The Puzzle Box Society
Game Details: Puzzle, 2020
Steam Achievements: Completed (9/9)
Links: Moby Games, Steam
Walkthrough Updated: 6/18/2020
Suggested Listening: Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)
Death of a Father Figure
Look down and examine the note and the memorial card, then choose to leave.
Complete Mission
1 News Article, 1 Spy Camera, 4 Stolen Items
Read the news article (1/1) on the floor next to the trash can. Crouch and look beneath the surface of the desk to find a spy camera (1/1) Who's On The Other Side?. Pick up the small box from the desk, and place it on the portable workbench opposite. Slide open the cover and take the key from inside. Use this key to unlock the blue box in the corner of the room, then lift the lid and take the multi-tool from inside The Catalyst For Change. Leave through the room door.
Minimal Mission
4 Stolen Items
Pick up the small box from the desk, and place it on the portable workbench opposite. Slide open the cover and take the key from inside. Use this key to unlock the blue box in the corner of the room, then lift the lid and take the multi-tool from inside. Leave through the room door.
Here you will be able to see all of the items you have collected during the game, including stolen items, news articles, spy cameras and keys. You will come back here between each of your missions. Read the letter about The Puzzle Box Society, and look at the blueprint and directions. Climb the ladder to leave.
A Criminal Introduction
Look down at the tablet to your left and view the documents, then choose to leave.
Complete Mission
1 News Article, 1 Spy Camera, 14 Stolen Items
Pick up the tape from the boxes near the door. Go to the far end of the hall and examine the security panel. Use your screwdriver to remove the 4 screws, then remove the whole front panel. Use your wire cutter to cut both the red and green wires, then connect the left red wire to the right green wire with your tape. Press the green button, and the door will unlock.
Push open the left door and find a news article (1/1) on the shelves. Look between the boxes on the top shelf to find a spy camera (1/1). Now pick up all 6 art pieces from the small tables. Go back out to the entry hall and place the black and white cube on the portable workbench. Flip it to the left and press the white button. Flip it back to the right and unscrew the central portion. Place just this on the workbench and remove its cap, then take the tiny brown package from inside. Turn around and leave through the broken window.
Minimal Mission
9 Stolen Items
Pick up the tape from the boxes near the door. Go to the far end of the hall and examine the security panel. Use your screwdriver to remove the 4 screws, then remove the whole front panel. Use your wire cutter to cut both the red and green wires, then connect the left red wire to the right green wire with your tape. Press the green button, and the door will unlock. Push open the left door. Pick up only the white cube, then return to the entry hall and place it on the portable workbench. Flip it to the left and press the white button. Flip it back to the right and unscrew the central portion. Place just this on the workbench and remove its cap, then take the tiny brown package from inside. Turn around and leave through the broken window.
Read the new message about documents now being delivered by flash drive. Climb the ladder to leave.
There's One in Every Closet
Read the letter and the digital documents, then choose to leave.
Complete Mission
1 News Article, 2 Spy Cameras, 11 Stolen Items
Walk straight ahead and you will set off an explosive The Real Story Doesn't End There. Select the option to try again.
Examine the explosive device low down on the left and use your wire cutter to cut the wire. Head over to the laundry room and pick up a total of 4 small weights (2 from the floor, 2 from the washing machine). Head down to the living room and collect a news article (1/1) and remote control from the coffee table, and a spy camera (1/2) from in front of the TV stand..
Go upstairs and pick up another weight from the bedroom. Go to the bathroom at the end of the balcony and pick up the green bucket. Now enter the office and look under the front corner of the desk to locate another spy camera (2/2). Examine the safe and attach the wire you retrieved from the explosive device to the handle of the safe. Go out to the balcony and attach the bucket to the other end of the wire. Now fill the bucket with all 5 weights.
Enter the study to find the safe on the floor. Examine the back of the safe and push it in. Use your prying tool on the small hole, then pull the back of the safe out completely. Take the small chest from inside. Take this downstairs and place it on your portable workbench. Open the lid just a small amount, then use your wire cutter to cut the trip wire. Open the lid fully and take the 8 small discs from inside. Press and hold one of the tiny buttons inside the floor of the chest, then press the other to release a hidden drawer. Take the SK device, then leave through the front door.
Minimal Mission
10 Stolen Items
Examine the explosive device low down on the left and use your wire cutter to cut the wire. Head over to the laundry room and pick up a total of 4 small weights (2 from the floor, 2 from the washing machine). Go upstairs and pick up another weight from the bedroom. Go to the bathroom at the end of the balcony and pick up the green bucket. Now enter the office. Examine the safe and attach the wire you retrieved from the explosive device to the handle of the safe. Go out to the balcony and attach the bucket to the other end of the wire. Now fill the bucket with all 5 weights. Enter the study to find the safe on the floor. Examine the back of the safe and push it in. Use your prying tool on the small hole, then pull the back of the safe out completely. Take the small chest from inside. Take this downstairs and place it on your portable workbench. Open the lid just a small amount, then use your wire cutter to cut the trip wire. Open the lid fully. Press and hold one of the tiny buttons inside the floor of the chest, then press the other to release a hidden drawer. Take the SK device, then leave through the front door.
Climb the ladder to leave.
Security by Obscurity
Look down at the documents to your left, then choose to leave.
Complete Mission
1 News Article, 3 Spy Cameras, 119 Stolen Items
Exit the alley and go to the 2 trash cans opposite to find a spy camera (1/3) on the corner of one of them. Go down the street to the left as far as you can and find a news article (1/1) on the ground behind some more trash cans. Come back along the street and examine the locked gates. Use your SK device on the padlock to remove it. Push open the gates and head through. Go around to the left and unlock either of the two locked doors with the SK device, then pull them open and enter the library.
Explore the downstairs shelves and pick up all of the books as stolen items. Also search the cupboards and drawers of the low desk in the middle of the area to find another book, 2 tablets, 3 pencils and a glue stick. There is a spy camera (2/3) on a shelf in the rear left area of the downstairs section. Go upstairs and take all of the toys and discs from the blue tables, as well as the rest of the books. While you are here, look at the 3 signs for missing books. Use your prying tool on the golden pattern at the bottom of the middle sign. Head back outside to the portable workbench. Put the light blue book on the workbench. Use your glue stick on the spine, then attach the golden pattern.
Return inside and insert the star-shaped disc into the star-shaped symbol hidden on a shelf in the back left area. A niche with 3 slots will be revealed on the wall here. You need to insert 3 books with matching spines into the 3 slots. Press the button in the new opening to use the small elevator and reach a new area.
Crouch down and examine the nearest device on the right wall. Use your screwdriver to remove the 4 screws, then take off the panel. Use your wire cutter to cut the green wire. Repeat this with the other 2 devices on the walls. Next examine the machine gun. Use the wire cutter to cut all 4 wires, then change the view to the right side. Slide one of the round latches inwards and hold it, then repeat this with the other one. Now grab and shake the large bullets to disengage them. Approach the computer and insert your USB stick. Wait until all the lights on it are activated, then retrieve it again. While you are here, look carefully at all of the mirrors on the wall to find the final spy camera (3/3) behind one of them.
Return up in the elevator and head all the way back out to the starting alley. Place your USB stick inside the floating delivery bot. Now you can leave.
Minimal Mission
16 Stolen Items
Exit the alley and go across to the locked gates. Use your SK device on the padlock to remove it. Push open the gates and head through. Go around to the left and unlock either of the two locked doors with the SK device, then pull them open and enter the library. Explore the downstairs shelves and pick up the dark green book with the golden spine from the right. Also take the light blue book from the bench in the back right corner. Take the glue stick from the middle drawer of the low desk in the middle of the area. Go upstairs and take the small round star-shaped disc. Also take the pink book with the golden spine from the far left. While you are here, look at the 3 signs for missing books. Use your prying tool on the golden pattern at the bottom of the middle sign. Head back outside to the portable workbench. Put the light blue book on the workbench. Use your glue stick on the spine, then attach the golden pattern.
Return inside and insert the star-shaped disc into the star-shaped symbol hidden on a shelf in the back left area. A niche with 3 slots will be revealed on the wall here. You need to insert 3 books with matching spines into the 3 slots. Press the button in the new opening to use the small elevator and reach a new area.
Crouch down and examine the nearest device on the right wall. Use your screwdriver to remove the 4 screws, then take off the panel. Use your wire cutter to cut the green wire. Repeat this with the other 2 devices on the walls. Next examine the machine gun. Use the wire cutter to cut all 4 wires, then change the view to the right side. Slide one of the round latches inwards and hold it, then repeat this with the other one. Now grab and shake the large bullets to disengage them. Approach the computer and insert your USB stick. Wait until all the lights on it are activated, then retrieve it again.
Return up in the elevator and head all the way back out to the starting alley. Place your USB stick inside the floating delivery bot. Now you can leave.
Climb the ladder to leave.
A Serpent's Nest
Look down at the document, then choose to leave.
Complete Mission
1 News Article, 2 Spy Cameras, 52 Stolen Items
Carefully search the fence directly opposite the colored pipes on the wall to find a spy camera (1/2). Now look at the colored pipes, and use your SK device on the 8 padlocks so you can remove the 4 metal brackets. Pull the small red pipe forward. Now go down the ramp and push open the door at the bottom to get inside.
Use your prying tool on all 7 framed pictures to steal them. Also go around and use your screwdriver to remove 4 screws from each of the 7 vents, and remove 6 vent faceplates as well. You will be unable to remove the last vent faceplate in the back room. Find a spy camera (2/2) under the edge of the square corner table in the first room. In the back room you can find a news article (1/1) on a chest of drawers. In the bathroom, pull out the knob from where you stole the painting and hold it there, then cut it off with your wire cutter. Now go and remove the final vent faceplate. Flip up both the blue and purple switches.
Return to the front room and take the 3 puzzle boxes from the table. Head back outside to your portable workbench. Examine the cylinder puzzle box first. Rotate the segments near the top and bottom and slide them up and down into position, then take the small device from within the middle section. Next examine the square puzzle box with the central depression. Press and hold the 2 pink buttons, then press and hold the 2 blue buttons, then take the small device from within. Examine the final puzzle box. Lift up and rotate the central part of the lid to create matching colors. Rotate the box to the right and pull out both colored bars at the end. Now rotate the box around to the left, open the compartment and remove the large device. Place the large device on the workbench, then attach the two small devices to the sides.
Go back downstairs and look at the safe in the front room. Attach your device to the other one here, then pull open the door. Take the blueprints and microchip hijacker from inside the safe. Head back outside and leave.
Minimal Mission
14 Stolen Items
Look at the red pipes, and use your SK device on the 4 padlocks so you can remove the 2 metal brackets. Pull the small red pipe forward. Now go down the ramp and push open the door at the bottom to get inside. Use your prying tool on the painting in the bathroom. Pull out the knob from here, then cut if off with your wire cutter. Go around to the vent on the wall directly behind here. Remove the 4 screws, then remove the vent faceplate. Flip up both the blue and purple switches.
Return to the front room and take the 3 puzzle boxes from the table. Head back outside to your portable workbench. Examine the cylinder puzzle box first. Rotate the segments near the top and bottom and slide them up and down into position, then take the small device from within the middle section. Next examine the square puzzle box with the central depression. Press and hold the 2 pink buttons, then press and hold the 2 blue buttons, then take the small device from within. Examine the final puzzle box. Lift up and rotate the central part of the lid to create matching colors. Rotate the box to the right and pull out both colored bars at the end. Now rotate the box around to the left, open the compartment and remove the large device. Place the large device on the workbench, then attach the two small devices to the sides. Go back downstairs and look at the safe in the front room. Attach your device to the other one here, then pull open the door. Take the blueprints and microchip hijacker from inside the safe. Head back outside and leave.
Climb the ladder to leave.
Hiding in Plain Sight
Look down at the documents to your left, then choose to leave.
Complete Mission
1 News Article, 5 Spy Cameras, 27 Stolen Items
Pick up the first spy camera (1/5) on top of one of the ventilation units on the roof. Examine the panel near the door. Use your screwdriver to remove the 4 screws, then remove the front panel. Use your microchip hijacker on the microchip to unlock the door. Now pull the door open and go down the stairs to reach the 4th floor.
Look at the panel here. Use your screwdriver to remove the 4 screws, then remove the front panel. You can use your microchip hacker on the right microchip to start sending a signal through the wires. Your goal is to light up all 5 lights, and you do this by gradually cutting the wires and taping them together to get the signal to reach each of them. Once the 4 smaller lights are activated, you can just run the signal straight across to the larger light, and the door here will open. Step carefully through the door and look down to the right to grab the next spy camera (2/5), but don't go any further or the machine gun will take you out.
Back out for now and open the other single door, then go down another set of stairs to reach the 3rd floor. Grab the news article (1/1) from the far table. Find another spy camera (3/5) on the corner of a white sofa. Examine the pipe in the corner of the room here and pull out the middle section - this will reveal a hidden panel. Use your prying tool on the lip at the bottom of the panel to remove it, then use your microchip hijacker on the microchip and another doorway will open. Grab the spy camera (4/5) from the corner of the first desk. Examine the blue panels on the back wall of the room. Rotate the movable panel so it is horizontal, and hold it in this position. Look to the left and the right, and use your screwdriver to remove the 3 screws from each side. Release the panel and click on it to remove it completely.
Back out, then look behind the left end of the removed panel to see a smaller metal box. Use your screwdriver to remove the 4 screws around its corners, then remove the front panel and use your wire cutter to cut the wire inside. The entire panel will now slide away. Go through and pull open the box on the wall. Remove all 3 power cores from inside.
Go back up to the 4th floor and through the door - the machine gun is now disabled. Take the final spy camera (5/5) from the base of the machine gun. Go to the back right of this area and pull the middle switch down. Now go to the controls in the back of the room and use the blue and pink buttons to bring the mechanical arm forward so you can take the portable laser. Head back up to the roof and leave.
Minimal Mission
25 Stolen Items
Examine the panel near the door. Use your screwdriver to remove the 4 screws, then remove the front panel. Use your microchip hijacker on the microchip to unlock the door. Now pull the door open and go down the stairs to reach the 4th floor. Look at the panel here. Use your screwdriver to remove the 4 screws, then remove the front panel. You can use your microchip hacker on the right microchip to start sending a signal through the wires. Your goal is to light up all 5 lights, and you do this by gradually cutting the wires and taping them together to get the signal to reach each of them. Once the 4 smaller lights are activated, you can just run the signal straight across to the larger light, and the door here will open.
Open the other single door, then go down another set of stairs to reach the 3rd floor. Examine the pipe in the corner of the room here and pull out the middle section - this will reveal a hidden panel. Use your prying tool on the lip at the bottom of the panel to remove it, then use your microchip hijacker on the microchip and another doorway will open. Examine the blue panels on the back wall of the room. Rotate the movable panel so it is horizontal, and hold it in this position. Look to the left and the right, and use your screwdriver to remove the 3 screws from each side. Release the panel and click on it to remove it completely. Back out, then look behind the left end of the removed panel to see a smaller metal box. Use your screwdriver to remove the 4 screws around its corners, then remove the front panel and use your wire cutter to cut the wire inside. The entire panel will now slide away. Go through and pull open the box on the wall. Remove only one of the 3 power cores from inside. Go back up to the 4th floor and through the door - the machine gun is now disabled. Go to the back right of this area and pull the middle switch down. Now go to the controls in the back of the room and use the blue and pink buttons to bring the mechanical arm forward so you can take the portable laser. Head back up to the roof and leave.
Read the message about a new mode for the multi-tool, then climb the ladder to leave.
The Gentlemen of Society
Look down at the documents to your left, then choose to leave.
Complete Mission
1 News Article, 5 Spy Cameras, 90 Stolen Items
Take the first spy camera (1/5) from the side of the low panel on the wall here. Use your SK device to unlock the door, then push it open and go through. Go around and up the stairs and use your SK device again, then push the next door open. Find the next spy camera (2/5) on the low panel to the right. Look at the small locked box on the floor and use your SK device to unlock it. Open it and take the blue puzzle box from inside. Carry this back down and put it on your portable workbench. Pull out and hold the red switch, then touch the tiny red knob on the side to remove a small rod. Insert this into the left hole, then pull out and hold the pink button. Move the rod into the right hole, then pull out the blue button. Take out the small fuse from the opened compartment.
Go back upstairs and examine the fake brick on the brick wall. Use your prying tool on the bottom edge, then use your hook on the bottom edge to remove the fake brick. Now insert the fuse into the slot and use your microchip hijacker on the microchip - a section of the brick wall will slide away so you can continue. Go around and up the stairs, then slide the handle up on the large door and push it open.
Look at the first piece of artwork on the left. Use your hook to pull out and hold the top round button, then press the green button that is revealed. In the next area, look under the edge of the central table to find a spy camera (3/5). Open all 4 floor panels surrounding the central table, by using your screwdriver to remove the 4 screws, then using the hook to lift up the panel via the small slot. Cut the yellow and pink wires in each opening, then use your tape to connect the pink ends to the yellow ends - all of the doors should now be open.
Head into the largest open room that does not have a machine gun guarding it. Pick up another spy camera (4/5) from one of the displays on the right. Pick up all of the artwork, including the tiny signs. There is a security door here that you cannot open yet. Head back down to your portable workbench and place the yellow mask artwork on it. Turn the nose to the left, then pull out the left handle and hold it. Turn the nose to the right, then pull out the right handle, and the lid will pop up. Now press and hold one of the buttons on the front, then press the other button. Pull out the tray and take the key-card from within.
Return up to the security door and use the key-card on the scanner next to it. Push open the door and enter the security room. Find a news article (1/1) on a desk here, then pull up the lever on the right wall. Go back out to the central table, which has now opened, revealing a set of switches. Keep the single top and bottom switches on, but turn off the ones going to the side rooms - this will disable the security. Head into the room on the left first, and steal all of the objects here. Now go to the room on the right containing the glass cases. Find the last spy camera (5/5) on the floor in the corner of the room.
Examine the side of the cabinet that holds the gem. Remove the 4 red panels from the sides of the cabinet. Look down and use your prying tool on the blue line, then your hook to lift up the floor panel. Click on the handle to reveal a depression extending beneath the cabinet. Look down further and use your wire cutter to remove the spherical weight. Now look back up to the sides of the cabinet and use your hook on the small round depression in each side to remove the metal panels. Use your screwdriver to remove the 4 large screws under the top corners of the cabinet, then you can remove the outer glass case. Push the inner glass case down, then back up again, and take the gem. Now head all the way back down the stairs and leave.
Minimal Mission
14 Stolen Items
Use your SK device to unlock the door, then push it open and go through. Go around and up the stairs and use your SK device again, then push the next door open. Look at the small locked box on the floor and use your SK device to unlock it. Open it and take the blue puzzle box from inside. Carry this back down and put it on your portable workbench. Pull out and hold the red switch, then touch the tiny red knob on the side to remove a small rod. Insert this into the left hole, then pull out and hold the pink button. Move the rod into the right hole, then pull out the blue button. Take out the small fuse from the opened compartment. Go back upstairs and examine the fake brick on the brick wall. Use your prying tool on the bottom edge, then use your hook on the bottom edge to remove the fake brick. Now insert the fuse into the slot and use your microchip hijacker on the microchip - a section of the brick wall will slide away so you can continue. Go around and up the stairs, then slide the handle up on the large door and push it open.
Look at the first piece of artwork on the left. Use your hook to pull out and hold the top round button, then press the green button that is revealed. Open the floor panel on the far side of the central table, by using your screwdriver to remove the 4 screws, then using the hook to lift up the panel via the small slot. Cut the yellow and pink wires in the opening, then use your tape to connect the pink ends to the yellow ends - the door behind you should now be open. Enter and pick up only the yellow teapot artwork from the left. There is a security door here that you cannot open yet. Head back down to your portable workbench and place the yellow mask artwork on it. Turn the nose to the left, then pull out the left handle and hold it. Turn the nose to the right, then pull out the right handle, and the lid will pop up. Now press and hold one of the buttons on the front, then press the other button. Pull out the tray and take the key-card from within.
Return up to the security door and use the key-card on the scanner next to it. Push open the door and enter the security room. Pull up the lever on the right wall. Go back out to the central table, which has now opened, revealing a set of switches. Toggle the switches to the side rooms to open the doors and disable the security. Head into the room on the right containing the glass cases. Examine the side of the cabinet that holds the gem. Remove the red panel from the side of the cabinet. Look down and use your prying tool on the blue line, then your hook to lift up the floor panel. Click on the handle to reveal a depression extending beneath the cabinet. Look down further and use your wire cutter to remove the spherical weight. Now look back up to the side of the cabinet and use your hook on the small round depression to remove the metal panel. Use your screwdriver to remove the 4 large screws under the top corners of the cabinet, then you can remove the outer glass case. Push the inner glass case down, then back up again, and take the gem. Now head all the way back down the stairs and leave.
Climb the ladder to leave.
Enemies of Enemies
Look down at the document to your left, then choose to leave.
Complete Mission
1 News Article, 5 Spy Cameras, 30 Stolen Items
Look behind the nearest gray pillar across the street to find the first spy camera (1/5). Head down the street to the left and look on top of the trash cans to find a news article (1/1). Cross the street again and head over to the roller door. Use your SK device on the 3 padlocks, then lift up the door only a small amount. Use your wire cutter on all 3 wires, then lift up the door fully. Inside the store front, find another spy camera (2/5) on the edge of the bottom shelf on the far wall. Now press the button beneath the middle of the counter. Look up to see three buttons have been revealed. Ignore these, and pull out a small panel below them, then slide this to the left. Press the smaller green button.
Head into the small room to the right. Pick up everything you can from the floor and shelves. Examine the purple box on the shelves, and unlock it with your SK device. Open the lid and take the rod from inside. Look at the bottom left shelf and slide the cover to the right to reveal three symbols: sun, moon and star. While you are here, look at the under-surface of the stairs to find the next spy camera (3/5).
Go back out to the workbench and place your green box on it. Drag the button to the left and then down, to open a small panel on the right. Pull out the handle here. Drag the button to the right and then up, so that several pieces come out on the left side of the box. Remove these, then drag the handle to the left. Take the blue sun from the middle. Next place the robot hand on the workbench and remove its thumb, which is a blue moon. Now put your pink bin on the workbench. Spin the bin until the top comes off the base. Press each combination of 2 buttons on the base, then push back in all 3 pieces so you can take the blue star from the middle.
Return in to the side room and place your three blue symbols in the depressions on the bottom left shelf. This will open another area directly behind you. Look down at the floor here and use your hook to lift up the floor panel. Click the thin blue bar to remove it, then look more closely at the green circular device. Remove the 4 screws with your screwdriver, then take the green trigger. Step forward to the door and examine it, using your wire cutter to cut the wire leading down to the handle. Push the door open.
The next spy camera (4/5) is on the stairs just ahead. Go up the stairs and find the last spy camera (5/5) from next to the pillow on the middle bed. Open the green cabinet on the wall. Turn the blue dial so that it is horizontal. Now press and hold the button on the left of the cabinet, and press the right button. Look back inside to see a new panel revealed, where you should flip the green switch. Take the ring from the new secret opening just to the left. Head back outside and leave.
Minimal Mission
4 Stolen Items
Cross the street and head over to the roller door. Use your SK device on the 3 padlocks, then lift up the door only a small amount. Use your wire cutter on all 3 wires, then lift up the door fully. Inside the store front, press the button beneath the middle of the counter. Look up to see three buttons have been revealed. Ignore these, and pull out a small panel below them, then slide this to the left. Press the smaller green button. Head into the small room to the right. Pick up the green box, the robot hand, and the pink bin. Look at the bottom left shelf and slide the cover to the right to reveal three symbols: sun, moon and star.
Go back out to the workbench and place your green box on it. Drag the button to the left and then down, to open a small panel on the right. Pull out the handle here. Drag the button to the right and then up, so that several pieces come out on the left side of the box. Remove these, then drag the handle to the left. Take the blue sun from the middle. Next place the robot hand on the workbench and remove its thumb, which is a blue moon. Now put your pink bin on the workbench. Spin the bin until the top comes off the base. Press each combination of 2 buttons on the base, then push back in all 3 pieces so you can take the blue star from the middle.
Return in to the side room and place your three blue symbols in the depressions on the bottom left shelf. This will open another area directly behind you. Look down at the floor here and use your hook to lift up the floor panel. Click the thin blue bar to remove it, then walk carefully around the edge to avoiding detonating the bomb. Step forward to the door and examine it, using your wire cutter to cut the wire leading down to the handle. Push the door open. Go up the stairs and open the green cabinet on the wall. Turn the blue dial so that it is horizontal. Now press and hold the button on the left of the cabinet, and press the right button. Look back inside to see a new panel revealed, where you should flip the green switch. Take the ring from the new secret opening just to the left. Head back outside and leave.
Climb the ladder, but an alarm will sound. Press the button to the left of the ladder. Turn around and enter the secret room, then press the button to escape You Were Warned.
True Intentions
Look down at the document, then choose to leave.
Complete Mission
1 News Article, 9 Stolen Items
Read the letter held by the delivery bot. Look up to see an exposed microchip, and use your microchip hijacker on it. Walk past and head straight down the street ahead. There are 2 machine guns to the right - ignore these and find some blue stairs to climb just to the left. Use your SK device on the locked door, then push it open. Inside, use your SK device to unlock the controls, then press and hold the up arrow until the crane stops moving. Go back down the stairs and head beneath the shipping container that has been lifted into the air. Walk between the containers until you reach the train.
Climb up the stairs near the back of the train and enter the rear carriage, using the SK device to unlock the door first. Inside, pick up the news article (1/1). Use your SK device again to unlock the next carriage, and go inside to find 8 yellow explosives to pick up. Climb down again and climb up the stairs near the front of the train. Look back and down, and remove the train's locking pin. Insert your fake locking pin. Go back to the start and crouch down to leave.
Minimal Mission
2 Stolen Items
Read the letter held by the delivery bot. Look up to see an exposed microchip, and use your microchip hijacker on it. Walk past and head straight down the street ahead. There are 2 machine guns to the right - ignore these and find some blue stairs to climb just to the left. Use your SK device on the locked door, then push it open. Inside, use your SK device to unlock the controls, then press and hold the up arrow until the crane stops moving. Go back down the stairs and head beneath the shipping container that has been lifted into the air. Walk between the containers until you reach the train. Climb up the stairs near the back of the train and enter the middle carriage, using the SK device to unlock the door first. Inside, pick up a single yellow explosive. Climb down again and climb up the stairs near the front of the train. Look back and down, and remove the train's locking pin. Insert your fake locking pin. Go back to the start and crouch down to leave.
Choose to leave.
King Me
Look down at the document to your left, then choose to leave.
Complete Mission
2 News Articles, 28 Stolen Items
Go over to the red gate on the right. Unlock this with your SK device, then push the gate open and go through. Examine the door to the left. Pry off the red panel with your prying tool. Use your screwdriver on the 4 screws, then remove the silver panel. Use your hook on the small blue opening, then drag the blue panel to the left and push open the door.
Climb the stairs and look at the panel to the right. Use your screwdriver on the 4 screws, remove the front panel, and use your screwdriver on 4 more screws. Remove the metal rectangle. Also use your prying tool on the smaller silver cover at the bottom right. Now you need to use your microchip hijacker on 4 specific microchips in the right order to turn all 4 small lights green: bottom-right, top-left, top-right, bottom-left. Proceed along the corridor and use your prying tool to remove all 5 posters from their frames. Drag up the slider hidden behind the final poster, then enter the secret room that is revealed.
Find a news article (1/2) on the desk here. Crouch down and examine the box beneath the desk. Pull open the door, then use your wire cutters on the 2 blue wires and connect the two bottom wires together. Now insert your USB into the controls on the desk.
Head back outside and enter the blue building through the open door. Go through the door at the end of the hall. Find the last news article (2/2) on the desk here. Go through the side door and around the corner to find 3 pot plants. Tilt and the last pot plant to the left, then press the button hidden in its base. Now pull open the large panel to the left. Examine the fake brick to the left of the new door. Drag the sides outwards, and the top and bottom upwards. Turn around to find a new panel to examine. Use your screwdriver on the 4 screws, then remove the panel. Use your microchip hijacker on the microchip 3 times, then go through the door.
Minimal Mission
13 Stolen Items
Go over to the red gate on the right. Unlock this with your SK device, then push the gate open and go through. Examine the door to the left. Pry off the red panel with your prying tool. Use your screwdriver on the 4 screws, then remove the silver panel. Use your hook on the small blue opening, then drag the blue panel to the left and push open the door. Climb the stairs and look at the panel to the right. Press these buttons to open the door: bottom-right, top-left, top-right, bottom-left. Proceed along the corridor and use your prying tool to remove only the final poster from its frame. Drag up the slider hidden behind the final poster, then enter the secret room that is revealed. Crouch down and examine the box beneath the desk. Pull open the door, then use your wire cutters on the 2 blue wires and connect the two bottom wires together. Now insert your USB into the controls on the desk.
Head back outside and enter the blue building through the open door. Go through the door at the end of the hall. Go through the side door and around the corner to find 3 pot plants. Tilt and the last pot plant to the left, then press the button hidden in its base. Now pull open the large panel to the left. Examine the fake brick to the left of the new door. Drag the sides outwards, and the top and bottom upwards. Turn around to find a new panel to examine. Use your screwdriver on the 4 screws, then remove the panel. Use your microchip hijacker on the microchip 3 times, then go through the door.
Watch the message on the screen, then press the button that emerges. You will now receive an achievement for completing the game The Life I Want.
If you have followed all of the Complete Mission instructions above, you should have also done the following:
- Collected all 11 news articles Reality Skewed By Perspective
- Collected all 24 spy cameras I Know Who's Watching
- Collected all 384 stolen items What I'm Owed
If you have followed all of the Minimal Mission instructions above, you should get a different achievement:
- Collected the minimum of 111 stolen items Such Things Are Pointless
Challenge Puzzles
Sliding Switches Part 1
Pick up the puzzle box and put it on your portable workbench. There are 3 round switches that you can slide up and down to various positions. In each case, you need to move the switches into positions that match the heights of the pillars on the top of the puzzle box. Follow this series of positions:
Take the green key and use it on the padlock near the switch. Lift the cover and press the button. Go through the door to leave.
Sliding Switches Part 2
Examine the puzzle on the wall ahead of you. There are currently 4 round switches that you can slide up and down to various positions. In each case, you need to move pieces to match the round markers on the edge of the display above. Start with this position:
Now press and hold the buttons in the top-left and bottom-right of the top grid, to reveal another sliding piece. Next position the pieces as follows:
Take the green key and use it on the padlock near the switch. Lift the cover and press the button. Go through the door to leave.
Sliding Switches Part 3
Examine the puzzle on the wall ahead of you. There are 8 round switches that you can slide left and right to various positions. In each case, you need to approximate the shape shown in the middle. Start with this position:
Next form this position:
Proceed with this pattern:
Continue with this one:
And finally the following:
Take the green key and use it on the padlock near the switch. Lift the cover and press the button. Go through the door to leave.
Tricky Cryptex
Pick up the puzzle box and put it on your portable workbench. There are 4 dials that can be rotated. Start with the second dial and rotate it so the yellow dot lines up with the dots on the main rod, then slide it left. Repeat this once more to slide it further left. Now do the same with the third dial, sliding it right twice to reveal a depression in the middle of the main rod. Pull the left dial forwards and hold it, then rotate the right dial downwards until the key is revealed. Take the green key and use it on the padlock near the switch. Lift the cover and press the button. Go through the door to leave.