Game Details: Sci-Fi, 2023
Steam Achievements: Completed (19/19)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 3/17/2025
Suggested Listening: Caught Up in the Panic (Ash 25)
Chapter 1
You will wake up in your apartment That Dream. Go through the door to the toilet and use the sink to wash your face. Go back out to the main room and take the photo from the bedside table (note the date on the photo is 07-11-2062). Try to leave your apartment, but the door is locked. Return to the toilet and open the metal box on the wall with the code 07112062. Take the apartment key. Return to the main room and unlock the door with the apartment key, then leave the apartment.
Head left to the BC Bank, and Tyrell will ask you to help find his technician tool. Go right and pick up the technician tool, which is in front of the construction site to the right of Hammond's Bar. Go back to the left and enter your apartment.
Use the technician tool on your bedside table Handyman, then search the bedside table again to find 5 bandages. Go back out to the street.
Head left again and talk to Tyrell to give him the technician tool. Now head right until you reach the Bus Station. Walk normally past Derek to talk to him Hi Derek. . .. Continue right to reach the McCoy Company street. Go right and enter the front parking lot.
McCoy Company
Continue right again and enter the front office, then use the front desk to start your shift.
Go right through the door to the front hallway. Check the first 2 doors to make sure they are locked - you will automatically retreat when a sentry turret shoots at you. Return left twice to reach the front parking lot, then walk to the back parking lot. Continue left and go through the door into the production room. Take the 5 bandages from the far right, then go through the doors on the left into the back hallway. Use your robot key card on the door to the robot room, then talk to Norton to receive a hacking console.
Use the hacking console on the computer just to the left. Select hallway A02, then select A02-TUR-2063. To solve the puzzle, click to rotate the blue nodes to connect lasers to each of the connectors on the red virus nodes:
Follow these steps:
- Node 4: Rotate twice
- Node 5: Rotate once
Once you are done, leave here and go left to the middle hallway. Check the door is locked here, then continue left to the front hallway. Check the boss door on the right, and the remaining door here are both locked, then head left to return to the front office.
Talk to Norton here, and you will automatically head out to the back parking lot for some shooting practice. Equip the taser pistol in your inventory, then shoot the 3 bottles. Head left and go to the front parking lot, then continue left.
Return all the way to the left until you return to the BC Bank. Use the ATM here. Go right and enter Hammond's Bar. Approach the counter until you automatically order a drink and sit down. After the cutscene, then take the electro blade from the counter. Go back outside and head right to return to the front parking lot of the McCoy Company.
McCoy Company
Go right and enter the front office - once you find the security guard there, head back outside to the left and go to the back parking lot. Watch for the drone on the right to head right, then crouch behind the crates on the right. After the drone heads right again, quickly pick up the brick from the right, then return to the front parking lot.
Use the brick on the car. While Derek is distracted, enter the front office again. Take the robot key card from the front desk, then continue right into the front hallway. Crouch and move behind the cleaning robot as it heads right, then quickly run past the sentry turret and go through the doors to the middle hallway. Crouch and move behind the cleaning robot here as well, then read the message board to see this week's toolbox code. Examine the lockers just to the left of the message board and enter the code 20220114. Take the bolt cutter. Go through the door on the far right into the back hallway.
Run right past the sentry turret, then equip your electro blade and attack the turret from behind several times to destroy it. Now use your bolt cutter on the chained ladder to the left, then take the folding ladder. Use the robot key card to enter the robots room to the right. Pick up the robot rat from the far right, then use the computer to see a layout of the ventilation system. Leave this room and enter the production room further to the right. Avoid the flying sentry and use your folding ladder on the ventilation access, then climb inside.
Use the robot rat on the ventilation fan. Crawl further right and use the console next to the third fan to see another puzzle:
Follow these steps:
- Node 6: Rotate once
- Node 8: Rotate 3 times
- Node 7: Rotate once
- Node 6: Rotate 3 times
- Node 3: Rotate 3 times
- Node 4: Rotate twice
- Node 1: Rotate 3 times
Continue right and go through the shaft at C01 to reach the boss' office. When you have control of Setyo again, also go through this shaft. Look at the code paper on the desk, and then look at the large display on the wall, which shows Morse code numbers. Open the locked cabinet on the right with the code 05211998. Take the taser pistol, taser pistol battery and passport from the various cabinets.
After the cutscene, exit to the left, then go through the doors into the middle hallway. Use the cleaning robots to avoid the flying drones as you head right, then enter the electrical room. Pick up the taser battery, then use the door system computer:
Follow these steps:
- Node 4: Rotate 3 times
- Node 3: Rotate once
- Node 2: Rotate once
You now have less than a minute to exit the building. Exit to the left, then run right and go to the back hallway. Go right and enter the production room, then go through the next door to reach the back parking lot. Keep running right and go to the front parking lot, then run left through the gates Bye, Bay City.
Chapter 2
Wonokromo Station
Go right and pick up the laser cutter from the ground, then head up the escalator on the right. Use the ticket machine to the left, then continue left and head outside.
Go right until you can head up some stairs leading to the bridge. Continue right and examine the circuit box:
Follow these steps:
- Node 2: Rotate 3 times
- Node 4: Rotate once
- Node 5: Rotate 3 times
- Node 6: Rotate once
Return to the street, then go left and talk to the Preman next to the ladder. Continue left and use the covered hole just to the right of the Wonokromo Station - use your laser cutter to get inside the Thieves Market. Go right and talk to the Fencer, then continue right to be stopped by the Preman. Beat him in a fist fight. Go to the far right and pick up a med-kit, then return left and talk to the Fencer to receive the laser-screwdriver.
Go back out to the street, then head right to the stairs leading to the bridge again. Use your laser-screwdriver on the circuit box to open the gate, then continue right and out to the next street. Keep going right, then up the stairs and over the next bridge.
Kampung Residential District
Head right and enter the second alley, then continue right and go through the gates into the apartment building. Go right and head upstairs to the second floor. Go left and enter the toilets here, then go right and examine the offerings on the floor Dreaded House.
Leave the toilets again and go left so you can head upstairs to the third floor. Go right and find a door with a keypad that you can examine. Looking at the numbers that have worn away, you can work out through trial and error that the correct code is 1708. Go through the door into the apartment.
Enter the bathroom and move the bucket, then pick up the metal key. Go back out to the main room and open the locked box on the wall using the metal key. Take a subway card from inside the locked box. Also search in the pillow on the far right to get another med-kit.
Leave the apartment and go back down to the first floor. Head left. After the cutscene, go back up to the second floor. Sneak past the enemy here and go up to the third floor. Sneak past another enemy and try to use the gondola at the far right, but you need an ignition key. Sneak back down to the second floor and take a fuse from the open fuse box near the toilets. Up on the third floor, insert this into the fuse box near the toilets, then enter the toilets. Pick up the ignition key from the far right toilet stall.
Go back out of the toilets and sneak past the enemy to the right, then use the ignition key on the gondola. Hit the Space bar repeatedly to get it working.
Up on the roof, go left and use the cables, then examine the AC unit. Go left until an enemy appears, then run back to the right and use the cables to get down to the ground. Talk to Sekar here, then quickly run left until you can hide amongst the mourners 7 Days Prayers. Head left to leave this area.
Return left over both bridges, then continue left and return into the subway station.
Wonokromo Station
Go through the ticket gate on the left, then use the escalator to get down to the subway level. Find locker L24 and open it with your subway card, then take out the Arum ID card and restaurant receipt. Also take another 5 bandages. Board the train.
Chapter 3
Downtown Station
Go up the escalator on the left, then continue left through the ticket gate. Examine the far left vending machine to get a stamina cell, then go up the other escalator The Shark and the Croc.
Go left and talk to a hologram, then head further left and talk to a police officer. Continue left through a protest and enter the Eastern Tech Collective building.
Eastern Tech Collective
Walk right until you reach the front desk. Continue right and use the elevator. Accompany the guard to the left into the office, then further left to Arum's desk. When the guard starts using her computer, head out to the hallway on the right and talk to everyone you can find. Use your Arum ID card on the company locker to the left of the toilets, then take a scribbled receipt and another med-kit. Enter the toilets and take a chip shard from the right waste bin.
Exit the toilets and go left to find the guard again. Follow him left into the office, then search Arum's desk twice. Walk out to the right, examining a torn blueprint along the way. Return right and use the elevators, then exit the building by going left.
Head right past the subway entrance, and examine the "Monumen Sentral" Neo-Surabaya History. Keep going much further to the right until you can climb the stairs to a balcony just to the left of the large sign for Cak Hadi. Head inside and talk to the bartender. Further to the right, go down the stairs to reach the first floor. Talk to everyone here, then go back upstairs and talk to the bartender again.
Once you are in the alley, examine the electric box, the portable stall and the toilet Something Sus. You will end up back out on the street. Go just to the left to talk to Sekar, who will give you an old phone. Return left and go back into the subway (use the entrance that is further to the right).
Downtown Station
Go left through the ticket gate, then board the train.
Chapter 4
Wonokromo Station
Head right and up the escalator, then left through the ticket gate on the left. Continue out the door to the street.
Head right and find a battery seller just before the first bridge entrance. Talk to him about your old phone, then talk to the kid selling shrimp crackers (1/2) just to the right - you will automatically talk to the battery seller again. Just to the left, climb the ladder to return to the Thieves Market. Talk to the Fencer, who will tell you to find an antique seller to get a charger.
Go right over the first bridge and talk to the antique seller at his stall - he wants you to find him a robot's head in exchange for the charger. Continue right over the second bridge.
Kampung Residential District
Just to the right, enter the robot dealer shop and talk to the shopkeeper to get a blurry picture. Exit the shop and go right - ignore the first alley and enter the second one. Pick up a robot rat from a pile of garbage bags in this alley. Continue right and go through the gates into the apartment building. Try to head right, but you will see the man who chased you earlier.
Exit this alley, then go left and enter the other one. Go right and climb up the pipes to reach the roof (hit the Space bar repeatedly to keep climbing when you falter). Go through the door on the right to head down to the third floor. Try to head left, and you will see the 2 guards who chased you earlier. Use your robot rat - run left and one of the guards will chase the rat. Go down both sets of stairs with the guard still chasing, and leave the apartment building by going left. If you are successful, control will return to Setyo.
Now crouch and move left until you are behind the other guard, then take her out by hitting the Space bar An Operator's Works. Pick up the plasma lighter from the fallen guard. Enter Arum's apartment and pick up the robot's head. Leave the apartment and go down the stairs on the left, then try to head right.
Go back up to the third floor and use the fire alarm to the left of the stairs. Now head downstairs, hidden amongst the other building residents, to reach the ground floor and go left. On your way out, you will have a conversation with Sekar, during which you need to press a button in time with some heart beats. Leave the apartment building to the left, then go left and over the first bridge.
Talk to the antique seller to exchange the robot's head for the old charger The Klithikan. Talk to the office worker just to the left, and offer him your plasma lighter Got A Lighter, Buddy?. Take an energy bar from him in return for your kindness. Continue left over the other bridge.
Talk to the battery seller just to the left, and you will end up looking at the old phone's interface. Go through each of the 3 main options, looking at all the names and photographs. Go over the bridge to the right again.
Find Jack at the Lalapan stand and talk to him, then go left to find a locksmith - he suggests going to the robot dealer, so once again go over the bridge to the right.
Kampung Residential District
Just to the right, enter the robot dealer shop and talk to the shopkeeper. Now go and start the 3 machines to the right, each time by repeatedly hitting the space bar (and you need to do all 3 quite quickly). Go back to talk to the shopkeeper and select these options to create the correct key:
- 6th shape from the top
- 4th shape from the top
- 11th shape from the top
- 2nd shape from the top
Take the custom-made key. You now have to fight 3 enemies in quick succession - you will definitely need to use multiple med-kits and/or bandages to survive this fight. Leave this building and go left to the bridge.
Return left over both bridges, then continue left and return into the subway station.
Wonokromo Station
Go through the ticket gate on the left, then use the escalator to get down to the subway level. Board the train.
Chapter 5
Downtown Station
Go up the escalator on the left, then continue left through the ticket gate. Continue up the other escalator.
Go to the far right and enter Cak Hadi's alley. Go right and wait for the bouncer to return inside. Now sneak past the camera, either crouching or rolling to avoid its line of sight. Use your custom-made key on the toilet, and the door will open. Sneak past the camera to go back to the left again, and use the electrical box. Sneak to the right once more and push the portable stall, then use the elevator inside the toilet.
Secret Base
Walk around and wait down here until the bouncer shows up, then fight him. Pick up the bouncer's ID and a taser pistol. Use the bouncer's ID to open the first door to the left of the elevator. Examine the notice board in here to see a series of locker codes. Leave this room, then go through the far door on the left, again using the bouncer's ID. Go to the far right My Dear Sister.
Open the left locker here with the code 09092020, then use the locker to put on a lab coat. Follow Arum through the door to the left, then to the right and through the double doors. Continue right and you will go down together in another elevator.
Continue right. Once you are left alone, go through the nearest door to the left. Pick up a med-kit, then continue right to have a conversation with an engineer, during which you need to press a button in time with some heart beats. Just to the right, pick up a stamina cell. Leave this room again, then go right to meet up with Arum. Follow her through another door to the far right. Pick up another med-kit, then use the right computer. In this puzzle you need to turn on all 4 lights as follows:
- Flip switch 2 up
- Flip switch 3 down
- Flip switch 4 down
- Flip switch 1 up
Wait for Arum to move to the left, then use the main computer. You need to press each of the numbered buttons until their colored outlines match the numbers from the right computer:
- Click until button 1 turns yellow
- Click until button 2 turns green
- Click until button 3 turns red
- Click until button 4 turns blue
Wait for Arum to move to the left again, then use the left computer. You need to reach the frequency 98.6. There are many solutions, but here is one of them:
- Turn the 4th knob 7 times
- Turn the 5th knob 7 times
An alarm will now sound One Piece To Rule Them All. Go through the door on the left. Now you need to use your taser pistol to shoot the enemies and keep Arum alive, until you can go with her through a lab passage. Through this section, pay attention to the red pipe, and follow this through doorways until you reach a sewer (just keep running and avoiding the enemies).
Go right to get onto a speed boat. Start the boat by repeatedly hitting the Space bar, then shoot down the chasing drones. Once you reach the waterfall, press and hold the Space bar to keep traveling to your next destination.
Shanty Town
Go left and talk to the fish seller (2/2) A Familiar Story. Continue left and go up the stairs to reach Jack on the roof. After a cutscene, press the keys as indicated to complete the chapter Rendezvous.
Chapter 6
River Bank
Complete a conversation with Sekar and Anwar Hidden Players. Pick up the electro parang. Go to the right and take the wooden ladder, then go just back to the left and head up the ramp.
Cargo Dock
Go right and pick up a blanket. Further to the right you will be stopped by a fence. Use the ladder and then the blanket here to climb over the fence.
Enemy Territory
Ready your electro parang, then head right. Take out the first enemy (sneak up on him if possible), then take his handgun. Continue right and run at the next enemy, killing him with your electro parang. Continue right to see a truck approaching, then sneak alongside it to avoid being seen by the enemies up high - if you are falling behind, you can roll to make up some distance. Once the truck stops, roll forward to remain behind cover and go right to see two guards by some large doors. Wait here until they both leave, then continue right and go through the Staff Only door.
Crouch behind cover and watch a conversation, then go right into the locker room and take out the enemy. Take the locker key and med-kit from him. Use the locker key to unlock the door to the right. Talk to all of the workers, then return to the left and talk to Syahbandar; you will again need to press a button in time with some heart beats. You will end up with a room key. Use this to get into the computer room just to the right. Use your chip shard on the computer to the left:
Follow these steps:
- Node 6: Rotate once
- Node 7: Rotate 3 times
- Node 6: Rotate 3 times
- Node 5: Rotate once
- Node 1: Rotate once
- Node 2: Rotate twice
- Node 3: Rotate 3 times
Inspect the computer again and read all of the messages - one contains a locker combination. Examine the locker in the middle of the room and open it with the combination 91261112. Take out the hallway key, then leave to the right. Go through the next door to the right. Open the lockers in here with the locker key to get some 9 mm ammo. Go through the right door using the hallway key.
In this area, you want to stay hidden as much as possible and take out the enemies one at a time. Crouch and sneak left behind the cleaning machine, then go through the next door to the left. Use the locker key to unlock another locker, then take 5 bandages. Make sure you have full health, and equip your handgun. Go through the left door and quickly shoot 2 enemies on the right. Use the room key to unlock the door to the right. In this room use the locker key on the lockers, then take the access card.
Leave this room, then go left and through the other door. Go to the right in this room and through the right door. Carefully return right past the double doors and through the next single door. Continue left once more to find yourself back in the room with Syahbandar. Go to the large elevator doors on the right and use your access card here. Now use the elevator.
Once the elevator stops, try to exit to the left. Quickly press the Space bar repeatedly, then you will climb out. Quickly climb straight up the ladder, then press some extra keys when you get to the top to kill the sniper.
Search this room to get more bandages, energy bars and ammo. Go through the door on the left. Immediately run left and either kill or try to avoid the 2 gunmen, going through the only available door towards the left. Heal as much as you can, then use your access card to call the elevator on the left. Now immediately run left and turn back to the right. Take out multiple enemies while you are waiting for the elevator to arrive. When the enemies stop arriving, go back to the right and use the elevator to get up to the rooftop.
Sea Wall Rooftop
Walk right and collect some ammo, stamina cells and med-kits. You will eventually reach a group of enemies and talk to Jack. After this, run left, then turn right and shoot the enemies until they stop coming. Now you will end up in a fist fight with Jack. Since you have lost your handgun, equip your electro parang and use it to take out another waves of enemies, constantly replenishing your health and stamina. Finally, you must survive another melee battle with Jack Neo-Surabaya Aan Zee.