Hapland Trilogy
Game Details: Puzzle, 2022
Steam Achievements: Completed (11/11)
Links: Moby Games, Steam
Walkthrough Updated: 7/5/2023
Suggested Listening: Give Up Now (Ash 25)
Hapland 1
Open the trapdoor on the right, then click on the yellow arrow to make a man run up the stairs to the left. Click on the cannon lever, and a rock will shoot out and lower the wooden beam.
Open the window on the left. Adjust the cannon so it is shooting up at an angle, then pull the lever to shoot a rock at the bell - it will land on the left of the spear. As long as the window was open when you hit the bell, the door will now also be open.
The next projectile from the cannon is a green bomb. Adjust the cannon so it is shooting horizontally again. You need to pull the lever to fire the cannon, then quickly click on the wooden beam to deflect the bomb harmlessly upwards. Repeat this a second time. Now pull the lever once more to fire the blue keycard - it will bounce around to the man in the locked room, and he will automatically open the door.
Pull the cannon lever again, and the man will end up inside the cannon. Click on the yellow arrow to summon another man, then angle the cannon up and pull the lever to fire a man up towards the bell - quickly click on the spear to tilt it slightly, or the man will get impaled. Click on the man at the top after he lands, and he will push the bell tower to the right. Now click on the bell 3 times so that it falls, and a mine down on the ground will explode.
Turn the red arrow sign to the right, then click on the opened door. A man will come outside and light the first torch. Click on the man in the cave and he will start walking right. Quickly open the window above the cave and rocks will crush the dog. The man will now safely light the second torch, and the portal will be activated Master of Mountains.
Hapland 2
Open the trapdoor on the middle building. Click on the red blower to turn it into a green arrow, then press the yellow arrow beneath it. The man will drop down through the trapdoor. Turn the green arrow sign back around. Now click on the box of grenades - get ready to click on the yellow arrow to blow the grenade over to the right and destroy the door. Click on the pink lid of the grenade box so that it slides off, then click on the man so he enters the house.
Close the switch to get power to the turbine, and press the right blue arrow on the turbine. Now click on the stairs and they will move to the right. Click on the doorbell so the man climbs up to the roof of the middle building.
Turn on the light switch at the top left, then click on the light so that it shines on the small bombs. Now click on the raven - it will pick up a bomb and fly to the right. Click on the left acid cloud to make the raven drop a bomb onto the electric fence to destroy it. Click on the raven so it picks up a second bomb, then click on the right acid cloud to make it drop the bomb into the catapult. Click on the left cloud twice more, then immediately click on the man to fire the catapult - the bomb will end up destroying the red flag and the mine inside the castle.
Click on the top man in the castle, and he will fall down twice. Now open the trapdoor at the top left. Quickly turn on the small ventilation fan to suck the insect to the right - while it is distracting the middle man, click on the one who fell earlier and he will go to the left.
Click on the left man to make him fall down to the bottom level. Click on the arrow here so that it points to the right, then click on the bottom man and a water current will start. Click on the other two men, and a fish will fall into the water and get caught on the hook. Turn off the water current again. Click on the fisherman twice, and he will eat the fish and end up at the very top. Click on him twice more and he will enter the door and light the first torch.
Click on the bottom man to start the water current to the right again. Turn the red blower around once more, then click on the yellow arrow so that the right man enters the house. Open the window on the right, and a green creature will fall down to the ground. Click on this creature - it will eat the box of grenades and then blow up the remaining mine in the water.
Turn off the water current again. Click on the left blue arrow to change the direction of the stairs, then click on the stairs, which will go all the way to the large box. Ring the doorbell again. As soon as the man reaches the top of the box, click on it and he will get inside. Now quickly click on the winch to raise the portcullis under the water, and the man will climb up the stairs and light the second torch.
Close both switches near the portal, and the portal will be activated Castle Conqueror. Stay with Hapland 2 for now, as there are 3 jewels to locate here.
First Jewel
Repeat the entire process again, but before ringing the doorbell, click on the hanging wooden beam from the trapdoor on the left 3 times, so that it blocks the path to the stairs. Now ring the doorbell, click on the top of the box, and open the portcullis with the winch as you did before. This time, the man will travel to a new screen and collect a jewel Sewer Jewel Thief.
Second Jewel
From the start, click the painting in the castle 3 times to reveal a wheel. Open the left trapdoor to release a man. Click on this man, then quickly click and hold the wheel so that he can head left to a new area. On this screen, you can click anywhere to jump. Make your way through the doorway at the bottom left (only going near when the man with the gun is facing away). Drop down so you can pull the lever, destroying the mine. Go through the bottom left doorway once more, then jump all the way to the chest. You will receive the gem Castle Jewel Thief.
Third Jewel
From the start, open the trapdoor on the middle building. Click on the red blower to turn it into a green arrow, then press the yellow arrow beneath it. The man will drop down through the trapdoor. Turn the green arrow sign back around. Now click on the box of grenades. This time, quickly click on the yellow arrow to blow the grenade to the right, and immediately click on the wooden beam holding the red arrow sign - the door will be destroyed but the sign will survive.
Click on the red arrow sign so that it points to the right. Click on the pink lid of the grenade box so that it slides off, then click on the man so he enters the house. Open the window, then click on the green creature, which will go inside and collect the last jewel Domestic Jewel Thief.
Hapland 3: Beginner Edition
Click on the hanging yellow fruit so the spider catches it. Click on the spider, then again when it is half way along the left rope - this will cause an explosion on the platform below. Now ring the bell on the left house. While the man is fixing the platform, close the door to the left house, and the man will end up going right. Make sure the red arrow is pointing right, and click on the man twice so that he burns the rope.
Open the trapdoor to the left cave, then click on the left side of the orange tree and another yellow fruit will fall, blowing up the mine in the left cave. Now Turn the red arrow to the left, click on the man standing on the portal twice, and he will fall down into the left cave.
Click on the carrot in the right building so the man there eats it. Click on the man below to pull the lever and reveal another red arrow above. Open the left side of the crate, then click on this red arrow to move the top man left. Make sure the other arrow still points left, then click on the man in the portal - he will go inside and flush the toilet, revealing a red device below.
Open the window at the very top right, and another carrot will be thrown out. Click on the raven, then when it reaches the carrot, click on the green orb - both of these will end up falling into the funnel below (the carrot should go first).
Disconnect the sign above the man in the right building, then click on this man to have him swim to the right. Click on the small tube on the right so that it angles upwards. Pull the lever, then quickly click on the 2 bugs before they can eat the carrot in the right cave. Once the green bug eats the carrot, you can close the switch it was blocking.
Click on the man in the left cave, and he will end up controlling a machine that moves to the right. Click on the red machine to deposit the orange orb into the machine, and it will go further to the right. Pull the lever on the right again to shoot the green orb into the machine. Once the large sign is visible on the left, press the blue button Lord of Autumn.
Hapland 1: Second Quest
Open the trapdoor on the left, then click on the yellow arrow to make a man run up the stairs to the right. This time you need to pay attention to the contents of the cannon, because the order is partially random (there is always a rock first). Pull the cannon lever to shoot a rock and lower the wooden beam.
Open the window on the right. Now look at the projectiles in the cannon and do the following:
- Rock: Aim the cannon up to shoot the bell.
- Blue keycard: Aim the cannon horizontally and shoot so the keycard reaches the man in the cave.
- Green bomb: Aim the cannon horizontally, shoot and quickly click on the wooden beam to destroy the bomb.
Keep the red bomb in the cannon for now. Click on the windmill in the background to move the cloud, which will disable the mine. Make sure it stops so the the rain does not hit the right torch of the portal. Turn the red arrow sign to the left, then click on the opened door. A man will come outside and light the first torch.
Click on the man in the cave and he will start walking left. Quickly open the window above the cave and rocks will crush the dog. Now pull the lever to fire the red bomb (aiming horizontally). As soon as the red bomb enters the cave, click on the light bulb and the man in the cave will jump to the right to avoid the explosion. Click on him again and he will go left and light the second torch, activating the portal Rain Deity.
Hapland 2: Second Quest
Turn on the light switch at the top right, then click on the light so that it shines on the small bombs. Now click on the raven - it will pick up a bomb and fly to the left. Click on the left acid cloud to make the raven drop the timed bomb in the catapult, and it will explode. Click on the raven so it picks up a second bomb, then click on the left acid cloud to make it drop the bomb into the catapult (without exploding). Click on the raven a third time, then after it picks up the last bomb, turn on the spotlight to the left to scare it into dropping the bomb here (to the right of the flag).
Click on the red blower to turn it into a green arrow, then press the yellow arrow beneath it, so the man moves to the catapult. Click on the right acid cloud 3 times, then immediately click on the man to fire the catapult - the bomb will end up destroying the red flag and the mine inside the castle.
Click on the man in the cave to get him to pull the right lever (this turns the green arrow around). Click on the yellow arrow to move the man right. Click on the man in the cave again, then open the trapdoor on the middle building and click on the yellow arrow again so the man falls down.
Click on the man in the cave to turn the sign once more, then click on the green arrow to change it back to the red blower. Turn on the right light in the cave so the man here moves to the other lever. Click on him twice to show a banana symbol on the crate. Click on the crate, then click on the yellow arrow to blow the banana over to the right into the water. Click on the fisherman twice, and he will eat the banana and end up at the very top.
Click on the fisherman twice more, and he will kick the bomb down, then enter the doorway and light the first torch. Click on the man just below twice, and he will kick the bomb into the box, then fall down the stairs. Now open the trapdoor at the top right. Quickly turn on the small ventilation fan to suck the insect to the left - while it is distracting the middle man, click on the one who fell earlier and he will go to the right.
Click on the man at the top lever, and the crate will fall down, with the bomb rolling out. Now click on the man at the bottom lever, and the bomb will fall down into the water, blowing up the mine.
Click on the man in the cave to change the crate to show a grenade symbol. Turn off the light in the cave. Click on the man in the far right of the castle so he falls down to the ground. Click on him repeatedly (8 times) to power up the generator - you need to get it making sparks to scare the man in the cave, but you don't want it to blow up.
Click on the man in the cave to turn the sign again. Click on the crate, then click on the yellow arrow to blow the grenade to the left, and immediately click on the wooden beam holding the red arrow sign - the door will be destroyed but the sign will survive.
Click on the pink lid of the grenade crate so that it slides off. Turn the red arrow so that it faces left. Click on the man in the middle building, and he will enter the house. Now turn the red arrow back to the right. Open the window in the house, and the green creature will fall to the ground. Click on the green creature, which will eat the grenade crate and die on the electrical spikes.
Turn off the electricity to the spikes, and turn on the electricity to the turbine. Press the right blue arrow on the turbine, then click on the stairs to move them to the right. Ring the doorbell. As soon as the man reaches the top of the box, click on it and he will get inside. Now quickly click on the winch to raise the portcullis under the water, and the man will climb up the stairs and light the second torch.
Close both switches near the portal, and the portal will be activated Creature of the Night.
Hapland 3
Click on the man in the left building so he moves right. Click on the carrot, then immediately click on the lid of the crate below, so that the carrot drops to the right. Quickly click on the 2 bugs before they can eat the carrot. Get the lower man in this building to pull the lever until another carrot appears, then click on the carrot so it gets eaten. Get the lower man to pull the lever again until the right red arrow appears. Open the right side of the crate, then click on the arrow above so the man walks down to the portal.
Close the switches beneath the two platforms, so they are both active. Press the right yellow button beneath the crate, and a wheel will roll out to the side. Click on man again and he will enter the house, flushing the toilet to reveal a red device below. Now click on the UFO - it will pick up the wheel and drop it on a mine, rotating the second red arrow so it points up.
Ring the doorbell, then click on the man that comes out, and he will return up to his starting platform. Get the lower man to pull the lever again until a shield appears. Open the switch to the left of the green arrow, then click on the lower man again and he will swim over to the left. Click on the small tube on the left so that it angles upwards, and click on the man in the left building so he walks slightly to the left.
Timing is important for the next part: click on the UFO, wait until it just leaves the screen, then immediately click on the shield followed by the man at the bottom left - if the timing is correct, the lake at the bottom will end up frozen. Click on the shield and pull the lever twice more, so that a rock and a spiky black object both end up in the basket at the top left. Now ring the doorbell on the left, and the bottom man will return to his platform.
Click on the middle of the crate to start the gear on the outside spinning, then press the left yellow button beneath the crate. Close the switch to the left of the green arrow. Get the lower man to pull the lever until a red bomb appears. Making sure the man at the top is standing on the left side, click on the red bomb - the lake at the bottom will end up thawed again.
Click on the spider web at the top left, then the window next to it, and a carrot will fall out. Click on the spider, then immediately on the crow - if you are fast enough, the crow will shoot a laser to the right, unfurling a ladder. Click on the lower branch to flip the carrot into the basket, which will fall down. Now ring the doorbell on the left, and the lake will end up draining.
Get the lower man to pull the lever until the red arrow returns. Open the switch to the left of the green arrow, then click on the lower man and he will jump down into the lake.
Open the switches beneath the two platforms again, to disable them both. Click on the right side at the top of the main tree, and a fruit will fall down, damaging the right platform. Ring the bell on the right. While the man is fixing the platform, close the door to the right house, and the man will end up going left. Click on him twice more and he will burn the vine with the flame. Open the trapdoor above the right cave, and open the left side of the crate in the cave. Click on the up arrow so that it points to the right, then click on the man in the tree twice more and he will enter the cave.
Click on the man in the right cave, and he will end up controlling a machine that moves to the left. Click on the red machine to deposit the orange orb into the machine, and it will go further to the left. Pull the lever in the lake to shoot the green orb into the machine. Once the large sign is visible on the right, click the gear above it, then press the blue button Forest Spirit.
End Game
Go to the Hapland 3 game and click on the sun symbol at the bottom right. Click on the series of bugs and note the order of the colors:
- Green
- Blue
- Pink
- Blue
- Pink
- Green
Next go to the Hapland 2 game and click on the gems in the same order. Now go to the Hapland 1 game and click on the sun symbol on the left to begin a fight against a floating green head. Here you need to move your men around to control a spaceship. There are four levers that do the following (from left to right):
- Shoot 1 bullet forward
- Reload up to 6 bullets
- Move your ship up or down
- Shoot a defensive flash that destroys enemy missiles and bombs
You can also move your men around by clicking the green arrows. There are two achievements for destroying the green head Flying Ace, and for destroying it without losing any of your men Lord of the Skies.