Nancy Drew: The Final SceneNancy Drew: The Final Scene

Game Details:  Mystery, 2001

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  3/13/2025

Suggested Listening:  Caught Up in the Panic (Ash 25)

Nancy Drew: The Final Scene is the fifth in a long-running series of games by Her Interactive, starring high-school graduate and detective Nancy Drew, from the series of fiction books. This game continues after Nancy Drew: Treasure in the Royal Tower. In this game, Nancy must save her friend Maya, who has been kidnapped and imprisoned in a historic theater that is about to be demolished. The next game in the series is Nancy Drew: Secret of the Scarlet Hand.

Day 1

Open the men's dressing room door and go forward into the room. Turn left and go over to the desk to answer the phone. After the first conversation, back out twice, then step forward to answer the phone again. Brady Armstrong will enter the room after the second phone conversation - talk to him until he leaves the room. Turn around and approach the wardrobe, opening the right door. Take the magic wand from the top shelf. Back out and close the wardrobe, then back out again.

Now turn left and approach the picture on the wall (over the wash basin). Move the picture to find a lever, then pull the lever and you will hear a noise. Replace the picture, then back out and turn around to see a clothes rack. Move the clothes to reveal a hidden door, then head inside. Continue forward around the long secret hallway, then open the door at the other end.

Go ahead into the wardrobe, then open the wardrobe and step out into the women's dressing room. Talk to Simone, then turn around, open the door and go through to the backstage area. Open the door immediately to the right and head out to the hallway, then go through the first double doors on the left. Look down and pick up the coin from the floor. Turn around and leave this room to return to the hallway.

Turn left and proceed to the far end of the hallway, going through the curtains to reach the lobby. Turn back around and go through the double doors to reach the main seating area, then continue to the front of the stage. From here, go around to the right to be looking up the middle aisle. Step forward 3 times, then look at the gum on the seat to the left. Use the magic wand on the gum to remove it.

Back out from the seat, then go forward, right and through the double doors to return to the lobby. Look around and head over to the Bee's Knees jazz machine. The solution depends on the difficulty level of the game:

  • Junior Detective: Up twice, right twice, up 3 times, right, down twice, right 4 times, up, left, up and right.
  • Senior Detective: Right, left, down, right 3 times, down, right, down twice, right, up, right, up, right, up, left, up and right.

Take the gear (1/2), then back out from the machine. Turn around to see an out-of-service key machine, then go up the staircase just to the left. Go through the doors at the top and approach the balcony - one of the gears here is missing. Look down over the balcony edge and use your magic wand with gum to pick up the fallen gear (2/2). Turn back around and go through the doors, then down the stairs to the lobby again.

Make your way back to the backstage area, and go over to the ropes that are tied around the heavy wooden beams. When you get very close, there are only 2 ropes visible. Pull the left rope 8 times until you hear a "clunk". Back out and turn around, then go to the large crate straight ahead. Click on the hook over the crate to attach it. Return to the ropes and pull the left rope 8 times again. Go back to where you saw the crate, then open the hatch beneath it and go downstairs into the basement.

Head to the far end of the basement and approach the Amazing Monty game. Press the yellow button twice, then guess any of the 3 buttons. Keep playing the game until you win, then open the prize and take out the flash ring. Turn around and go to the other end of the basement, then turn right and focus on a small metal plaque. Here you need to click to change all of the symbols to spades in the following order:


Examine the box, then click to rotate and switch the tiles into position to make a complete picture. Insert your two gears into the slots once the box opens, then click on the silver gear. After the drawer opens, take the key and read all 3 pages of the letter. Close the drawer, then close the box. Leave the basement and return up to the lobby.

Go through the single door opposite the main counter to find a ticket office. Look towards the right and read the note on the wall to see some phone numbers. Use the phone to dial the police on 555-1422 - they won't investigate for 24 hours. Leave the office and talk to Nicholas, who is standing to the right of the main counter. Go back up the stairs on the left, then turn right before going through the double doors. Go forward along a narrow balcony, then through a door on the left into the projection room. Talk to Joe about everything.

Leave here and return downstairs, then around to the women's dressing room. Talk to Simone about everything. Return out to the lobby and talk to Nicholas multiple times (until he eventually leaves). Joseph will call you up to the projection room, so head up there now. Talk to Joseph. Return downstairs and enter the ticket office. Use the phone on the right to dial 555-1422 again. Leave the office.

Day 2

Go up to the projection room and talk to Joseph, then go down to the lobby and talk to Nicholas multiple times. Turn around and enter the ticket office. Look at the paper next to the phone on the right, then use the phone to dial 1-813-555-3247 and talk to Eustacia Andropov. After this conversation, next dial 1-202-555-5000 to talk to Sherman Trout. Leave the office and talk to Nicholas again to tell him about the incoming package.

Go to the women's dressing room and talk to Simone, then go to the men's dressing room and talk to Brady. Try to open the drawer below the mirror to find that it is locked. Now head back out to the lobby and enter the ticket office to hear the press conference has started. Go back to the women's dressing room. Search the drawer where Simone used to be sitting, and take the hair pin. Go to the men's dressing room and use this to open the drawer below the mirror. Read the blue book, paying attention to the red number on the first page. Return the book and close the drawer.

Save your game. Head back out through the backstage area - when you hear a sound, stop moving and wait for the light to crash before continuing. Make your way up to the projection room. Step forward to the large machine and focus on the small numeric keypad, then enter the code 121192. Look at the controls just above the keypad, then perform these actions:

  1. Press both the left and right fader power buttons.
  2. Move both of the sliders to the left to the very bottom.
  3. Press the Magnets button.
  4. Move both of the sliders up once.
  5. Press the Trap Doors button.
  6. Flip the switch on the right.

Leave the projection room and go back downstairs. Make your way onto the stage. Open and enter one of the cages here, then climb down the ladder inside to end up beneath the stage. Examine the broken light, then look through the hole to see Maya. Back out and examine the trapdoor in the floor. Open the trapdoor and climb down the stairs, then turn left at the end. Examine the puzzle on the wall, but the pieces cannot be moved. Turn around and go to the other end of the hallway. Press the red button, then step on the elevator and press the red button to ride it up.

Climb up the ladder and try to open the hatch here to speak to Joseph, who will eventually give you a can of lubricant. Look back down and press the red button to descend. Go back to the puzzle and use the can of lubricant on it. Now you can solve the puzzle as follows, based on the difficulty level you have chosen.

Junior Detective


Make the following moves:

  1. D - Up
  2. E - Right
  3. F - Up
  4. I - Down
  5. B - Right
  6. G - Right
  7. J - Up
  8. I - Up
  9. K - Left
  10. G - Down
  11. G - Right
  12. H - Left
  13. L - Up
  14. G - Right
  15. K - Right
  16. J - Down
  17. I - Down
  18. H - Left

Senior Detective


Make the following moves:

  1. B - Right
  2. N - Right
  3. E - Up
  4. I - Up
  5. M - Right
  6. G - Down
  7. H - Down
  8. D - Down
  9. C - Right
  10. F - Up
  11. K - Up
  12. L - Up
  13. D - Up
  14. G - Up
  15. H - Up
  16. N - Left
  17. I - Down
  18. E - Down
  19. C - Right
  20. E - Up
  21. D - Up
  22. J - Left
  23. I - Up
  24. N - Right
  25. K - Down
  26. L - Down
  27. J - Left

Enter the new room and examine the chest on the floor - take the rubber gloves. Close the chest again, then examine the pizza box and the shoe on the floor to the left. Open the coffin on the wall, then go through the secret doorway. Continue left and forward to reach an electrified gate. Use the rubber gloves on the keypad, then by trial and error work out the correct sequence to unlock the gate (this is random with each game).

Climb up the stairs and open the trapdoor at the top to run into Brady. Go out to the lobby, then into the ticket office. Use the phone on the right to dial 555-1422 again. Next go up to the projection room to talk to Joseph. Exit the projection room.

Day 3

Read the newspaper, then back out of the ticket office. Go up to the projection room and talk to Joseph, then head to the men's dressing room and talk to Brady. Next go to the women's dressing room and talk to Simone. Go back to the men's dressing room - Brady has left behind his black bag on the desk, so search it and take the pencil from inside. Examine Maya's notebook, then close the bag and back out. You will automatically talk to Brady some more.

Head back out to the lobby and talk to Nicholas, then enter the ticket office and examine the package on the left desk. Open the package and take the slide from inside. Go back up to the projection room and examine the reels on the right. Pick up another slide from next to the reels, then back out and read the projection book sitting on top of the reels - flip to the last page and use your pencil here to reveal a key design.

Return down to the lobby and examine the key making machine. Insert your coin into the slot. Press buttons S, I, V and O, then press the Make Key button. Pick up the key. Go back up to the projection room again. Turn right and open a cupboard, then take a bulb from the middle shelf. Close the cupboard again, then turn left and approach the blue projector. Use your key on the lock to open the machine.

Save your game. Remove the burnt-out bulb and insert your new one. Now remove the slide from beneath the bulb. Quickly back out, turn right and hide inside the right side of the cupboard. After the police leave, go to the front of the projector and insert the last slide you collected. Back out twice and flip the switch. Now turn the focus wheel until it falls down to the floor. Look at the floor - move the tape recorder, then pick up the focus wheel. You can also find a voice swap device here. Look back up again and reattach the focus wheel. Turn the wheel until you can look at an image in focus and identify another secret passageway.

Save your game. Back out and flip the switch again, then back out twice more and talk to Joseph - a countdown timer will now start. Examine the power socket just to the right of the door. Open the cover and flip the switch, then close the cover again. Back out and turn right, then climb up the ladder. Turn right again and focus on the box on the wall, opening it with the dark key. Take all of the keys from inside, and examine the two letters. Close the box, then turn approach the door. Keep trying each of the keys until you unlock the door, then head through. Keep going forward until you reach Joseph, then talk to him. After the conversation, use the flash ring on the kidnapper, then pull the handle to the right.