Tomb Raider
Game Details: Action/RPG, 1996
Links: Moby Games, Steam
Walkthrough Updated: 9/13/2005
Suggested Listening: Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)
Kills: 14, Pickups: 7, Secrets: 3
Follow the tracks, and jump past the slots shooting the poison darts. Lara will look up at a ledge, but keep going straight ahead. There should be a square room with a slanted rock in the corner. Stand in front of the rock and jump backward onto it - while sliding down, jump forward and climb up onto the ledge into secret area 1. Grab the medipack and return to the ledge seen earlier. Kill the bats that appear, then turn left and enter a snowy cave. Climb the snow drift in the corner and up onto the ledge. Shoot the single bat around the corner and get the medipack from secret area 2. Return to the bat cave and continue down through a grassy cave until you reach a door. Open the door with the switch and kill the bat as you enter the room. Ignore the bamboo door - find the hole in the roof and climb up. Keep going until you reach a large room with 2 bridges. Kill the 2 wolves while still standing on the first ledge (look down). Continue around the room, winding your way around the bridges and jumping the gaps (if you fall, you can climb onto a ledge and try again).
In the next room, jump over the broken bridge and kill the bear waiting below. Drop down into the gap by first gripping the edge (to avoid damage). Go through the door and kill the 2 bats. Take the medipack and stand on the pressure plate to open the door and re-enter the bridge room. Retrace your path to the broken bridge and proceed down the stairs (after collecting the medipack in the back corner of the room). Quickly kill the 2 wolves in the next room (before they bound up the stairs), then find a medipack to your right. On the far wall of the room, there is a door hidden behind vines. Climb onto the ledge and enter secret area 3 and collect your medipack. Back in the main room, use the switch to open the door - this is timed, so hurry over (easiest to drop down, run across and climb up again) and leave the room or you will need to use the switch again. Continue up, turn the corner, and run past the darts. Kill the single wolf in the next room and then stand on one of the 2 broken tiles to fall through the floor. Do not drop down here - jump across the gap using the ledge. Run along following the wall and kill the last wolf. Pick up the medipack and continue to find another switch. Slide down the sloped wall, avoid the darts and reach the exit.
City of Vilcabamba
Kills: 29, Pickups: 13, Secrets: 3
Go left immediately as you enter the first room, and shoot the first 2 wolves. Go further forward and take care of the other 2. Choose any exit from the room and kill all wolves and bats (look up to kill the bats, as they hide in the ceiling). Find a medipack hidden in the bushes. In the large pool room, look for a large wooden trough along one wall. Run past the nearby doorway and jump up onto a ledge. Turn around and waste the bear that came out. Enter the room where it cam from, then climb up onto the ledge and get the medipack, before returning to the pool room. Dive into the water and swim until you reach an intersection - go right here. Turn to the left when you reach some pillars, and pull the wooden lever to open a door further on in this level. Return to the pillars and go the other way. Pull this lever and surface to get some air. Climb up into secret area 1 and take the medipack. Use the switch to open a door and return to the main pool room. Dive in again and this time go left at the intersection. Surface into a fountain room. Go through the door (the one opened earlier) and get the medipack and magnum clips from secret area 2. Return through the water to the main pool room and leave the pool.
Open the door with the switch, then climb the stairs and jump when you reach the top. Drop down and run across a ledge of collapsing panels to reach a medipack. Drop down again (if you didn't fall through the panels). If you fell through, but really want that medipack, pull the large blue block (action + down keys) so you can climb up to the alcove. Push the block (action + up keys) into the next room from where it started. Kill the bat and take the key and idol. Climb up from the block onto the wooden ledge and kill the 2 bats in the rafters. Run around the corner and kill 2 more bats, then drop into the passage and turn left to get back into the pool room. Find the locked door and open it with your key. To avoid being hit by darts in this corridor, just run and jump. In the large area beyond, kill the 5 wolves (jump and dodge as necessary). Enter the temple through the left door and follow the passage through to another pool room. Climb the stairs and gradually jump from ledge to ledge around the room. Climb stairs again and kill the lone bat, then take a large jump. Climb and kill 1 more bat, before finding the switch and using it to open the temple's right door. Get the medipack and go to the window. Drop safely (gripping edge first) onto the roof through the window, and get the shotgun shells, then drop to the red roof for the medipack. Drop to the ground and enter the right door. Go to the left of this room and head up the ledges. At the top, kill the bat, climb the stairs, and use the switch to open the middle temple door. Go outside and drop safely to the ground, before entering the middle door.
Use timing to get past the corridor of blades, and you will reach a gate and a switch. Use the switch, and you will drop through the floor into some more water. Swim forward and up into a small tunnel on the right. Climb up the stairs you reach and use the switch to open the gate you were at previously. Walk out to the edge and shoot the bear that is prowling below you. Drop down, and head up some stairs to the switch room. Opposite the switch is secret area 3, with some uzi clips. Get these and return to the pool room. Use the gold idol to unlock the door and exit.
Lost Valley
Kills: 13, Pickups: 16, Secrets: 5
Follow the tunnel until you reach the river, then dive in. Climb out in a safe place, and kill the 2 wolves. Climb the rocks opposite the waterfall and enter the cave, killing the wolf that soon appears. Walk further into the cave, then turn right into a slanted chamber - quickly kill the 3 wolves in here and leave again. Return to the main cave and begin climbing up onto ledges until you locate a medipack. Take this then walk forward and slide down into the valley. Quickly kill the raptor that attacks, then enter the valley and kill a second one. Now keep going and prepare to use all your athletic talent to kill a big T-Rex. Run under the bridge until you reach 2 waterfalls. Climb the right-hand ledge into secret area 1 and take the shotgun shells. Now climb to the middle ledge, climb up twice, and then jump to the right. Shimmy to the right until you are in the middle of the falls, then pull yourself up into secret area 2, for some shells and uzi clips. Dive down into the base of the waterfalls, then climb out and head for the broken bridge. Enter a short passage and kill the lone raptor inside. It will loop around back into the main valley. Enter another passage within some grass-covered rocks, and kill the raptor that is waiting for you. Keep going until you reach a waterfall. Climb the ledges to the right to get cog 1, then dive into the pool. Swim until you reach the right waterfall in the valley. Climb out, turn right and advance to the temple in the distance, killing 2 raptors on the way. Enter the temple, and swim to the right side of this pool to get cog 2. Exit the temple and find a ledge along the left valley wall near the dead raptors.
Climb the 1st ledge then jump left to the 2nd one. Turn slightly left to grab the 3rd ledge then do a leap and grab the 4th ledge. Jump onto the temple roof ( secret area 3) to get a medipack, magnum clips, uzi clips, and shotgun shells. Get off the roof by going left, jumping to the slanted cliff and sliding to the bottom. Turn to the right and climb into the cave in the valley wall. Continue down this tunnel until you reach a rope bridge - jump over this and get cog 3. Drop safely to the valley floor and make your way back to the cave above the first waterfall (start of the level). Jump back and forward across the river, then follow the tunnel and cross the bridge. Use the 3 cogs on the wall then pull the lever to close the dam. Drop off the side of the bridge (and hold on). Shimmy left and drop down onto a rock. Head up and left to find secret area 4, and a medipack. Jump into the water and swim until you reach the dam. Turn left and climb up onto a ledge. Find a shotgun, then jump back into the water and swim through a very long tunnel to reach secret area 5, with shotgun shells and another medipack. Go through the door and jump down into the dry river-bed. Follow it to the waterfall site and dive into the lake below. Walk through the newly-revealed tunnel, open the door and exit the level.
Tomb of Qualopec
Kills: 7, Pickups: 7, Secrets: 3
Follow the tunnel, then go straight ahead until a huge boulder appears. Quickly roll backward and get out of the way! Pull the switch to open a door that releases 2 raptors. Kill both then enter the pink room they came from. Take the right passage, and push the first block forward twice. Turn left and push another block to continue. Run to the switch and use it to open the first of 3 gates. Jump the pit that was revealed and return to the pink room. Go through the central passage and fall through the floor before the switch. Quickly dispatch of the three wolves, then go up the ramps. Pull the block once, then push it aside to find a passage. Go up the stairs, drop into a pit and get a medipack. Climb the opposite side of the pit, then continue up the stairs and use the switch at the top, to open a second gate. Take the other medipack in this room, then drop into the pit. Return again to the pink room and enter the final passage. Ignore the first switch you find, and drop into the large room. Take the stairs up, then turn right, jump and grab, and keep following the passage until you are on the block in the corner of the room. Jump to the alcove and use the switch to move the other block towards some spikes. Jump down onto the floor, and use the ramp to climb back up to the first switch - use it now. Follow the passage to the right of this switch to reach the two blocks. Jump across them, then over the spikes and use the switch to open the final gate. Jump back to the floor, up the ramp and back up to the pink room. Kill the raptor when it appears. Return to the first main room of the level and enter the new passage. Run and jump past the darts, and turn left at the stairs.
Climb up, just to the right of the final dart gun. Walk past the idol, and across the crumbling floor to the shotgun shells in secret area 1. Hang onto the edge of the tile you are on and drop down into secret area 2. Pick up the magnum clips and then walk through the spikes and climb out again. Continue up the steps into the chamber holding the first piece of the Scion. Kill the guard on the left of the throne, then take artifact. Run back through the closed gate (it opens!) to the main entrance and past the boulder you dislodged earlier. Enter the water and quickly (dodging bullets) go through a small tunnel to find secret area 3 with a medipack and some magnum clips. Make sure you are fully healed, then go back and kill Larson.
St Francis' Folly
Kills: 21, Pickups: 19, Secrets: 4
Head immediately right and climb the wall, so you can easily kill the 2 lions. Find the movable block, and first pull it onto the horseshoe symbol (to unlock a door upstairs), then push it forward 3 times (it will open another door on the second push). Go through the newly-opened door and kill the 2 gorillas. Pull the switch in front of you, and kill a 3rd gorilla on your right. Walk up the right stairs and use the switch to open the door upstairs. Leave this room and start shooting at the explorer who attacks. He won't die, but will eventually run away. Climb onto the movable block and jump forward twice onto pillars to find a medipack. Jump to a pillar behind you and to the left, then to a doorway. Stand in the left of the doorway (facing inwards), then jump left, then right, onto the ledge. Jump onto the lower sloped ledge, then jump back, then forward and grab the upper ledge. Climb into secret area 1 to get some shotgun shells and a medipack. Climb back down the way you got up. Back in the main room, jump back to where you found the medipack, then make a long jump to the ledge to the left. Begin a series of jumps to reach the door you opened previously. Slide forward down the sloped hall, jumping just before the end, so you land on a second, shorter slope. Jump again straight away and grip the other side. Climb up into secret area 2 for some shells and another medipack. Kill the big crocodile in the water before you jump in. Swim forward and up into the first opening, secret area 3, for more shells. Swim down and into the next opening to use a switch that empties out the water. Drop into the passage and walk back down the tunnel, then up some stairs to the top of a new, large chamber.
Jump to the ledge in the middle of the room and shoot the 3 bats. Drop down through the center of this platform and pull the lever to open the Thor Door. Jump to your right and land on the grey square to open a secret door. Quickly turn right and drop down. Keep running and dropping down 2 more times, and enter secret area 4, getting a medipack and magnum clips. You must be very quick to make it, and turning using the roll move is essential. Kill the 2 bats that chase you into the room, then leave and use the switch to open the Atlas Door. Climb the stairs, then jump and grab the ledge. Jump to the ledge and shoot the bat, then get the magnum clips. Jump back to the first ledge and move across about half way. Jump and grab the middle ledge then go around the left corner and use the switch to open the Neptune Door. Turn around and jump to the stairs. Turn around again and jump up to a ledge, then enter the Thor Door to your left. Dodge the bolts of lightning (use the edges) and cross the room. Stand on the symbol in the floor of the next room, then quickly jump back when you hear a noise. Wait for some blocks to fall, then push the first block against the wall near the head of Thor's hammer. Climb up, and pull a second block so you can use it to climb higher. Get the medipack and jump to the ledge on your left. Enter the small room and get the Thor Key, then climb all the way back down and leave through the Thor Door.
Turn left and jump to another ledge. Jump quickly to a small ledge on your right and kill the 2 bats. Jump to the middle ledge, then climb around and use the lever for Damocles Door. Enter through the Atlas Door. Kill the gorilla, then run forward through the gate. Get the medipack from the pit, then run up the hill. Quickly retreat when the boulder appears. Get into the pit and grab the edge so the boulder will roll overhead. Go back up the hill, jumping to a ledge on your left. Jump up again to find the Atlas Key, then go back and leave through the Atlas Door. Go to the top of the stairs and jump up further, then kill 2 bats. Jump to the stairs on your left, then shoot another bat and keep climbing. Jump to the middle ledge and continue through the Neptune Door. Swim up and to your left to enter a small tunnel. Pull the lever, then turn around and find the Neptune Key, before surfacing. Climb out of the water and exit through the Neptune Door. Jump to the middle ledge and climb almost all the way to the floor, until you are level with some sandstone stairs (look for a medipack on a ledge on the way down). Jump over to the stairs and go down to the Damocles Door. Get the medipack from above the door before you enter. Continue straight into the next room and get the Damocles Key, then climb up and get some shells and another medipack. Leave the room slowly and dodge the swords as they fall (walk, don't run). Drop down onto a small ledge, then once more to the ground where you can kill the 2 cougars and shoot at the explorer again. Use your 4 keys in the 4 locks, so you can leave the level.
Kills: 24, Pickups: 13, Secrets: 3
Walk to the water's edge and shoot the crocodile, then swim across the pool and climb out again. Shoot the 2 lions guarding the area. Enter the temple and start up the left stairs - jump back and kill a third lion. Exit the temple and proceed down the left side. Climb up the rocky ledge and jump over to the temple. Follow the ledge to the right to get a medipack. Return the way you came and climb onto the block. Jump up onto the next ledge and follow it around the temple. At the end of the ledge jump diagonally to a hidden door. Before entering, walk forward and slide down the slope. Jump at the bottom to land on a ledge, then look for a hidden passage. Do 2 running jumps into the passage - secret area 1 - for some shotgun shells. Go back to the door and go inside. At the edge of the pit, kill the 2 crocodiles and get the medipack in the corner. Use the ramp to climb out of the pit then face the wall, jump and grab the crack in the wall. Shimmy to the right until you can climb up, then go forward to secret area 2 - more shotgun shells. Go back to the crevice and do a safety drop and shimmy right until you can drop to the ledge. Walk up the ramp and start down the tunnel until you can drop down a hole and enter the temple.
Enter the Colosseum to your right and shoot the lion, cougar and gorilla from your safe vantage point. Also shoot the explorer until he leaves again. Jump down into the arena, then go through the door in the far corner and slide down the ramp. Shoot the 2 lions waiting for you. Go to the far wall and use the switch to open the Colosseum gate. Turn around and use the switch to open the door next to it. Head down this corridor and into a pit. Repeatedly jump and shoot to kill the 4 cougars, then climb up out of the pit. Slide down the ramp in the rocky corner, then head to the grey floor panel at the back of the room. Head through the right gate and take the medipack, then return to the first grey floor panel. Now enter through the left gate and use the switch (this is all timed, so hurry). Run back through the right gate and another gate that is now open. Use the switch here to open the white door back in the main room. Go back through there, and down another slope. Go through the door and climb all the ledges to the top of the Colosseum. Turn left and head up the slope then climb the ledge and go right to find some shells.
Go back down the rocks to the ledge and stand as far from the pit as possible facing the rocky slide to the left of the Colosseum door. Do a long jump to the slope and climb up the rocks. When you reach level ground turn left and jump to the ledge. Go forward then turn right to kill the 2 gorillas in the bedroom. Go into the next room with the stairs and the block. Pull the block until you can enter the tunnel behind it - get the medipack and use the switch. Return to the rock slide and slide down backward. Go to your right around the rocks then turn left and proceed to the ledge at the corner of the Colosseum. Climb the ledge and go up some stairs and turn right. Enter the door and shoot the 2 bats and head for the light. The gate shuts behind you. Roll into the pit as a boulder crashes into the gate. Climb out of the pit and jump to the other side. Follow the passage to the next switch and use it to open the door around the corner. Go through this door and straight ahead (along the Colosseum stands) into the other corner room. Take care of the cougar and explorer on the way. Kill the 2 bats in the corner room, then go forward into the lit room. The exit to this room is on a short timer and only opens when you walk past a certain pillar. Position yourself to the right of the left pillar, and a door will open above you. Jump forward, right, back, left, forward, and run through the door into secret area 3. Collect the 2 medipacks, Uzi clips and the magnums. Back at the ledge turn left and jump across to the switch which opens a door. Proceed to the bottom and exit out to the Colosseum and enter the next door.
Climb up to the door you just opened and use the switch, then take a swim into the next room. Get the medipack, then push the block forward into the next room, and then pull it sideways. Get the rusty key, then swim back through the tunnel and drop into the Colosseum arena. Kill the gorilla and drop so you are hanging in the pit with spikes at the bottom. Shimmy until your shadow is between the spikes then drop. Enter the door with the rocks and climb to the top so you can do that long jump to the rock slide all over again. Go back to the bedroom and use the Rusty Key to open the gate. Enter the gate and go swimming and enter the first hole which leads to a room with a switch. After pulling the switch go swimming again and keep swimming down the tunnel until the level is over.
Palace Midas
Kills: 43, Pickups: 21, Secrets: 3
Climb out of the pool and enter the large tunnel with the pillars, killing the 2 gorillas that appear. Run through the left door, and kill another 2 gorillas, before picking up the medipack and continuing through a large doorway. Use the switch, then run back down the tunnel to the pool, killing 2 more gorillas. Quickly shoot the crocodile in the pool room (to your left). Go down the corridor, turning right and not using the stairs. Continue to an intersection, where you should turn right, and go to a small gap between the cliff and the wall. Kill the gorilla then get the magnum clips. Continue from the intersection until 2 lions attack. Kill them and continue until you reach a wall, then turn right and shoot 3 bats. Get the medipack, then return to the stairs you ignored - go up now. Turn left and enter the next room to shoot 3 gorillas. Climb the orange column at the back of the room (to the right), turn and jump to another column, then turn and jump to the ledge. Turn right and jump (grab) the next ledge. Get the medipack and the magnum clips then jump back to the first ledge and back to the pillar.
Use running jumps to cross the series of pillars, then turn right and jump to the ledge with 5 switches. Activate the left switch then turn and drop into a pit and use the switch there to open the gate. Enter and turn left then left again entering a brightly lit door. Walk to the base of the stairs on the right, and shoot the 3 rats in the water. Go back up the stairs, then run towards the first torch and watch them all go out. Quickly make a series of jumps across the torches. Grab the last pillar and pull yourself up, then get the lead bar. Swim to the stairs, then climb up, shoot a gorilla, and return to the 5 switches. Return the 1st switch to the up position, and flip switches 3 and 4 down. Shoot the gorilla in the pit, then drop down and enter the gate, turning left and through a new door between some pillars. Go through this room and into a tunnel, then go down some stairs on the right. Pull the block once, then head back up the stairs and continue up the next set of stairs. Jump over to the right, then jump again to the center column, and once more to the left of the sandy ledge. Jump left and enter the door, then climb up. Continue to the next room and kill 2 gorillas and 2 bats. Jump into the pool and head down the trench, shooting 2 crocodiles when you can. Climb out of the water, and up onto the rocks to your right. To reach secret area 1, walk forward as far as possible, then jump forward twice - you will find a medipack and some magnum clips to your left.
Swim back to the main pool and climb out. Go back to the corner with the medipack below. Drop into secret area 2, to get shotgun shells, uzi clips and a medipack. Jump out of the pit and kill the gorilla then move ahead and begin searching the small niches in the wall until you find a medipack. Head back to the main alcove that leads to the ledge and jump over to it. Run along the ledge and kill 2 more gorillas. Jump across the crevice and hang on. Shimmy to the left and drop onto the ledge. Kill the bat then turn and jump over to the door. Run up the tunnel (the last part of it collapses), and get a medipack. Skid down the long slope and climb back down. Kill the cougar that runs toward you, then run along the ledge and through the doorway on the other side. Follow the tunnel, and jump left onto the next ledge. Turn right and go up to the pool, shooting the crocodile. Swim into the next room, then climb onto the rock and shoot 2 bats. Jump over the gap, and pick up the lead bar. Shoot the 2 lions below then jump down. Go down the stairs, and make your way back to the 5 switches. Use the right switch and return the 4th switch to its up position. Drop down and find the new door and the floor full of spikes. Walk through these spikes and around the ramp where you can pull a block twice to reveal a switch. Use it, then head back up the ramp and stairs. At the top go to the corner and do a standing jump over the spikes to the column. Make a series of jumps to cross this room starting with the column on your right. When you reach the last column jump into the door then jump right back to the column. Shoot the gorilla in the next room, then enter and get the lead bar. Jump back to the pillar then down to the door below. Return to the 5 switches and move the middle switch up and the first switch down then return to the start room with the pool. Head down the stairs and into the garden.
Kill the 2 gorillas and get the medipack off the roof near the back (using the right-hand wall). On the roof, turn and head down the passage to the Midas Room. Stand next to the stone hand and use the lead bars to turn them to gold (for a cool death, jump onto the hand). Return to the garden, then go to the front left corner of the room (in terms of the original entrance). Walk behind the 2nd tree to find the a lever to open the left gate. Enter the gate and time a jump through the blades, into secret area 3. Get the shotgun shells, magnum clips and medipack then make your way back to the orange pillar room, and enter a new door in the far left corner. Continue forward and kill the lion, then head to the top of the stairs and out onto the ledge. Get the shotgun shells, then go half way down the stairs and through the right doorway. Use the gold bars in each of the 3 slots then enter the open door and slide down the ramp to finish the level.
The Cistern
Kills: 27, Pickups: 27, Secrets: 3
Immediately roll and drop to the floor, then kill the rat. Push the block forward twice then push it right so you can use the switch. Shoot the rats that come through the new opening. Go through the white door and get the medipack, then return to the previous room and go down the hole and run outside to the bridge. Go forward, then jump to the pillar at your right. Shoot the rat as you descend the stairs, then turn right and jump to the ledge. Shimmy left and drop down. Take the shells then jump up to the next hand-hold and shimmy left until you can climb up. Turn right and keep climbing, then run along the ledge and get the Rusty Key. Return to the other end and climb down, then drop to the brick path below. Go down the path, jump to the ledge on your right and go up the stairs. Shoot the explorer again, then climb to your right. Get the medipack then go to the top of the slope on your right. Turn left and jump to the ledge - climb up into secret area 1 for 3 sets of shotgun shells.
Drop to the room below. Back where you climbed to secret area 1, now run in the opposite direction and jump to a ledge. Jump again to the next ledge to find a medipack and some more shells. Drop down to the ledge below, and slide down the ramp. Shoot 2 rats in the water, then dive in. Swim through the tunnel and get out of the water, killing the rat that chases you. Go up the stairs and jump to the ledge, then jump again to the ledge on your left and pull yourself up to get another Rusty Key. Go forward and hang from the ledge so you can shimmy to the left and drop to a ledge with 2 rats to kill. Continue forward and slide down 2 consecutive ramps, then kill 2 rats and 2 crocodiles in the water. Climb the stairs on the left of the ramp, then jump up to your left. Go around the bridge to the other side then climb the wall, turn right and climb to the top ledge. Drop to your left at the end of this path, go up some steps and jump to the ledge with the railing, then turn right and jump to the next ledge. Turn left and jump to the door where you must use a Rusty Key.
Enter the room and climb to the ledge on your left. Turn and shoot the 2 gorillas then jump to the next ledge and shoot that sniper from above until he runs off. Jump to the next ledge and get the medipack then do another jump to the high ledge. Jump backward into the alcove and get the magnum clips, then do a running jump back to the highest ledge. Jump and grab the crevice above the alcove. Shimmy to the right and drop to the ledge, then drop through the hole on your right and go down the ramps. There are 3 crocodiles and 1 rat in the room - kill them all, then pick up the medipack. Climb the blocks in one corner and jump between ledges until you can jump and shimmy along a ledge in the wall. Climb up, use the switch and enter the door. Shoot the 2 rats in the pit, then jump in (avoiding the spikes). Jump down another hole and kill 2 more rats, before climbing the stairs by the Gold Door. Facing the wall, jump to the ledge then turn right and climb to the next ledge. Run to the end and turn right and do a running jump. Climb up to the ledge and turn right and do another running jump then jump over to the switch and open the Gold Door below. Make your way to the floor and enter the door to get the Silver Key. Quickly jump into the water to avoid gunfire from the explorer.
Swim past the first opening and up into the large room from before. Jump onto the bridge like before then walk to the pillar and climb up. Turn around and jump to the ledge behind you, then go up the stairs. Avoiding the holes in the floor, get to the switch and use it to flood the entire level. Go back to the large room and jump into the water. Swim forward and to your right until you find a small tunnel (the entrance is within a deeper, central green pool). Surface and find the switch to open a door below you. Exit the water and kill 2 rats, then get the medipacks and shells. Dive back in and swim to the new door to get a Silver Key. Go through the gate, back into the main room. Go to the door to your right and use the other Rusty Key to enter the room. Take a swim, going down to a small room with a medipack and a Gold Key. Swim back to the main chamber with the bridge and exit quickly so you can shoot the crocodile that chases you. Get back in the water and swim back to that cheaper green pool. Dive down to find another small tunnel leading to secret area 2 and some magnum clips. Back at the surface, climb out at the large flight of stairs, then go up. Push the left Ram block to the left to reveal secret area 3. Standing beneath the ledge, jump back onto the ramp, then up to the ledge. Get the medipack and the magnum clips, then exit.
Use the silver keys to unlock the two doors and enter the room. Climb the pillar, then jump to the higher ledge. Jump across to the lock and quickly kill the gorilla. Use the Gold Key to open the door below, then jump back to the previous ledge. Kill the 2 lions then drop down. Enter the room and run around the edge to the opposite end. Use the switch and quickly jump up onto the switch block. Kill the 3 lions that appear from your right. Pull the block behind the switch 2 times, then pull it out from the wall 4 times. Go to the other side of the block and push it once, then climb up and jump up to the ledge above. Take the medipack and the 2 magnum clips. Move toward the opening to the right, then turn around and kill 2 rats. Drop into the large room, and drop into the well behind the switch.
Tomb of Tihocan
Kills: 17, Pickups: 24, Secrets: 2
Swim until you reach an intersection - head down until you find a switch. Use the switch, then go back to the intersection and up out of the water. Use the switch here to open a door which you should then go through. Kill the crocodile, then climb the stairs. Jump twice across the room, then climb up and use the switch to flood the room. Swim through the tunnel under the white block and take the medipack, then resurface and climb onto the white block. Run through the tunnel here and take another swim. Use the switch to activate a current, and quickly surface for air. Swim down again, then swim with the current. Climb out at the end, shoot the rat, and pull the block once (toward the water). Climb onto the block, jump up to the ledge, then turn around and jump again. Jump and climb to your right, then keep climbing to the top of the pillar. Jump across, past the axe, and get the shells. Return to the first pillar and jump to the ledge. Shoot the explorer until he leaves.
Run down the hall and jump through the slicers. Kill the crocodile in the pit, then drop down. Go down the stairs and get the shells and magnum clips. Step on 3 different-looking floor panels (in the corners) to open a door leading to secret area 1. Enter and turn to face the door. Jump left and hold the button to make multiple leaps to shells and a medipack. Exit to the stairs and jump back out to the pillar. Jump back to the ledge with the swinging axe and jump to the door behind the blade. Run down the stairs and jump backward off the end to hang on the edge. Shimmy to the right and climb up into a tunnel where you can use the switch to flood the room. Dive in and swim to the step along the wall. Kill the giant rat then dive in the water behind him. Swim to the next room and exit the water, shooting the cougar. Enter the tunnel and use the switch to open the gate. Return to the main chamber, and kill the 2 gorillas above you, then climb up. Jump to the crevice and shimmy to the right, then climb up to the gate. Enter and get the Gold Key and medipack, then go back to the dead cougar. Enter the tunnel and use the Gold Key. Jump across the floating blocks, and get the medipack before entering the door.
In the room on the left, pull the block out of the wall so it rests on the writing. Kill the gorilla, then get the shells and magnum clip from its room. Pull the block again until it is on the writing near the door. Shoot the new gorilla, and get the shotgun shells. Climb up onto the block and jump up to the door. Run through the blades to get the medipack and Rusty Key, then return to the main room. Push the block from the ledge, then go around and pull it onto the writing. Climb onto the block and shoot the rats from here. Enter the new room and get the medipack, then go back and push the block onto the final writing tile. Go to the door and ignore the medipack. Run straight through and climb and get the Rusty Key. Get the medipack on your way back out. Go back to the main room and use your keys in the two locks. Go through the door and jump initially to the right of the ramp. Keep holding the jump button to hopefully find a secret passage, and turn so the first collapsible panel in the large room is to your right. Jump right, forward, right, right, back, right, to get into the secret room. Get the uzi and magnum clips then return to the ramp. Slide down and swim through the tunnel, exiting onto a green ledge from which you can safely shoot the crocodile. Enter the tunnel and climb all the ledges to reach the top then slide down to the ledge in the sand. Slide down the ramp and jump to the ledge, then climb up to the switch and use it to open the underwater gate.
Swim into the next room and surface before a large temple. Swim under the temple and find the hidden tunnel in the rear. You will surface inside, where you can use the switch to open the main door. Swim back outside and exit to the left of the temple on the sand. Quickly dodge the fireballs and kill the statue that comes to life. Enter the temple, and kill the explorer (finally!). Get the magnums, Gold Key and Scion piece, and climb to the ledge above and get the medipack and magnum clips. If you are feeling tough, go outside and kill the other statue. When you are done, use the Gold Key to open the door in the temple, and exit the level.
City of Khamoon
Kills: 14, Pickups: 23, Secrets: 3
Run down the tunnel and find a switch at the end of a tunnel to your left. This opens a door in the pit, so jump down, and pull the block 3 times, then enter the passage behind it to get a medipack and some magnum clips. Go back and climb up on the block then behind the second block. Pull the block once then go to the side and pull it as far as you can, then go to the opposite side and push it into the wall. Go to the block in the corner and jump to the crevice, then shimmy right until you can climb into the cave. Shoot the panther, then turn around and climb the ledge to get the medipack and magnum clips. Back at the floor slide down to the Sphinx and kill the mummy, then jump into the water on the right and get the magnum clips. Exit the water between the palm trees and climb to the ledge above. Go about halfway across and jump to the pillar to your left to get the shotgun shells. Dive into the pool and exit on the left paw of the sphinx. Climb to the chin and go around to the left where you will find a tunnel with shells and a Sapphire Key.
Go to the block between the sphinx's legs and pull it out so you can enter the tunnel behind it, where you can use the Sapphire Key to open the door. Go down the passage to the next room and go right and up to the ledge with the medipack. Jump forward to the next ledge and shoot the panther below, then jump to the ledge along the far wall. Go down the right passage and kill the panther as it attacks. Follow the passage underneath the bridge, then drop down and kill the crocodile. Turn around and run down the tunnel to get the medipack. Return to the main room, and start up the ramp, then jump off to the side as the boulder approaches. Go to where it stops, then turn right and go up the hill to a dark passage. Climb the ledges and jump into secret area 1 for some magnum clips and a medipack. Take a swim in the other corner and flip the switch below to open the door and continue forward and up out of the water. Kill the crocodile from the safety of the ledge, then go to the ledge below the gate and climb up. Push the block away from the gate 2 times then get on it and jump to the ledge below the door. Pull yourself up and go up the steps. Jump up into the tunnel and use the wall switch to extend a gold bridge in the previous room.
Return to the room and jump back to the block. Push it twice more in the same direction, then pull it once toward the water, then go to the other side and push it once. Stand on the block and jump across to the ledge with the block on it. Push the block to open a hidden door. Enter and use the switch to open a door in the ceiling above the golden bridge. Return to the ledge and push the block once more so you can jump to the golden bridge. Now jump up into the ceiling and use the switch. Head for the silver gong and jump to the left ledge. Turn right and jump to the rock ledge, then go to the end to get some magnum clips. Slide down the slope to the left and get the medipack then jump to the paw on your right. From the paw jump to the blue ledge and get the magnum clips. Get on the slope then jump to a ledge above the ramp to enter secret area 2 and take the uzi clips. Shoot the crocodile below then hang and drop to the ramp below and go to the cat statue.
Drop to the green ledge and then again to the floor. Enter the door (without stairs) and get the magnum clips then turn and drop down the hole. Shoot the 2 panthers below. Get the magnum clips in the corner but ignore the switch. Drop to the darkness below and shoot 2 more panthers, then head for the lit passage and get the medipack. Go to the back of the room and climb up to the ledge just to the right of the bridge. Turn and jump onto the bridge. Cross over to the middle ledge and go to the left, then shoot the 2 panthers below. Jump to the alcove in the corner - secret area 3 - and take the shotgun shells. Jump back to the bridge and make your way back down to the floor. Get the medipack in the other lit tunnel then climb back up to the bridge and enter the lit passage next to it (kill the mummy at the end). Enter the next room and jump to the tunnel on your right and follow to the next room. Climb the pillar and take the Sapphire Key from the top. Proceed up the hill and enter the door then do 3 jumps across some ledges and get the magnum clips. Jump to the ledge on your left then climb up to the switch and use it. Make your way back to the room's entrance and drop safely to a long slope below. After you slide, walk up the slope on the right to a room with a lock, where you can use the Sapphire Key to open the final door and exit the level.
Obelisk of Khamoon
Kills: 12, Pickups: 34, Secrets: 3
Follow the passage, climbing up the hill and then into a tunnel to your left. Go to the pillar nearest the Gold Door on the right, and pull the block there 3 times, then push it beneath the door. Enter the new tunnel, kill the panther and take the medipack. Back in the pillar room, walk to the left-most pillar and push its block left to reveal another tunnel. Swim through the pool in there and kill the crocodile when you have the chance. Along the bottom of the water you should find a medipack, some magnum clips and a Sapphire Key. Return to the pillar room and go through the doorway in the corner so you can use your key to open both Gold Doors. Climb up through the Gold Door in the pillar room, then go up the stairs and shoot the mummy. Use the switch, then go around to your left and cross the bridge. Take the Eye of Horus.
Drop off the bridge and get some shells, then dive in the water and get the magnum clips. Surface and enter the tunnel opposite the Gold Door. Slide down the slope and kill the 2 panthers, then go up the stairs and jump to the ledge. Jump to the corner ledge then back to the ledge above the first. Jump across the room to get the medipack. Climb up and jump around the room, going up when you can. At the top, go up the stairs and shoot the mummy. Go back down the stairs and use the switch by the pillars. Drop down to the left of the switch to get a medipack and two magnum clips, then return to the top of the stairs and drop into the pit on the left. Slide to the bottom, then run to the alcove on the right to kill another panther, and get some magnum clips. Use the switch back in the main room, then go up the new stairs, jumping for some shotgun shells to your left. Jump back to the stairs and go up a few more until you can drop to a ledge. Turn right and enter the door then jump left to the ledge and follow it across a bridge to the Ankh.
Back at the ledge, go past the door and get the medipack at the steps, then use the switch before going down. Climb up the new stairs through the doorway. At the top, turn and jump to your right and shimmy to the ledge on your right. Drop down, then go around and drop to another ledge. Enter the hieroglyphics chamber and use the switch. Go back outside and continue up the stairs. Kill the mummy at the top, then use the switch to activate a third bridge and get the medipack on the ledge. Turn and use the other switch, then run through the doorway and down the stairs. Walk through some pillars to the ledge then leap to the column with the medipack and uzi clips - secret area 1. Find the silver gong below and leap again to reach it and secret area 2 - uzi clips and a medipack. Drop to the ledge on your right and enter the doorway. Climb the stairs, then cling to the wall and shimmy right until you can pull yourself up. Turn and jump to the ledge on your right and enter the tunnel to locate secret area 3 - magnum clips and a medipack. Jump around the platforms to get some shells, then leap down to the green ledge. Drop down to the next ledge and go through the tunnel.
Turn right about 60 degrees, then walk backward - you should bounce off the wall and land on the ledge below. Follow the passage and use the switch, then return. Drop down and kill the mummies, then go between the 2 chairs. Climb the ledge and keep on climbing until you reach the green ledge. Enter the doorway and cross the bridge to get the Scarab. Hop to the bridge on your left and get the Seal of Anibus to open an underwater door. Drop into the water and swim for the tunnel. Go to the bottom and then forward to the second set of alcoves and get the magnum clips on the left. Proceed to the next set of alcoves and take a medipack and shotgun shells on your right. Continue until you can surface. After gasping some air, swim back down for the medipack, magnum clips and shotgun shells. Exit the pool and kill the mummy, then get the magnum clips from the ledge. Climb the stairs in the left corner and follow the passage. Kill the mummy, then get the medipack. Climb the steps on the other side of the mound. At the top you can drop into the Sphinx room from the last level. Go towards the palm trees and find a pillar - use your 4 artifacts on the pillar to open the exit door to the left of the Sphinx.
Sanctuary of Scion
Kills: 15, Pickups: 28, Secrets: 1
Get the magnum clips, then run up the stairs, kill the 2 mummies, and get some more clips. Jump to the room above, then go forward and slide down the slope to the left, killing the mummy at the bottom (and getting even more clips). Run forward and around to the left, past the sphinx's paws, and turn to your right. Climb up onto the lit pillar then jump onto next pillar one. Advance until you can reach the crevice in the wall. Grab it and shimmy to the right, then drop down. Go up the steps to the right and jump across several pillars, ending on a ledge with some more magnum clips. Jump forward 3 times, then use the switch. Shoot the demon as soon as it arrives. Leap to a ledge for some shells, then turn left and jump again for some more shells. Jump to the next ledge then drop to the ledge below. Turn and jump to the sandy ledge, then drop safely to the ground. Get the magnum clips from between the Sphinx paws, then run back past the paws to find the 2 slanted spires in the corner. Climb on the right block, then jump to the left, then to the ledge, and finally to the pillar (pull yourself up). Turn left and jump to the next pillar and again to a curving ledge above. Run past the slicer to your right and get the medipack. Follow the path to the next switch and use it to open a door and summon another demon. Kill it quickly, then jump to the ledge on the right to get another medipack. Turn and jump to the ledge, pulling yourself back up to the switch, then return to the curved ledge with the pillar below. Drop down to the pillar, then face the corner and jump over the pillar to a slope where you can slide back to the Sphinx. Enter the passage to the left of the Sphinx and through the open doorway. When you get to the ramp turn and jump back to begin the slide. Grab the end of the ramp as you fall, then shimmy to the ledge on the left and get the magnum clips. Climb all the stairs on the right then go down the slope and dive for the Gold Key. Exit the water next to the stairs in the corner and return to the top of the stairs.
Slide down again, but jump at the end and grab the bridge. Use the Gold Key in the right lock to open the door. Enter this new room and quickly kill the centaur. Get the Ankh and the medipack, before jumping off the bridge. Return to the sphinx (through the other pool room). Climb onto the lit pillar from before, then jump to the next one and jump backward to a third ledge. Climb up to the magnum clips then jump to, and follow the sandy ledge. When you reach a wall, turn left and jump to the next ledge and continue jumping to another ledge at the end. Climb the ledge to your left and jump to a rock ledge, and continue all the way through a tunnel. Push the block to the lit side, then climb up and kill the centaur. Get his Ankh and the medipack and return to the ledge above the Sphinx. Slide down the long ramp to your right and get the medipack. Drop onto the Sphinx and kill the mummy, then climb onto the tilted ledge and jump to the small space at the rear of the Sphinx's head.
Go forward and climb to the top of the Sphinx and use the Ankh. Drop down to the front and use the other Ankh. Climb back to the top and walk along the left side of the head. Look down to a magical clip floating in the air. Jump over to it and land on an invisible ledge - secret area 1. Take the uzi and ammo, then jump across to the ledge on the cliff. Kill the 2 demons, then return to the ground and enter the door between the Sphinx's legs. Take a swim going deep and to the left for some shells, then go between the statues and get the uzi clips. Surface and breathe again, then dive down to the right statue and enter the passage between its feet. Use the switch and let the current take you to the surface. Climb onto the low pillar and jump to the other one, then jump to the steps on the right. Go up the stairs and slide down into a dark cave. Quickly kill the demon. Drop down into the water any way you can (2 jumps!). Climb to the right statue, and use the switch on his chest to open a door. Dive back in and this time swim into the tunnel between the feet of the left statue. When you surface, run up the long slope and get the magnum clips on your way. Get the Scarab at the top. Go into the room where the level began, and kill 2 mummies and a centaur. Use the Scarab in the lock and enter through the gate, taking the medipack and magnum clips. Go down the slope and climb up through the hole into the Scion room. Shoot the explorer (he's back!), then go up the stairs and take the piece of Scion to end the level.
Natla's Mines
Kills: 3, Pickups: 28, Secrets: 3
Swim ahead to the waterfall and surface behind it. Go down the tunnel and use the switch on the left to open a door. Go back to the falls and swim to the other side. Climb out and enter the tunnel to the right of the crate. Find the block and pull it out of the mound then enter the passage it was blocking. Use the switch to open a second door then return to the pool. Swim behind the falls and go down the passage again. Climb to the sloped passage and follow it until you can jump to a ledge with a barricade. Follow the tunnel to a room with a large glass structure. Get the medipack then enter the next room with the two houses. Pull the block twice towards some tires then climb up and jump to the roof of the house. Fall through the corner, then go up the tunnel and use the switch to make the boat return to the dock. Go to the end of the tunnel and slide down, grabbing the right ledge and dropping to the ground. Follow the train tracks to the door which opens for you. Jump over the first gap, then turn right and grab the ledge. Shimmy left and climb up after you pass the first barricade. Jump across the gap, then run to the end of the passage.
Get the fuse then go left. Run forward until a boulder starts rolling, then run back and to the left. Go up the hill on the left as another boulder rolls by. Drop into the hole at the top to re-enter the track room. Run forward and slightly right to trigger a boulder, then climb up and go right to reach the 2 houses again. Climb the hill, then go all the way back to the entrance pool. Swim and climb into the boat then leap over to the crates. Climb up the left crate and find the tunnel behind it. Find the movable block, then pull it once and push it left. Pull the box behind it twice, and pull it right to gain access to a passage with another switch. Use it to activate the giant drill machine. Return to the docks and go to tunnel to the right of the crates that the drill machine was blocking. Push the block forward until you can enter the next room. Get on the block and then climb up through a hole to find another switch that opens another door. Take the uzi clips, then drop back down. Go forward and into the next room and get another fuse, then return to the waterfall and make your way back to the two houses. Enter the passage to the left of the house on the left, and follow it to the fork where you can go left and use the switch to start the conveyor belt. Go back to the fork and find the 3rd fuse, then return to the room with the glass structure and enter it from the right.
Get some magnum ammo, then use the 3 fuses in the slots to gain access to a new house. Enter the house and get the pistols, before climbing to the roof and jumping into the tunnel. Climb up into the hole just inside - a gate will open. Slide down the slope backward and grab the edge as you fall. Climb back up and the door will close permanently. Climb up into secret area 1 for some shells and uzi clips, then use the switch to open the gate and return to the first tunnel. Go to the end of the tunnel and drop down, then swim to the docks. Exit the water and enter the tunnel with the drill machine. Go around the box into the next tunnel, where you must kill the guy (chase him if you have to) and retrieve your magnums. Go to the far right of the canyon and drop down to a small platform. Drop down again and grab on to the platform below with a medipack. Grab the crevice, shimmy to the right, drop down at the end, turn and shimmy along the next crevice. Drop down and jump to a third crevice and shimmy to the lava room. Jump to the left platform, then to 2 pillars and into a tunnel in the right-hand wall. Go forward and push the block quickly to avoid the boulder rumbling towards you. Pull the block to the side and climb up to access secret area 2, and take the uzi clips and medipack. Run down the tunnel in the corner and drop to some more tracks. Take the medipack, uzi clips, and shotgun. Climb back up, then go back to the previous room and drop down the hole behind the boulder. Leap to the pillar in the lava tunnel. Turn right and jump across 3 pillars, then drop and enter the tunnel below. Slide to the bottom of the slope, then jump to the ledge. Climb up and enter the room with the TNT. Pull the movable block, then pull it right, then pull it 3 times into the next room. Climb over it and push it 3 more times so you can climb up into a tunnel to the left. Go to the top and climb to the ledge, then leap to the ledge on the right. Wait for another boulder to pass, then leap into the tunnel and follow it to the switch. Get the magnum clips and use the switch to create a cave-in in the TNT room. Now return to the room with the movable TNT box. Go to the new hole on the left and enter the passage. Kill the kid then retrieve your uzis, and take the 3 uzi clips from around the room.
One of the holes in this room has water instead of lava - dive in and swim through the gate to find secret area 3 for some medipacks and uzi clips. Return through the gate and up to the surface. Climb up, then follow the exit tunnel into the next room and start up the slope. To avoid the boulders, jump to the right of the tunnel. Wait at the top for the 3rd one to pass. Enter the passage and go up the slope, climbing up to the next room. Get on the low pillar and jump to the higher one, then jump to the ledge. Jump twice more to the left, then climb into the room on the right. Push the block twice, then climb up into the next room. Push this block twice and drop down into the lower room. Pull the block once, then climb back to the first block and push it again. Use the switch, then go through the open door (near the 2nd block). Push the block at the bottom of the stairs once, then turn left and run to the door which closes before you get there. Use the switch to the left, then head back upstairs past the gold door, and drop through the hole. Run through the doors and kill another shotgun guy. Take his weapon, then climb to the ledge above pyramid the door. Jump from ledge to ledge all the way up. At the top, jump to the left wall and slide down the pyramid. Enter a tunnel and use the switch to open the door, then exit and slide to the bottom. Go back to the maze and enter the first door to your right, to get a medipack, some uzi clips and the Pyramid key. Use the key to enter the pyramid and exit the level.
Kills: 30, Pickups: 48, Secrets: 3
Wait for the lights to come on, then take the uzi clips and start walking forward. Kill the 3 creatures that burst from the spheres as you advance, and take the uzi clips at the end of the hall. Enter the door to the left, and climb the stairs to the level above. Get the medipack from the corner room, then cross the room. Get the shotgun shells and kill the demon that appears below. Use the switch in the far right corner, then turn around and run to another switch in the opposite wall and use it. Run to the opposite corner and go through the door and down the stairs - use another switch to open the main door back at the entrance hall. Kill the final creature in that hall, before going through the open door. Kill the demon, then turn around and drop off the ledge - grab onto the block and climb up into secret area 1 for some uzi clips, magnum clips and a medipack. Go through the tunnel and climb up to the ledge, then drop down the hole. Turn and go down the passage to a webbed ledge, then turn and run off the platform so you land in a tunnel. Flip the switch in this tunnel and get the uzi ammo, then jump to the webbed ledge. Leap from the end of this ledge to the next, and grab on as a sphere blows up below you - kill the demon. Run through the tunnel, then leap to the pillar, then to the ledge in the left pyramid. Jump to the next ledge, avoiding the boulder coming at you. Jump to the next ledge and keep going up to the top right corner. Enter the tunnel into secret area 2 to get more uzi and magnum clips, and another medipack. Exit and slide down to the red door, then jump across the water. Jump to the second ledge and get the medipack, then jump to the next ledge and pull yourself up into the tunnel. Get the uzi clips and use the switch, then go back to the water and dive in.
Find and use the switch to open the red door, then exit the water by climbing onto the small ledge on the left side of the slope. Climb to the pillar and jump back to the pyramid. Retrace your path back to the red door and run inside before it shuts. Jump to the ledge and go up some stairs, jumping into the door. Climb up the passage, jumping some spikes on the way. Dive in the water and go down for some shells, then use the switch and swim through the door and back up to the surface. Run through the slicer, then get the uzi clips, go right, and leap to the next ledge. Kill the demon, then take the uzi clips. Turn back and dive into the water at the other end of the tunnel. Swim between the two spheres and climb to the ledge. Use the 5 switches in the room and kill the 4 creatures that explode from their spheres. Dive into the water, and after you get the medipack, go through the long corridor with the 3 open doors. Follow the dark tunnel. Turn right at the red passage and flip the switch to open the door and get the uzi ammo. Find the block across from the boulder and pull it out, then push it against the left wall. Return to the red door (through the red passage) and use the switch again, then enter the doorway. Kill the demon as you walk onto the ledge, then jump to the right ledge. The tunnel leads to a room with with 2 demons in spheres - release one at a time and back into the tunnel to kill them from safety.
Slide down the slope and jump as you near the bottom to land on a red ledge. Get the shells, medipack and lots of uzi ammo, then enter the next room through the tunnel. Go right, get some uzi clips, and go to the ledge to wake up another demon that you must kill. Jump to the left ledge and then to the small ledge. Quickly kill the next demon, then run through the passage to collect some uzi clips. Jump to the slope in the middle of the room. Leap to the opposite rock ledge then get the uzi clips and use the switch up on the slope. Turn and continue until the ledge tilts. Jump over it and pull the block to open a tunnel. Run past the slicers and kill the 2 demons on the other side. Jump over to the dead demons and head up the tunnel. Climb some stairs to get uzi clips and a medipack. Go to the ledge on the right and kill the demon, then face right and jump to the ledge on the right wall. Enter the tunnel. Leap to the ledge in the corner and enter another tunnel, and use the switch before going back to the lava room. Jump back to the first ledge then jump to the pillar on the left. Jump again to the next pillar and then into the door way. Climb up and use the switch at the end of the passage. Return to the ledge and do a series of jumps to cross the pillars and reach the tunnel. Proceed up the passage and go into the corner of the room to activate a secret door. Run up the hill on the left, killing the 3 creatures. Enter the alcove on the right for secret area 3 - shells, medipack and uzi clips. Go back to the main passage and turn right to go into the red tunnel. After the door shuts, climb to the passage above and go to the end. Jump to the ledge on the right, then take the uzi clips and enter the passage. Kill the creature that appears, then get more uzi ammo and continue on to the ramp that leads up to the slicers. Jump left to avoid the boulder, then continue through the slicers.
Push the block on your left 2 times and go down the tunnel on the right to find 2 switches. Use the right switch and you will drop through the trap door. Jump forward to start another boulder rolling then jump back over the hole. Move forward again and go up the tunnel. Climb the ledge on the left to reach the switch. Use it, then keep climbing to make your way back to the 2 switches and go through the now open door. Kill the creature in the next room and use the switch in the corner to open a door. Get some uzi clips in two of the corners. Enter the doorway, then slide into the next room. Kill the 2 monsters at the bottom but do not attack the next creature - it is you. Climb the ledge to the right and jump to the stone pillar, then leap to the ledge by the door and use the switch to open the trap door. Turn and jump to the sandy ledge, then climb and jump to the sandy pillar, and finally leap to the sandy ledge. Go to the middle of the ledge, and your double will fall into the pit. If the door shuts you have to try again. Go back to the rocky ledge with the pit, then go up and get some uzi ammo. Kill the Centaur and get more ammo, before killing another monster. Run along the left passage and get the uzi clips - note the switch. Run around to the opposite switch and use it, then run back and use the first one. Cross the bridge in the center of the room. Grab the uzi clips, then approach the use the alien device to end the level.
The Great Pyramid
Kills: 6, Pickups: 30, Secrets: 3
Kill the big alien. Find all 6 uzi clips from the corners of the room then slide down the red tunnel. Push the block 3 times then go up the ramp and push the next block once. Climb to the tunnel above. Run through the slicers, being careful not to fall through the crumbling floor. Go right at the intersection, and continue until you reach a block to push forward. Return to the intersection and turn right, going past the door, and drop down to the block. Pull it once, then climb back to the other passage. Push the block once more, then go back to the red door. Get on the block and use the switch, then turn and enter the next room. Go right and jump to the ledge on the slope. Jump to the next 2 ledges, and a bridge appears behind you. Jump back and cross the bridge to find secret area 1, and take the medipack, shells, and magnum clips. Use the switch twice to secure a portion of the bridge, then return to the ledges and go left to the tunnel entrance. Proceed up the tunnel and reverse when the boulder comes at you. Avoid the boulder then go back up the tunnel to repeat this with a second boulder. At the end of the tunnel is a collapsible ledge which you need to roll onto then run off before you fall. Hang and drop down (taking damage). Shoot the Scion until it explodes, starting an earthquake. Go through the door and kill the 3 creatures, then drop down to the rocks on the right of the bridge. Drop through the hole by the wall, then turn and leap and grab the red crevice. Shimmy to the right, then drop and slide backward toward the lava, but jump backward before you fall in. Enter the next room and go to the right side of the hill. Continue down to trigger a boulder - wait for it to pass. Jump through the swinging blade, then walk through the spikes.
Make two consecutive running jumps across the collapsible bridge, then jump to a crevice in the left wall. Shimmy right until you can drop to secret area 2 and get the 2 medipacks and uzi clips. Jump backward of this ledge to the slanted pillar, then jump forward to another pillar. Jump into the tunnel on the right and run through it as the floor collapses. Run through the cleaver, then go down the slope and outrun the boulder. At the bottom, jump over the boulder to get a medipack, then jump back and turn right to slide down a second slope. Time a jump past the blade to get to the ledge, then drop to the tunnel and run past the lava that enters. Get the medipack and continue past more lava, then use the switch and enter the door. Get the uzi clips in the passage to your right, then go back to the lava hole, as a boulder rolls above you. When it passes, jump over the hole and hang as a second boulder rolls overhead. Climb up and enter the next room with a series of ledges with flames on them. Stay close to the wall and jump across - if you catch on fire, jump down into the water and start again.
Jump to the panel in front of the blade - it falls away, so quickly leap into secret area 3, and take the uzi clips and medipack. Jump back through the blade and down to the pool below. Take the uzi clips, then swim through into the next room. Take the uzi clips and walk into the large room. Shoot Natla as she flies around the room. Keep shooting after she drops down, until she is dead. Enter the tunnel and take the uzi clips. Run up the ramp in the corner and jump into the passage that leads to some pillars. Jump to the nearest then turn and jump to the pillar on the left. Jump to the pillar below the door then climb up to the top. Turn and drop through the hole, landing on the pillar, then turn and jump across the next 2 pillars. Jump to the pillar below the door, and climb into the tunnel. Run down the hall and drop through the hole to another pillar. Turn right and leap to the ledge below the tunnel, then climb up and run forward. Slide down the long slope to exit the level and the game.