The Legend of Crystal Valley
Game Details: Fantasy, 2009
Steam Achievements: Completed (25/25)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 10/3/2024
Suggested Listening: Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)
The Farm
From the farm entrance, head right to the front yard. Ring the bell on the left 3 times That Weird 'Ol song. Examine the window, then take the empty bucket and fill it with water from the pump. Put the filled bucket of water back on the barrel Second thoughts. Enter the farm house through the door here.
Examine the portrait, rose and slippers, then head through the left door into the dining room. Click on the cupboard to approach it, then take the bottle of petroleum, the statue and the kitchen knife. Examine the bottles, plates, cups and pie. Zoom back out, then return to the hallway and go through the right door to the study.
Examine the skull and the necklace, then approach the family portrait. Look at Eve's mother and father, then click on the medallion. Leave the scroll in the hidden compartment for now. Back out and approach the study desk. Take the matches and the moon statue. Back out, then leave the farm house and head back to the entrance.
Examine the sign and the chicken, then go to the back yard. Take the old lamp from the right, then try to enter the work shed, but it is too dark. Fill the lamp with your petroleum, then light it with your matches The beacons are lit. Now you can enter the work shed. Take the devil statue and the flashlight, and examine the blueprints and the blackboard. Approach the closet. Pick up the 3 remaining statues, then place the statues in these positions:
- Top Shelf: Moon (middle position)
- Second Shelf: Dragon, Maiden, Monster
- Third Shelf: Knight (middle position)
- Bottom Shelf: Devil (middle position)
You will get an achievement for solving this before getting the clues you are supposed to need Not the poetic type. If you want, go back to the study and take the scroll from the hidden compartment, then read it by double-clicking on it. When you are ready to proceed, climb through the hole in the wall in the work shed.
Skeleton Village
Proceed forward from the cave entrance into the cave hallway. Examine the cage here, then continue forward to a crossroads. Start by heading to the right. Examine the cage here, then look at the creature inside. Use your hair-clip to pick the lock, then look at the creature again. Return to the crossroads and take the left passage. Examine the rope, wagon and switch, the use your kitchen knife to cut the rope. Pull the switch, then continue through the new passage to the cave exit. Continue outside to the crossroads.
Approach the lock and look at the keyhole, then back out and head right. Take the fish from the barrel, then talk to Dejan and Jozo, before heading to the bridge. Look at the bridge to notice it is broken, then go back and talk to Dejan again. Return to the crossroads and go left. Pick up the bell (1/3) from the left side of the path, then continue along the path.
Talk to Konoba (who gives you a wheel to fix) and Karim, then continue forward to find the main square. Approach the statue and examine it, then back out and go left to the blacksmith. Look at the rock on the left 3 times Wrath of Eve. Talk to Kovac, asking him to fix the wheel Outsider's joke. Also mention the creature on the rock Good Samaritan. Return to the statue, then go right to find the tavern. Take the bell (2/3) from the right, then talk to Hilge (who gives you a hairpin).
Talk to Milan (who gives you 2 coins), then head back outside and go to the blacksmith. Talk to Kovac to learn more about the curse, then get him to repair your wheel. Return to the village entrance and talk to Konoba - give him the wheel in exchange for another bell (3/3). While you are here ask for a lift to hear about the Ziggurat.
Go and give the bells to Bobo (outside the tavern) and take note of the pattern. Go back into the tavern and approach the music box. Press the buttons in the following order:
Remove the music box mechanism. Visit the blacksmith and ask Kovac to fix the music box mechanism (you will give him another coin and your hair pin). Back in the tavern, replace the mechanism in the music box. Head down in the tavern and talk to Faris, who will give you a beer. Click on the key on the bar and Faris will give it to you. Talk to Milan again; give him the beer then take his sleeping powder.
Return to the crossroads and approach the lock. Use your key in the lock, then take the ruby. Go back to the village and approach the statue. Put the ruby in the eye socket. Go right to the tavern and talk to Hilge. Go back through town, past the fisherman, and over the repaired bridge.
The Enchanted Wood
Walk forward to a crossroads, then go right and look at the giant tree trunk that is blocking the path. Return to the crossroads and go left. In your inventory combine the sleeping powder with the fish. Talk to Burek and offer him the fish - make sure you do this without asking any other questions first Straight to the point. Search the bag around the giant's neck to get a magic potion. Use the potion, then return to the crossroads and a magical path will be revealed - go there to find the witch's hut.
Talk to Lepinya, who wants you to find 3 plants. Go back and find a plant (1/3) at the crossroads (just to the right of the main path). Take the right path from the crossroads and find another plant (2/3) to the left of the path just near the fallen tree. Return to the witch and continue past her to the right, then approach the crypt entrance. Examine the thorny bush here, then use the blacksmith's gloves to clear the bush away. Continue forward and find the last plant (3/3) on the left.
Approach the crypt and examine the guardian on the floor to find a metal finger. Use this on the skull, then continue through the door into the crypt. Approach the strange mirror and use it - try each of the available options for speaking the magic words Lost for words.
Leave the crypt and return to the witch. Talk to her, and she will give you a medallion in exchange for her 3 plants - she will also tell you some magic words. Enter the crypt again and talk to the mirror, saying "komisakomako" Mirror, Mirror on the wall. Now take the book of sorcery, and return to the witch.
Talk to Lepinya again and you will learn your first magic spell. Use the Shrink spell straight away Eager Beaver. Use it again to return to normal size. Look in the pot here and remember the positions of the bright spots, then return to the main room of the crypt (where you saw the mirror). Head left from this room to find a jammed door. Cast the Shrink spell and head through the small opening at the bottom of the door. Cast the Shrink spell again to return to normal size. Approach the sarcophagus, and rotate the wheels to recreate the pattern you saw in Lepinya's pot. From the starting position, make these moves:
- Turn the 1st circle left
- Turn the 2nd circle left twice
- Turn the 3rd circle right
Portal Chamber
Approach the man on the left and talk to Melvis. Now back out and go and visit the painter on the right. Talk to Lizzard, then pick up the screw from the ground behind him. Back out and walk towards the giant. Pick up another screw from the ground near a column on the left, then continue towards the giant. Talk to Kyfla and you will get a SAT1123 rock in exchange for your 2 screws. Now go right to the portal guardian. Talk to Unit 52, who requires you to have a City medallion.
Return to Melvis and talk to him to give him the SAT1123 rock for his gramophone. Now talk to Lizzard again, who needs to berries from the forest. Go back out through the crypt to the forest (you will need to Shrink again to get out through the door).
Magic Forest
Along the pathway towards the crypt you will find a plant that holds the red berries you need. While you are here, return back over the bridge and take another fish from the barrel Fisherman. Now head back through the crypt again.
Portal Chamber
Go over to Lizzard and give him the berries in exchange for some black paint. Now talk to Melvis again and give him the black paint Paint it Black. Also give him the Gracewood medallion and you will get a City medallion. Talk to Unit 52 again, and you will be allowed through the portal.
The City
From the main square, head left towards the library, then go inside. Walk down, then approach the table here and talk to Ferofka, who gives you a worn out ball. Leave the library and go to the fountain. Talk to the boys and give them their ball in exchange for the wheel. Return to Ferofka in the library. Give her the wheel, then take the librarian's book from her desk.
Leave the library and go back to the fountain, then go to the street at the top of the screen. Continue past the butcher and enter the flower shop on the left. Talk to Tratincica, who will give you a rose, then give him the book and you will get some ice leaves. Return to Ferofka again and talk to her to get a gold coin. Read the encyclopedia then keep talking to Ferofka.
Return outside to the fountain and go to the back street. Talk to Argovth the Butcher and you will give him your ice leaves. Continue along the street and talk to Frula the Musician; give him a coin to learn more about Isaac Sing me a song. Keep going along the street and take a carburetor from the broken Cadillac, then take the path to the right. Examine the dog at the gate; you need something to give him. Return to the butcher and talk to him to get a bone. Go back to the gate and give this to the dog The universal bribe. Now head through the gate into a courtyard.
Approach the villa entrance and talk to Betty, who wants you to talk to Omero back in the city. Grab a bottle of rum from the boxes here, then return to the city. Go to the outside of the library and take the street at the top of the screen. Talk to Omero here and give him the rose in exchange for a letter for Betty. Return to the villa and talk to Betty again. After she opens the window for you, head around to the left of the house to reach the backyard. Look at the ivy and the open window.
Head back into the city and go to the fountain. Talk to Petar the Driver, and ask him to take you to the lighthouse.
Walk to the dock. Talk to the sailors (you will give them your rum), then use your carburetor on the control panel to fix the mechanism. Talk to the sailors again, then use the wagon to reach the other side of the lake. Talk to Mikhail, then climb the stairs to reach the lighthouse. Head inside and move the bottom switch, then the left one and the crystal will go dark. Go back down to the dock and talk to Mikhail again. Once he leaves, take the Veronika Veronika plant and use the wagon to get back across the lake. Return to the chariot and talk to Petar to return to the city.
Go to the florist and talk to Tratincica, who will give you some magic beans in exchange for his plant. Now go to the villa's backyard again and use the beans on the pile of soil in the grass. Climb up the beanstalk to get inside.
Notice the piece of paper on the table, showing 4 tubes (empty, full, full, empty). Take the vase from the side table, then walk over to the corner and approach the safe. Examine the filler on the side of the safe, then pour water from the vase into the filler. You now need to fill the tubes according to the piece of paper. One solution to this puzzle is to move the bars in this order:
- Move the second bar
- Move the fourth bar 4 times
- Move the third bar 4 times
- Move the second bar 5 times
Now take the letter and the horn from the safe - don't read the letter. Return to the city and talk to Petar, asking him to take you to see the Count. You will get an achievement for not reading the letter Minding your own business.
The Count
Walk through the gates and approach the tower. When you reach the large gates, use the horn then go inside. Continue forward to the elevators. Enter the first elevator to reach a library.
Approach the displayed books on the left and note the text in the open book. Now approach the bookshelf and take the scroll to learn the Telekinesis spell. Leave the library by returning to the elevator, then cast Telekinesis on the raised third elevator and use it to reach a hallway.
Walk along the hallway, then talk to Vatram, who asks you to deliver an egg. Approach the bars, then move the levers so they are up, up, down, up. Cast the Shrink spell on the egg, then take it. Talk to Vatram again to learn the Blizzard spell Eggscelent!. Return via the elevator here, then use the second elevator to find a hall.
Talk to Unit 42, then cast the Blizzard spell on him and go through the doors. Talk to the Count until he puts you in a cell. Cast the Telekinesis spell on the keys outside the cell, then use them on the cell doors and leave this room to the right. Pick up the axe head from the floor just right of the door, then return to your cell and continue to the left. Pick up the handle from the rubble on the left and combine it with the axe head. Use the completed axe on the frozen man to thaw him, then talk to Rales Ty.
The Angels
From the portal crossroads, start by heading left, then enter the left hut. Talk to Rales Va, then take the crystal from the table. Leave this hut then head right over a bridge and into the right hut. Inside, talk to Rales Ka, then take another crystal from the table here. Leave this hut and take the bridge to the lower left. Enter the glowing hut. Take the controller from the table on the right. In your inventory, try to combine the controller with your bucket of water An old meme, but it checks out.
Now put your two crystals into the controller, then approach the device. Use your controller on the middle of the device - the goal now is to extend all parts of the device. Number the small buttons on the device as follows:
Now press the buttons in the following order: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 4, 8. Exit the hut, then go down and into the right hut. Talk to Rales Ka about everything It wasn't me!. Use your father's medallion (in your inventory).
Dragon Cave
Walk forward to the crossroads, then along the left path and into the right chamber. Approach the safe and try to use the padlock. Cast a Blizzard spell on the padlock, then break the padlock and take the helmet from the safe. Go back to the crossroads, then go right. Talk to Misho and Mate, then go back to the left path and enter the left chamber.
Approach the machine to see another puzzle. Turn the left valve then the middle valve. Use your Telekinesis spell to retrieve the suit of armor. Go back to Misho and Mate. Pick up the shield from on the ground on the left near Misho, and combine it in your inventory with the armor and helmet. Use the suit of armor. Head along the path deeper into the cave and continue through the flames.
Try to talk to the dragon Never fear, I is here!. Remove the armor and talk to She-Vatram, giving her the egg What is Love. Go through the exit behind her and continue out of the cave.
Keep following the path until you reach a hut. Talk to Martin here, then back out. Pick up the plant from the left, and a fish from near the cabin. Walk around behind the hut to find a huge tree. Pick up the acorn from on the ground near the tree, then go back to the straw cabin, and back along the path to the huge mushroom. Use the acorn on the mushroom to fill it with sap. Combine the plant with this to make a glue kit, then go past the hut to the dock.
Use your glue kit on the boat. Pick up the rope from on the dock, then go back and talk to Martin - you will automatically get a hook and return to the dock. Use the Shrink spell, then try to talk to Martin Shout, Let it all out!. Use the Shrink spell again, then talk to Martin and you will head out to the lake.
Proceed deeper into the lake. In your inventory, combine the hook, rope and fish, then use your fishing rod with the branch - you will distract the creature and proceed across the lake.
Proceed along the dock, then get on the elevator platform at the end. Cast a Telekinesis spell on one of the barrels, putting it on the higher platform just to your left. Repeat this twice more and you will be lifted upwards. Walk along the path, then proceed to the Ziggurat Camelot!.
Talk to Brozz, then cast the Shrink spell on yourself and talk to Brozz again. Head deeper into the giant's mouth and remove the bone shard then get back out of his mouth. Talk to Brozz while you are still small Too Little, Too Late. Use the Shrink spell again to return to normal size, then talk to Brozz again - you will give him the bucket of water Water is important. Continue talking, then go over the bridge.
In the next room, cast the Shrink spell on yourself and walk over the wire spanning the gap in the bridge. On the other side, cast Shrink on yourself again. Rotate each of the panels on the pillars so that the green light is on top; once this is done step on the platform in the middle to go down to a new area.
Follow the path here until you meet Alfred the butler at a crossroads. Talk to him, then go right to find some disabled robots. Look at the broken robot on the table, then pick up the robot's broken arm and leg, and the torn part of a plan from the floor. Talk to Alfred, then leave this room to return to the crossroads.
Next go along the top path to find a library. Take another piece of the plan from the table and talk to Alfred, then return to the crossroads and take the left path. Pick up the final piece of the plan from the floor and combine all 3 in your inventory. Put the completed plan in the right side of the machine. Put the robotic arm in the repairing slot, press the yellow and purple buttons, then take the repaired robotic arm. Now put the robotic leg in the repair slot, press the green and purple buttons, then take the repaired robotic leg. Return to the crossroads and head right.
Use the repaired robotic arm and leg on the broken robot, then talk to the robot and you will end up with a key. Go back to the crossroads, up to the library and through the passage in the back. Use the key on the big doors, and you will go through.
Talk to Alfred here, then head left and approach the statue. Take the golden rose from the statue's hand. Go back to the hologram and take the right passage. Approach the sleeping quarters. Take the ring from the ring box on the table. Return to the hologram room and approach the massive doors. Use the rose in the big slot, the medallion in the medium slot and the ring in the small slot, then go through the doors.
Approach the organ. Look at the strange female robot, then stand on the green platform to go up. Approach the large triangular control panel and solve the game (just copy the pattern you see each time), then stand on the next platform. At the top, step onto the large platform.