Game Details: Fantasy, 2024
Steam Achievements: Completed (18/18)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 3/31/2024
Suggested Listening: Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)
Chapter 1
Bring Me Beauty
Pick up the book from the ground and you will automatically open it. Go to the section on Beauty, and you will turn to the page titled Butterfly. After reading this, close the book and head upstairs to the kitchen. Pick up the cruet from the table, then continue right to the dining room. Look at the clock to make a note (1/27), then look at the adjacent painting of a cat to make another note (2/27). Pick up the jar from the dresser on the right, then go into your inventory and separate it to take out the nails from inside. Look at the painting on the right to make a note (3/27). Continue right into the entrance hall. Look at the book on the small table to make a note (4/27). Go through the door at the bottom to head outside.
Walk over towards the butterfly, but it will fly away from you. Head right and enter the shed. Take the nail gun from the wall here, then combine it with the nails in your inventory. Leave the shed again. Go to the window where you first saw the butterfly, and close the shutters. Go to the next window and close the shutters, then walk away and wait for them to open again. Go and close the shutters again, then keep them closed by using the nail gun on them. Go left and enter the greenhouse.
Go to the far left and pick up the garden trowel from the bucket. Return right and use the garden trowel on the small cat grave between the shuttered windows. Take the key from inside the grave.
Now return all the way back to the kitchen, then go through the door on the left to find a pantry. Use your key on the locked drawer towards the right - you will make a note (5/27). Take items from within the drawer to get a handle, a piece of metal and another note (6/27).
Make your way back to the greenhouse. Look at the base of the statue to the far left to see a puzzle. Use the piece of metal so there are 4 pieces around the edge of the puzzle. Now you need to select and attach each of these 4 pieces to complete the puzzle in this order:
- Top-right piece
- Bottom-left piece
- Top-left piece
- Bottom-right piece
Once the statue's arm lowers, take the glass from it. Combine this with the handle in your inventory to create the Lens of Truth In plain sight. Return to the entrance hall and use the Lens of Truth on the book on the small table - drag the lens over the eye symbols to reveal the text and image on the pages. Exit the book to make a note (7/27).
Return to the greenhouse and pick the pansies from the left. Go inside and left to the dining room, then put the pansies in the vase on the dining table. Go out to the entrance hall so the butterfly heads to the pansies. Go to the dining room again, and capture the butterfly in your empty jar. Head right, then upstairs to the right, and over to the door that is ajar on the right. Use your butterfly here Beauty.
Chapter 2
Bring Me Determination
Pick up the book from the ground and you will automatically open it. Go to the section on Determination, and you will turn to the page titled Snail. After reading this, close the book and head upstairs to the kitchen. Continue right twice and head outside, then enter the shed on the right. Pick up the screwdriver from the floor.
Head back into the entrance hall and go through the door that is ajar on the left, into a study. Look at the painting on the wall and use the Lens of Truth on it, then back out to make a note (8/27). Go over and take the Runic Key from the open desk drawer on the left Free entry. Look at the picture on the desk to make a note (9/27).
Now examine the locked desk drawer on the right. You will use the Runic Key to open it. There are 4 key segments and each can be moved up or down by up to 9 steps. You can also see the lock tumblers on the right, and you must adjust the key segments to move the tumblers so they all line up. Adjust the tumblers and insert the key - don't try to unlock the drawer until the tumblers are aligned properly. Once they are aligned, unlock the drawer.
Take some pages from the desk drawer to make a note (10/27), then take another page to make another note (11/27). Go over to the bottles on the left side of the room, and rearrange them from left to right according to the 2-page letter from Kat that you collected:
- Angel Island
- Burning Marble Valley
- Labyrinth Seas
- Mystic Cave
- Misty Mountain
Take the orb from inside the globe that opens in the corner of the room. Next look at the bookshelves to the left. Based on the other note you collected from the desk, you need to move a series of green books that give the shape of Temperance (look in the front of your notebook to see this is a cross symbol). Move these books:
- Top Row: Middle book
- Second Row: Far left book, middle book, far right book
- Third Row: None
- Bottom Row: Middle book
The door will open, so you can return to the entrance hall. Next go to the door on the far right. Use your Runic Key on the door to unlock it, then go through into a utility closet. Pick up the can from the floor. Leave here and go outside and into the shed. Open the locked drawer with your Runic Key, then take out the handle.
Return into the house, then go left, then up through the wooden door with water coming out beneath it. In the bathroom, attach the handle to the pipe, then turn it to stop the water flowing. Open the first aid cabinet on the left wall and take out the adhesive tape. Leave the bathroom, then go left and up into the pantry. Use your Runic Key on the bottom left drawer to unlock it. Note that this is the first "complex" lock with an orange segment that gradually resets that part of the key, so once inserting the key you need to choose to unlock it quickly (or set that segment further away than it needs to be to start with). Make sure you don't try to unlock it if the key isn't set correctly, as there is an achievement for unlocking a complex lock on the first attempt Sharp-eared. Take the strainer from the drawer once it is open.
Go back out to the greenhouse. Use the orb on the statue to the far left, and it will move aside, revealing an opening. Go through the opening to find a secret garden. Place your strainer over the pipe where water is slowly dripping, then use your adhesive tape to hold the strainer in position. Turn the tap slightly, and water will gently rain down onto the rocks around the pond. Now turn the tap fully on, and you will get the bird to fly away. Once the snail emerges, use your can to capture it.
Leave here and return inside and upstairs to the right. Go to the doorway where you handed over the butterfly, and use the snail Determination.
Chapter 3
Bring Me Intelligence
Pick up the book from the ground and you will automatically open it. Go to the section on Intelligence, and you will turn to the page titled Spider. After reading this, close the book and head upstairs to the kitchen. Continue right twice and head outside, then go past the shed and down through the doors into a cellar.
Pick up the doll from the floor. Examine the wine magazines and use your Lens of Truth, then back out to make a note (12/27). Now examine the pink box in the shelves. The goal here is to lower the moon buttons and raise the sun buttons. Number the buttons as follows:
One solution is to press the buttons in this order: 1, 4, 16, 13, 2, 10, 12, 7, 1, 4, 13, 16. You will make a note (13/27). Take the message from inside the box to make another note (14/27), then also take the bottle of wine. Leave here and go all the way back to the basement where you wake up. Use your Runic Key on the door to the right, then go through to a wine cellar. Look at the wine rack, and use the bottle of wine from your inventory. Now insert the bottles into the rack according to the information from the wine magazine:
Take the little wooden box that is revealed. Separate this in your inventory to find the Teleport Charm No time to lose. You can view your teleport map by pressing the left Ctrl key (by default), but you first need to activate the teleport runes at each location.
Leave this room and activate the teleport rune (1/6) over near the barrels to the left. Go back up to the entrance hall and activate another teleport rune (2/6) on the stairs. Staying downstairs, look at the door outline on the wall just to the right. Use the Lens of Truth here to reveal the symbol for Discretion. Back out to make a note (15/27). Go through the door that is ajar on the left to return into the study. Look at the bookshelves on the left and move these books:
- Top Row: Far left book, far right book
- Second Row: None
- Third Row: None
- Bottom Row: Far left book, middle book, far right book
The door here is now locked, but you can teleport back out to the entrance hall. Go through the new open door beneath the stairs on the right - you will end up trapped in a dungeon. Pick up the shoe from the right. Open the iron maiden on the right with your Runic Key Voodoo. Pick up the piece of paper from the floor, then back out to make a note (16/27). Walk left to make the spider climb up through the ceiling, then teleport back up to the entrance hall.
Go through the door on the right into the utility closet. As you walk right, the spider will climb down again. Use your cruet on the hole in the floor. Return left, and through the door beneath the stairs to return to the dungeon.
Walk toward the spider and it will fall to the floor. Chase the spider so that it runs through the cruet on the floor, then quickly use your little wooden box to capture it. Teleport to the entrance hall, then continue upstairs to the right. Go to the doorway where you handed over the snail, and use the spider Intelligence.
Chapter 4
Bring Me Strength
Pick up the book from the ground and you will automatically open it. Go to the section on Strength, and you will turn to the page titled Beetle. After reading this, close the book and teleport to the entrance hall. Go upstairs to the left and through a new open door.
In this small hallway, examine the painting on the wall and use the Lens of Truth on it. Back out to make a note (17/27). Take the dreamcatcher from the middle door, then go through this door into Clem's bedroom. Pick up some pages from the table, then back out to make a note (18/27). Also pick up the purple flyer from the table, then back out to make a note (19/27). There is an achievement for getting the flyer Awesome. Pick up the pencil from the other side of the table, then separate it in your inventory to get a gemstone. Look at the chalkboard and use your Lens of Truth on it, then back out to make another note (20/27). Activate the teleport rune (3/6) on the floor to the left.
Leave this room, then go through the left door into the master bedroom. Take the bottle from on top of the dresser. Use your Runic Key to unlock the locked dresser drawer, then take out the clock hand. Look at the picture on the bed, then back out to make a note (21/27). Teleport to the entrance hall, then go left to the dining room.
Examine the clock, then attach your clock hand to reveal a series of 3 symbols. Use the symbols you recently added to your notebook to work out you need to set the clock to these 3 times:
- 4:39
- 7:21
- 11:56
Pick up the cog that falls to the floor. Combine this with the doll in your inventory. Examine the picture on the right and use the Lens of Truth on it, then back out to make another note (22/27). Go right to the entrance hall. Use the 2 notes you have made about the piano keyboard, then examine the piano and press these notes:
- E flat (second white key)
- C (first black key)
- G (fifth black key)
Now you can take the spring from inside the piano. Combine this with the doll in your inventory. Return down to the dungeon. Put your completed doll in the font to the left, and you will get Marvin the Marble Bug tea.
Teleport to the basement, then climb upstairs and go through the door into the pantry. Examine the small hole on the right, and you will end up inside as Marvin the Marble. Make your way through the maze, moving the wooden boards out of the way. You will eventually knock a box of food down to the ground so you can pick it up. Separate this in your inventory to get some oats and a box.
Go out to the greenhouse. Activate the teleport rune (4/6) on the floor near the statue. Now examine the drainage hole just to the right, and you will end up inside as Marvin the Marble. Make your way through the maze. In the middle you need to use the handles to rotate a metal ring so you can eventually reach a white bug egg - you will automatically leave the maze at this point. Leave the greenhouse and go right past the shed. Examine the hole in the base of the tree, and you will end up inside as Marvin the Marble. In this maze, you need to roll nuts around initially to open a path, then to hold sticks in place. You will eventually make it inside the tree house.
Activate the teleport rune (5/6) on the carpet. Pick up the slingshot from the floor, then combine it with the gemstone in your inventory. Walk out to the left and read the book, then back out to make a note (23/27). Use your slingshot on the beehive, and honey will start dripping down to the ground. Return into the tree house and use the hole to appear back on the ground. Use your bottle to collect the honey that is dripping from the beehive. Teleport back up to the tree house.
Examine the incubator on the right side of the room. Use the bug egg from your inventory to place it in the middle. Use the oats and honey next, and you will mix them together on the left. Now follow these instructions based on the book on the tree house balcony:
- Turn the temperature to maximum.
Advance time until the egg becomes a larva.
Stop advancing time.
- Turn the temperature to medium.
Advance time so the larva eats, but stop each time parasites appear.
Turn the temperature up to maximum and advance time to kill the parasites.
Turn the temperature back to medium and advance time again.
Repeat until the larva becomes a pupa.
Stop advancing time.
- Turn the temperature up to maximum and advance time.
When the pupa starts to sweat, turn the temperature down, then advance time.
When the pupa starts to freeze, turn the temperature up, then advance time.
- When the beetle appears, back out completely.
Use your box to collect the beetle. Teleport to the entrance hall, then continue upstairs to the right. Go to the doorway where you handed over the spider, and use the beetle Strength.
Chapter 5
Bring Me Hope
Pick up the book from the ground and you will automatically open it. Go to the section on Hope, and you will turn to the page titled Firefly. After reading this, close the book and head to the entrance hall - you will see another creature that looks like you go through the top right door and secure it so you cannot get through. Continue right into the utility closet. Examine the opened grate in the right wall, and you will end up inside as Marvin the Marble. Make your way through the maze that includes one-way doors, and you will end up reaching the upstairs landing. Climb up the ladder to reach the attic.
Activate the teleport rune (6/6) on the right. Now make sure teleport to each of the 6 runes Next stop. Open the large black trunk on the left with your Runic Key. Take the Hat of Memories Black and white.
Go through the door on the right and pick up the gemstone, then combine it with the pencil in your inventory. Return to the left and examine the notebook, then back out to make a note (24/27). Now use your Hat of Memories. Use the pencil on the glowing symbol, then press the correct direction arrows to draw the symbol and view a memory. There is an achievement for doing this on the first attempt Equivalent exchange.
There will be a firefly here now, but you cannot catch it yet. Teleport to Clem's bedroom, then walk down and left to the master bedroom. Examine the safe in the floor, and number the buttons as follows:
You will be given 3 numerical series to complete, which are random each game. They all involve adding, multiplying or subtracting the same number repeatedly, and you must press the button corresponding with the next number in the series. Once you get all 3 correct, the safe will open and you will make a note (25/27). Take the jewellery box.
Teleport to the entrance hall. Go outside and enter the shed. Now use your Hat of Memories. Use the screwdriver on the glowing symbol, then press the correct direction arrows to draw the symbol and view a memory. You will automatically make a note (26/27). Take the battery from the opened drawer. Next head through the greenhouse to the secret garden. Use your Hat of Memories again. Use the shoe on the glowing symbol, then press the correct direction arrows to draw the symbol and view a memory. Pick up the stick from the ground. Teleport to the entrance hall again, then go left into the study. Use your Hat of Memories. Use the dreamcatcher on the glowing symbol, then press the correct direction arrows to draw the symbol and view a memory. Pick up the bulb from the carpet.
Now teleport up to the attic. Examine the brown switchboard on the box. Add your battery, jewellery box and bulb to complete it. Now you can adjust the up and down switches to set the pattern for when the bulb turns on and off. If you back out, you can see that the firefly is also lighting up in a pattern - you need to set the switches so the pattern on the bulb perfectly matches the pattern on the firefly. Once this is done, the firefly will enter the jewellery box. Pick it up.
Climb down the ladder, then go to the right doorway and use the firefly Hope.
Read the paper on the desk to the left, then back out to make a note (27/27). There is an achievement for making all notes in the notebook Research project. Now there are two possible endings. After completing one, you can continue the game from just before handing over the firefly to try the other one.
Good Ending
Use your Hat of Memories. Use the stick on the glowing symbol, then press the correct direction arrows to draw the symbol and view a memory. Look at the note on the ground, then use the Lens of Truth on it. Press and hold Space Forgiveness.
Bad Ending
Pick up the 5 bugs in jars. Using the information from your notebook, place the 5 bugs in the 5 circles within the floor pattern 37:
- Top: Determination (snail)
- Top Left: Strength (beetle)
- Top Right: Hope (firefly)
- Bottom Left: Intelligence (spider)
- Bottom Right: Beauty (butterfly)