Atomic Escape
Game Details: Puzzle, 2024
Steam Achievements: Completed (8/8)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 8/26/2024
Suggested Listening: Where There's Smoke (Ash 25)
The Interview
You will start in an entrance lobby. Read the note on the coffee table, then head through the right doorway into a lounge room. Read notes on the bar and and on the fireplace table. Look in the small cupboard behind the fireplace table and find a drinks inventory list. Look at the bar again and count each of the items from the inventory list:
- Juice: 9
- Water: 6
- Wine: 7
- Cola: 8
Enter the code 9678. Read the note inside the drinks cabinet and take the red knight. Now head upstairs. Look at the artwork on the wall between the blue and pink doors, then go through the blue door into a blue bedroom. Look at the box beneath the bed to see a green pattern. Look on the left desk and add the red knight to the space chessboard (1/4). Read the contact list on the right desk. Leave this room and go through the pink door into a pink bedroom. Look at the picture on the left desk, and find another green pattern in the drawer next to the bed.
Return downstairs to the lounge room and examine the piano. Based on the picture you just saw, press the keys in this order:
- Do
- Mi
- Do
- Mi
- Fa
- Re
- Re
You will see a message "Call 504 + Mom + School". Take the corkscrew from the top of the piano. Use this on the bottle of champagne on the bar, then pick up the battery. Go to the upstairs landing and use the yellow phone on the small cabinet. Based on the contact list you found in the blue room, dial 504-3400-5186. Take the garage key from the drawer that opens. Enter the blue bedroom again and use the battery on the car track on the right desk. The car will fly off and knock down a poster, revealing the numbers 215435.
Go back to the entrance lobby and use the garage key on the yellow door, then go through to the garage. Look inside the red toolbox and take the pipe wrench. Look at the electrical box on the wall and work out the correct order to flip the switches through trial and error:
Now press the red button and the roller-door will open. Go through into the workshop. Search the large wooden cabinet on the right to find a green rook and some oil. Look at the incomplete toy robot on the workbench, and search the red cabinet to get an electronic key.
Head back inside and upstairs. Enter the blue bedroom and add the green rook to the space chessboard (2/4). Leave this room and use your oil on the yellow door, then go through into a yellow bedroom. Look in the open drawer on the left to find a third green pattern. Examine the alarm clock and set the time to 03:45 based on the note from inside the drinks cabinet. Examine the safe and open it with the code from the other bedroom: 215435. Take out the robot hand. Enter the bathroom and read a note in the drawer to the left. Open the green cabinet on the right and take out a magnet.
Next return to the entrance lobby and go through the opening on the left into a dining room. Continue through the next door into the kitchen. Open the door beneath the sink and look at the pipes, then use the pipe wrench here Handywoman. Grab the robot head from the sink once it is empty. Go back to the garage and into the workshop. Add the head to the toy robot (1/3). Back out and go through the yellow door into the basement. Pick up the pool skimmer from here, then use your magnet on the grate in the floor to collect a car key. Back in the garage, use this on the car. Open the car door, then take the ID credential. Open the glove-box and take out the glove.
Go to the dining room again. Look at the combination lock next to the glass doors leading outside. Enter the 3 combinations you have seen in the various bedrooms upstairs:
Go outside to the pool. Use the pool skimmer on the box in the pool, and you will end up getting a HoloDisc. Look at the fuse box on the wall and insert your electronic key, then open the fuse box. Switch the fuses around so they are in the following order: 0.0, 6.5, 6.0, 5.0, 5.5.
Go through the doors up the stairs to find a control room. Read the error message on the console, and the nearby note on the bench.
The Facility
Go back inside to the dining room. Use the glove on the cactus to find a tiny key Gardener. Back in the entrance lobby, look in the aquarium. Use your tiny key on the chest here to get a green king. Return upstairs into the blue bedroom and add the green king to the space chessboard (3/4).
Next head to the pink bedroom. Place your HoloDisc on the player on the right desk. Adjust the amplitude and frequency so the signals match perfectly - you will see a series of crosses in a pattern. Look in the cabinet to the right of the bed to find a rotary combination device. Enter the code from the error message: 241022. Take out the right arm.
Go back down to the workshop and attach the right arm to the toy robot (2/3). Now head down into the basement. Look at the orange machine on the top of the shelves and set the switches according to the pattern you just saw: Up, Down, Down, Up, Down, Up. Take out the left arm. Go to the workshop again and attach the left arm to the toy robot (3/3) Robot Engineer. Take the punched card.
Return to the control room outside near the pool. Insert the punched card into the console on the right. Leave here and go upstairs again. Examine the lock on the door to the right. Use the robot hand and the ID credential to bypass two of the three components of the lock - now you just need a combination. Based on the note from the control room, just press the star button 8 times. Open the door to find a study.
The Launch
Read the note on the desk. Search the top desk drawer and press the device so it is set to unlock. Look at the computer screen to see a username. Look at the 4 back cat statues in the shelves and rearrange them so they are pointing the same direction as the spaceships in the artwork on the upstairs landing. From left to right, they should be facing:
- Back to the left
- Forward
- Back
- Right
Take the radio from the fireplace. Go back outside to the control room and enter the username ALLAN.PM - now you need a password. Go back inside and head to the kitchen. Take some cheese from the counter on the right. Next head down to the basement. Use the cheese on the mouse hole, then pick up the red queen.
Go upstairs to the blue bedroom and add the red queen to the space chessboard (4/4) Chess Master. Take the elevator key, and note the password displayed to retrieve the state of the chess game. Go back outside to the control room and enter the password TEDDYBEAR Hacker. Press the green start button.
Go back outside and climb down into the pool. Insert the elevator key, then use the radio. Enter the elevator.
The Secret Base
You are in the bunker entrance. Read the message on the monitor, then take the remote from the desk. Head right and continue into the bathroom. Read the note on the bench and pick up the purple card. Back out and try to use this on the purple door, but the card is damaged. Back out again and now head left.
Read the note on the table and pick up the blue card. Notice the broken monitor here. Look at the toolbox on the seats. Work out the correct order to open the latches through trial and error:
Take out the plasma cartridge. Look at the pool table and take note of the ball positions. Next head into the dining room. Read the note on the table to the left, and examine the menu on the wall. Go back to the bathroom and examine the left locker. Recall the note from the bench here and the menu in the dining room:
- Burger: 45
- Smoothie: 20
- Soup: 35
- Salad: 30
Turn the dial counter-clockwise to 45, clockwise to 20, counter-clockwise to 35 and clockwise to 30. Once the locker opens, take out the Holo Film and the red card. Back out and use the blue card on the blue door. Try to open the door but it is blocked from the inside. Go back to the project entrance and head left. Continue into the library.
Read the note on the left table. Take the keycard from the main desk, then continue right into the projection room. Insert your Holo Film into the projector. Use the remote on the projector in the ceiling. Now examine the projector. Adjust the image to line up each of the 3 symbols on the left, and take note of the numbers that appear on the right (3, 8, 6). Pick up the green card. Back out to the library and use your red card to get through the door into the security room. Use the large computer on the right. Press button f3, insert the green card, and press button f3 again. Take out the reprogrammed card.
Go back to the purple door and use your reprogrammed card to be able to get inside. Take the Holo Tablet from the top bunk and the shower valve from the top of the drawers. Go out to the shower stall in the bathroom and attach the shower valve. Look in the shower to see the secret word "sesame". Go back to the purple room and read the note on the left, then pick up the bolt cutter. Head to the dining room, then into the pantry on the right. Use the bolt cutter on the lock to the freezer. Take some ice tongs from inside the freezer.
Head back up to the house Undercover Agent. Go to the kitchen and use the ice tongs on the large ice block in the top of the freezer. Turn around and click on the large cabinet to reveal a stove. Place the ice block on the stove and take the cake. Still in the house, go up to the blue bedroom. Use the keycard on the locked trunk, then take out the car. Now return to the elevator again.
Go to the library, then into the security room. Look at the left computer and press any key to see a grid of letters A-I. Press the drawers in this order:
One drawer will open, but it is empty. Press any key on the computer again to see a grid of letters paired with numbers. Press the drawers in this order:
Use your plasma cartridge in the plasma gun, then pick it up - you won't be able to leave with it, so put it back in the drawer for now. Use the right computer and press button f2, noting that Alex LM has pink access (level 4). Back out of the room again. Go to the dining room. Place your cake in the food teleporter. Adjust the level to the 4th from the top, and change the zone to pink. Take the toy gun. Go back to the security room and pick up the plasma gun, then put the toy gun in its place.
Go back to the bathroom and look at the right locker. Recall the note from the left locker and the balls from the pool table:
- Yellow + Yellow: 10
- Red x Crimson: 45
- Green + Green: 20
- Blue x Purple: 40
Turn the dial clockwise to 10, counter-clockwise to 45, clockwise to 20 and counter-clockwise to 40. Once the locker opens, take out the space suit. Head out to the blue room. Use your plasma gun on the grate outside the room. Try to crawl through, but the opening is too small. Use the car here, then open the door to get into the blue room.
The Remote Station
Take the dry eraser from the left bunk. Read the note on the right bunk. Use the typewriter here to type the word SESAME, and you will see a code appear on the paper. Enter this code into the keypad: 232143. Go through to find the blue launch control room. Examine the screens here and press the Run button. Next press the buttons to mark the coordinates for banned password patterns from the large computer in the security room: 2E, 3E, 4A and 5D.
Go back out to the library and use the dry eraser on the whiteboard to reveal these numbers: 8, 2, 7, 5, 1, 3. Head to the purple room and enter this code into the keypad: 827513 Security Auditor. Open the door to find the purple launch control room. Examine the screens here and press the Run button. Next press the A, B and C buttons to enter the numbers 3, 8 and 6.
Head back out to the bunker entrance, then go forward to the security door. Open the door Atronaut.