Magnetic Revisited
Game Details: Puzzle, 2010
Links: Moby Games, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 10/12/2019
Suggested Listening: Caught Up in the Panic (Ash 25)
There are 16 games created for you on the island, each "guarded" by a puzzle that must first be solved - this provides you with a clue for the location of the associated game. You can use the Puzzle Book and Game Book provided by your companion to jump quickly to puzzles and games you have previously seen.
You do not have to complete the game in the order outlined below, but this gives directions for how to locate each of the puzzles first, followed by each of the games. You must solve the puzzles before gaining access to the corresponding games. The first paragraph for each puzzle/game gives directions on finding them (in terms of movements from your starting position on the beach).
Puzzle 1: 25 Candles Puzzle
Clicking on a candle lights or extinguishes both it and the surrounding candles. Click on them so that all candles are lit at the same time. This will give access to Game 5.
Puzzle 2: Cubes
Right twice.
Click on the edges of each of the squares to complete a scene. Next use the up red arrow at the top left to flip all of the squares and complete another scene, only flipping the squares left or right. Continue until all scenes are correct. This will give access to Game 8.
Puzzle 3: Octagon Jigsaw
Right 3 times and forward 8 times.
This is a jigsaw comprising large octagons and smaller squares. Solving the jigsaw will give access to Game 13.
Puzzle 4: 6 Queens Puzzle
Right 3 times, forward 10 times, left twice, forward 3 times and right.
Just place 6 chess queens on the 6x6 chesse board so they cannot attack each other. This will give access to Game 2.
Puzzle 5: Dodecagon Jigsaw
Right 3 times and forward.
This is a jigsaw comprising large circular pieces that overlap, and smaller hexagonal pieces that fit in the middle of the circles. Solving the jigsaw will give access to Game 1.
Puzzle 6: Number Puzzle Box
Right 4 times and forward 9 times, then click on the symbol on the rock.
The tin contains the controls to make equations consisting of the numbers 1-4 and the standard arithmetic symbols. Your job is to make equations that result in the numbers 0 through 7 - each equation must use each of the numbers 1 through 4, and each operator only once. Note that multiply and divide take precedence over add and subtract. There are many possible solutions, but here is a working set:
- 0 = 1 + 4 / 2 - 3
- 1 = 2 + 3 - 4 x 1
- 2 = 2 x 3 - 4 / 1
- 3 = 4 x 1 - 3 + 2
- 4 = 4 / 2 - 1 + 3
- 5 = 4 x 1 + 3 - 2
- 6 = 4 x 2 - 3 + 1
- 7 = 4 / 2 x 3 + 1
This will give access to Game 6.
Puzzle 7: Colours Puzzle
Right 4 times, forward 3 times and right twice, then click on the symbol on the sign.
You need to click on the letters to cycle through their colours, so they are in the order of the rainbow: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple. Make the first 3 red, the next 3 orange, and so on until the end. This will give access to Game 4.
Puzzle 8: Pairs
Right 5 times.
Simply click on the squares to reveal images, and match pairs of identical images. This will give access to Game 3.
Puzzle 9: Words
Left 3 times, forward twice, left, forward, click the rock if the passage is closed, then continue forward twice, left and forward 7 times. Open the tin.
You need to word out the riddle words from the paired drawings. The solutions are:
- Archbishop
- Basketball
- Butterfly
- Cartwheel
- Chopstick
- Corkscrew
- Crossroad
- Courtship
- Forklift
- Headlight
- Honeymoon
- Planking
- Sandpaper
- Screwdriver
- Spaceship
- Starring
This will give access to Game 9.
Puzzle 10: Swap
Left 3 times, forward twice, left, forward, click the rock if the passage is closed, then continue forward twice, left 3 times, open the door, then continue forward and left.
Swap the puzzle pieces around to make a complete scene. This will give access to Game 10.
Puzzle 11: The Soma Cube
Left 3 times, forward and left, then examine the colored blocks on the ground.
Click on the blocks in this order: cyan, purple, red, blue, orange, yellow, green. This will give access to Game 11.
Puzzle 12: Hidden Objects
Right 3 times, forward 9 times and right.
There are 48 items on the screen - just click on the ones indicated. If you can't spot one easily, click anywhere and you will get a different one to find. Finding all 48 will give access to Game 12.
Puzzle 14: Crack the Code
Right 3 times, forward 4 times and left, then look at the large panel on the rock.
Grab the puzzle pieces from the left grid and place them on the right according to their numbers as indicated on the panel below (1-6 across the top row, 7-12 second row, etc). Click on the pieces to rotate them so they make a complete picture. This will give access to Game 14.
Puzzle 15: Music
Left 3 times, forward 3 times and right.
There are 5 musical pieces corresponding to the 5 silver buttons. Play each of these until you recognise them. Now press the "try" button and click on the 5 buttons corresponding to the 5 musical pieces you hear. This will give access to Game 15.
Puzzle 16: Sequences
Right 3 times, forward 11 times and right.
A series of numbers will be displayed. All you have to do is give the next number in the sequence:
- Whole Numbers - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - 6
- Odd Numbers - 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 - 11
- Even Numbers - 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 - 12
- Primes - 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 - 13
- Squares - 1, 4, 9, 16, 25 - 36
- Powers of Two - 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 - 32
- Fibonacci - 1, 1, 2, 3, 5 - 8
- Triangle Numbers - 1, 3, 6, 10, 15 - 21
This will give access to Game 16.
Game 1: Nim 2D
Right 3 times and forward. Find a small golden lever on the right.
The game starts with a random number of metallic pieces on the beach, and a lever at the bottom right. The aim of the game is to remove the last piece - with each turn between 1 and 3 pieces can be removed. The technique to win is to always leave the computer with a multiple of 4 pieces to choose from.
Press the button in the middle of the lever to start the game. Once the pieces are displayed, if a multiple of 4 is present, move the handle up to the left (to make the computer go first); if not, move it down to the right. When you have removed as many pieces each turn as you want (to leave a multiple of 4), push the lever to signify the end of your turn. Win the game a number of times to light up all the indicators on the lever. You must win a total of 4 rounds.
Game 2: Nim 3D
Right 3 times, forward 10 times, left twice, forward 3 times, right and forward. Find a small golden lever up on the rock.
The aim here is the same as for the game in Nim 2D - you must remove the final piece. This time you can remove as many pieces as you want as long as they are of the same color. The way to win is to put the opponent in a position where there are 2 colors remaining and they have an equal number of pieces. Other positions you should be able to win from are 1, 2 and 3 pieces of the three colors, and similarly 1, 4 and 5. You must win a total of 4 rounds.
Game 3: Make 27
Right 5 times. Click on the glass cylinder.
The goal is to be the last to point water into the cylinder from one of the containers, making a total volume of 27 units. To win, you should aim to start by reaching levels of 3, 9, 15 or 21, as any two subsequent moves can be made to add up to a combined volume of 6. You must win a total of 4 rounds.
Game 4: Senet
Left 3 times, forward twice, left, forward, click the rock if the passage is closed, then continue forward twice, left, forward 6 times, right and forward. Click on the symbol, then find a game within a tin.
This board game is similar to Backgammon; you need to move your pieces around the circular board based on rolls of a die, racing against your opponent. You must win a total of 4 rounds.
Game 5: Ships
Left 3 times, forward, left and forward 3 times. Find a game next to the fallen tree.
This is a puzzle game where you must use logic to identify the locations of 10 ships within a grid of squares, similar to the classic game Battleship. You are given the extra information of how many squares in each row and column contain parts of ships. In addition, each ship is completely surrounded by water. You must win a total of 4 rounds, and can make up to 10 mistakes each round.
Game 6: Fitchneal
Right 4 times and forward 9 times, then click on the symbol on the rock. The game is within the puzzle box.
You can choose to either defend (easier) where you must make the king (central piece) escape to the edge of the board, or attack (harder) where you must surround the king on all four sides. Pieces can be removed from the board by surrounding them on two opposite sides. The defending player always goes first, and pieces can be moved as rooks in a game of chess (as far as you want either horizontally or vertically). If you label the columns A-I from left to right, and the rows 1-9 from top to bottom, the following is a winning series of moves for the defending player that will work most of the time: E3-C3, E4-C4, D5-D4, F5-F4, E5-E3, C3-C1, C4-C2, E3-B3, B3-B1.
Game 8: Boxes
Left 3 times and forward 8 times. Find a game between the rocks and bushes.
This is a competitive 2-player game where you must form more complete 4-sided boxes than your opponent. You must win a total of 4 rounds.
Game 9: Alpha
Left 3 times, forward twice, left, forward, click the rock if the passage is closed, then continue forward twice, left and forward 7 times. The game is within the tin.
This is a miniature game of scrabble, where you need to create 3, 4 and 5-letter words to score more points than your opponent.
Game 10: Noughts and Crosses
Left 3 times, forward twice, left, forward, click the rock if the passage is closed, then continue forward twice, left 3 times, open the door, then continue forward and left.
Two robots are in a room playing tic-tac-toe against each other (must get 3 pieces of the same color in any row, column or diagonal). You don't have direct control over where the left robot places your gold pieces. After losing 5 times, click on your robot and place the various options in the following order from left to right:
- 3 blue
- 2 blue
- 1 blue
- 1 blue, 1 gold
- 2 blue, 1 gold
- 1 blue, 2 gold
- (blank)
- 1 gold
- 2 gold
- 3 gold
Make sure the 3 blue are to the very far left, and the 3 gold are to the very far right, but keep all the others relatively close to the middle. Your robot will still lose but should eventually achieve 4 consecutive draws.
Game 11: Dominoes
Right 3 times and forward 6 times. Find a game near the base of the small tree.
In this game, you simply need to place more horizontal dominoes than your opponent's vertical dominoes. Just place them to block his domino placement and win a total of 4 rounds.
Game 12: Draughts
Left 3 times, forward twice, left, forward and left. Find the game on the table.
This is a smaller version of standard checkers or draughts, where you goal is to capture all 3 of your opponents pieces by jumping diagonally over them.
Game 13: Mancala
Right 3 times, forward twice and left. Find a game on the ground to the left.
The object of this game is to collect more pieces in your goal on the right than your opponent does on the left. You choose one of your bowls when it is your turn, and distribute the number of objects one at a time into the following bowls in an anti-clockwise direction (e.g. 3 pieces would be spread out over the following 3 bowls). If the last piece is placed in your goal, you get another turn. If the last piece is placed in an empty space and there are pieces in the opposite bowl, all are deposited in your goal. If you or your opponent clears all pieces on your side, the other player gets to claim all remaining pieces as their own.
Game 14: Bridge
Left 3 times, forward twice, left, forward, click the rock if the passage is closed, then continue forward twice, left and forward 6 times. Using the clue from Puzzle 14, you need to click on 3 specific parts of the "No Fishing" sign - the man's head, the man's hand, and the bottom right of the red line. Now click on the deck of cards that is revealed.
Play along as you are guided through the basics of the game of Bridge. You then have to win a total of 4 rounds, each with only 3 tricks.
Game 15: Pawns
Right 3 times, forward 4 times and right. Click on the symbol on the rock.
You need to move your pawns forward either 1 or 2 spaces (this option is only available from the first row), until they are all blocked by your opponent's pawns. The last player to move wins. To win, try to leave your opponent with an even number of free squares at every opportunity. It also helps to keep your first row pawns until the end. You must win a total of 4 rounds.
Game 16: Pavers
Left 3 times, forward twice, left twice and forward twice. Enter the code 7358, then pick up the game.
In this game, you just need to keep laying pavers to create a path through the woods. The goal is to be the last player to be able to put down a paver in a blank space.
Final Challenges
These only become available after completing all other puzzles and games.
Puzzle 13: The Coins Puzzle
Right 3 times, forward 11 times and left.
Arrange the coins to match the starting layout for the white pieces in a game of chess. The top row should contain eight identical coins representing Pawns. The bottom row should be: Castle, Knight, Bishop, Queen, King, Bishop, Knight, Castle.
Game 7: Chess
Left 3 times, forward twice, left, forward, click the rock if the passage is closed, then continue forward twice, left 3 times, open the door, then continue forward. Click on the symbol to reveal the game beyond.
Follow the chess tutorials and solve the final chess puzzles.