Lighthouse: The Dark Being
Game Details: Adventure, 1996
Links: Moby Games, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 1/25/2018
Suggested Listening: Help Me Out (Ash 25)
Examine the telephone on the desk and listen to all 3 messages. Move the chair so you can open the desk drawer, and read the journal inside. Open the box on the desk and take the lighter from inside. Next open the drawer of the smaller desk to the left and move the papers aside so you can take the keys.
Look back out through the window to the right, and you will see the lighthouse being struck by lightning. Turn back to the left, take the bag and umbrella from near the door and then use your keys on the doorway to leave.
Open the mailbox and take the letter from inside. Walk towards the house and examine the light fitting to the left of the door - open it and take a key from inside. Approach the door and look down, then move the planter on the right and pick up another key from beneath it. Look back up at the front door. Unlock it with one of your keys, then open the door and go inside.
Unfortunately the lights are out, so turn around and go back outside. Turn left and walk forward to a small shed. Use your other key on the padlock, then open the door. Open the electric panel in the top left. Pull down the 2 circuit breakers on the left, then try the 3rd but it shorts straight away. Pick up the crowbar, then back away and go back into the house.
Go through the first door on the right to find a study. Look at the shelves to the left and collect a small golden bird, some blue shells and some red tear-shaped objects. Turn around to see a writing desk. Open the top right compartment and take a letter opener from inside. Now open the main compartment of the desk and take 3 pages of a journal. There is a puzzle box here, but you cannot open it yet. Go over to the shelves on the final wall of the room. Move the books away from the center of the middle row of books and you will find a safe - you don't yet have the combination.
Go back out to the corridor and enter the next door on the right to find a bedroom. Pick up the toy soldier from the floor. Cross the room and get 3 more journal pages from a small table. Turn around and grab an alarm clock from another small table, then leave the room.
Head straight across the hall into the kitchen and living room. Head into the room and turn right to find the kitchen counter, where you can collect 3 more pages. Open the refrigerator and take the baby's bottle from inside. Close the fridge and return across the hall into the bedroom again. Look at baby Amanda and touch her, then she will start crying. Give her the bottle.
Go across the hall again and into the living room. Approach the bookshelf in the far left corner of the room. Open the glass door and take the compass from inside. Go back and visit the bedroom once more, where you should see the Dark Being abduct Amanda and jump through a portal.
Ignore the portal for now and go back to the study. Use your letter opener on the letter you got from the mailbox an you will see a combination at the bottom: 5-18-28. Examine the safe in the shelves here. Turn the dial right at least one complete turn, then keep turning to the right to stop on 5. Now turn the dial all the way around to the left once, and keep turning to the left to stop on 18. Finally turn the dial to the right until you reach 28. Pull the handle and take the rest of the journal from inside the safe.
Go out to the corridor and you will find a locked metal door at the end. Examine the journal pages you have collected and you will find another combination: 8-24-96. Now examine the keypad next to the metal door and enter the number 82496 before pressing the red button. Go inside.
Look at the computer monitor to see the following message:
Power surge detect - System shutdown successful.
Reset system to continue...
System initialization failure.
Look at the desk to the left of the computer. Pick up another 6 journal pages, a soldering iron, an electron tube and a piece of wire. Go back to the entrance, then approach the device with the red coils of wire. Open a small door on this device and press the button inside to restore its power. Return to the computer monitor and click the flashing Retry button to get a new message:
System Reboot... please wait.
System Memory - 1024 MEG - OK
System initialization failure.
Turn right and then a little more to the right, then open the panel on the large round part of the computer. Look inside. Remove the burnt electron tube and replace it with the one from your inventory. Remove the burnt wire from just to its right and replace it with the wire from your inventory. Use your soldering iron to join both ends of your new wire. Go back to the computer now and click Retry once more:
System Reboot... please wait.
System Memory - 1024 MEG - OK
Hardware enabled
error... Power supply unavailable.
System initialization failure.
Leave the laboratory for now.
Go all the way outside and open the shed door again. Open the electric panel and pull down the 3rd circuit breaker, which will now stay down. Head back to the laboratory.
Check the computer and click the Retry message again:
System Reboot... please wait.
System Memory - 1024 MEG - OK
Hardware enabled
Power supply - OK
error... Lens not engaged...
Power modulator not found.
System initialization failure.
Turn around to the control panel opposite the computer. Flip all 8 switches, then pull down the left lever. Turn around and retry the computer once more:
System Reboot... please wait.
System Memory - 1024 MEG - OK
Hardware enabled
Power supply - OK
Power modulator not found.
System initialization failure.
Find a storage bin next to the exit door from the laboratory. Use your crowbar on its lid twice to open it, then take one of the power modulators from inside. Next climb the stairs and ladder until you are blocked by a small lock. Break it open with your crowbar by hitting it 3 times. Continue climbing up to reach the lens. Open the door, take out the burnt power modulator and replace it with the one from your inventory. While you are here, look up and plug in the cable from the roof.
Head back downstairs. Open the storage bin by pressing the button this time, and take another power modulator. Go over to the continue and hit Retry one last time:
System Reboot... please wait.
System Memory - 1024 MEG - OK
Hardware enabled
Power supply - OK
Power Modulation - OK
Device Ready... trigger activation sequence
Turn around and pull the right lever on the control panel. Head through the portal.
Martin's Roost
Walk along the beach and pick up two small rocks, then head towards the jetty. Turn left while you are still on the beach and take the cork out of a bottle in the sand to find a letter. Now go to the end of the jetty and down some stairs to find a T-shaped tool. Go back to the beach and make your way towards a tower in the distance, picking up another 2 rocks along the way.
Approach the drawbridge, then slide open the metal cover on the left pillar and insert your T-shaped tool to reveal some controls. Examine these, and use the joystick on the left to move the hook down to the bottom right and then up to activate a mechanism and lower the drawbridge.
Walk towards the tower and then up around the walkway on the left until you reach a closed gate. Try to use the mechanism on the left, but a mechanical bird will fly down and stop you - the bird will attack if you try to open the gate. Examine the toy soldier in your inventory and remove its key, then attach the key to your small golden bird. Use this bird on the clock to your right, then swing the pendulum and the mechanical bird will fly away. Continue through the gate and then through a door.
Save your game. Examine the skeleton to the left and take the medallion from around its neck. Next examine the desk. Open the drawer on the far right and move two screws from near the front. Open the compartment here and take a key from inside. Turn around until you see an open window that you can close. Use your new key to lock the gate. If you take too long to do this, the mechanical bird-man will fly inside and steal something from the desk that you will need later; it is easiest to load your game and try to be faster.
Now open the larger flat drawer in the front of the desk and take the throttle handle from inside. Open the next deep drawer to the left and move some files, then take a key from inside one of them. Open a higher drawer directly above this one and move the items around inside until you can take a coiled wire. Use your newest key to open the compartment at the top right, and take a whistle from inside. Now move one of the vases to the top right, and one to the space on the left. Open the hidden side compartment where the vases used to be, and take the weapon piece (1/7) that is revealed.
Turn around the leave this room to return to the outside walkway. Go down twice, then in through a door to the left. Here you will see the mechanical bird-man working in a room straight ahead. Ignore him and go down some stairs on the right to reach an underground dock.
First examine the crane. Use the controls to swing the crane around to the left, so that the arm is over one of the round weights on the ground. Use the right lever on the controls to pick up the weight, then drop it on the counterbalance in the water. Repeat this with the second round weight. Now swing the crane back around to the metal handle that was between the weights and pull this up to raise the gate in the water.
Now walk towards the submarine. Spin the wheel anti-clockwise to extend a walkway out to the submarine, then quickly latch it in place with the black lever above the wheel. Board the submarine, then open the hatch and climb inside. Go all the way forward to the control room. Insert your throttle handle in the slot to the far bottom right, and make sure both of the large levers on the right are raised to a vertical position.
Turn the key to initiate power to the the controls. Next turn the engine room switch (the furthest away on the bank of 3 switches on the left). Turn around and go to the back of the submarine, where you must turn a small wheel so you can proceed into the engine room. Pull the large lever on the right in here, then return to the submarine controls. Turn off the engine room switch, then turn on the ballast panel switch (the nearest on the bank of 3 switches on the left). Back away from the controls, then look at the ballast panel to the left. Move both of the levers down, then turn the left wheel; when the left gauge is half way to the top, turn the right wheel. If you have timed it correctly, the submarine will go down beneath the water surface.
Go back to the submarine controls and turn off the ballast panel switch. Turn on the navigation room switch (the middle on the bank of 3 switches on the left). Back away from the controls and turn around, then go forward and turn right to find the navigation room. In here, search the tubes to find a map with some coordinates. Turn to the right, then click on the large globe and a map will be revealed. There are 2 targets already shown on the map. Click on the left lever above the keypad, then enter 20.67. Click on the right lever above the keypad, then enter 118.96. If you have done this correctly, a new target will appear on the map. These are the locations currently available:
- Martin's Roost: 20.88, 118.82
- Wreck of the Ironclad: 20.67, 118.96
- Island Fortress: 21.65, 118.87
For now, set your destination to be the Wreck of the Ironclad, either by entering coordinates or clicking on the bottom target on the map. Head to the submarine controls and push the throttle lever forward.
Wreck of the Ironclad
Climb down the hatch in the back of the submarine and you will enter a separate diving pod. Pull the levers at the top left, then turn to your right and pull the diving lever upwards.
Now to navigate to the wreck, you need to move right 5 times and then forward once; to do this, repeatedly move the bottom direction control lever right and then use the left propulsion lever (5 times), then just use the propulsion lever one more time. You should now be over the hatch. Turn to your right and pull the diving lever upwards. After descending through the hatch, you need to move the pod right twice more (each time, move the direction control lever right, then use the propulsion lever). Through your window, there should now be a hook in front of you.
Move the small lever furthest away from you in the group of levers to the lower right, and a robotic arm control panel will drop down. Move your robotic arm towards the middle of the window then slightly down, and when the red light illuminates you have found the correct position. Pull the lever to the right of the robotic arm direction controls to deploy the arm. Turn right and pull the diving lever downwards after you have successfully grabbed the hook.
You need to now navigate with the pod once more, using the direction control lever at the bottom and the propulsion lever to the left. Head left twice, forward, left twice and forward again, until you eventually are looking directly at a skull on the ground. Turn right and pull the diving lever downwards.
Navigate once to the left and you will find a safe. Deploy your robotic arm here to break one of the timber beams in the way. Navigate once to the left again. Move the robotic arm to the middle of the window, beneath the hole in the piece of metal you can see, then deploy the arm once more. You should automatically be facing the safe once more, with the debris moved out of the way. Move the robotic arm beneath the handle of the safe and deploy it again to open the safe. One last time, move the robotic arm and deploy it to take the weapon piece (3/7) from inside the safe. You will then automatically return to the submarine.
Go to the submarine controls. Turn the key to initiate power to the the controls. Turn on the engine room switch (the furthest away on the bank of 3 switches on the left). Turn around and go to the back of the submarine, then turn the small wheel and enter the engine room, where you need to pull the large lever on the right. Return to the submarine controls.
Turn off the engine room switch, then turn on the navigation room switch (the middle on the bank of 3 switches on the left). Go to the navigation room and click on the globe to reveal the map. Set your destination to be the Island Fortress, either by entering coordinates or clicking on the middle target on the map. Head to the submarine controls and push the throttle lever forward.
Island Fortress
Climb up the ladder in the back of the submarine and you will end up outside on a pier. Turn around and you will see a fishing rod in the distance. Go to the end of the pier and examine the fishing rod, then click on the reel to retrieve a fish. Turn back and find a door into the fortress, then head through to find a workshop.
Examine one of the benches along a wall and pick up a spare drive shaft from the box on the ground here. Explore the dark doorway to find there is no way over the canal. Go back to the workshop and through another doorway to discover a windmill. Look to the left and use the lever to engage the drive shaft. Now look at the base of the windmill and crank the windmill up to the top before using the clutch just to the right of the crank. If you forgot to engage the drive shaft first, it will break, and you will need to replace it with your spare before trying again.
Once the windmill is up and running, return to the workshop. Turn on the ripsaw and use it to cut 2 narrow planks of wood. Next go to the crosscut saw (with the angry bird head) and use it to cut 4 pairs of broad short planks of wood. Go to the dark doorway and place your two narrow planks over the canal, but a monster will come and break them. Return to the workshop and create 2 more narrow planks with the ripsaw.
Look out through the window in the workshop and you will see a rotating pattern of 5 possible scenes:
- Dark Being teasing the monster with a fish down on the ground
- Monster down on the ground by itself
- No sign of the monster anywhere
- Monster walking towards the far tower
- Monster walking towards the right tower
The scene will only change if you back completely away from the window. Once you have seen the monster walking towards the right tower, head through the dark doorway again. Place your 2 narrow planks over the canal, then add your 4 pairs of broad short planks to create a bridge. Cross the bridge and continue forward into a foundry.
Climb the stairs on the other side of the room to find yourself in one of the towers. Look past the cannon towards another tower, which will start off empty. Back away and then look again, and the monster should appear and start looking around. Climb down again and return all the way to the windmill room. Climb up the ladder, open the trapdoor, and continue climbing up. Open the door in the base of the tower here, then go in to find a statue and a ladder. Climb up to the top. Once up here, look up and hang your fish on the hook.
Climb back down to the room with the statue. If you try to exit through the other door here, you will be blocked by the monster. Instead, retrace your steps through the windmill room and foundry, and up to where you found the cannon.
Pull up the pin to automatically aim the cannon at the far tower. Pick up a cannon ball, a piece of fuse wire, and a sack of gunpowder. Open the top of the cannon and put in your gunpowder, then your cannon ball. Insert the fuse cord in the small hole behind the gunpowder, then close the cannon again. Look up at the opposite tower and the monster should have found the fish and become distracted by it. Use the lighter in your inventory; open the lid, light it, and then use the lighter on the fuse to blow away the monster.
Go back down to the windmill room and up the ladder. Enter the base of the tower, and go through the other door from the room with the statue (now that the monster is not around to stop you). Open the door in the base of the next tower and go inside. Here you will find the broken ornithologist. Look at the bench to the side and take the key from here. Go back to the room with the statue and examine its base. Use your new key to open it, and take another weapon piece (4/7) from inside.
Go to the foundry. Turn left and take a mold from on the workbench. Walk around to the other side of the room and place this mold in the middle of another large bench. Turn around and pick up some wood and coal from along the wall, then place the wood and coal into the large furnace to the right of the large bench. Light this using your lighter (use this the same way as you did previously with the cannon).
Next pick up some iron bars from further along the same wall. Place these into the crucible over the bench with the mold. Pull the lever on the right, and the crucible will move into the furnace. Leave this here for a minute so that the iron will melt, then pull the lever on the right to return the crucible. Now press the small button here to pour the molten iron into the mold, before using the other lever to move it into the water tank. Use this lever to retrieve the mold, then open it and take your new metal piece from inside.
Return to the ornithologist. Use your new metal piece on the broken piece, and the compartment it was in will close. Turn to the right and pull the large lever on the ground, which will spin the ornithologist. around. Next to the rear of the ornithologist., there is a device on the ground used to power the machine. Press the button on the top of this device, then turn the crank, and it will automatically disconnect once fully powered.
Open the cockpit and climb into the front of the ornithologist. Turn the handle on the left to move the machine forward, then slide a small knob at the top right of the control panel to unfold the wings. Pull down the lever on the left to start the wings flapping, then push the large lever on the right to take off.
Climb out of the ornithologist., then go downstairs to reach a large open platform with 3 sets of double doors. Enter the middle doors, then go forward to talk to Livery. Show her the note from the bottle, and give her the seashells, but she still doesn't trust you. Go back outside and enter the doors to the right.
Approach the large device in the middle of the room. Touch both sets of chimes to show a pair of eyes, then touch both sets of chimes again and the device will open. Swing both of the small levers in the middle of the device all the way to their opposite sides to reveal a slot in the middle. Now pull the large lever on the top downwards. Touch both sets of chimes and then quickly pull the spiral lever to make it chime as well; if you are quick enough a CD will appear in the middle of the device. Pick up the CD and leave this room.
Go through the set of doors to the left. Place your CD on the device to the left, then press the button to view a video presentation (you don't need to watch the whole thing).
Leave this room and go back through the middle set of doors. Approach the center of the room so that Livery. enters, then turn left. Save your game. Go over to the controls and move the large lever to the far left - the mechanical bird-man will enter. Now you need to move the left lever downwards repeatedly until you catch the bird. If you take too long, load your game and try again. Once you succeed, go over and talk to Livery., who now trusts you.
Approach the middle of the room and pull the large lever down to make the whole room descend. Open the machine that you can already see just to the right, and take a circuit board from inside. Now turn left and collect a weapon piece (5/7) from inside a crate. Turn left again and walk forward, then take a drawing from the back wall - this shows how to position all of the weapon pieces you are collecting to create the final weapon. Press the two large gold structures on the platform to see the coordinates of a new location: 22.01, 119.11. Take a piece of equipment from each of the 3 crates on the floor here. Go back to the middle of the room and push the lever up to make the room ascend. Push the lever up again to make the whole room ascend to the upper level.
Turn around and plug in the red power cord to the left of the huge power modules. Now turn right and approach a large console. Look up and flip a large switch on the left side - a series of lights will start flashing. Turn to the right to see a TV monitor. Press the button to the bottom right of the TV to turn it on. Now you can select your destination by first choosing a location using the left dial, then a more specific room using the right dial.
For now, select the lighthouse, then the study. Press the button next to the right dial, and a red symbol will be shown on the TV monitor.
Turn back to the left and then down. Pull the lever on the left, then the lever on the right. Press the button at the bottom left to turn on the viewing screen. Use the four knobs around the screen to align the red and yellow lines with the middle of the green target. Save your game. Wait until the gauge here is aligned between the white and red sections exactly, then pull the switch at the bottom. If you let the gauge go into the red, load your game and try again.
Turn around, walk up the walkway and into the teleporter.
You can now attempt to open the puzzle box, as you have everything that is required. From where you teleport into the study, turn right and open the large compartment of the desk, then examine the puzzle box. Examine each side, and you will find that one opens by pressing in the middle. Start by pressing the 8 small square pieces from top to bottom and left to right. Now slide 2 of the rectangular pieces near the bottom, then 2 of the L-shaped pieces on the left. Press the small red button that is revealed.
Spin around to the new open side and press the red bullseye in the middle of the target. The box will spin to show you a closed side, so press the middle of that side. Spin back to the open side and press the red bullseye again, so that a drawer opens at the bottom. Take the key from inside, then press the bullseye to close it again.
Spin the box so that you are looking directly at the partially opened side, then press the small square at the bottom right corner and it will slide open fully. Now solve the 5x5 sliding block puzzle, recreating the bird symbol seen in your journal (if you leave the puzzle and come back to it 5 times, you will be able to skip this puzzle if you find it too difficult). Once you are done, a slip of paper will appear, showing 4 symbols: circle, triangle, square, cross. Touch this and it will retract again.
Spin the box until you find a central latch that turns. Spin the box again until you find another that allows a side to open, showing you a mosaic pattern. Press all the blue tiles, then the large grey tile near the bottom, and a small switch will be revealed; press it and it will disappear again. Now press all the light brown tiles, then the large grey tile near the top. Insert your key into the keyhole here.
Next you must place the medallion you took from Martin's skeleton into the grey depression here (this is why we had to come back near the end of the game to solve the puzzle box). Add your red tear-shaped objects. Now press the button on the top of the puzzle box.
A cylinder with 4 discs is now shown. Set all four to the square symbol and you will hear a click. Now set all four to the circle symbol, and the top of the cylinder will lift up. Set all four to the triangle symbol, and the bottom of the cylinder will drop down. Finally set them to the sequence you saw earlier: circle, triangle, square, cross. Take another weapon piece (7/7). Go to the laboratory.
Use the computer (hit Retry as you did before). Turn around and pull the right lever on the control panel. Head through the portal.
Martin's Roost
Head to the tower, then go up the walkway and inside. The submarine has already gone, so you need to find another way to travel. Head straight forward into the workshop, now that the mechanical bird-man has been taken care of.
Look at the workbench, then pick up the four-pronged multipurpose tool and a handful of small pieces of hardware. Back out, then look at a smaller table in the background, where you can collect a remote control device. Place this on the next bench to the left, then look at it and use the power screwdriver to open the back of the device. Use your multipurpose tool to undo the two terminals near the bottom of the device, then remove the wire and replace it with the one in your inventory. Use the power screwdriver to close the device, then pick it up again.
Head back outside, climb up to the top of the tower and head inside. Look up to see a ladder that you can't quite reach. Now use your remote control device. Press the left "ladder" button, then press the round "activate" button. Climb up the ladder into a loft.
Bat Plane
Turn around and look at a desk to find an Allen key to pick up. Walk around the room until you find a pair of gears on the ground. Pick these up and insert them into the two slows in a nearby wooden pillar. Turn right and walk forward to find a control box on a pillar. Use your Allen key to unlock the controls, then move the small lever that is revealed. The bat plane will descend on to the track in the room.
Turn around again and take the crank from the wall. Insert this into the middle gear on the wooden pillar. Turn the crank 13 times (if you turn it too many times, start again). Open the cockpit of the plane and you will climb inside. Remove the black clip, then pull the lever to set off.
Use the nearby elevator to get up to the portico. Enter the middle set of doors. Approach the middle of the room and push the lever up to make the whole room ascend to the upper level.
Turn right and approach the large console. Turn to the right to see the TV monitor, then press the button at the bottom right. Select the submarine, then the submarine controls. Press the button next to the right dial, and a red symbol will be shown on the TV monitor.
Turn back to the left and then down. Pull the lever on the left (the one on the right is most likely still down, but if not then pull this one too). Press the button at the bottom left to turn on the viewing screen. Use the four knobs around the screen to align the red and yellow lines with the middle of the green target. Pull the switch at the bottom. Turn around, walk up the walkway and into the teleporter.
Go to the submarine controls. Turn the key to initiate power to the the controls. Turn on the engine room switch (the furthest away on the bank of 3 switches on the left). Turn around and go to the back of the submarine, then turn the small wheel and enter the engine room, where you need to pull the large lever on the right. Return to the submarine controls.
Turn off the engine room switch, then turn on the navigation room switch (the middle on the bank of 3 switches on the left). Go to the navigation room and click on the globe to reveal the map. Click on the left lever above the keypad, then enter 22.01. Click on the right lever above the keypad, then enter 119.11. If you have done this correctly, a new target will appear on the map. These are the locations currently available:
- Martin's Roost: 20.88, 118.82
- Wreck of the Ironclad: 20.67, 118.96
- Island Fortress: 21.65, 118.87
- Dark Being's Domain: 22.01, 119.11
For now, set your destination to be the Dark Being's Domain, either by entering coordinates or clicking on the top target on the map. Head to the submarine controls and push the throttle lever forward.
Climb up the ladder in the back of the submarine and you will end up in an underground lair. Look to the left to see the Dark Being through a window. Get off the submarine on to a dock. Look in the toolbox on the side of the driller, and take the bolt cutters from inside. Now turn right to see a locked gate across the driller's tracks. Examine the padlock, then use your bolt cutters to remove it. Open the gate.
Get on to the driller, then turn left and pull the large lever to turn on the power. Turn around and approach the main controls at the front of the driller. Press the large red button on the right, then move the throttle lever on the right forward, and the driller will move forward along the tracks on to a rotating platform. Press the new red button that has popped up to exit the driller; you can use this to get in and out of the driller from now on.
Find a small lever in front of you, and pull it to raise the whole platform to the next level up. Get back into the driller. Use your compass, and it will be shown at the top right of the screen, indicating that you are facing east. Use your throttle lever to go forward, and you will eventually loop around back to the rotating platform, facing north (you need to adjust the throttle manually to stop here). Head north and you will go through a switch area, following the right tracks, until you are stopped by a closed metal gate. Go in reverse until you are before the switch, then move forward again and pull the lever at the bottom left when the red light turns on; now you will follow the left tracks.
The Dark Being will now block your path with a pile of rocks. Get out of the driller. Open the toolbox on the side of the driller and take some dynamite from inside. Use this on the rocks, then use your lighter on the dynamite. Get back in the driller and go forward again to a dead end. Get off the driller to explore, and you will find a locked door with some nearby steam pipes. Return to the driller and go backwards until you are on the rotating platform.
Get off the driller. Look immediately next to the lever that raises or lowers the platform, and open a small wooden device. Turn the crank 360 degrees clockwise and you will see the platform rotate. Repeat this again, then get in the driller. Use the compass to confirm you are pointed south, then head forward. Ignore the first switch point, then use the second one so that you veer right and end up stopping at a barricade. Get out and examine the controls in front of baby Amanda - there are 2 steam pipes with valves, 2 levers and a red button. Make sure that the gauge on the left is pointed to the lower right (if not, turn the left valve). Pull the left lever into the up position - this will open the closed metal gate..
Get back into the driller and back up all the way to the rotating platform again. Spin the driller around twice, then head north and keep going all the way to the end (through where the closed gate used to be). Get out and explore to the end of the passage here to find a series of 7 valves with associated pipes. Open the 3rd, 4th and 7th valves (there is a map on the wall that shows the connections of each of these valves). Go through the doorway next to the map and you will find a lava pit. Go to the end of the platform, then turn right. Examine the small separate piece of platform to get a close-up view. Lift it up with your umbrella, then use a small latch to the right to keep it in place. Now walk forward to reach a set of controls. Move the small lever on the right to lift an elevator up, then walk forward, open the door and get inside. Move the handle down to descend in the elevator.
After a short video, hold the handle down to descend all the way to the bottom, where you will see a smaller sphere that you must open. Trace pipes up from this to find a series of valves on the wall. From the top, you need to turn valves 1, 2, 4 and 6 into horizontal positions (and leave valves 3 and 5 in vertical positions) - it is easiest to use the keyboard to position the arm, then press the button at the top left to activate the robotic hand. After the valves are set correctly, go down to the bottom and use the robotic hand to retrieve another weapon piece (2/7). Now set all the valves back to their original vertical positions on your way back up to the top.
Get back into the driller and back up all the way to the rotating platform. Spin the driller around twice, then head south. Ignore the first switch point, then use the second one as you did previously. Get off and go to the controls near baby Amanda. Turn the right valve so the gauge points to the lower right, then pull the right lever down - an electromagnetic hoist will move over the conveyor belt. When one of the larger rocks is within the crusher behind Amanda (every third is like this) press the red button - if you have timed it correctly, you will see the electromagnet pick up a similar rock. Turn back to the controls and push the right lever twice to bring the rock over near Amanda. Press the red button and the rock will drop; Amanda will end up falling and being carried away in a mine cart. Turn right to see a closed conveyor door. Lift up the door, then quickly put your umbrella in the hole at the top to keep the door open. Crawl through and pick up Amanda.
Return to the driller and back up to the rotating platform. Spin the driller three times, then head east. Wait until you get to the large intersection, then stop the driller and get out. Look in the small box here and pick up a hex bar. Also search the toolbox on the side of the driller and take 3 tools from inside. Examine the switch and insert the hex bar, then attach your new wrench to manually repair the switch. Get back into the driller and back up along the track, then come forward and use the switch to veer left. Continue forward until you are stopped by an open drawbridge.
Get out and you will see the mechanism for lowering the drawbridge is beneath the track. Get back on to the driller and back up until you reach the rotating platform. Spin around twice, then go backwards and use the switch again (just watch out for the red light to illuminate) so you end up at the drawbridge once more (but facing backwards).
Get out of the driller again. Flip the switch on the left, then slide the winch mechanism to the right to lower it, before sliding it left to raise it - this will drop the drawbridge. Save your game. Head forwards to the rotating platform. Spin around twice, then drive east again to go over the drawbridge. Proceed very carefully now as there is a broken section of railing ahead that will kill you if you drive over it. Stop and get out before the broken segment.
Examine the broken railing and use one of the other tools from the train to remove the nails from the bent segment, then remove it entirely. Look to the left and use the tool to remove a straight segment of spare track, then look right and use this segment to fix the broken track. Get back in the driller and go to the very end of the track. Use the red button in the middle of your controls to finally activate the drill. Get out and look in the toolbox on the driller again. Examine the dynamite and you will get a close-up view. Attach your circuit board and then your clock, and you will have built a time bomb with 1 hour on the timer. Head through the hole.
Turn left to see the workbench where you must create your weapon. Examine the weapon's drawing in your inventory, then click on the final weapon piece (6/7) in the vice to get started. The numbering of the pieces that follows is based on both the numbers in the diagram and the numbers in this walkthrough.
- Add piece 1 and spin it so the base is pointed towards the right.
- Swap piece 2 for the existing large piece 6. Make sure the yellow part is pointed towards the left, then drag it over to connect to piece 1.
- Add piece 3 and spin it so the small connector is pointed towards the left, then drag it to connect to the existing pieces.
- Add piece 4 and spin it so the larger opening is pointed towards the right. Click the wings to make sure they are opened, then drag it to connect to the existing pieces (beneath piece 3).
- Add piece 5 and spin it so the 2 tubes point towards the left. Click on the tubes to make sure they are opened, then drag it to connect to the existing pieces (behind piece 3).
- Add piece 6 and drag it to connect to the existing pieces.
- Close the wings on piece 4.
- Close the tubes on piece 5.
- Lift the front and back parts of piece 3, then click on piece 3 to open it fully.
- Add piece 7 and spin it so the lid of the bottle is pointed towards the left. Drag it into piece 3.
- Close the lid of piece 3, then lower both the front and back parts again.
A light should now come on to indicate the weapon is ready for use. Save your game. Back away from the workbench, then go through a new opening and open the steel doors. Step forward to see the Dark Being. He performs the following procedures while you are watching:
- Picks up a green power modulator and inserts it into the nearby machine
- Turns a wheel on the left side of the machine 3 times
- Pulls a large lever in the floor on the left side
- Pulls a smaller lever just to the right and above this one
- Turns the crank 5 times
- Pushes a large lever in the floor on the right side
If the Dark Being gets through the entire procedure, he will dive through a portal and escape, so you must shoot him with the weapon before this happens. After he is captured, enter the room and turn left to see Dr Krick. Approach the machine next to him. Pull the lever on the left, then pull the right switch (of the two next to the left lever). Turn the dial so that it points to the second marker from the top, and you will see brain activity on the display. Now move the lever on the right 3 times to awaken Dr Krick.
Now you need to complete the procedures that the Dark Being was undertaking to open the portal (just continue from wherever you interrupted him). Once the portal is opened, talk to Dr Krick, but he won't leave without Amanda. Show him that you have Amanda, but now he needs some blueprints. Turn right and approach the chest beneath a workbench. Break it open using the hammer you got from the driller's toolbox earlier, then take the blueprints from inside and show them to Dr Krick - he will now head through the portal and you should follow him.
Talk to Dr Krick in front of the fireplace.