then use your hammer on HAL to break the machine. Leave here and you will automatically go back to your apartment. Go into your room to end the day.

Day 3

There is an achievement for starting this day Day 3: Mortimer's dungeon.

You Changed the Date, Did It Work? Go Check it Out

Go out to the living room and read the newspaper, then leave and talk to Marconi. Go to the subway and travel to Matt's apartment. Outside, talk to Sgt Kramer, then you will end up talking again inside.

Escape Matt's Place

Head into the kitchen and take the beers, then use them on Frozen Matt to open them. Read the suicide note on the fridge. Back out in the living room, give the beers to Ned and Ted. Now you can take the spray air freshener from the shelf on the far right. Go to the kitchen again and combine your air freshener and matchbox. Pick up the broken spray air freshener. Open the second drawer and look inside to see that it is stuck. Put the broken air freshener into the second drawer and use your matchbox on it again - you will end up with a fork. Next use your extendable duck-hanger on the cracked stalactite above Matt, to get a stalactite tip. Use this on the window here, then head outside. Talk to Jay here, then leave.

Get to the Convention

Use the subway to reach Emerson Express. Enter the office and talk to your boss, then give him the Super Hot Chick catalog and you will get a package and a delivery note. Look at the package in your inventory to see a stack of shirts. Head back to Matt's apartment and go to the right to find a Sci-Fi Convention. Talk to Murray, then show him your delivery note and you will head inside. Offer the shirts to the people in the convention (including the back room) and you will end up with a fishing rod and a eucalyptus candy. Try to leave the convention, and you will be given a plutonium rod.

Look for the Ring

While you are still at the Convention, talk to Charlie in the back area, and Mel and Mortimer in the main area.

Burglarize Mortimer

Use the subway to travel to Charlie Comics, and enter the Psychiatrist's Office just to the left. Talk to the receptionist and to Robert. Push the dial on the right wall, then talk to Alan (Robert's other persona). Use your fork in the broken dial on the wall, then talk to Robert again. Keep using the fork and talking to Alan and Robert until you end up with the psychiatrist. Talk to him and choose ridiculous answers to his questions, then while he is writing notes steal a business card from the desk. You will eventually be kicked out of the office. Leave and travel to your apartment.

Head inside and use the business card on Mortimer's door to get into his room. Try to open the drawers in the desk, but they are stuck. Push the log in the fireplace, then quickly open the top drawer. Inside, press the red button, then push in the red, green and blue books in the bookcase (red must be 1st). Next open the middle drawer and press the green button, then push in the red, green and brown books in the book case (green must be 2nd). Now open the bottom drawer and press the blue button, then push in the grey, brown, blue and green books in the bookcase (blue must be 3rd). There is an achievement for getting this sequence correct on the first attempt Survival horror lover.

Take the key from the opened panel at the bottom of the bookcase. Use this on the lock on the showcase, then take the miniature.

Get Some More Money

Head back outside and go back to the Sci-Fi Convention. Talk to Mel, who is sick, then talk to the hot dog vendor. Go outside and talk to Murray the security guard, then head to the back area inside and talk to the occupied latrine to find Mel is now in there. Return to the main area and give the rotten hot dog to Murray. Talk to Mel in the occupied latrine again, then come back to the main area and take the coffee from the hot dog stand. Go back and use this on the occupied latrine, and you will end up selling the miniature to Mel. Go to the back area and talk to Charlie, but you still don't have enough money to buy the ring.

Make Yourself a Captain Red One-Off

Leave the convention and use the subway to head to Clayton's Cave. Inside, try to take the blue chalk and try to take a pool cue. Go and talk to Elaine, then use the cue ball on the table. Take a pool cue and use it on the lamp over the table. Now you can pick up the chalk. Use this on the figure in your inventory. Travel to Mel's Pawn Shop and talk to Bob outside, then use your figure on the paint and the fixative - a koala will then steal it from you. Combine the eucalyptus candy and fishing rod in your inventory, then use this with the hole in the manhole cover. Once the koala appears, use your hammer on it. Pick up the koala (and you will get the hammer and customized figure). Travel back to the Sci-Fi Convention and give the customized figure to Charlie in the back area. Leave via the rear exit and talk to the thief, then use your koala on him.

Day 4

There is an achievement for starting this day Day 4: Officer Hicks, give me that ring.

Check if Matt's Still Alive

Read the newspaper, then pick up the duct tape and leave the alley. Enter Matt's apartment building and try to open his door. Talk to Matt, then try to get the magnet from the table using your extendable duck-hanger. Go back to the corridor and take the fire extinguisher.

Intimidate the Thief

Travel to Mel's Pawn Shop and talk to the thief, but he won't tell you anything unless you're a cop.

Get Yourself a Police Badge

Go to the Threepwood St Station and talk to the kid - he will trade you his badge for a better gun.

Get the Kid a Better Gun

Leave the subway to be back on your street. Talk to the classy nerd, who won't fire his gun because it is too noisy. Make a silencer by combining your duct tape and funnel, and give this to the classy nerd. Now pick up the star screwdriver that the workman to the right dropped. Head to Charlie Comics and go inside to talk to Charlie. Next try to press the red button on HAL and talk to it - at the end of the conversation get all 3 questions correct (the correct option is the name mentioned just after the "If" portion of the question) Lover of The Trilogy.

When Charlie starts fixing the computer, talk to him to find out he needs a screwdriver - steal the light-saber and the piece of sheet metal. Use your fire extinguisher on the laser so you can pick it up, then give Charlie your star screwdriver (you will get a flat screwdriver in return). Outside the store, talk to the space nerd - show him your broken radio and he says he can fix it if you can provide the appropriate tools. Return to Matt's apartment and go to the door again. Combine your extendable duck-hanger, light-saber and sheet metal to make an improved extendable light-saber, then use this to get the magnet from the table.

Use the subway to travel back to Randal's apartment. Try to open the door on the van, but it is locked. Use your laser on the lock, then use your magnet on the hole. Now open the door so you can take the soldering iron and tin from the toolbox, and also the sponge that is hanging inside the van. Make sure you retrieve your magnet before returning to Charlie Comics. Give the screwdriver, soldering iron and tin to the space nerd, but now he needs some batteries. Enter the store and talk to Charlie, then retrieve your star screwdriver from the counter. Use this on the light-saber, then go outside and give the batteries to the space nerd. Now give him your light-saber - he will break it. Pick up the remaining light-saber handle. Combine this with the laser and plutonium rod, then give this to the space nerd to get your radio back.

Travel to Clayton's Cave. Use your fixed radio on the pipe to the right of the entrance. Hide in the box just to the right, then use your magnet on the guy's coin while he is flipping it. Get back out of the box and retrieve your radio. Next head to Mel's Pawn Shop. Use your coin on the gum machine, then kick the machine and pick up the toy capsule. Look at this in your inventory to get a chewing gum roll. Go back to Randal's apartment again. Go and stand near the workman again and replace his tape measure with your chewing gum roll. When he gets stuck, steal his nail gun. Go down to the subway station here and give the nail gun to the kid - he doesn't want it. Shoot his green balloon with your nail gun, and you will end up exchanging for his water gun.

Get Yourself a Police Badge II

Go to Clayton's Cave again and enter the alley. Use your sponge on the puddle, then use the sponge on the water gun to fill it up. Return to Threepwood St Station and use the water gun on the kid. Now talk to him and get him to waste all of his ammo. Now use the water gun on him again and talk to him until you get the badge. Travel to Mel's Pawn Shop and show your badge to the thief, but he doesn't buy it. Go back to the Sci-Fi Convention and talk to Murray so that he gives you his badge. Give him the toy badge, then return to Mel's Pawn Shop once more. Show your police badge to the thief.

Beat the Bum

Use the subway to get back to Clayton's Cave and enter the alley. After talking to the bum, use your water gun on him and take the ring from his finger. Go out to the street, then enter the bar and talk to Sally.

Day 5

There is an achievement for starting this day Day 5: Till the Magnumatic do us part.

Get Outta There! Right Now!

After talking to Sally, go to the living room and read the newspaper. Leave your apartment and you will talk to Mrs Marconi. Leave and head to Matt's apartment.

Look For Matt

Try to open the door, but it is locked. Use your business card on the door, but it will break. Go to Clayton's Cave and talk to Elaine at the bar, then head upstairs. Look at the warm puke in the toilet. Head to the street outside Randal's apartment and use your extendable duck-hanger to get the yellow glove from the side of the building (near the scaffolding on the right). Go back to Clayton's Cave and up to the bathroom, using the glove on the puke to get a laminated card. Head to the Psychiatrist's Office and try to go inside. Talk to Jay and Bob, then use your fixed radio on them and pick up the cigarette from the ground. Talk to Jay again and end the fight by saying "Your mother" when you get the chance - you will end up with a mask.

Throwing a Surprise Birthday Party

Use the mask and head into the Psychiatrist's Office. After talking to the receptionist, try to go into the doctor's office and say that it is his birthday. Go to Clayton's Cave and head inside, then use the extendable duck-hanger to retrieve the garlands. Go upstairs and use your star screwdriver on the vending machine to get some condoms. Travel to Randal's apartment and go to your bedroom, then climb out the fire escape. Head down the ladder and take the pie. Go back through your room to leave. Next go to Emerson Express and take one of the cones from the street outside.

Go to Matt's apartment and talk to the hot dog vendor until he eventually inhales some helium. Talk to the kid, then talk to the vendor again; quickly turn the valve on the helium to make him pass out. Try to take a balloon, then use the condoms on the helium valve. Head into the alley here and take the party blower from the box. Now you can go back to the Psychiatrist's Office. Head inside and use the cone and party blower on the shocked patient. Give the balloons and garlands to the receptionist. Finally put the cigarette in the pie and show it to the receptionist. Now you can head into the doctor's office.

Refresh Mel's Memory

Travel to Mel's Pawn Shop and talk to him inside; he doesn't remember Matt but suggests bringing him a photo. Go to Matt's apartment and get inside using your laminated card. Take Matt's picture from the small table then try to leave, but you will be stopped by Sgt Kramer. Head into the kitchen and climb out the window. Search the box to find a baseball, and use this with Ned. Get another ball and use it with Ned again, then talk to him about the taser and you will get it. Grab a third ball and use it on Ned, then wait until he is congratulated by his colleague and use the taser on them (if you don't time it right, get another ball and try again). Go to Mel's Pawn Shop again and head inside. Show Matt's picture to Mel to find out he already bought a gun.

Stop Matt

Head to Randal's apartment and go all the way up to the roof. Try to talk Matt out of killing himself.

Day 6

There is an achievement for starting this day Day 6: 'You smoke? No thanks, I'm trying to quit.

Adapt or Die

You will meet Charlie in your cell - he has a plan to escape.

Get to the Library

Read the newspaper on the floor and move the poster near the bed to find out Charlie needs some explosives. Go to the cell on the far left and take the glass with a hole in it and the prison uniform (you will also get a detergent tablet). Continue left to Hallway A and talk to Bogs and the Sisters - they won't let you into the library. Head right past the cells to Hallway B and continue out to the yard. Talk to Sleazy and then to the thief. Continue further right to the back yard and you will take part in a spitting competition. Talk to the salesman to learn a password, then go back to the Sisters and say the password Gort salutes you.

Go down to the kitchen via the stairs here, but Bruno will kick you out. Head to Hallway B on the right and talk to Murray to be appointed sous-chef. Pick up the cat's bowl, then return to the kitchen. Put your detergent tablet into the pot, then try to use the hotplate - it looks complicated. Back out and read the instructions on the fridge, then use the hotplate again. Press these buttons in order:

  • left green
  • right blue
  • right green
  • left green
  • red

There is an achievement for getting this order correct on the first attempt Brainiac. Steal the pan and the wok from the left before leaving the kitchen again. Go far right to the back yard and place the wok on the first slab, pan on the third slab, and cat's bowl on the fifth slab. Talk to the prisoner on the left to spit again, and you will end up with a magazine. Go to Hallway B and show the magazine to Murray so the thief can sneak inside. Go over to Hallway A and pick up the crowbar after the fight. Head into the library and talk to Brooks until he says you need a library card, then leave again. Return to the cells and use the crowbar on the bunk in the 2nd cell to save Carl (you will receive some nicotine gum). Use the gum on the hole in your glass, then fill the glass with liquor from the sink. Pick up the green bottle while you are here.

Head out to the yard and talk to the prisoner who is eating his lunch. Distract him, then quickly pour your liquor into his food. Take the adulterated food, and look at it in your inventory to find a worm. Go back to the library and give the worm to the crow. Talk to Brooks again and he will now give you the book.

Start Building the Bomb

You should automatically look at the book, but if not, look at it in your inventory to see the ingredients to make the bomb. Go and talk to Murray to ask about soap, then use your bottle on him.

Get the Soap and Escape "The Hole"

Pick up the sponge and use it on the filthy wall on the left. Look at the inscription, then talk to the door and Murray will give you a baseball. Pick it up, then use it on the right wall 3 times. Use your crowbar on the nut that is now visible. Pick up the boiled rat and put it in the bucket, then you will end up with some soap. Use your sponge in the filthy bucket, then use it on the door slot.

Show People What a Good Gardener You Are

You will be given a box of seeds and left in the yard. Talk to the box guy on the left, then give your baseball to him and you will receive a medallion. While you are out here talk to Sleazy, then go back to your cell. Pick up another packet of nicotine gum. Go back to the yard and give this to Sleazy, and he will give you a cigarette and a match. Go left to another part of the back yard. Pick up the sack, pumpkin, hose, rake and some dry leaves. Put the leaves in the sack, then use this on the old remains on the left, and dress it with your prison uniform. Put the pumpkin on top Perfectionist. Now use your putrefied sponge on the scarecrow to attract the cat.

Use the rake on the neglected field here and plant the box of seeds. Pick up some more dry leaves and put them into the trough. Use your match on the trough full of leaves to get rid of the wasps. Now you can attach your hose to the faucet, and use the medallion on the valve spot just above the faucet. Turn the valve, then pick up the working hose and use it on the sown field. You will automatically go to sleep in your cell.

Head out to the field in the left side of the back yard and you will see a clover has now grown. Murray will arrive and give you a key. Use this on the padlock on the box to the back left of this area. Take some fertilizer from inside the box.

Day 2189

Rule Your Prison While You Keep Working on the Bomb

Take the pillowcases off the two pillows in your cell, and use your rake on the bottom pillow in Mortimer's cell to get a 3rd pillowcase. Head out to the yard and talk to the box guy to get the box. Talk to the prisoner having lunch, who wants some healthy food. Go to the back yard to the left and pick up the weeder. Combine this with your 3 pillowcases, then use the rope with hook on the branch to bring it down. Turn the valve and pick up the hose, then use it on the cat. Now you can take the apple. Return right and give the apple to the prisoner having lunch, and you will get the bottle of pink bismuth. Go right to the other part of the back yard and talk to Bruno, who wants you to train him. Keep talking to him until you have learned everything about Bruno's lucky potion.

Cook the Lucky Potion for Bruno

Return left and into the garden area. Look in the nest to find a penny. Pick up a four leaf clover (labeled "The One Clover", near the bottom left of the large clover patch). Return right and head inside, then talk to Murray. Use the magic box on him, then go left and Mortimer will steal the rabbit's foot. Take some matches from your cell, then use your fixed glass to get some more liquor from the sink in Carl's cell. Pour the liquor from the glass into Mortimer's sink, then light it with a match. Pick up the rabbit's foot. Next go to the library and use your crowbar on the horseshoe, then pick it up.

Now go down to the kitchen. Put the penny, clover, horseshoe and rabbit's foot into the pot, then collect some lucky soup in your fixed glass. Return to the cells and talk to Alan in the 1st cell. Use your fertilizer on Alan, then go outside to the far right and give the lucky soup to Bruno.

Let's Build That Damn Bomb Already!

Talk to Bruno about Alan, and you will end up with a key to the kitchen pantry. Go back to the kitchen and use the key on the small pantry. Take the cooking oil from inside, and take the pressure cooker from the stove on the left. In your inventory, put the soap, fertilizer, pink bismuth, matches and cooking oil into the pressure cooker. Go back to your cell and use your homemade bomb on the poster to give it to Charlie. Head into your apartment and go to your bedroom to sleep.

Day 2190

There is an achievement for starting this day Day 7: The final barbecue.

Survive the Apocalypse

Go to the living room and read the newspaper. Go up to the rooftop to meet the 4 Horsemen.

The Horsemen Are Hungry, Get Them Some Lunch!

Go back into your apartment and enter Mortimer's room. Push down the wing on the gold statue in the corner of the room, and a compartment will open in the fireplace. Use your nicotine gum on the rotatory base on the rotatory base in the fireplace to keep it open, then take the ceremonial dagger. Go outside and talk to Murray near the subway entrance. Stab him with the dagger, and you will end up with a barbecue up on the rooftop.

Pick up the bottle of castor oil. Go back down to your apartment and talk to Matt. Open the window in the living room, and Matt agrees to go to the party, but doesn't have any booze. Take the mug from his couch, and head outside and into the alley. Talk to the bum, then put the castor oil in the mug and give it to the bum. Pick up the mug and use it to collect the bum puke coming out of his mouth. Return to the apartment and give the mug to Matt Bad friend.

Change the Damn Past!!

After receiving a fake mustache, go through the back entrance into Clayton's Cave. Go upstairs and talk to Charlie, then come back downstairs and talk to Elaine. When the other Randal is distracted and turns towards the bar, steal his wallet. Talk to Elaine again and order the other Randal a beer; he will go up to the bathroom and come back again. Talk to Elaine to buy the other Randal another drink, then follow him upstairs. Talk to Charlie, who will end up killing the other Randal. Go downstairs and out through the fire exit. Examine the body in the dumpster to steal the other Randal's clothes.

Go back inside and you will sit down with Sally and Matt. During the conversation, don't talk about go-carts or carnivals Good friend. Now finish your conversations with Matt It's over.

Final Achievements

There is an achievement for completing the game without using any hints Old school. Once you have done this, load any save game. Click on the magnifying glass on the right of the inventory screen to unlock the hints system Chicken. Use the "Kill kitty" function to reveal hints 20 times Cat murderer.