Dark Grim MariupolisDark Grim Mariupolis

Game Details:  Mystery, 2018

Steam Achievements:  Completed (16/16)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  9/11/2022

Suggested Listening:  Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)

Dark Grim Mariupolis is a surreal detective noir adventure combining elements of Greek mythology, magic and intrigue. You play as Thor, a robot detective in the realm of Mariupolis, struggling with moral dilemmas in a world under the control of t he dark god Pentaculus. The next game by the same developer is Songs of Armageddopolis.


Talk to the man pushing the cart, selecting any options for the conversation. On the next screen, walk towards the entrance and talk to the man before going inside. Talk to Warlock, the large man behind the bar, then head downstairs to the Vikings' bar. Walk to Wolfil, the man behind the bar, and select these options about his key:

  • You know, this key on your chest looks anything but Viking.
  • Yes, yes, the villa. This key makes you look like a maid.
  • And this key does not fit your rude Viking helmet.

You will end up receiving the key. Take the fugu fish from the fresh fish box on the left. Go right and use the key on the locker to find a secret passage back upstairs. Now give the fish to Warlock and use the awesome glass that appears Bad Trip.


After waking up, go left into the office and use the computer. Select red and green, then press the plus button and click on the yellow box at the bottom right to add yellow to your color options. Repeat this with red and yellow to add orange to your color options. Now select the Print option at the bottom right Ooo... Orange?.

Return right to the studio, then continue right once more. Talk to Dinosaur on the right and you will receive Thor's key. Go left twice and use the computer again. Read all the messages on the computer. Use Thor's key on the door to the left, then go outside and head right to leave the area.

Pentatonic Temple

Talk to the man pushing the cart again, and you will eventually reach the temple. Talk to the Pentatonic guitarist, then head into the temple. Talk to the Pentatonic priest and challenge him to a duel Bretteur, then about everything else. Talk to the chief on the right about everything, then talk to the priest about the architectural style of the temple. Talk to the chief again and type "rigorism", then talk to him again. Go back outside and leave.


Talk to Scrubman, then go downstairs and save your game. Head left and talk to Sergio, challenging him to a duel Meet Me in the 35th Universe. After reloading, talk to Sergio again and don't challenge him this time. Go back upstairs and talk to Warlock, then talk to Arrowsmith about getting a job in the Kiryat Temple. Leave again.

Kiryat Temple

Go right and enter the temple. Talk to the Kiryat priest about your friend, and ask what you can do for him. You will automatically get a screwdriver. Look at the book on the pew, then go back outside.

Go over and use your screwdriver on the robot loudspeaker, then examine it. Press the 3 buttons V1, V2 and V3 - two of the meters will show numbers, one will show 0, and there will be another number on the far right. You need to make the average of the meter values equal the number on the right, by clicking and holding the dial next to the meter that shows 0 at the beginning. Now press the large button. Close the front of the robot loudspeaker, then go back into the temple.

Talk to the Kiryat priest again, who now wants a microphone. Go back outside and leave the area.


Walk just to the left and use your screwdriver on the robomicrophone. Press 3 to extract the microphone. Now you need to find a pattern that results in a total of 81 displayed to the right:

Press the round button Counterclockwise. You will end up with a microphone Roboengineer.

Kiryat Temple

Enter the temple. Talk to the Kiryat priest to get a letter in exchange for your microphone.


Go inside and talk to Arrowsmith to get a hammer in exchange for your letter. Go downstairs to the Vikings' Bar, then save your game. Grab some bitters from the dried unicorn box. Go right and talk to the Viking Guard, challenging him to a duel Meet Me in the 36th Universe. After reloading, go back upstairs and leave again.


Head inside and use the hammer on the moneybox. Pick up the coin.

Hiding Place

Use the coin in the mechanical horse, and you will receive Fugu's song. Go down the secret passage that is revealed, and read through the book about hierarchy. Climb back up the ladder, then go to the safe on the right. The code for this relates to words decoded from one of your emails:

  • 1 = Slacker
  • 2 = Open
  • 3 = Gate
  • 4 = Cache
  • 5 = Meet
  • 6 = Priest

You need to send the message "Slacker Open Priest Cache", so turn the die to enter the code 1264. Press the button at the top left. Now you can take the marker and read through Dino's diary.


Go inside and head to the far right. Talk to Dinosaur to return the diary; you can always talk to him again to review the diary in the future. Leave again for now.

Kiryat Temple

Go inside and examine the book - choose any name to go on the cover, then leave again.


Enter the bar and give the book to Scrubman in exchange for a crown.

Pentatonic Temple

Head inside and use Fugu's song on the Pentatonic Priest, and you will receive some arms.


Go inside and downstairs. Grab some bitters from the dried unicorn box. Go right and talk to the Viking Guard, challenging him to a duel, which you will win if you have the arms Thor's Hammer. Head upstairs and give the bitters to Warlock, then pick up the awesome glass. Go back downstairs and to the far left. Give the cocktail to Sergio, then talk to him about the murder.

Go back upstairs and outside. Talk to the strange man leaning on the side of the bar, and say "Going down and going up is the same thing". Save your game, then talk to Skallagrim and challenge him (and then his cat) to a duel Meet Me in the 37th Universe. After reloading, talk to Skallagrim, but don't challenge him this time. Go back outside and leave the area.

Pentatonic Temple

Talk to the man pushing the cart again, and you will eventually reach the temple. Give your crown to the Pentatonic Guitarist in exchange for a tuning fork (camerton).


Talk to the strange man again to return to the secret bar. Talk to Skallagrim and challenge him (and then his cat) to a duel, which you will win if you have the tuning fork Tamer of Cats. Talk to Skallagrim to hear about an animal lock and the code 42516. You will also receive a sword.

Leave the secret bar, then enter the main bar and go downstairs. Go to the far left, then save your game. Talk to Sergio, challenging him to a duel, which you will win if you have the sword Berserker's Rage. After reloading, go outside and leave the area.

Naropolus' House

Talk to the man pushing the cart again, and you will eventually reach the house. Look at the security panel next to the door. This is solved by working out the hierarchy of animals based on the book about hierarchy in the hiding place:

  1. Dog
  2. Cat
  3. Rooster
  4. Ostrich
  5. Dolphin
  6. Seahorse
  7. Eagle
  8. Elk
  9. Scorpion

Using this and the code 42516, press the buttons corresponding to Ostrich, Cat, Dolphin, Dog and Seahorse. Now press the Enter button All ingenious is simple. Go through the door. Inside, look at the map on the back wall. Go back outside and leave.

Mysterious House

Talk to the man pushing the cart again, and you will eventually reach your destination. Enter the house, then do nothing for about 5 minutes Zen and Art of Waiting for the Elevator. Now press Escape on your keyboard, then enter the elevator. Go right twice and read the strange book. If you haven't already received an achievement for spending a long time reading books, keep this book open for a long time Bookworm.

Leave this room, then follow the direction of your ghost several times to exit the house.


Talk to Warlock True Detective. You will receive an extra achievement for not killing Sergio Inner Harmony.