Path of GiantsPath of Giants

Game Details:  Puzzle, 2020

Steam Achievements:  Completed (17/17)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam

Walkthrough Updated:  8/1/2023

Suggested Listening:  Caught Up in the Panic (Ash 25)

Path of Giants is a short puzzle platformer that sees you control three explorers, Bern, Matchi and Totch, on a quest for a long lost treasure. You need to use teamwork to help navigate the landscape and drive the story forward.

Main Story

The names of the 3 characters are:

  • Matchi: Green by default
  • Bern: Blue by default
  • Totch: Yellow by default

The goal in each level is to get the character to their matching targets. The walkthrough below assumes you have not changed the default color scheme.

Level 1: Causeway

Checkpoint 1

Move Matchi, Bern and Totch directly to their matching targets in any order.

Checkpoint 2

Move Matchi to the base of the raised platform. Have Bern climb up to the high platform using Matchi to boost up A helping head, then continue to the green target. Now move Matchi and Totch to their matching targets.

Checkpoint 3

Move Totch to the base of the stairs. Have Bern climb up to the second step, then Matchi can climb all the way to the green target. Now get Bern to climb back down over Totch Leave no man behind. Bern and Totch can now head to their matching targets.

Checkpoint 4

Break the pots to get a coin (1/49). Move Bern to the base of Matchi's platform so Matchi can climb down and reach the door. Now Bern and Totch can also reach the door.

Checkpoint 5

Click the tiles to rotate them so the power stones are all connecting:

Level 2: The Grand Hall

Checkpoint 1

Break the pots to get a coin (2/49). Move Totch down the ladder and to the base of the steps. Have Bern climb over Totch to the middle of the steps. Now Matchi can go across to the green target. Get Bern to climb down again, then Bern and Totch can go to their matching targets.

Checkpoint 2

Break the pots to get a coin (3/49). Move Totch to the base of the left stairs, and Bern down to the main platform. Get Matchi to climb down and go to the base of the right stairs. Now move Totch up to the middle of the right stairs, so that Bern can climb up to the blue target. Get Totch to climb down and go to the base of the left stairs. Now Matchi can climb up to the green target, and Totch can then go over to the yellow target.

Checkpoint 3

Break the pots to get a coin (4/49). Get Totch to the base of the right steps. Bern can climb up over Totch and wait at the top of the left steps. Move Matchi to the base of the left steps, and move Totch over the yellow bridge to the middle of the left steps. Now get Bern to reach the door, followed by Totch, and lastly Matchi.

Checkpoint 4

Click the tiles to rotate them so the power stones are all connecting:

Level 3: Secret Cove

Checkpoint 1

Break the pots to get a coin (5/49). Have Bern climb up over Matchi to the middle platform. Now Totch can get all the way up to the yellow target. Move Matchi right over the green bridge to stand at the base of the middle platform, then Bern can climb down. Both Bern and Matchi can now go to their matching targets.

Checkpoint 2

Break the pots to get a coin (6/49). Move Bern just to the right, then Matchi can climb up to the middle platform. Get Totch to climb down over Matchi and go to the far right of the middle platform, then Matchi can climb up to the green target. Move Bern over the blue bridge, waiting beneath Totch. Get Totch to climb down and go to the yellow target, then Bern can reach the blue target.

Checkpoint 3

Move Totch up to stand in front of Bern, then get Bern to climb over Totch to reach the wooden platform. Move Matchi right to stand next to the high stone block, then Bern can reach the blue target. Get Matchi to climb all the way down to the bottom left and stand to the right. Now get Totch to climb down and boost up on Matchi to get to the next platform. Matchi should climb back up the ladder and drop down over Totch, standing just to the right. Move Totch to the yellow target, then move Matchi right to the green target.

Checkpoint 4

Break the pots to get a coin (7/49). Move Bern to the right, then get Totch to climb over Bern and go through the doorway, standing on the icy platform at the very bottom. Have Matchi climb up over Totch to get to the left side of the lowest stone platform. Bring Bern down here and stand just to the right of Matchi. Matchi can now climb over Bern and stand on the right stone platform, near the wooden ledge. Get Bern to climb down, through the doorway, then down over Matchi to reach the door. Send Totch through the doorway and down over Matchi to reach the door, then finally move Matchi to the door.

Checkpoint 5

Click the tiles to rotate them so the power stones are all connecting:

Level 4: Warriors Pass

Checkpoint 1

Break the pots to get a coin (8/49) - there is an achievement for breaking all 7 pots quickly Relic smasher. Move Totch through the doorway to stand on the wooden platform at the bottom. Get Bern to climb up over Totch to stand on the blue button, which rotates a stone platform. Move Totch onto the right of this rotating platform, and move Matchi to the middle of it. Get Bern off the blue button so the platform rotates back to its normal position.

Move Totch to the base of the step up to the control panel, then Matchi can climb over Totch and use the control panel to reveal a ladder. Move Matchi back down to the green target, and get Totch back onto the rotating platform. Move Bern onto the blue button to rotate the platform, then get Totch to the yellow target. Now move Bern off the button, up the ladder, and across to the blue target.

Checkpoint 2

This is a good spot to get 2 achievements. Have Totch walk backwards and forwards at least 12 times near where he starts. Now step onto the yellow button, then walk directly onto the spinning platform. You will get a message that you are stuck. Press the undo button Turn back time, then press it another 12 times quickly Let's try this again. Restart the level.

Move Bern onto the spinning platform, then get Totch to stand on the yellow button. Move Bern down near Matchi, then take Totch off the yellow button again. Now get Matchi to climb down over Bern and stand on the spinning platform. Put Totch back on the yellow button, then Matchi can reach the green target. Move Bern to the blue target. Now move Totch directly onto the spinning platform Around I go, and continue to the yellow target.

Checkpoint 3

Break the pots to get a coin (9/49). Move Totch just to the right, so that Bern can climb over Totch and go around to stand on the blue button. Send Totch through the doorway and stand next to the yellow button (but not on it yet). Move Bern off the blue button and up onto the rotating platform, then put Totch on the yellow button. Bern can now stand just beneath the highest stone platform. Get Matchi to climb down and stand on the rotating platform, and put Bern there as well.

Move Totch off the yellow button. Get Matchi to go to the green target, and put Bern on the blue button. Send Totch back through the doorway, and stand just to the right of it. Get Bern to come down over Totch and go through the doorway, then around to the blue target. Also send Totch through the doorway to the yellow target.

Checkpoint 4

Break the pots to get a coin (10/49). Move Bern onto the spinning platform, then move Totch onto the yellow button. Get Bern to walk onto the wooden platform, then get Totch off the button. Now move Matchi onto the spinning platform, and get Totch to return to the yellow button. Get Matchi to climb over Bern up to the stone platform above, and stand to the right. Get Totch to go straight onto the spinning platform, then climb up next to the high yellow button (but not on it yet).

Move Bern back onto the spinning platform, then have Totch stand on the yellow button. Bern can now go through the doorway to appear at the very top. Move Totch to the middle of the stairs, then get Bern down to the door. Next have Totch reach the door, and finally have Matchi reach the door.

Checkpoint 5

Click the tiles to rotate them so the power stones are all connecting:

Level 5: Echoes of the Lost

Checkpoint 1

Break the pots to get a coin (11/49). Get Totch to climb down the ladder and stand near the higher stone platform. Now have Bern climb down, climb up over Totch and continue right over the blue bridge. Switch back to Totch and go all the way up to the top, over the yellow bridge and through the doorway. Bern can now climb down over Totch and step on the blue button.

Send Totch back through the doorway and stand just to the right. Matchi should climb down the ladder, go through the doorway and climb up over Totch to reach the green target. Move Totch through the doorway and stand on the rotating platform. Bern can go through the doorway to the blue target. Totch can step to the right onto the yellow target.

Checkpoint 2

Break the pots to get a coin (12/49). Matchi should go through the doorway and stop. Totch can then cross the yellow bridge, climb down the ladder and down over Matchi, then go through the doorway. Matchi can then go through the doorway and climb up to use the control panel.

Matchi can climb back down and go through the doorway. Bern should climb down the new ladder and climb up to the blue button. Send Matchi through the doorway and stand next to the green target. Totch can climb up over Matchi to reach the yellow target. The other two can then go straight to their matching targets.

Checkpoint 3

Break the pots to get a coin (13/49). Move Matchi to the right so Totch can climb down to the same level and stand just to the right of Matchi. Send Bern through the doorway, over the blue bridge, up the ladder and stand beneath Matchi. Get Matchi to climb down onto the green button. Next have Totch climb down and around to the bottom of the stairs where Bern is waiting. Bern can now climb down and go around to climb up over Totch. Matchi can climb down over the other two and go through the doorway, stopping at the base of the other stairs.

Send Bern down, through the doorway and up over Matchi. Totch can now go through the doorway and climb up to use the control panel. Bern should climb down, then go up the ladder to reach the door. Matchi can climb up the ladder to the door, and Totch can also step to the door.

Checkpoint 4

Click the tiles to rotate them so the power stones are all connecting:

Level 6: Observatory

Checkpoint 1

Break the pots to get a coin (14/49). Get Bern to climb up over Matchi and stand on the blue button. Now send Totch up over Matchi, through the doorway, and around to be 3 steps left of the yellow target. Move Matchi onto the floating platform, then get Bern to move right, and both Matchi and Bern will move. Send Bern to the blue target. Move Matchi down over Totch and onto the green. Now you can move Totch to the yellow target.

Checkpoint 2

Break the pots to get a coin (15/49). Move Bern to the right onto the floating platform, then move Totch onto the yellow button. Send Bern over to use the control panel. Move Matchi over to the floating platform on the right, then move Totch off the yellow button. Once Matchi rises up, go through the doorway, then stand below Totch. Totch can now climb down and go through the doorway, standing at the base of the stairs to the right. Matchi should go back through the doorway and climb up over Totch.

Send Bern down over the other two, then stand on the floating platform to the right. Send Matchi back through the doorway, standing to the right of the yellow button. Get Totch to climb back up to the yellow button again. Once lowered, Bern can go over to the bottom platform near Matchi. Get Totch down to the bottom level and over to the yellow target. Next move Matchi down and over to the green target. Finally, send Bern right to the blue target.

Checkpoint 3

Move Bern over to the right, then get Totch to climb over Bern, to be just below the control panel. Move Matchi onto the green button, then move Bern around to the blue button. Next move Matchi onto the floating platform. Get Bern to step off the blue button so Matchi floats right. Now Matchi can climb up and use the control panel.

Break the pots to get a coin (16/49). Move Bern onto the left side of the floating platform on the right. Get Matchi to climb down and head just right of Totch, so that Totch can climb up to the right. Now move Matchi down to be just right of Bern. Totch should go through the doorway and stand on the yellow button. Get Bern and Matchi to go through the doorway to their matching targets, then move Totch to the yellow target.

Checkpoint 4

Move Matchi, Bern and Totch directly to their matching targets in any order.

Checkpoint 5

Click the tiles to rotate them so the power stones are all connecting:

Level 7: Heart of Ice

Checkpoint 1

Move Bern onto the blue button. Next get Matchi just below the yellow button, then have Totch climb up over Matchi to get to the yellow button. Move Bern off the blue button, then climb up over Totch, go through the doorway, then up the ladder. Have Matchi climb down over Bern to stand to the right of the bottom doorway.

Move Bern to the left of the blue target. Get Totch to go quickly right to the floating platform, then climb down to the yellow target. Move Bern to the blue target, then send Matchi through the doorway to the green target.

Checkpoint 2

Break the pots to get a coin (17/49). Move Matchi down over Totch and around to the base of the step in front of the lower doorway. Now send Totch up over Matchi, through the doorway and next to the yellow button. Move Matchi back to stand in front of the floating platform, then Totch can stand on the yellow button to rotate a platform. Get Bern up over Matchi and onto the floating platform, then have Matchi step on the green button.

Get Bern to move up off the floating platform, then move Matchi right onto the rotating platform. Get Totch to climb down over Bern and go to the yellow target. Now Bern and Matchi can go to their matching targets.

Checkpoint 3

Break the pots to get a coin (18/49). Move Totch onto the spinning platform. Send Matchi through the doorway to wait just left at the base of the step, then get Bern to go through the doorway and climb up over Matchi, stopping on the blue button. Get Totch to move off the spinning platform at the bottom. Move Bern directly onto the spinning platform, then get off at the bottom and stand next to the yellow platform. Now Totch can climb over Bern to reach the yellow button.

Send Matchi back through the doorway onto the floating platform. Let Totch climb back down over Bern and go to the yellow target. Bern can climb down over Matchi to get to the blue target, then Matchi can go to the green target.

Checkpoint 4

Break the pots to get a coin (19/49). Send Bern through the doorway and stop right next to the tall pole. Send Totch through as well and stop just next to Bern. Now send Matchi through the doorway and stand on the green button, to rotate the other two to the right. Get Totch to go through the next doorway and stop at the base of the step. Bern should go through next and climb over Totch to use the control panel.

Get Totch to stand on the yellow button, then have Bern move onto the floating platform. Move Totch down the ladder and stop at the top of the steps. Move Bern onto the middle of the steps. Get Matchi to go back through the doorway, then come across to the base of the steps. Now Totch can climb down and reach the door, followed by Bern, then lastly Matchi.

Checkpoint 5

Click the tiles to rotate them so the power stones are all connecting:

Level 8: Enchanted Highlands

Checkpoint 1

Break the pots to get a coin (20/49). Send Bern up over Matchi to the small snowy ledge. Send Totch up over both of the others, then through the doorway to stand on the yellow button. Move Bern onto the floating platform, then get Totch off the yellow button, standing at the base of the stairs. Now move Bern down one space, so that Matchi can head to the floating platform. Send Bern down over Totch, through the door and onto the blue button. Put Totch back on the yellow button, then move Matchi from one floating platform to the other. Take Bern off the blue button, then have Matchi use the control panel.

Send Bern through the doorway to stand at the base of the steps leading to the ladder. Now Totch can climb up to the yellow target. Move Matchi and Bern to their matching targets.

Checkpoint 2

Break the pots to get a coin (21/49). Move Bern to the base of the step so that Totch can climb up to the yellow button. Send Matchi through the doorway and onto the yellow button. Next get Totch to stand on the floating platform. Move Matchi onto the space just in front of the floating platform. Bern can now climb over Totch to reach the blue target. Totch should then climb down to the yellow target. Matchi can then go through the doorway to the green target.

Checkpoint 3

Put Matchi on the green button. Send Totch to the floating platform, then get Matchi off the green button again. Now Totch can go over the yellow bridge to stand at the base of the steps. Get Bern to cross the blue bridge, then climb down over Totch to reach the blue button. Move Matchi onto the floating platform, then get Bern off the blue button again. Now Matchi can use the control panel.

Swap Bern and Totch around, then get Totch to climb up over Bern to stand next to the yellow button. Get Bern onto the floating platform in the background, then move Totch onto the yellow button. Send Bern right into the middle of the steps, and get Totch to climb up to the base of the steps. Now get Matchi down to the green target. Move the other two onto their matching targets.

Checkpoint 4

Break the pots to get a coin (22/49). Move Bern forward to the base of the step. Put Matchi on the green button, then have Totch move to the floating platform. Now get Matchi off the green button. Totch can now head up over Bern, over the yellow bridge, through the doorway to the control panel.

Send Totch back through the doorway and up the ladder to the yellow button. Move Matchi back onto the green button, then go directly to the floating platform to move across. Continue to the far end of the rotating platform. Get Bern to climb up over Matchi, then go through the doorway to the base of the steps. Next send Totch back through the doorway and up over Bern to the middle of the steps. Get Matchi to climb down over the others and go through the doorway to reach the door. Send Totch the same way, and finally get Bern to reach the door as well.

Checkpoint 5

Click the tiles to rotate them so the power stones are all connecting:

Level 9: Breath of Life

Checkpoint 1

Break the pots to get a coin (23/49). Break the pot far off in the distance as well to get another coin (24/49) Near sighted. Put Matchi into the left elevator to ride it down Woo!. This is another good spot to get an achievement. Undo this movement, then get into the left elevator again. Repeat this a total of 30 times Thrill seeker. Restart the level.

Put Matchi in the left elevator, then Bern in the right elevator. Move Bern off to the far ledge, then move Matchi to the base of the wooden ledge. Next put Totch into the left elevator, then climb up over Matchi to the yellow button. Get Bern onto the floating platform. Have Totch climb down and get to the yellow target. Bern and Matchi can then get to their matching targets.

Checkpoint 2

Put Matchi into the right elevator, then Bern into the left elevator. Send Matchi through the doorway, then wait at the base of the steps. Next move Bern off the elevator to wait at the steps beneath Totch. Totch can now climb down and go through the bottom doorway, waiting at the base of the steps to the right of the top doorway. Send Bern down through the bottom doorway, then climb up over Totch. Now send Matchi the same way, climbing over both others to reach the green button.

Move Bern onto the floating platform, then send Matchi over the green bridge and into the left elevator. Get off the elevator at the bottom and wait on the edge of the step down. Send Totch back through the doorway to the base of the step. Now Matchi can climb down, go through the doorway, and reach the green target. Totch and Bern can also go to their matching targets.

Checkpoint 3

Break the pots to get a coin (25/49). Move Bern through the doorway and onto the blue button. Get both Matchi and Totch onto the floating platform, then move Bern back off the blue button. Get Totch to the base of the step just to the right, then have Matchi climb up over Totch and stand next to the wooden platform. Now get Bern to climb down over Matchi and stand next to the step leading to the control panel. Matchi can then climb up and use the control panel.

Get Matchi to return down to be just to the left of the wooden platform. Bern can then climb up over Matchi, go through the doorway, and stop on the left floating platform. Next, have Matchi climb down over Totch and continue down the ladder, stopping to the left of the yellow target. Place Totch on the yellow button, then move Bern over the wooden bridge, stopping just left of Matchi. Have Matchi climb down over Bern, crossing the bridge to reach the floating platform, then have Bern join Matchi on the platform. Move Totch to the yellow target, then move the others to their matching targets.

Checkpoint 4

Put Matchi in the left elevator, then Bern in the right elevator. Bern should exit and go to the blue button, then Totch can go to stand on the floating platform to the right. Move Bern off the blue button, standing next to the higher ledge. Totch can then climb up and get into the right elevator. Bern should return to the blue button, so that Matchi can get onto the floating platform to the right.

Move Totch off the elevator, and move Bern off the blue button, standing against the higher platform. Now Matchi can climb up over Bern, then go through the doorway to reach the bottom of the steps. Bern can now climb all the way down over Totch and Matchi, then go through the doorway to reach the door. Totch can follow the same path, followed by Matchi.

Checkpoint 5

Click the tiles to rotate them so the power stones are all connecting:

Level 10: The Windy Rise

Checkpoint 1

Break the pots to get a coin (26/49). Have Bern climb up over Matchi, then cross the wooden bridge and go through the doorway, stopping just to the right. Now have Totch also climb over Matchi, go through the doorway, and climb up over Bern to stop on the middle platform. Matchi can then climb down to that middle platform. Get Totch to climb down over Bern, and go right over the yellow bridge, stopping on the small patch of snow. Bern should go back through the doorway to the blue button.

Matchi can now cross the rotating platform and climb up the ladder, so that Bern can climb down, get on the rotating platform, then climb down over Totch. Bern and Totch should switch positions, so that Totch can climb up and reach the yellow target. Bern and Matchi can then go to their matching targets.

Checkpoint 2

Break the pots to get a coin (27/49). Move Totch to the base of the step just to the right, then have Matchi climb up over Totch to get to the small platform. Send Totch through the doorway, then step on the top yellow button. Put Matchi on the floating platform, then move Totch back through the doorway and onto the bottom yellow button. Move Bern onto the rotating platform, then put Matchi on the green button. Take Totch off the yellow button, then move Bern to the right, at the base of the step. Totch can head through the doorway, then stop next to Bern, also at the base of the step. Now Bern can climb up and wait just to the left of the green target.

Send Totch back through the doorway, then move Matchi back onto the high floating platform. Send Totch through the doorway again and onto the top yellow button. Move Matchi off the platform to the left. Send Totch back through the doorway and stop beneath Matchi. Now Matchi can climb down and go all the way to the green target. Bern can also go to the blue target. Totch should go through the doorway and onto the top yellow button. Now get straight onto the floating platform to the right, and proceed to the yellow target.

Checkpoint 3

Break the pots to get a coin (28/49). Put Matchi in the left elevator, then send Bern over the blue bridge, through the doorway and into the right elevator. Get Bern back off the elevator and onto the blue button. Move Totch onto the floating platform, then get Bern right off the blue button. Now Totch can go through the doorway and into the right elevator. After descending, get Totch to climb up over Bern to use the control panel.

Move Totch back down over Bern to the top of the step. Put Bern back on the blue button to the left. Get Matchi onto the floating platform, then move Bern to the right again. Send Matchi through the doorway, into the right elevator, then around to the base of the step where Totch is waiting. Bring both Totch and Bern down to the same platform as Matchi. Send Matchi right over the green bridge, down the ladder and around to be below the others again. Now Totch and Bern can climb down over Matchi and make their way to the door. Matchi can then do the same.

Checkpoint 4

Click the tiles to rotate them so the power stones are all connecting:

Level 11: Touch of Fire

Checkpoint 1

Place Totch on the top yellow button. Move Bern down the ladder and into the near elevator, and put Matchi on the floating platform in front of Totch. Move Totch back off the yellow button, then get Matchi into the far elevator. Next move Bern onto the blue button, then move Matchi off the elevator, up the ladder to the base of the step above. Get Totch back onto the yellow button, then go directly onto the top floating platform. Continue by climbing up over Matchi, then head through the doorway and onto the bottom floating platform. Move Bern left off the blue button, and move Matchi onto the top floating platform.

Get Totch onto the bottom yellow button, then move Matchi onto the step below Bern. Bern can now come down and get into the near elevator. Send Matchi back up the ladder and onto the top floating platform, then get Totch back off the bottom yellow button. Send Matchi into the far elevator, then get out and go to the green target. Bern can now get out of the near elevator and drop down over Totch to get to the blue target. Finally, Totch can head to the yellow target.

Checkpoint 2

Break the pots to get a coin (29/49). Move Totch 2 steps to the right, then get Bern to climb up over Totch, continue up the ladder, and enter the near right elevator. Put Matchi into the far right elevator. Next move Bern from the near right elevator, down over Totch and into the near left elevator. Have Totch also enter this elevator, then get Matchi to go through the doorway, and stop just to the right of the green bridge. Move Bern off the elevator and 2 steps to the right, then get Totch to climb up over Bern, then down over Matchi. Send Matchi left over the bridge, then climb up over Bern, and head up the small ladder.

Put Bern into the near left elevator, then send Totch through the doorway and into the far left elevator. Move Bern off the elevator, then move Totch off the elevator, up the ladder and into the far right elevator. Put Matchi into the right side of the near right elevator, then put Bern into the left side of the same elevator. Move Totch to the yellow target. Bern and Matchi can then go to their matching targets.

Checkpoint 3

Break the pots (including the ones far off in the distance) to get a coin (30/49). Move Bern 3 steps to the right, then move Totch through the doorway and up over Bern to the platform above, stopping below the green button. Now Matchi can climb up over the other two and stand on the green button. Bern can now go through the doorway and use the control panel.

Have Totch walk just over to the right below the blue button. Now Bern can climb down over Matchi and up over Totch to stand immediately next to the blue button (but not on it). Send Totch up over Matchi, standing in the top doorway. Now move Bern onto the blue button, so that Totch can reach the yellow target.

Move Bern down the ladder and just to the left. Get Matchi to climb down to the green target, then move Bern to the blue target.

Checkpoint 4

Break the pots to get a coin (31/49). Put Totch in the far elevator, then Matchi and Bern in the near elevator. Now get Totch to use the far control panel.

Put Totch back in the far elevator. Get Matchi to stand at the base of the steps, then get Bern to climb up over Matchi to reach the middle step. Now Totch can move to the near elevator, then climb over both characters to reach the near control panel.

Move Bern down over Matchi and right to the floating platform, then move Matchi right onto the floating platform as well. Now get Totch to climb up and step on the yellow button. Move Bern to the far elevator, then Matchi to the near elevator. Now send Bern to the right to use the final control panel.

Get Totch off the yellow button. Send Matchi to the floating platform, then put Totch back on the yellow button again. Get Matchi to climb up to the door. Now Bern and Totch can also go to the door.

Checkpoint 5

Click the tiles to rotate them so the power stones are all connecting:

Level 12: Final Chamber

Checkpoint 1

Break the pot to get a coin (32/49). Move Matchi, Bern and Totch directly to their matching targets in any order.

Checkpoint 2

Break the pots to get a coin (33/49). Send Bern through the doorway and one step to the right. Get Matchi to climb up over Bern to the step above, then get Totch to climb up over both other characters, then go up the small ladder and step just to the right (not onto the floating platform). Now get Matchi to climb down over Bern and go through the doorway, taking one more step to the right. Bern should go through the doorway and climb up over Matchi, then go right over the bridge and onto the blue button.

Move Matchi into the left elevator, then Totch into the right elevator, and across to the yellow button. Now Matchi can go up the ladder, through the doorway and onto the green button.

Break the pot in the distance to get a coin (34/49). Send Totch down the ladder, through the doorway, and one step to the right. Move Bern up the ladder and over the blue bridge, stopping above Totch. Now get Matchi to go through the door, and up over both characters to reach the green target. Send Bern back over the bridge to the blue target, then send Totch through the doorway to the yellow target.

Checkpoint 3

Move all 3 characters to the door.

Checkpoint 4

Click the tiles to rotate them so the power stones are all connecting:

At this point you may have completed 12 levels without using the undo function Pathfinder. Scroll down to reveal the treasure Archaeologist.

Hidden Chamber

You can start this section if you have collected 34 coins so far Open sesame.

Level 13: Twisted Cavern

Checkpoint 1

Break the pots to get a coin (35/49). Get Bern to stand in front of Matchi. Get Matchi to climb up over Bern, then go through the door and wait below the control panel. Now have Totch climb up over Bern, go through the door, climb up over Matchi, and use the control panel.

Climb back down over Matchi and cross the yellow bridge, stopping on the floating platform. Send Bern across the blue bridge to the blue button. Now move Matchi onto the nearby floating platform, and move Totch off their platform, down the ladder to the base of the step. Get Bern off the blue button, down the ladder, up over Totch, and wait at the base of the next step. Matchi can now climb down over both characters to reach the green target. Move Bern back to the blue button, then move Totch to the yellow target. Bern can then get directly onto the nearby floating platform and ride it up, then go to the blue target.

Checkpoint 2

Break the pots to get a coin (36/49). Move Matchi to the base of the step in front of Totch, then get Totch to climb up over Matchi. Now put Matchi into the right elevator, then Bern into the left elevator. Totch can now also get into the left elevator. Send Matchi through the doorway and onto the green button. Put Totch onto the floating platform, then send Bern over the blue bridge to wait at the bottom of the step.

Send Matchi back through the doorway, then one step to the right. Get Totch to climb up over Bern, waiting just below Matchi. Now Matchi can climb down over both characters to reach the green target. Move Totch and Bern to their matching targets.

Checkpoint 3

Move Matchi right to the base of the step. Get Totch to climb up over Matchi, then move Matchi onto the tilting elevator. Have Totch stand on the yellow button, then send Matchi through the doorway, standing just to the right at the base of the step. Now get Totch to climb down the ladder, over Matchi, and onto the rotating platform. Move Matchi to the green button.

Send Totch to the base of the step on the left, so that Bern can climb down, go through the door, and wait at the base of the step near the yellow target. Get Totch to go through the door and climb up over Bern to reach the yellow target. Now Bern can go back through the doorway, waiting at the base of the step on the right. Get Matchi to climb up over Bern and go up the ladder to reach the green target. Now Bern can go to the blue target.

Checkpoint 4

Break the pots to get a coin (37/49). Get Bern to climb up the ladder and stand to the right, then get Matchi to climb up over Bern and go right, and also get Totch to climb up over Bern. Now send Bern down the ladder, over the blue bridge, through the doorway to stand on the blue button. Get Matchi onto the floating platform, then move Bern off the blue button again. Now Matchi should get into the far elevator, then go directly to the near elevator. Put Bern back on the blue button, and move Totch onto the floating platform. Move Bern off the blue button again. Send Totch into the far elevator. Matchi can now reach the green button.

Get Totch to go directly to the near elevator, and move Bern to the floating platform. Next move Totch down off the elevator to wait on the middle step, then move Matchi off the green button. Put Bern at the base of the steps. Have Matchi climb down over both characters, then wait in the snow at the base of the other step. Totch can then climb down over Bern, up over Matchi, and over to use the control panel. Now each character can go to the door.

Checkpoint 5

Click the tiles to rotate them so the power stones are all connecting:

Scroll down to reveal the treasure Gold!!!.


Level 14: Peppermint Dreams

Checkpoint 1

Break the pots to get a coin (38/49). Move Matchi into the far elevator, then Bern into the near elevator. After it descends, move Bern off to the other ledge. Now put Totch into the near elevator, then also put Bern into the near elevator. Get Matchi to use the nearby control panel, then get back into the elevator. Move Totch off the near elevator (at the bottom level), then move Bern off (at the middle level). Next move Matchi into the near elevator, then climb up over both characters to use the next control panel.

Send Matchi down over both characters, then send Bern down to the blue button. Move both Totch and Matchi to the floating platform, then get Bern back off the blue button. Put Totch in the far elevator, then Matchi in the near elevator. Get Totch to stand below the yellow button. Put Bern back on the blue button, then move Matchi onto the floating platform. Get Bern to go directly to the floating platform so it goes up. Put Matchi in the far elevator, then Bern in the near elevator. Get Matchi off to be next to Totch, then have Totch climb up over Matchi to get to the yellow button.

Move Matchi to the floating platform, then get Totch back off the yellow button. Now Matchi can go to the control panel. Move Bern up to the step below Matchi, then Matchi to the step below Totch. Move Totch down over both characters to reach the yellow target. Next move Matchi down to the green target, and finally get Bern down the ladder to the blue target.

Checkpoint 2

Get Totch onto the floating platform, then have Bern stand on the blue button. Move Totch into the right elevator, then Matchi into the left elevator. Now Totch can move to the yellow button. Break the pots to get a coin (39/49).

Move Bern to the bottom of the nearby step, then have Matchi climb up over Bern and go through the doorway. Put Bern on the left elevator, then Matchi on the right elevator. Move Bern off the elevator just to the right, then move Matchi to the step just below Bern. Now Bern can climb down over Matchi. Get Totch off the yellow button, then send Bern through the doorway. Put Totch back on the yellow button, then send Bern back through the doorway to appear at the top.

Get Totch off the yellow button and onto the floating platform. Now send Matchi through the doorway onto the green button. Move Totch onto the yellow target, then have Bern climb up over Totch to get to the blue target. Matchi can then go through the doorway to reach the green target.

Checkpoint 3

Break the pots to get a coin (40/49). Send Totch to wait at the step leading up to the doorway, then have Bern climb up over Totch, and move just to the right. Now Matchi can climb up over Bern and get into the near elevator. Get off the elevator and use the near control panel. Climb down the near ladder and stand on the green button.

Totch can now go down the same ladder, through the doorway, up over Bern and into the far elevator. Send Matchi through the doorway, up over Bern and into the near elevator. Get off the elevator and use the far control panel.

Move Totch from the far elevator across to the near elevator. Get off and stand at the step below Matchi. Now Matchi can climb down over Totch, and go down the ladder to stop on the floating platform at the bottom right. Send Totch through the right doorway to appear at the very top, then have Bern stand on the blue button. Matchi should go to stand below Totch, so that Totch can climb down to reach the door. Now send Bern through the doorways, then down over Matchi to reach the door. Finally, Matchi can go to the door.

Checkpoint 4

Click the tiles to rotate them so the power stones are all connecting:

There is an achievement for completing any Winterfest level without using the undo function Foresight.

Level 15: Snowy Dash

Checkpoint 1

Break the pots (including the one far off in the distance) to get a coin (41/49). Put Bern into the far large elevator, then Matchi in the near large elevator. Next send Totch down the ladder and into the near large elevator, so that Bern can go through the doorway and wait at the base of the steps. Get Totch to climb down over Bern, go through the doorway, and get into the far large elevator. After it descends, get off and step the right. Now have Bern go through the doorway and into the far large elevator, getting off and standing beneath the yellow button. Move Matchi off the near large elevator and onto the rotating platform, then have Totch climb up and stand on the yellow button.

Matchi can now enter the left small elevator. Have Totch climb down the ladder and wait in the snow at the base of the step, so that Bern can climb down over Totch and get into the right small elevator. Matchi can now go right and stand on the green target. Move Bern to the blue target, and Totch to the yellow target.

Checkpoint 2

Break the pots to get a coin (42/49). Put Totch in the far large elevator, then Matchi in the near large elevator. Move Bern to the near large elevator as well. Have Totch get off and stand next to the yellow button, then move Matchi onto the floating platform. Now get Totch to stand on the yellow button. Once the platform rises, have Matchi go to the green target.

Put Totch back on the far large elevator, then move Bern off the other one. Bring Totch forward onto the near large elevator, then step forward off it once it reaches the bottom. Bern can then climb down over Totch, go through the doorway, and get into the sled. After the ride, put Bern into the right small elevator. Send Totch through the doorway and into the left small elevator. Bern should get off and stand on the blue target, then Totch can go to the yellow target.

Checkpoint 3

Move Totch into the far elevator, then Bern into the near elevator. Have Bern exit the elevator and stand to the right of the blue button, then get Matchi to climb up over Bern to stand next to the green target. Put Bern on the blue button, then get Matchi to walk over the rotating platform, standing at the base of the step leading up to the yellow button. Totch can now climb up over Matchi to stand next to the yellow button. Move Bern off the blue button, then send Matchi around to the floating platform. Now get Totch to stand on the yellow button.

Get Matchi to ride the sled, then cross the green bridge to reach the control panel. After the new ladder appears below, climb up and get into the far elevator. Get Totch off the yellow button, then send Bern up onto the floating platform. Put Totch back on the yellow button, then get Bern to the blue target. Move Matchi to the step beneath Totch, so that Totch can climb down over Matchi, then continue down the ladder and wait just to the right of the blue button. Next have Matchi climb up over Totch, then up the small ladder to reach the green target. Finally, Totch can climb up the ladder to reach the yellow target.

Checkpoint 4

Break the pots to get a coin (43/49). Move Matchi directly right to be just below the yellow button, then have Totch climb up over Matchi, and continue up the nearby ladder. Put Matchi into the near elevator, then put Totch into the far elevator. Get Bern to also board the far elevator, so that Matchi can get off at the top. Bring Bern off the elevator to stop at the base of the step to the right, then have Totch climb up over Bern to get to the yellow button.

Move Matchi to the floating platform, then get Totch back off the yellow button. Now Matchi can move to the green button. Bring Bern over the blue bridge to wait below the yellow button. Next get Totch to climb down over Bern to reach the floating platform, then also move Bern to the floating platform. Move Bern to the base of the steps near the door. Get Totch to climb up over Bern, then bring Matchi and Totch back down to the bottom level. Now all 3 characters can reach the door.

Checkpoint 5

Click the tiles to rotate them so the power stones are all connecting:

Level 16: Winter Wonderland

Checkpoint 1

Break the pots to get a coin (44/49). Send Bern through the doorway, into the left elevator, and then out to the lower snowy platform. Next have Totch climb down over Bern, then go through the right lower doorway, and stop just below the green button. Now Matchi can also climb down over Bern, go through the doorway and climb up over Totch to reach the green button. Now Totch should head back through the doorway, climb up over Bern, and get onto the floating platform. Move Matchi back off the green button, then send Totch through the cave and into the right elevator.

Move Bern through the doorway to the step below Matchi. Get Matchi to climb down over Bern, go through the doorway, and wait at the lower snowy platform. Now get Bern to head back through the doorway, climb up over Matchi and go through the left doorway, then get into the left elevator. Bern can then use the control panel.

Get Totch to go back through the cave and stand on the floating platform, then send Matchi through the doorway and onto the green button again. Move Totch through the left doorway to stand on the pink ledge. Put Matchi in the left elevator, then Bern in the right elevator. Have Matchi exit the elevator to the right, then put Totch into the left elevator. Bern can now reach the blue target. Move Matchi into the right elevator, then head to the green target. Finally, Totch can go through the doorway to the yellow target.

Checkpoint 2

Break the pots to get a coin (45/49). Move Bern around to stand on the blue button. Move Matchi right and down onto the raised platform, then get Bern off the blue button, around to stand below Matchi. Move Totch off the right elevator, down the ladder and onto the yellow button. Get Matchi to climb down over Bern and go through the cave, stopping on the floating platform. Also send Bern through the cave to the same floating platform.

Move Totch off the platform, going down and left to stand on a middle step. Move Bern to the base of the steps, then get Matchi to climb up over both other characters, head through the doorway, and stand next to the green button (but not on the button). Put Bern back on the floating platform, then move Totch back onto the yellow button. Next send Bern through the cave and out onto the rotating platform. Move Matchi onto the green button to rotate the platform. Now Bern can head through the doorway and up near Matchi, to be just below the control panel. Matchi should now climb up over Bern to reach the control panel.

Get Totch off the yellow button, then have Matchi climb down over Bern, go through the doorway, climb down the ladder, and get onto the moving platform. Put Totch back on the yellow button again, then send Matchi around to the left elevator. Put Bern into the right elevator, then get onto the blue target. Put Matchi back on the floating platform, then send Totch to the yellow target. Now Matchi can go up the ladder, through the doorway, and onto the green target.

Checkpoint 3

Break the pots to get a coin (46/49). Move Totch into the right elevator, then Matchi into the left elevator. Next send Totch up the small ladder and through the doorway to the top wooden platform. Now Matchi can use the left control panel.

Move Bern into the right elevator, then Totch into the left elevator. Move Bern off the right elevator, then Matchi into the left elevator (with Totch). Now get Bern to use the right control panel.

Get Matchi to stand just to the right of the elevator, so that Totch can climb up and reach the door. Bern can climb down the ladder and reach the door, and Matchi can cross the green bridge and climb up the small ladder to reach the door.

Checkpoint 4

Click the tiles to rotate them so the power stones are all connecting:

Level 17: Frosty Express

Checkpoint 1

Break the pot on the train to get a coin (47/49) All aboard!. Put Bern and Totch into the left large elevator, then send Matchi across to the green button. Now move Bern into the right large elevator. At the top, send Totch over to the small floating platform, then have Bern move onto the blue button. Move Totch just to the right, then Bern onto the nearby floating platform, and finally Totch onto the yellow button.

Put Bern back into the left large elevator again, then Matchi into the right large elevator. After it descends, move Matchi across to the left small elevator, then Totch into the right small elevator. Totch can now reach the yellow target.

Move Bern into the right large elevator, then get out and stand at the base of the nearby step. Get Matchi to climb up over Bern to reach the green target, then send Bern to the blue target.

Checkpoint 2

Break the pots to get a coin (48/49). Put Totch into the left elevator, then get off at the bottom and wait at the base of the step. Have Matchi climb down over Totch, then wait below the control panel. Now Totch can climb up to the control panel. Climb back down and go through the doorway on the left, then get into the right elevator.

Next send Matchi down the ladder, through the bottom doorway, across the green bridge, and into the left elevator. After it descends, get onto the green button. Move Bern onto the rotating platform, then take Matchi back off the green button. Now Bern can go right and stop below where the control panel was earlier. Get Totch to go back through the doorway and climb up over Bern. Now Matchi can climb down over both characters, go down the ladder, over the green bridge, and stop near the left elevator (but don't get into it).

Get Totch to climb down and go to the yellow target. Send Bern through the left doorway to reach the right elevator. Put Matchi into the left elevator, then get Bern to reach the blue target. Finally, Matchi can climb down the ladder and get to the green target.

Checkpoint 3

Move Totch to the yellow button, then put Matchi on the floating platform. Get Totch back off the yellow button, and get Bern to walk right onto the spinning platform. Now Matchi can go through the doorway to the green button. Bern should then walk right and get into the far elevator. After it descends, move Bern to the floating platform. Put Totch back on the yellow button. Bern can then cross the blue bridge and use the control panel.

Get Bern back onto the floating platform. Move Totch to the bottom of the spinning platform, then move Bern to the blue button. Have Matchi step onto the floating platform just to the right. Move Bern into the near elevator, then Totch into the far elevator, and subsequently to the yellow target. The other two characters can their go to their matching targets.

Checkpoint 4

Break the pots to get the final coin (49/49) Scavenger. Move Bern into the left elevator, then send Totch through the doorway and into the right elevator. Now Totch can go to the yellow button. Send Matchi through both sets of doorways to reach the right elevator, and also put Totch into the right elevator.

Send Bern through the doorway to stop at the top right wooden platform. Get Matchi off the elevator to stop at the base of the step on the left, then have Totch climb up over Matchi and wait below the raised wooden platform on the left. Next move Bern into the right elevator, then climb up over both Matchi and Totch, continue through the doorway, and wait at the step below Matchi.

Matchi can now climb down over Bern and go through the doorway to reach the door. Send Bern back through the doorway to reach the door, and finally have Totch go right to the door.

Checkpoint 5

Click the tiles to rotate them so the power stones are all connecting:

There is an achievement for completing all of the Winterfest levels Ready for summer.