The Almost GoneThe Almost Gone

Game Details:  Puzzle, 2020

Steam Achievements:  Completed (12/12)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  10/28/2020

Suggested Listening:  Caught Up in the Panic (Ash 25)

The Almost Gone is an isometric puzzle game set against a tragic story of loss and mental health issues. The story is gradually revealed through the game play.

Act 1

The House

After starting the game, just wait in the first room for 30 minutes Go to your room!. Click on the box on the bed, then open the drawers to the left of the bed and take the handle from inside. Use this on the box to open it, then take the eye piece from inside. Now move around the room Where am I?.

Find the part of the room with the telescope and examine it, then attach the eye piece. Look through the telescope to see a tree-house, and keep looking through it for 2 minutes Stargazer. Make sure you look up at the stars and find a pattern that gets highlighted (Leo). Find a part of the room with a drawing desk and look at both the desk and the poster above it. The poster shows another constellation (Virgo).

Find a constellation globe on a table and click on the two constellations you have seen (Leo and Virgo) to open a secret panel. Take the key from inside. Go back to the drawing desk and rotate the view to see the door. Try to open it, then use the key on it.

Try to open the door with the duck symbol, but a strange black substance starts to come out. Try to open the other door to your parents' bedroom, but it is also locked. Go along the landing and then down the stairs.

Look at the storeroom beneath the stairs and pick up the record. Go to the end of the hall, but the front door is boarded shut. Notice the cuckoo clock on the wall, the picture of the tree-house on the opposite wall, and the open mailbox next to the front door. Go back along the hall and through the other door here.

Use the record on the record player, then take the video cassette from the drawer that opens below. Continue further into this room to find a television on the wall. Examine the video player and insert the video cassette. After the television is destroyed, look at the wedding cake and pick up the knife. Grab the pregnancy test from inside the cake. Continue through this room to find a dining table. Look at the spilled drink and pick up the bottle of pills.

Continue to the next area, which was your mother's office. Open the drawer and take the letter from the psychiatrist from inside the purse. Look at the safe, but you don't have all the information for the combination yet. Go through the door here and examine the printer, then click on the piece of paper and take the letter from the lawyer.

Return to the previous area and enter the kitchen, where the refrigerator is locked with a strange combination lock. Look at the symbols on the 2 letters you have collected, and rearrange the symbols on the combination lock to match them. Open the fridge and take the bottle of alcohol from inside. Now go back to the safe in your mother's office. You need to open it with a combination based on the numbers on the bottle of alcohol, the bottle of pills, and the pregnancy test: 16-50-11. Just spin the dial one direction, then in reverse, then forward again until the numbers match this combination. Take the bedroom key from inside.

Go back upstairs and use this key on the locked door. Examine the sliding door, but the handle is missing. Go further into the room and pick up the handle from on top of some folded laundry. Go back and use this on the sliding door and you will head outside. Look at the box hanging in the tree, then untie it from the railing. Look at it again and take the crowbar. Go back inside and down to the boarded front door. Use the crowbar on the boards There's no place like home.

Act 2

The Suburbs

Look at the small jar in the high gutter, and at the tap and hose on the side of the house, then head away from the house to an area with a picnic table. Look at the note on the table. Open the rubbish bin and take some garden shears from inside. Go to the other part of the garden and look at the small grave outside the wall. Search the collar to find a map. While you are here, look at the bird house and the dog house.

Go to the second part of the house and find a toolbox hanging from a rope. Cut the rope with your garden shears, then search the toolbox to get a wrench. Look at the small dark patch near the corner of the house (as marked on the map). Click several times to find a half bone. Return to the first part of the house and use the wrench on the tap. Pick up the small jar from the ground.

Go back to the far corner of the garden and use the small jar on the bird house. Click on the bird to end up with another half bone. Insert both halves on to the front of the dog house, and you will end up being able to explore the surrounding houses.

Look at the carving in the tree. Open the door of the cop car in the tree and take the dog figurine (1/7) from inside. Open the briefcase on the ground and find a laser pointer, then insert this into the carving on the tree. Head down the street in the direction indicated by the laser. Open both halves of the bin. Take the mirror piece from one half, then examine the grate on the ground indicated by the reflected laser and find a pregnant woman figurine (2/7). Close the bin again and continue in the direction of the laser.

Look at the broken mirror that the laser passes through. Also notice the combination lock on the broken gate here, then keep going along the path of the laser. Look at the blank wall that the laser beam hits. Examine the cement mixer, then tip it so you can pick up the large mallet. Use this on the blank wall, and grab the architect figurine (3/7). Return to the broken mirror and fix it with the mirror piece you picked up earlier. Follow the new direction of the laser and click on the ground here, then pick up a paparazzi figurine (4/7). Examine the fire hydrant, and open it with your wrench to put out the fire. Now you can pick up the cop figurine (5/7).

Head along the street to house 3 and pick up the grave figurine (6/7) from the front yard. Go down the street to see house 2 and then house 1. Cross the street and move the skateboard so you can pick up the graffiti figurine (7/7). Now that you have all seven figurines, you can start placing them on the mailboxes outside the houses. Start by putting the dog figurine and grave figurine on house 2's mailbox Pet cemetary, then retrieve them again and start properly.

Go to house 1 and look around it to find a sketch of a dead child and a broken bicycle. Place the grave figurine on the mailbox. Take the envelope and open it to find an award (containing the number 1).

Go to house 2 and look around to see signs of architectural work and photography. Place the architect and paparazzi figurines on the mailbox. Take the magazine (containing the number 3).

Go to house 3 and look around to see a crib, a doghouse and a lot of security on the front of the house. Place the cop, pregnant woman and dog figurines on the mailbox. Take the brochure (containing the number 9).

Now finally head to house 4 and look around to see graffiti inside it. Place the graffiti figurine on the mailbox. Take the postcard (containing the number 9).

Go back out to the street and look at the combination lock on the large broken gate again. Enter the numbers from the four different pieces of mail you found: 1399 One-way street.

Act 3

The Apartments

Head away from the elevator to find a large generator. Keep going to the next part of the room and open the door, then go through and interact with the chair. Take the lighter from on top of one of the machines. Turn off the other machine and open the door to find a key. Now interact with the chair again. Use the key on the locked cupboard here, then take a half-empty fuel container from inside. Return out to the generator and use your fuel on the round opening. Open the small panel on the other side of the machine and use your lighter on the gas fumes to light up the area.

Go to the next part of the room and examine the electricity box on the wall. Open the panel and press the buttons in the order indicated: blue, red, yellow, blue, yellow. Now head up the stairs.

Examine the mailboxes to see that the top floor needs to collect their mail. Enter the elevator and go up to the second floor. Open the doors to the apartment and head inside. Look at the model tree-house, then continue down the hall and look at the model apartment block. The main doors are locked, and one of the other single doors is locked, so go through the other door into a bedroom. Examine the cupboard and computer, then click on the bear twice to head to the past.

Open the cupboard, then examine the puzzle box on the desk. It has four sides where you need to trace a shape, and a button on the top. Explore the room again and find a series of 4 cubes each display a symbol and a letter, then trace the shapes of the letters on the matching four sides of the puzzle box (G, O, N, E). Once you are done, take the sketch that is revealed. Click on the bear again to return to the present.

Search the books on the floor near the desk, then slide them out of the way and take the key. Leave this room and use the key to unlock the double doors, then head through. Break the handle off the refrigerator, then click on the newspaper twice to head to the past.

Examine the refrigerator and add your broken handle. Take a frozen meal from inside. Click on the newspaper again to return to the present.

Use the frozen meal in the microwave, then remove its lid and take the model bed (1/3) from inside. Now head through the single door here into a larger bedroom. Examine the box on the bed and turn its handle, then take the note from inside - make sure you look at the back of this note for another clue. Continue to the next part of the room, then spin the view and go through the door to a bathroom. Try to turn on the hot water in the bath, but it doesn't work. Examine the hot water system, and use your lighter to start the flame again. Now turn on the hot water in the bath, and pick up the handle.

Go back to the other locked door and use the key to unlock it. Go through to a large study. Look at the bookcase, and click on the book indicated on the back of the note. Take the model desk (2/3) from inside. Go to the other half of the room, then click on the stain on the sofa twice to head to the past.

Examine the hatch in the floor. Use your handle on it to open it, then take the model sofa (3/3) from inside. Click on the fallen sofa cushion to return to the present.

Leave the study and return to the model tree-house. Examine it and insert your three model pieces. Now head through the door here that is broken open by the tree roots. Look at the picture on the wall, then continue to the second part of the room and click on the picture on the wall twice to head to the past.

Examine the large model in the middle of the room and take the electrical wire from it. Click on the picture on the wall twice to return to the present.

Leave your grandparents' apartment and return to the elevator. Go up to the third floor. Examine the chair, then add your electrical wire to it and press the up button. Now head up the stairs and through the next door, which will shut behind you. Examine the closed door and take off the door knob, then open this to see a number 1 inside a circle. In the opposite corner of the room, take the red valve from the top of the oxygen bottle. Look at the tubing on the bed in the shape of a number 9. Go to the corner with the large box and rotate the display to see a number 7 across two sides of the box. In another corner of the room, find a painting you can rip open on one of the walls and spin the display to see a number 2 inside a rectangle.

Return to the large box. Now attach the valve to the side of the box to reveal another scale model. Examine this to see a combination lock. Base on the numbers you have seen, enter the combination 1972 Roots of truth.

Act 4

The Hospital

Click on the hospital to go inside. Look at your grandfather's bust, then open the panel on the back of the pedestal and flip the switch inside. Head along the corridor twice, then pick up the plastic cup from the small table at the end of the chairs. Go back once and fill the cup with water from the dispenser. Go forward again and look at the television screen, then at the electrical panel on the wall. Pour your water on to this, then go through the open doors.

Pick up the red canister, then start exploring. Find a corner of the area where there is a bag of blood hanging out of reach from a tree branch. Find a control panel here and use it to make sure the lower tubes are connected. Now find the pipe organ. Put your red canister into the right slot and pull the lever.

Return to the tree and collect the red canister and the bag of blood. Go and find the slouching statue of a man. Exchange your bag of blood for the empty bag hanging here, and the statue will stand up straight. Go to the MRI machine and use the control panel here to connect the lower tubes. Use the control panel at the tree to connect the upper tubes. Return to the pipe organ. Put your red canister into the third slot and pull the lever.

Return to the statue and collect the red canister and the photo slide (3/4) from the statue's head. Next go to the small building in the middle of the hospital and head inside. Look at the patient file on the couch, which mentions the number 510. Also take the photo slide (1/4) from the file. Return to the pipe organ. Put your red canister into the left slot and pull the lever.

Go through the broken wall and collect the red canister. Look at the computer on the desk. Use the keypad to view room 510. You will see another series of numbers: 208, 301, 403, 510. Back out and go along the corridor to the end. Enter the elevator and try to go to room 510, but the elevator will stop at level 2. Enter room 208, then climb down the ladder to reach level 3. Next go to room 301, then climb down the ladder to reach level 4. Continue to room 403, then climb down another ladder to reach level 5. Enter room 510 and examine the floor, then pick up another photo slide (4/4). Back out and you will end up back on level 1.

Go to the pipe organ. Put your red canister into the second slot and pull the lever. Go to where the stuck canister was knocked free and pick it up from the ground. Return to the MRI and use the control panel to connect the upper tubes. Put the new red canister into the third slot and pull the lever. Go to the MRI and proceed through, then pick up the red canister again. Continue to the next room and examine the machine, then insert the red canister. You will end up with an electronic device. Grab the red canister again. Look at the open cabinet on the wall here and insert the electronic device. Enter the code 510 on the keypad. Take the pills that become available. Open the container and you will find the last photo slide (2/4) inside.

Go back through the MRI and into the small building in the middle of the hospital. Insert all 4 photo slides into the slide projector, then go through the new opening.

Follow the water and turn the large valve to lower the water level. Continue forward and go through the door. Open door 510 Let us pray.

Act 5

The Forest

Move around and find the telescope. Look through it and up to the stars until a constellation gets highlighted (Aquarius). Also look at the large map on another wall to see another constellation (Sagittarius). Find a constellation globe on a table and click on the two constellations you have seen (Aquarius and Sagittarius) to open a secret panel. Take the key from inside. Use this on the door here to reach the next room. Use the bed If truth be told.

There are extra achievements for completing the game a second time Deja vu, and for spending at least 5 hours in the game Lost in limbo. On your second time through, complete a level using information you gained from the first play through (for example, ignore the figurines entirely and just open the combination lock in Act 2 as soon as you reach the street) I see what you did there.