The Silent AgeThe Silent Age

Game Details:  Sci-Fi, 2015

Steam Achievements:  Completed (24/24)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  6/11/2017

Suggested Listening:  Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)

The Silent Age is a time-traveling 3rd person science fiction adventure game. It was originally a mobile game, subsequently ported to PC.

Chapter 1

The Present

Read the note, then open the orange door and go through to the supply room. Pick up the light bulb from the shelf and use it on the broken light bulb hanging above the table. Now use the bulb to light up the room. Take the blue access card from the table, and the green rubber glove from the shelf. Leave the room again, and use the blue access card on the card reader to the right, then enter the elevator.

Talk to the secretary, then open the red doors and enter Mr Hill's office. Talk to Mr Hill to receive a red access card Working for the Man. Leave the office and return down in the elevator.

Go to the far left and use your red access card on the card reader to open the elevator and go inside. Use the door button on the control panel, then get out at the sub-basement. Use your rubber glove to fix the broken access panel, then go through the unlocked door on the right.

Search the lab coat to find a handkerchief, then use this on the blood trail near the round door on the right to get a sample. Try to use the Polaris 9 Super Computer here Data Error. Return all the way upstairs and talk to the secretary again, who will give you a band-aid. Go all the way downstairs again and go to the round door. Use the band-aid on the left door button to hold it down, then press the right button to open the door. Talk to the injured man, and you will receive a time travel device.

Chapter 2

The Future

Take the time travel device and use it. Open the door and leave the room. Go upstairs and walk to the right. Examine the hanging man, then take the key from his belt. Pick up the hammer from the floor on the right, then head back downstairs.

Use the key on the first door here, then enter the evidence room door and search the corpse inside to get an ID card. Return upstairs and use the ID card to open the red door. Take the code from the bulletin board inside. Fully examine all 6 pictures on the bulletin board Suspect Zero. Open the desk drawer and take the bottle of weapon oil from inside.

Leave this room and climb the stairs up to the second floor. Move the picture on the wall to the left to reveal a safe. Use your code on the safe to open it, and you will get a paper clip from inside. Go back downstairs twice and enter the evidence room again. Use the gun oil on the padlock, then use the paper clip to unlock it. Open the evidence locker and get the katana from inside.

Head back up to the second floor and use the katana to cut the rope Gordian Knot. Head back down twice and collect the rope from around the body's neck, then go up and through the door on the second floor into an office. Smash the window with your hammer, then go outside. Use your rope on the tree branch and climb down.

Chapter 3

The Machine

Walk right into the sunlight to recharge your time travel device, then use it.

Take the screwdriver from the motorcycle tool bag, and use it on the back-lot door to the left, then go through. Pick up the umbrella, then walk over to the police car and use your time travel device again. Search the police car to get a nightstick, then return to the motorcycle area. Go to the far right of this area and use your time travel device to travel to the past. Use your umbrella to lower the fire escape ladder, then climb up until you reach the roof. Take the carpet from the line, then travel to the future. Climb down through the hole in the roof and pull down the torn wallpaper, then travel to the past.

Open the curtains and pick up the wallpaper paste, then turn on the lamp and take the key from inside the lampshade. Use this key on the nearby door, then go outside to the fire escape. Climb down the ladder and use your wallpaper paste on the small poison ivy plant Contaminator. Climb the ladder and travel to the future.

Try to open the door to Apartment 1G, and the handle will come off. Enter Apartment 1F instead, and use the handle on the door inside here, then go through. Use your time travel device. Turn on the TV Couch Potato, then smash the window with your nightstick. Place your carpet in the window, then climb through.

Chapter 4

The Entry

Open the trash can and pick up the broom head. Keep clicking on the trash can until you say you are getting hungry Hobo. Travel to the future and pick up the meat hook, then walk left and lift up the broken plate. Use your broom head on the dust, then use the meat hook on the manhole cover. Climb down.

Pick up the bar from the ground, then climb back up. Travel to the past, then use the switch on the wall here and go through the electronic gate to the front of the hospital. Travel to the future again and use your metal bar on the locked container to open it. Take out the bone saw. Travel back to the past and go left to the back alley, then travel to the future and climb down the manhole. Look at where the light switch is located, then travel to the past and use the light switch. Now use your bone saw on the iron bars, then climb through to the passage.

Pick up the syringe, then go back out of the passage. Travel to the future again and and head back to the surface. Travel to the past and go through the electronic gate, then use your syringe to collect some turpentine from the green bottle. Travel to the future and examine the corpse sitting against the tree to get a lighter. Travel to the past and go left through the gate, then travel to the future and climb down the manhole. Travel to the past and enter the passage, then travel back to the future. Use your syringe on the rubble in here, then use your lighter on it Where There's Smoke. Now leave this passage, travel to the future, climb the ladder, go back to the past and head through the gate, travel to the future, and open the doors to the hospital. Head inside.

Chapter 5

The Corpse

Go through the door to the garage and travel to the past. Take the red car battery from the shelf, and press the button on the wall here to open the main doors. Go back to the future and return through the door. Pick up the tire iron from the ground to the right, then go to the past and go through the yellow Office A door. Travel to the future again and climb down through the gaping hole in the floor.

Pick up the scissors, then travel to the past and use the scissors to remove the name tag from the corpse. Try to use the battery on the corpse Re-Animator. Travel to the future and leave the room to the left. Use your battery on the cables, then pick up the small key that is revealed to the right. Travel to the past and open the desk drawer, then take the ambulance key from inside. Now climb the stairs and go through the Office A door again. Use the small key on the file cabinet and search it, but the files are numbered. Use your toe tag with the file cabinet and you will get a file with an address.

Travel to the future and leave to the left, then go through the door to the garage. Go to the past again and use your tire iron on the tire to fix the ambulance Handyman. Use the ambulance key on the ambulance to leave.

Chapter 6

The Island

Open the box on the ground, then search it to get a trophy. Open the back door of the ambulance and take the jack and empty enema pump from inside. Head right and look at the flooded boat, then try to empty it using the empty enema pump Wrong Tool. Go back to the ambulance and open the fuel cap, then use the empty enema pump on it to fill it with fuel. Return to the boat and empty it using the trophy, then fill the motor with fuel by using the enema pump on it. Use the boat and you will head to the island.

Use your jack on the fence, then go through the opening. Pick up the garden shears and use them on the chain-link fence. Go through the hole you have created. Open the camper door and go inside. Use the light switch, and take the small key hanging on the wall. Go back outside and open the junction box, then press the switch inside to electrify the pond. Press the switch again and try to grab the fish, but you can't reach it. Go to the right and open the grill, then take the tongs from inside. Use these to get the fish from the pond. Return back through the hole in the fence and give the dead fish to the crocodile See You Later. Go to the right and pick up the chainsaw, then go through the hole in the fence again and enter the camper. Use the empty chainsaw with the still on the bench to fill it up. Leave the camper and go back through the hole in the fence. Use your chainsaw on the front door and head inside.

Chapter 7

The House

Open the drawer on the right and search it to get a matchbox containing 1 match. Go through the open door on the left and pick up the wine opener from the bookcase on the right, and some books from the shelves on the left. Put the books into the fireplace, then use the matchbox on them Fahrenheit 451. Now lift up the zebra-skin rug and use your wine opener on the trapdoor so you can climb down into the basement. Take the tanning bulb from the shelf on the right, then go back through the door, up the ladder, and through the door to the right. Use the tanning bulb in the lamp on the right to recharge your time travel device.

Go left and travel to the future. Pick up the twig from the small yellow table on the left. Go back to the past and climb down to the basement, then go to the future again. Pick up the fire extinguisher. Return to the past and go through the door, then travel to the future once more. Open the oil drum and dip your twig in it. Go to the past and head through the door and up the ladder. Travel to the future and fill up your fire extinguisher from the water barrel on the right. Go to the past again and light your twig on fire with the fireplace. Climb down to the basement and through the door on the right, then go back to the future and try to use your twig on the oil drum Pyromaniac.

Travel back to the past and go through the door, up the ladder and through the door on the right. Travel to the future and use your twig on the vines here, then put out the fire using your fire extinguisher. Now you can take the axe. Return to the past and go left, then down to the basement. Use your axe on the closed door here, then go through. Pick up the lava lamp on the left, then travel to the future. Plug the lava lamp into the electrical socket on the right, then pick up the wine bottle. Read all of the books on the bookshelf here Dear Diary. Travel back to the past and go through the door. Use your wine bottle in the empty space in the shelves, then enter the secret room.

Chapter 8

Outside Archon

Go to the future and examine the left parking meter to find a quarter. Read the charred pile of documents on the ground to the left Evidence Tampering. Return to the past and enter the night club to the left. Take another quarter from the small table, then talk to the bartender. Travel to the future and take the orange cable from the right, then go back to the past and go outside. Go to the future again and tie the cable to the right parking meter, then climb down.

Go left and search the hat on the ground to get another quarter, then travel to the past and search the pay-phone on the right to get one more quarter. Go to the future and climb up the cable, then go to the past and enter the night club again. Give your 4 quarters to the bartender, then keep talking to him while he is making your drink Mixology. Now press the red button on the wall and quickly take the disco ball. Try your drink before leaving.

Jump to the future and climb down, then travel to the past and enter the subway car, before going back to the future again. Use the disco ball on the beam of light, then pick up the screwdriver that is revealed. Go to the past and leave the car, then go to the future and use the screwdriver on the wall vent to the far left of this area. Climb inside and turn the red valve. Go back out through the vent and climb up the cable, then switch to the past and enter the night club. Travel to the future and search the corpse to get a revolver. Travel to the past and go back outside, then travel to the future and climb down the cable, then enter the vent on the left. Go to the past and use your revolver to shoot the fan control box Marksman.

Walk forward and use the second fan control box. Go through the second disabled fan and search the toolbox to get some wire cutters. Travel to the future and leave through the vent to the right. Go back to the past and cut the red cable over on the right using your wire cutters. Enter the subway car and pick up the wrench, then go back outside. Travel to the future and enter the vent on the left. Push out the grate on the far left, then climb through. Travel to the past and use your wrench on the hatch in the floor, then climb down.

Chapter 9

Inside Archon

Press the button on the control panel, then exit the elevator. Travel to the future, then go through the door to the far right. Go back to the past and head through the round door, then pick up the instant camera from the ground. Leave this room, travel to the future, and go through the left door. Search the corpse on the floor to get a green access card. Search through the file drawers on the ground just to the right and read the files inside Host of the Air.

In the past, use your green access card on the middle door, then head inside. Use your instant camera on the creepy man on the right (with his eyes open). Now open the door on the right and go through. Talk to Frank in here, then open the bottom right drawer. Also pick up the apple core from the trashcan, and touch the light wall on the right to turn it on. Use your photograph on the retinal scanner on the left, then head through this door to meet an angry scientist. Travel to the future and pick up the dustpan, then go back to the past and back through the 3 doorways and into the elevator. Go to the future and sweep up the soil in the corner with your dustpan. Go back to the past and exit the elevator, travel to the future and go through the door on the right. Travel back to the past and use your apple core on the Polaris 9 Super Computer Fanboy. Go through the round door to see that the time machine has gone. Leave this room again.

Go back to the future and leave to the left, then go to the past and enter the middle door. Go through the door to the right. Place your soil and apple core in the opened drawer on the right, then travel to the future and pick an apple from the tree. Go back to the past and head through the door on the left, then give the apple to the scientist. After he leaves, pick up the bubbling beaker of acid. Go back through the 3 doorways, then go through the doorway on the right, which will now be open. After the cutscene, go back out to the corridor. Travel to the future and go through the right door, then travel to the past again. Use your beaker of acid on the Polaris 9 Super Computer. Go through the round door and talk to Dr Lambert. Examine the time machine console when asked, and then he will die Deja Vu. Now use your modified time machine.

Chapter 10

Moebius Trip

Go left through 2 doorways, then continue left until you find a shovel that you can pick up. Return right to the half-buried door and use the shovel to clear the entrance, then go through. Open the first aid kit, then take the piece of cloth from inside. Leave this room and go through the doorway on the right, then use your piece of cloth with the dripping water to wet it. Go left again and head left until you find a dusty metallic surface; clean this with your wet cloth. Return right into the water-filled room and turn on the generator here, then examine the man stuck in the wall to get a machete. Go left and enter the other doorway just to the left, then sharpen your machete on the concrete block here. Go out and all the way to the left, then use your machete on the thick roots to clear them. Enter the orange cave talk to Frank, who will give you a cup. Go all the way to the right and fill this with water dripping from the ceiling. Go all the way to the left into the cave and give the cup of water to Frank; after the cutscene you will receive a fuse. Go back to the far right and through the round door. Insert the fuse into the big time machine, then use it.

Search the dead guard to get a small key, then pick up the piece of broken frame from the ground. Use this metal frame on the fragile wall on the right and head through. Continue to the right and use your small key on the drawer with the yellow note. Search the filing cabinet to get a cryo console manual. Go back to the left and use the manual on the cryo console, then open the empty cryo chamber and climb inside Sleeper.

Take the paper from the monitoring equipment, then pull the string on the left to open the door. Go out to the hallway, then open door 3 and go inside. Try to straighten the crooked picture frame Butterfingers. Talk to the jittery man, then search the cozy chair and you will find a remote control. Go back out to the hallway, then open door 2 and go inside. Use the remote control on the television, then take the crutch. Return to the hallway, then go back to your room through the door on the left. Use the crutch to knock over the pens on top of the wardrobe, then pick the pen up from the floor. Go back through door 3 and give your pen and paper to the jittery man. Talk to him, and he will give you a note. Go out to the hallway and use your note on the keypad, then go inside and talk to the doctor twice 21st Century Man.