Take Notes
Game Details: Puzzle, 2025
Steam Achievements: Completed (11/11)
Links: Steam
Walkthrough Updated: 3/18/2025
Suggested Listening: Help Me Out (Ash 25)
Level 1
Turn left to enter the Power Control room. Examine the 2 consoles on the left - you need to activate buttons to reach the indicated totals:
- Left Console (99): 1, 2, 32, 64
- Right Console (-87): 1, -8, 16, -32, 64, -128
Go straight across the corridor into the Staff Room. Pick up the adjustable key from the desk, and take the "Be More Creative" note from the board behind the desk. Look around the room to find the locker belonging to John Smith, and note his ID number. Examine the keyhole in the main locker in this room, and adjust the key to match it. Now use the key on the locker to open it. Enter the code based on John Smith's ID, which is 66754.
Take out the keycard and return to the hallway. Insert the keycard in the card reader, then go through the door and it will close behind you Level 1.
Level 2
Look at the 4 symbols on the walls around the room. Approach the code panel to the right of the door and enter a code based on these symbols (using the fact that some symbols are missing from each possible position):
- Circle
- Cross
- Equals
- Square
Go through the door and it will close behind you Level 2.
Level 3
Head to the far right and enter the Risk Manager's office. Pick up the "Quick Reminder" note from the desk. Now return to the hallway and find the Security Office door. Based on the note you just found (and some trial and error), flip the switches to the left of this door in the following order:
Look through the door to see the code "1A.4B.2C.5D.3E". Return to the Risk Manager's office. Examine the small computer on the desk and enter the code ACEBD, then take the "Lock Combinations" note. Go to the far end of the hallway and enter the Conference Room. Take the "Passcode" and "Workshop Code" notes from the large table. Go to the far end of the room to find a Keytech combination lock. From the Lock Combinations note, you know you can open this with the combination 45665. Inside, you will find a Forge Frame device that you cannot use yet.
Return to the hallway to see the Workshop opposite. There is a keypad on the wall. Turn to the right to see 4 colored rags on the wall at different heights. Press the corresponding buttons on the keypad:
Enter the workshop and find a 5-layered canister on the left bench. Rotate the segments to show a heart symbol, and the drawer below will open. Pick up the code device and return to the Conference Room. Now you need to enter a 3-digit code. Based on the Passcode note and the writing on the whiteboard in the Conference Room, enter the code 352 on the code device in your inventory. Now place the device on the Forge Frame you found earlier. Take the keycard that is revealed. Return to the hallway and insert the keycard in the card reader. Go through the door and it will close behind you Level 3.
Level 4
Look at the evacuation map on the left wall, then focus on the puzzle to the right of the door. You need to recreate the evacuation path on its side:
Go through the door and it will close behind you Level 4.
Level 5
Go straight ahead into the Secretary's office. Pick up the "Stolen Chess", "Employment List" and "David is Sick" notes and read them all. By elimination, you can work out that Henry stole the chess piece, so enter his ID of 90126 into the machine here. Pick up chess piece 7 from the pneumatic tube.
Next focus on the large round puzzle on the wall in this office. The goal is to move all of the marked segments to the bottom. From the starting position you can make these moves:
- Press the central button 3 times
- Press the edge button
- Press the central button twice
- Press the edge button
- Press the central button 3 times
- Press the edge button
- Press the central button twice
Now you can go through the door to the Science Manager's office. Take the "Poem" note from the red board on the far wall. Pay attention to the numbers in the poem, then examine the clock and press the buttons in this order:
- 12 o'clock
- 3 o'clock
- 7 o'clock
- 9 o'clock
- 4 o'clock
- 1 o'clock
- 8 o'clock
Take chess piece 5 from the side of the clock. Go back out to the entrance chamber and head into the Laboratory. Go to the middle bench to find a round puzzle Rotate the rings to identify a series of 4 complete letters (they are each found individually, not at the same time) - the letters are JOHN. Take out chess piece 3.
Turn right and approach a puzzle against the wall with 4 towers made up of blocks that are either lit or unlit. You need to fill up the 3rd tower with lit blocks up to the line. To move the lights, you need to choose a tower to pump in, a tower to pump out, and then press the pump button on the right. Number the towers 1-4 from left to right. From the starting position, make these moves:
- Pump from 1 to 3 (0, 0, 7, 7)
- Pump from 4 to 3 (0, 0, 11, 3)
- Pump from 3 to 2 (0, 5, 6, 3)
- Pump from 2 to 1 (5, 0, 6, 3)
- Pump from 4 to 1 (7, 0, 6, 1)
- Pump from 1 to 2 (2, 5, 6, 1)
- Pump from 1 to 3 (0, 5, 8, 1)
Now you can go through the door to Mini Storage. Look at the right wall here and you will see 6 number sequences with missing numbers:
- 32, 16, 8, 4, 2 (divide by 2)
- 13, 10, 7, 4, 1 (subtract 3)
- 7, 6, 5, 6, 7 (subtract 1, then add 1)
- 8, 4, 2, 4, 8 (divide by 2, then multiply by 2)
- 162, 54, 18, 6, 2 (divide by 3)
- 13, 8, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1 (Fibonacci sequence)
Enter the combination 846468, then grab chess piece 6. Return out to the Laboratory and place your 4 chess pieces on the board. Take the keycard. Look at the chessboard to see that the pieces plus the circled number give you the code 76435. Go over to the door and enter the code 76435 to restore power. Insert the keycard in the card reader. Go through the door and it will close behind you Level 5.
Level 6
Enter the side room and take the "Security Report" note. Head through the security gate and grab the "Code Policy" note from the next desk. Proceed to the next room. Given the date on the report is 25.03.2035, click to set the display as follows:
Go through the door and it will close behind you Level 6.
Level 7
Turn right and enter the Radiation Laboratory. Pick up the "Code Encryption" note. Look at the buttons on the wall where you found this note and number them 1-8 from left to right:
Based on the position of the X on the wall and the note, press the buttons in this order: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 7, 6, 5, 6, 7. 8. Take the adjustable key from the drawer that opens below. Now look around the rooms to see small numbers with symbols on the walls:
- In the Storage Room, in the far right corner
- In the Radiation Laboratory, near the door
- In the hallway, just right of the door to the Radiation Laboratory
- In the hallway, just left of the door to the Pump Room
- In the Storage Room, on the left pillar in the middle of the room
Using these numbers symbols, adjust the key so it looks as follows:
Insert this key into the device on the brown drawers in the Storage Room. Take a small device from the drawer that opens. Next examine the red and green puzzle in this room. You need to swap the positions of the red and green rings, by pressing the buttons in this order:
- Green
- Red twice
- Green 3 times
- Red 4 times
- Green 4 times
- Red 4 times
- Green 3 times
- Red twice
- Green
Take another small device from the drawer that opens. Now focus on the puzzle on the other wall with 8 lights. The puzzle starts with 2 lights turned on, and you need to turn on the rest of them. From the starting position, click on the 2 lights that are already turned on at the start, followed by the ones at the top, bottom, left and right. Take the last small device from the drawer that opens.
Go back to the Radiation Laboratory. You need to adjust the dials on the backs of the 3 small devices so you can insert them into the holder on the bench to the left. Now go along the hallway and enter the Pump Room. Look at the puzzle on the right wall - you need to click on buttons to turn them red, but each time the dial turns according to the number next to the button you press. From the starting position, select these numbers: 2, 1, -2, -4, 1, -4, -2, 2, 2, 3, -1, -2. Take the keycard, then return to the hallway and insert the keycard in the card reader. Go through the door and it will close behind you Level 7.
Level 8
Head through the security gate to see some controls to the left of the next door. Press the central button and watch the pattern that is displayed. Copy the pattern by pressing these buttons:
- Top-Right
- Bottom-Right
- Top-Left
- Top-Right
- Bottom-Left
- Bottom-Left
- Bottom-Right
- Top-Left
Go through the door and it will close behind you Level 8.
Level 9
Turn right to see some lights to the left of the Staff Room door. You need to turn them all on. The starting position looks like this:
Press lights 1, 3, 6 and 7. Enter the Staff Room and pick up 4 notes called "B3", "A4", "C1" and "New GRID System". Also notice the 4 small tiles on the desk here. Return to the hallway and enter the Security Manager's office. Take the "GRID" note from the notice board. Return to the hallway and make your way to the Main Laboratory.
Look at the right wall as you enter to see a puzzle with two vertical sets of switches. You need to create two correct equations reading from bottom to top, flipping the switches to indicate the correct numbers:
Take the key from the drawer that opens to the left. Look on the benches to see 6 more small tiles, and also pick up 2 notes called "B1" and "D2". Examine the GRID display on the wall, which shows 16 symbols in a grid with associated numbers and letters. Examine the notes you have found to see 5 sets of coordinates, then locate these symbols in the grid, find the matching tiles and count the stars on each of the tiles. You will end up with the following information:
Return to the Security Manager's office and enter the code 86520. Take the keycard. You will have seen some handles on various walls. You need to adjust the settings of these based on the small map schematics in other rooms:
- Handle in hallway near entry door
Set to 2, based on the map inside the Staff Room
- Handle in Staff Room
Set to 3, based on the map inside the Main Laboratory
- Handle in Security Manager's office
Set to 5, based on the map inside the Staff Room
- Handle in Main Laboratory, near entry door
Set to 4, based on the map inside the Main Laboratory
- Handle in Main Laboratory, in far corner
Set to 3, based on the map inside the Main Laboratory
Out in the hallway, you can now enter the Power Room. From the shelves on the right, take the "Power Restart 1" and "Power Restart 2" notes. Use your key to open the security box on the wall. Now based on the notes you just found, activate the following lights:
Return to the hallway and insert the keycard in the card reader. Go through the door and it will close behind you Level 9.
Level 10
Examine the ring puzzle to the right of the door. The goal is to get each of the symbols at the bottom. Each symbol is moved around the ring based on the position of its corresponding switch (either clockwise 90 degrees, counter-clockwise 90 degrees, or counter-clockwise 180 degrees). The movements occur when you press the start button. From the starting position, this can be achieved in 3 moves:
- Set the switches: Left, Left, Left, Mid
- Set the switches: Left, Mid, Mid, Mid
- Set the switches: Right, Mid, Right, Mid
Go through the door and it will close behind you Level 10.
Enter the Control Room on the left and pick up the "Hexadecimal Codes" note. Turn around and look at the dominoes puzzle on one of the large machines. Rotate the dominoes to create a complete pattern:
Next examine the puzzle to the left with a large colored dial and 4 buttons. You need to align the two markers on the dial, which can be done by pressing the buttons in this order: Bottom, Bottom, Top, Left. Take an adjustable key from the drawer that opens. Back in the hallway, look at the lock on the door to the Workshop. Adjust your key to match this, then open the door.
Inside the Workshop, look at the maze on the right wall. Follow a path through the maze and take note of the numbers you pass through. Enter the combination 45627 on the lock here and take out the "Manual Shutdown 1" and "Manual Shutdown 2" notes. Also pick up the cube key from the far end of the room. Examine the code key on the wall to the left of the door, and you can work out the value of the top four symbols - all the values are as follows:
Examine the cube key in your inventory, and set the values on each of the sides according to these symbols. Using hexadecimal, 14 = E and 10 = A, so the correct 4 values for the cube key are A, 9, D and 6. Once the values are correct, a short rod will emerge from the bottom of the key.
Go back to the Control Room and insert the cube key. Look through the windows into the reactor and you will see some numbers on the columns in the corner - 46345. Enter the Nitrogen Room and look at the canister on the right. Set this code on the canister by choosing shapes with these numbers of sides:
- Square
- Hexagon
- Triangle
- Square
- Pentagon
Now look at the main control panel in the Control Room. From your notes, enter the code B27FE46C. Pull the handle to the left. Head back out to the hallway and climb the stairs Finish the game.