Shapik: The Quest
Game Details: Fantasy, 2024
Steam Achievements: Completed (20/20)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 2/15/2025
Suggested Listening: Give Up Now (Ash 25)
Starting Tree
Stage 1
Walk left and pull the vine, then jump on it to reach the branch above. Go over to the bee that is caught in the spider web - click on it until it is free. Click on the magic stone just to the right Magic stone. Walk to the left of the high branch and click on the vine to the left so the bee frees it for you. You will automatically climb up the vine First step.
Stage 2
Walk over to the door in the tree - do not speak to the old man or you will miss an achievement. Send the bee up to the owl, and the owl will fly down to a lower branch. Walk left and get the bee to knock a fruit down onto the owl, then pick up the glowing device. Insert this into the panel next to the door, then examine the panel. Swap the positions of the tiles around to connect the top and bottom devices.
The door will open and the old man will head inside Telepath. Go inside as well. While you are climbing up, click on the candle holder Candle holder.
Stage 3
Talk to the old man 3 times. Go right and press the button to open the door. Go outside and try to use the flying machine, but one of its wings is broken. Go back inside near the old man and click repeatedly to take one of the large green leaves. Go back out and attach this to the flying machine. Try to use it, but you still need flying goggles.
Go back inside and examine the triangular electrical panel next to the door. Try unplugging the cables until you find the one that controls the music. Keep this unplugged, and plug in the spare cable. Press the button on the floor to activate a holographic display, then go over to it. Once you see the controls, press each of the 3 dials once and note the badge on the pilot's image. Press each of the 3 dials once more and notice the symbol over the closet on the next image.
Go over to the correct closet and copy the badge detail to unlock it. You will automatically wear the goggles. Go outside and use the flying machine.
Flying Machine
Stage 4
Walk right and talk to the farmer. Send your bee to annoy the crow on the scarecrow, then click repeatedly on the scarecrow to shake its bells and scare the others away. Talk to the farmer again and note the color of the soup - you need to pick the correct vegetables to match this. Once the cart is full, click on it and play a minigame where you must fit all of the vegetables into the cart.
Stage 5
Examine the well to see you need a rope and a bucket. Climb up the tree behind the well until you find a large yellow flower, then click on the pear beneath it Pear. Go back down to the ground, then head right and search the bushes to find a rope. Approach the apple on the ground, then talk to the creature in the bush to play a minigame - you must click on the 3 cups that are hiding apples. For winning the game you will get a bucket. Go back to the well and use it.
Stage 6
Walk to the right and click on the sign on the side of the windmill. When the view is zoomed out, click on the UFO in front of the moon UFO. Go further to the right and touch the stone near the edge of the cliff, so that a glowing orb follows you. Return left past the windmill Spirits of the forest.
Go right past the windmill again and pick up a gear from the broken robot. Now enter the windmill. Open the door and move the gears around to connect the 2 red gears. Get into the elevator to ride up to the top of the windmill. Talk to the robot and select the orbit image at the bottom that matches the one at the top. Repeated click the handle on the left, then sit in the seat and you will be transported to your next destination.
Mechanical Butterfly
Stage 7
Walk right until you see a wooden bridge, then click on the ship in the water Ship. Click on the sign near the edge of the water and you will stand it up so you can see the whole sign. Click on it again to see the version with a down arrow. Now click on the buttons on the large display to match the 3 colors shown on the sign, then press the red button at the bottom - the bridge will lower.
Walk right and talk to the creature on the other side. A group of flies will head left and hover near the sign. Walk over and click on them, and they will hover near the frog in the water. Click on the frog, then play a minigame where you must click on all of the flies Sniper. Pick up the snail after the frog leaves, and give it to the creature on the right.
Stage 8
Talk to the turtle to find that it wants its glasses. Click on the hole in the tree and the glasses will be picked up and dropped, with the lenses breaking. Climb up onto the lily pads and walk right to drop the colored lenses into the water - the frogs will jump into the water as well. Climb down and go back to where you started.
Click on the stall, then make the drink by clicking to start and stop adding each ingredient at the right level. Repeat this twice more to make a total of 3 drinks for the 3 frogs. Go back up to the broken glasses and adjust them until the 2 lenses are in the correct places. Talk to the turtle, then climb over its back and get into the speed boat.
Speed Boat
Stage 9
Once the engine dies, start clicking the button to row. Keep dragging the lever back into the green zone. You will eventually reach the opposite shore.
Stage 10
Go to the wooden control panel. Create an arrow shape and press the central button to make sure it points up, then press the yellow button at the bottom. Wait for the basket to arrive. Jump into the basket and back out again several times, until a blue worm drops from the bottom - this will cause an owl and a flying pig to leave their positions. Now use the control panel to create a down arrow. Get into the basket, then use the bee to press the yellow button.
Basket Ride
Stage 11
You will be knocked out of the basket and saved by a large moth, which will carry you to your next destination.
Stage 12
Click on the hollow log on the left, on a bush near the edge of the small cliff on the right, and on the cave inside the cliff - each time you will release a pair of fireflies. Now head right and talk to the man in the red cloak and hat - choose the matching 2D shape from the 3D drawing, and he will give you a broken lantern.
Go right and approach the wooden bench. Repair the lantern with the available pieces. Now head left and collect all 4 pairs of fireflies in your lantern. Click on the lantern, then click on matching pairs of fireflies, and it will light up fully. You can now enter the dark cave behind the cloaked man.
Stage 13
Walk right until you see you some glowing orange and blue symbols on the wall - take note of these. Continue right to find a star-shaped puzzle you can click on. Drag the glowing object to trace the blue symbol you just saw, and a light will come on inside the cave. Return left and stand on the platform to descend to a lower level.
Head right, then down to the left and click on the red gem Gem. Continue left to find another star-shaped puzzle, where you should drag the glowing object to trace the orange symbol you saw earlier - this will turn on a light in the lower area. Return up to the left and pick up the tool box. Go back down to the lower left and examine the closed door. Attach the 2 correct tools to each of the 4 nuts, then spin them to remove them all. Head through the door.
Stage 14
Walk to the left and talk to the dark creatures, then look at the picture of the gem to the far left, noting the colors. Now return to the glowing lake to the far right. Click on the middle hanging object, and watch the glowing shapes that appear next to it. Now click on the other hanging objects in the order indicated by the glowing shapes. A creature in the lake will lift up a large gem.
Walk left and use the controls for the claw device - take it right and press the yellow button to pick up the gem, then take it left and drop the gem in front of the glowing portal. Use the controls in front of the portal to paint the gem according to the colors you saw earlier. Once the gem is charged, use the claw controls to pick it up and drop it into the train further to the left. Climb into the train.
Stage 15
Make sure you use all 3 controls to keep the train moving at full speed for the whole journey, so you complete it within 120 seconds Full speed.
Stage 16
Climb up the stairs to the right and talk to the guard, who won't let you through without a ticket. Head left to enter the carnival. Start by playing the whack-a-mole game (which is free). Now play the duck shooting game to earn money more quickly. Play each of the 4 arcade games over to the right next. Once you have collected 850 coins, go to each of the stalls and spend money there. Now finally go to the central building to buy a ticket. There is an achievement for visiting all 12 shops and games Carnival.
Now go right and show your ticket, then enter the cable car.
Cable Car
Stage 17
Go through the middle entrance on the left. Pick up the loose stone on the right and place it into the rope basket. Head through the right entrance. Have your bee knock down a stone from high up on the left, then pick it up. Go through the middle entrance on the left and put the stone into the rope basket.
Go through the left entrance. Pick up another stone that fell earlier. Go through the middle entrance on the left and put the stone into the rope basket. Return through the left entrance. Now go through the top entrance on the left to appear on the ledge below. Break off the curved branch here. Return through the entrance, then go through the middle entrance on the left, and the right entrance on the right. Use your curved branch on the wire to ride across. Go through the entrance here, then walk to the right.
Stage 18
Go right and knock on the door. When the guard appears above, quickly click on the key, and your bee will steal it. Now return left and enter the crane.
Drive the crane to the right, and click on the sunflower that is revealed Sunflower. Keep going right, then lower the hook to lift up the cover from the pipe. Return to the left, then exit the crane. Now climb down through the opening in the pipe.
Stage 19
Use the computer screen on the wall, and select the image on the bottom that shows a top-down view of the image at the top. Now press the button on the right to release water down and short out the robot that is pacing left and right. Make sure you hit the robot with water on the first attempt Not a drop by. Press the button twice more and watch the display on the robot. Press the button again until a coil comes out the top of the robot's head. Click on the coil Coil.
Climb down the ladder and examine the door on the right. Enter the 3 symbols on the robot's display (each should be reversed horizontally if possible).
Stage 20
Click on the toy horse to the left of the flames Toy horse. Go right and get into the elevator, then press the red button to go up. Examine the notice board on the left and pay attention to the 3 numbers. Now examine the controls and press the left, middle and right green buttons the same number of times as indicated by the 3 numbers - the left red light will start flashing. Use the elevator twice to return down to the ground.
Examine the piece of paper that fell down on the left to see another 3 numbers. Use the elevator to reach the middle level again. Go to the controls and press the red button in the middle. Now press the left, middle and right green buttons to match the 3 numbers you just saw - the right red light will also start flashing, and new controls will become available.
You need to turn the 4 dials to match the small lights between them (blue points to blue, red points to red). Use the elevator to go up to the top level. Enter the building and use the computer terminal - pay close attention to the numbers that are displayed. Click on pairs of zeros and ones to clear them. There is an achievement for not making any mistakes with this puzzle Hacker.
Return right and click on your sister. Use the elevator again to go up.
Stage 21
Click on the log to have your sister sit down. Talk to the flying creature near the balcony, who needs a key. Climb up the stirs and get into the bed. Have your bee wake up the sleeping creature, then quickly click on the teddy bear while the light is on Toy bear.
Use your bee to wake up the sleeping creature again, then quickly click on it again - this time you will see a key slide down towards the floor. Have the bee collect the key, then head back downstairs. Give the key to the flying creature near the balcony. Now correctly select the 3 keys that match the 3 locks Burglar.
Return left and click on your sister, then use the helicopter Game complete.