Nancy Drew: Treasure in the Royal Tower
Game Details: Mystery, 2001
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 3/8/2025
Suggested Listening: Caught Up in the Panic (Ash 25)
Reaching The Library
Take the room card key from the desk (for Room 205). Open the drawer and look at the card inside, which tells you your locker number is 310 and combination is 5-1-7. Back out and turn around. Look at the radiator to see that it is broken. Next go over to the dresser and open the top drawer, taking out the food menu. Back out and read the Sassy Detective magazine from the round table.
Leave this room and go down the main stairs to reach the lobby. Approach the front desk and talk to Dexter Egan. Give him your letter to mail to George, and he will ask you to deliver some ski boots to Professor Hotchkiss. Leave here and turn left to go to the lounge. Talk to Lisa Ostrum about everything. Search the bookcase to the right to find some books on the French Revolution that you can read.
Check the pocket watch at the bottom-left of the screen. The time will need to be between 9:00am and 12:00pm, or between 2:00pm and 5:00pm for the next part. If it isn't, go back into Room 205 using your card key. Set the alarm on your clock to 9:00am. Now continue.
From the lounge, head past Lisa and go left along the hallway, then go downstairs into the basement. Turn left at the Ski Rental sign to find the rental area. Enter the locker room and try to open locker 310 with the combination 5-1-7, but it won't work (you need to turn to each number and press the triangle button at the top to make it register). In the Ski Rental office, talk to Jacques about the boots and the locker. Go back to the locker room and open locker 311 with the combination 5-1-7. Open Lisa's bag and examine the contents.
Make your way up to the second floor. Knock on the door to Room 214 and talk to Professor Hotchkiss. Look down and put the boots in front of the door. Head back down to the lobby and talk to Dexter again - now he wants you to check out a circuit breaker. Go back through the lounge and downstairs to the basement. Open a box on the wall opposite the sign to the Ski Rental office to find a series of switches:
- Move the top left bank of switches to the left
- Keep the 2 middle left switches on the right
- The bottom left bank of switches are stuck on the right
- Move the 3 top right switches to the right
- Move the middle right bank of switches to the right
- Keep the bottom right bank of switches on the left
Make your way back up to the lobby and talk to Dexter once more - this time he needs you to ask Professor Hotchkiss about dinner. Go to Room 214 and knock on the door to talk to Professor Hotchkiss, then talk to Dexter in the lobby. Back at Room 214, knock on the door and talk several times, then slide your food menu under the door. Talk once more to get her order. Go back to the lobby once more to talk to Dexter, and he will ask you to give a message to Jacques.
Check the pocket watch at the bottom-left of the screen. The time will need to be between 9:00am and 12:00pm, or between 2:00pm and 5:00pm for the next part. If it isn't, go back into Room 205 using your card key. Set the alarm on your clock to 9:00am. Now continue.
Go back to the Ski Rental office. Talk to Jacques about the chicken. Get into the elevator and go up to the second floor - it will get stuck. Turn around and climb up through a small opening in the ceiling. Stand on the box here, then open the door so you can climb out to the second floor. Return to the lobby and talk to Dexter about the elevator. Go down to the basement and pull the red lever to the left of the circuit breaker box.
Check the pocket watch at the bottom-left of the screen. The time will need to be after 5:00pm for the next part. If it isn't, go back into Room 205 using your card key. Set the alarm on your clock to 5:00pm. Now continue.
Go back to the Ski Rental office. Pick up the paint brush that is left at the front of the Ski Rental office when it is closed. Enter the elevator again and climb up through the small opening in the ceiling. Climb the ladder in the elevator shaft until you find an opening on the left. Crawl through here and you will eventually reach the library.
Secrets and Treasures
Save your game. Step forward once, then you will hear someone at the door - quickly get back into the ventilation shaft or Dexter will catch you. Once he has left again, climb down the spiral staircase.
Head forward and turn left to find a hole in the wall. Read the book in the table drawer beneath the hole, which tells you the location of Wisconsin. Use your paintbrush on the dusty table. Go over to the security system next to the door and use the paintbrush on each of the buttons - you can now work out that the security code is 3*72.
Read a diary in the shelves to the left of the security system, and pick up Professor Hotchkiss' book from the floor to the right of the security system. Read another book on the table directly opposite the door. Next go to the globe in the corner. Based on Wisconsin's location, set the pointer at the top of the globe to 90 degrees, then click on the knob to open it - examine the piece of paper inside. Close the globe, then turn right and approach the fireplace. Click on the plaque over the fireplace and follow these instructions:
- Set it to -15, then press the green button
- Set it to 10, then press the green button
- Set it to -5, then press the green button
Go up the spiral staircase, then enter the secret room on the left. Pick up the lighter from the desk and use it to light the candle. Once the candle has melted, pick up the key. Read the poem on the table. Blow out the candle and leave the secret room again. Return down the spiral staircase and leave the library. Take the elevator to the second floor. Head back to your room.
The radiator will be fixed - pick up the oil can that Dexter left next to the radiator. Use the phone to call George and Ned, talking about everything (you may need to change the time with your alarm clock if they aren't available when you first try them).
Check the pocket watch at the bottom-left of the screen. The time will need to be after 10:00pm for the next part. If it isn't, set the alarm on your clock to 10:00pm. Now continue.
Head to the lobby and search the bottom left drawer of the front desk to find Dexter's library key. Go to the elevator on the first floor and call the elevator, but don't get inside. Use the library key to open the library door, which is opposite the elevator. Enter the library, then quickly use the keypad and enter the code 3*72. Go up the spiral staircase and crawl through the ventilation shaft to reach the elevator shaft. Climb down to the bottom and use your oil can on the lever. Pull the lever, then head down the new set of stairs.
There are 2 doors here - the one on the right heads to the Ski Rental area, so ignore this for now. Examine the left door, which has 6 locks. Using trial and error, work out the correct order to open these locks (this is random each time you approach the door). Continue forward, then go left at the end of the hall. Talk to Jacques - pay attention to his locker combination.
Take the tip of the spear from the suit of armor here, then make your way to the Ski Rental area. Head through to the back and go left to find Jacques' locker. Open the locker with the combination 2-6-6-5. Read the letters in here, then try to take the blue medallion from the top shelf.
Answer the phone when you hear it ringing and you will talk to Jacques. Use the phone to call George, then use the voice mail button on the phone to listen to a message from Dexter.
Check the pocket watch at the bottom-left of the screen. The time will need to be between 9:00am and 12:00pm, or between 2:00pm and 5:00pm for the next part. If it isn't, go back into Room 205 using your card key. Set the alarm on your clock to 9:00am. Now continue.
Go down to the lobby and talk to Dexter about everything. Continue down to the Ski Rental area and talk to Jacques. Head into the locker area.
Outside Exploration
Go through the door here to head outside. Go straight across and enter the opposite building. Turn left and approach the work bench. On the left side is a diagram with the numbers 3.0, 2.0 and 4.0. In the middle is a newspaper article you can read. On the right, you can take the skeleton key. Leave this building and return to the hotel (if you take too long you will freeze to death).
Go back outside again, and this time go left past the sign. Continue straight ahead to some vines and click to remove them, revealing a locked gate. Rotate the middle of the gate several times until the patterns align, then open the gate and enter a courtyard. Turn left and go over to see a bust of Ezra Wickford in the wall. Back out and rotate the arrow statue twice, then return to the bust. Pull the lever on the back of Ezra's head to reveal a wooden box. Unlock this box with the key from the library and take out a red medallion.
Make your way back inside. Go up to the lounge and talk to Lisa, then head back down to the locker room and go outside once more. Try to get back inside, but the door is now locked.
Go straight across into the opposite building again. Look at the large machine on the right - once you have seen the rat, pick up the green medallion from the middle of the machine. Back out and look around to the left to see another large machine. Focus on the 3 levers on the left - you need to adjust them to match the diagram you saw earlier (3, 2, 4). Follow these steps:
- Move the middle lever once
- Move the right lever twice
Dexter will find you and bring you back to the lobby.
The Tower
Go to the elevator on the first floor and call the elevator, but don't get inside. Use the library key to open the library door, which is opposite the elevator. Enter the library, then quickly use the keypad and enter the code 3*72. Go up the spiral staircase and crawl through the ventilation shaft to reach the elevator shaft. Pull the lever, then head down the new set of stairs. Examine the left door and open the 6 locks with trial and error again. Continue forward, then go left at the end of the hall.
Use your skeleton key to open the gate where you saw Jacques earlier. Go through to find a series of chains on the right and blocks on the left. You need to adjust the heights of the chains to match the heights of the blocks. Follow these steps:
- Pull the first chain 1 time
- Pull the second chain 2 times
- Pull the third chain 1 time
- Pull the fourth chain 2 times
- Pull the fifth chain 2 times
Cross the bridge, turn left at the end, and keep going until you find a game board at the base of some stairs. Examine the game board. You need to move the colored coins to sit on the matching colored squares, by making these moves:
- Slide the green coin up and left
- Slide the pink coin left and up
- Slide the gray coin left and up
- Slide the blue coin right, up, left, down, left and down
- Slide the gray coin right, up, right and down
- Slide the green coin right
- Slide the pink coin down, right and up
- Slide the gray coin up and left
- Slide the green coin down
- Slide the pink coin right
- Slide the green coin up, left and down
- Slide the pink coin down
- Slide the gray coin right and up
- Slide the pink coin up and left
- Slide the gray coin down, left and up
Climb the spiral staircase to reach a wooden door at the top. Go through into a gold room, and find a tile puzzle on the opposite wall - you must swap and rotate the tiles to create a complete picture. Once you are done, take the diary from inside the hidden compartment. Close the compartment again and return all the way back to the main part of the hotel.
Head to the second floor and knock on the door to Room 214. Agree to find information for Professor Hotchkiss. Go down to the lounge and look up the information in the books in the shelves (this is random). Return to Room 214 and knock again, then look down and type your answer on the piece of paper.
Check the pocket watch at the bottom-left of the screen. The time will need to be between 3:00am and 6:00am for the next part. If it isn't, go back into Room 205 using your card key. Set the alarm on your clock to 3:00am. Now continue.
Head downstairs to the lounge and talk to Professor Hotchkiss, who will give you a card key to her room. Give her the diary you found, and she will ask not to be disturbed for 24 hours.
Go to Room 205 and set your alarm to 3:00am. Once you wake up, go back down to the lounge, and Professor Hotchkiss will tell you she has made a translated version of the diary. Head up to Room 214 and use the new card key to get inside. Read everything on the desk, including the notes, the translated diary and the code key. Search beneath the sofa cushion to find the blue medallion.
Look at the video camera on the chest of drawers and press play to watch the start of a video, but it will run out of batteries. Remove the battery and place it on the charger just to the right.
Go back to Room 205 and set your alarm to 3:00am again. Go straight across to Room 214 and put the battery back into the video camera, then watch the rest of the video. Leave the room and turn right. Go around the corner and approach the peep hole. Insert each of the 3 medallions and look through them (make sure you zoom in so you can clearly see the symbols and words). Go back to Room 214 and look at the code key on the desk to automatically work out the phrase "Purple rose hold diamond key of queen".
Go to the elevator on the first floor and call the elevator, but don't get inside. Use the library key to open the library door, which is opposite the elevator. Enter the library, then quickly use the keypad and enter the code 3*72. Go up the spiral staircase and crawl through the ventilation shaft to reach the elevator shaft. Pull the lever, then head down the new set of stairs. Examine the left door and open the 6 locks with trial and error again. Continue forward, then go left at the end of the hall.
Use your skeleton key to open the gate where you saw Jacques earlier. Go through to find a series of chains on the right and blocks on the left. You need to adjust the heights of the chains to match the heights of the blocks. Follow these steps:
- Pull the first chain 1 time
- Pull the second chain 2 times
- Pull the third chain 1 time
- Pull the fourth chain 2 times
- Pull the fifth chain 2 times
Cross the bridge, turn left at the end, then go all the way forward and up the stairs into the gold room. Look at the tiled picture with a purple rose - you will need something to chip the tiles off. Use the spear point from the suit of armor several times, then take the square key.
Now look at the floor of this room. Insert your 3 medallions as follows:
- Bottom: Green
- Left: Red
- Right: Blue
Insert the key. After talking to Lisa, she will run back down the stairs. Quickly open the door and press the button on the wall to trap her.