Pyramids and Aliens
Escape Room
Game Details: Puzzle, 2024
Steam Achievements: Completed (10/10)
Links: Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 12/13/2024
Suggested Listening: Help Me Out (Ash 25)
Initial Room
Read the book on the pedestal to the right, paying attention to what happens at each of the 4 phases of the day. Now examine each of the 4 pictures on the walls and press the correct button above each one:
- Near Left: Beetle on top of the pyramid (night)
- Far Left: Hawk in the skies (sunrise)
- Near Right: Cat at the river (noon)
- Far Right: Beetle at base of pyramid (evening)
Five scorpion buttons in the floor will now rise up. You need to pay attention to which way each scorpion is facing, then step on the buttons in that order. Start from the one opposite the book on the pedestal, and end at the one in front of the large scorpion picture on the wall. The scorpion picture will disappear, leaving a series of symbols. You need to trace the positions of these symbols on the round image near the door - each row of symbols will lead to drawing a number. Enter these numbers next to the round image: 1756. The door will open INITIAL ROOM.
Go through to the central room of the pyramid.
Central Room
Look at the large board on the right, which has 3 symbols on it. This leads you to examine 3 other objects:
- Look at the panel on the wall behind you, near the door you came through, and find the symbol in row 3 from the top, and column 4 from the left (3 swords).
- Find a mask up the stairs to the right that matches the shape, and note the symbol on it (rope, circle, rope).
- Find a vase up the stairs straight ahead with a matching pattern, and note the symbol on it (shield with 3 small symbols).
Now examine the round pedestal in the middle of the floor, which has a triangle on the top. You need to rotate the triangle using the buttons on the side, then press the triangle when it is pointing at the correct 3 symbols in order:
- 3 swords (9 o'clock position)
- Ropes and circle (3 o'clock position)
- Shield (6 o'clock position)
Take Spheres A, B, C and D from the top of this pedestal. Now head up the stairs on the left side of the room. Approach the left door and solve the sliding puzzle (move the sphere to the ending target), then go through the opened door.
Treasure Room
Look at the triangles puzzle on the right as you enter this room. The completed triangle on the right explains how the puzzle works - the numbers along the edges must add up to the totals on the extra panels at the corners. You need to slot in pieces to the left triangle in the same way:
Take the Scarab head from the opened compartment. Look around the room to find 4 panels containing partial details of 6 scarabs. Go to the other puzzle at the top of the stairs and place the information about these scarabs together. From left to right, they should have these features:
- Wings, blue shell, red sphere, 1 diamond
- Legs, pink shell, yellow sphere, 3 diamonds
- Legs, blue shell, yellow sphere, 2 diamonds
- Legs, green shell, red sphere, 3 diamonds
- Wings, pink shell, red sphere, 3 diamonds
- Wings, pink shell, red sphere, 1 diamond
Take the Scarab left wing from the opened compartment. Now head down the stairs and examine the puzzle in the fall wall. There are 6 weights around the edges of the puzzle, and you need to place 3 at a time onto the platforms. You need to end up with total weights of 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 - each time you reach one of these totals, one of the tiles will turn around. The individual weights are as follows:
Take the Scarab right wing from the opened compartment. Go to the back of the central pillar and insert the 3 scarab pieces, then examine the front of the pillar to see another puzzle. Go around the room and examine the artifacts depicted to find matching symbols on their reverse sides, then set them as follows from top to bottom:
- Musician (3 clicks)
- Woman with both arms up (4 clicks)
- Man sitting on throne (2 clicks)
- Woman with flowers (1 click)
The bottom of the pillar will open TREASURE ROOM. Take Key B.
Return out to the central room and approach the other door on this side of the room. Solve the sliding puzzle (move the sphere to the ending target), then go through the opened door.
Burial Chamber
Collect Cartouche A from the left, Cartouches B from the right, and Cartouches C from the turtle platform in the lower part of the room. Now approach the large grid on the side wall and you will automatically use all of the cartouches. Highlight each of the words from the cartouches on the grid as follows:
Pay attention to the symbols highlighted in green. Go back up the stairs and examine the book and locked chest. Translate the symbols you just saw and enter the code OSIRIS. Look at the 4 symbols on the piece of paper inside the chest once it opens. Go to the other end of the raised part of the room and look at the large mechanism. You can rotate the disc and move it around, displaying 3 birds at a time. There are 4 positions where you can find 3 identical birds, and you must notice both the type of bird, and the symbol over which the ball rolls. Go around to each of the 4 statues and change the bird symbols on them to match what you have found:
- Dog: Duck looking left with sun
- Turtle: Eagle looking left with slightly spread wings
- Eagle: Owl looking towards you
- Cat: Pigeon looking right
Examine the weapons that are revealed in front of each statue. Approach the sarcophagus against the far wall and examine the puzzle on it. Based on the weapons and the paper in the chest, you can select these weapons from top to bottom:
- Triangle: Wavy dagger
- Square: Khopesh (curved sword)
- Diamond: Staff
- Circle: Scimitar (short sword)
A secret path will be opened, so go down the stairs and forward into a new chamber. Read the message on the left. Examine the red chest in the corner. You need to count how many of each object are in the room. Enter the code 5035173. Take out the cryptex and flip it over. Go to the sarcophagus and enter the code ELISEOS. A compartment will open BURIAL CHAMBER. Take Key A.
Return out to the central room and approach the door on the other side of the room. Solve the 2 sliding puzzles (move the spheres to the ending targets), then go through the left door.
Twin Rooms
Look through the eye door in each room and pay attention to where you see the 4 statues on the shelves. Enter the left room and look at the puzzle along the right side of the far wall. You need to drag the statue symbols to the correct positions:
- Green: Sarcophagus, Square Pillar
- Blue: Round Pillar, Snakes Statue
- Red: Square Pillar, Round Pillar
- White: Snakes Statue, Sarcophagus
The doors between the rooms will now open. Look at the 4 flower symbols on the wall in the left room, then follow the lines up to the ceiling and through to the right room, noting which line connects to the flowers in here. Now look at the circular puzzle on the wall. From the starting position, if the flower positions are numbered 1-10 from the 1 o'clock position, flip these flowers: 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9. Take the Camel Key.
Use this key in the chest in the right room, then select groups of 3 camels to work out their relative speeds. Go back to the left room and examine the camel puzzle on the table - drag the colored camel symbols into the correct speed order:
Take note of the symbols shown on the puzzle once you are done. Turn left to look at a puzzle on the wall involving a sphere dropping down over some sloped platforms. Press the third button from the top. Once the ball has rolled half way along the middle platform, press the third button again, followed by the fourth button. Pick up the Sphere.
Find a puzzle on another table in this room where you will automatically insert your sphere. Now you need to press the buttons to get the triangles all aligned around your sphere. Press them as follows:
- Bottom-right button 4 times
- Bottom-left button 2 times
- Top-left button once
Take note of the symbols shown on the puzzle once you are done. Head to the room in the middle with the 8 statues, and examine the puzzle on the wall. You need to align all of the musical symbols in 1 row, and have all the colors matching vertically. Press the buttons around the edge in this order:
Take note of the symbols shown on the puzzle once you are done. Head to the right room and read the book here. Now look at the puzzle on the right wall. Look back at the solved puzzles, and look for rows where the gods on the ends are facing away from each other - you need to enter the rest of the symbols in these rows into this puzzle. From the starting position (with only ankhs showing), click on the symbols this number of times:
A compartment will open TWIN ROOMS. Take Key C. Return out to the central room.
Central Room
Approach the puzzle straight ahead up the stairs - you will automatically insert your 3 keys. When you press the red button, the marker will start sliding across the top of the puzzle - as it passes by the various symbols, the matching key must be pointing in the correct direction. Do this successfully all the way until the marker reaches the far right. Go through the opened door into a new area.
Teleport Room
There are 4 small terminals in this room, and one main panel at the far end. Each of the 4 small terminals requires some form of input based on the display on the main panel:
- Terminal 1 (Near Right)
Look at the round holes on the 4 symbols and enter this code: Up, down, right, left.
- Terminal 2 (Far Right)
Count the blue lights on the 4 symbols and enter this code by pressing shapes with these numbers of triangles: 3, 6, 2, 7.
- Terminal 3 (Far Left)
Find the semicircles on the 4 symbols and select buttons that combine the pairs of images at these spots. Press the buttons along the bottom in this order: 4th, 2nd, 1st, 3rd.
- Terminal 4 (Near Left)
Count the number of diamonds in the upper left quadrants of the 4 symbols and enter this code: 2, 1, 3, 1.
Go up the stairs and through the portal PYRAMID.
Alien Temple
Teleport Room
Look at the 2 columns of symbols that you can see near the windows behind the portal. Approach the door at the other end of the room, and examine the puzzle. You need to click on the symbols so they end up in the correct columns. Press the symbols in this order: Right, right, right, left, left, right, right, left, right, left. The door will now open TELEPORT ROOM.
Central Room
Look at the large panel up the stairs on the right, which shows 3 grid positions associated with each of the 4 symbols. Now examine the left door on the left side of the room. Highlight the squares associated with the marked symbols (allowing for flipping and rotating the symbols):
Go to the other door on this side of the room and highlight these squares:
Finally go to the door on the other side of the room and highlight these squares:
Go through the first door that you opened.
Look at each of the 3 small floating spheres around the room and carefully watch their movements:
- Triangle: Right, right, up
- Square: Left, right, down, left
- Pentagon: Up, up, left, down, right
Find the computer panel on the far side of the desk from the entrance, which shows the 3 shapes and a series of buttons. Press the buttons that correspond to these movements in order:
Take the Fuse. Examine the puzzle on the table to the right of the floating sphere with the square symbol - flip the panels to find valid paths connecting each pair of identical shapes, paying attention to where the crosses are located. Now look in the shelves opposite where you just found the fuse. After automatically inserting the fuse, press the buttons that correspond with the positions of crosses in the 3 valid paths you just found:
Take Floppy Disk A. Go around the room to find a puzzle in the opposite shelves. On the right of this puzzle are 4 pairs of horizontal symbols. Find a book on the corner of the central desk that has these symbols around the edge, with 3 rotating discs. You need to find a path connecting the pairs of symbols from the puzzle. Go back to the puzzle and press the buttons corresponding to these paths:
Take Floppy Disk C. Next find a computer panel on another corner of the central desk, which has an adjacent letter about translating the alien language. You need to explore each of the available rooms and work out what the symbols mean. On the computer panel, label the buttons as follows:
Now you need to press the buttons to correspond with the 8 words in the key mentioned in the letter:
- Scientist: D8
- Burned: A7
- Body: B5
- Laboratory: C8
- Librarian: D2
- Planted: A4
- Flower: B4
- Museum: C1
Take Floppy Disk B. Examine a box on the side of the central desk nearest to the door, which has 14 numbered sliders that can be pushed in or out. The numbers that are just inside the box should correspond to the lit symbols on the matching bookcases around the edge of the room:
Once the box opens, take out the Empty biomedicine. Go to the left corner of the room and examine the last large puzzle - you will automatically insert the 3 floppy disks. Press the button on the right screen to cycle through 4 colored symbols. Now you need to click on the smaller symbols that make up these symbols, so the colors match:
The machine will open LIBRARY, and you can take Alien Key A. Return out to the central room and go through the second door on this side of the room.
Go forward to the second part of the room and look at the first puzzle on the right. You will automatically insert your empty biomedicine. Now you need information from the plants on display in the museum (to get the alien names of the plants), and from a tablet back in the library that showed 3 symbols associated with each of the 6 plants. Come back to the puzzle in the biolaboratory. If the buttons are numbered 1-5 from left to right, you need to press these buttons:
- Red Mushroom: 3, 2, 4
- Purple Fern: 1, 3, 2
- Pink Flowers: 1, 3, 4
Take Biomedicine A. Go over to the machines on the opposite side of the room. On the left is a machine that generates sand patterns based on different sounds. On the right is a machine that generates a series of sounds in order. Examine the large machine in the middle and press the buttons corresponding with the sand patterns in the order according to the generated sounds. If the buttons are numbered 1-7 from left to right, press them in this order: 3, 4, 7, 2, 5, 3. Once the machine opens, take Biomedicine B.
Make your way over to the other side of the room again. Drag each of the large boxes into the x-ray machine to see a glowing symbol displayed on them. Now look at the display to the left, where you need to combine two of these symbols vertically. From the starting position, click on each of the symbols the following number of times:
Once the machine opens, take Biomedicine C. Go back out to the 3 glowing chambers near the entrance to this room and insert the 3 biomedicines. Look at the EKG tracings and the 4 symbols that they each pass through. Now go to the final machine at the far end of the room. This has a series of 8 buttons in a dial, corresponding to directions. Beneath these buttons is an image containing the symbols from the EKG tracings. You need to press the direction buttons that show the path of the symbols for each EKG in order:
- Green EKG: Down-Left, Right, Up-Left
- Red EKG: Down, Up-Right, Left
- Blue EKG: Right, Down-Left, Right
The machine will slide down and reveal a new path BIOLABORATORY. Go through and read the letter on the left, then approach the end of the room and take Alien Key C. Return out to the central room and go through the door on the other side of the room.
Look on a pillar in the right side of the room to see a series of 6 symbols. Go back to the biolaboratory to see these same 6 symbols, and the objects with which they are associated. Return to the museum and go to the central device. Press the large button at the bottom to reveal a spinning cube containing an object. If you press the directional buttons you will see different objects appear within the cube. You need to work out the correct order of directions to replicate the series shown on the pillar:
- Down
- Left
- Down
- Left
- Down
Go back to the pillar and press the buttons in this same order. Have a look at the information on the small screen that is now available in this pillar. This shows a layout of the room, and the five diamonds on the ground with eye symbols. Stand on each of these and look at the painting of the moons - you will see a different number of moons from each vantage point. Go to the puzzle in the far left corner of the room, which has 5 buttons. Press them in the order of numbers of visible moons: 3, 4, 5, 2, 1. Once the slot opens, take Disk Key A.
Look at the displayed items in the room and you will see 4 triangular artifacts. Go over to the triangle puzzle on the wall, where you must recreate these by dragging triangles from around the edges into the central pattern. Drag the triangles from the edges of the diagram below into the matching labeled slots in the middle:
Once the slot opens, take Disk Key B. Go back out to the central room and insert your two disk keys in the two tall machines, then pay attention to the order of lights that are displayed. Return to the museum and approach the final puzzle in the corner. Press the buttons in order according to what you saw out in the central room:
A slot will open in the bottom of the machine MUSEUM. Take Alien Key B. Return out to the central room.
Central Room
Approach the puzzle at the end of the room - you will automatically insert your 3 alien keys. When you press the central button, the marker will start sliding around the edge of the puzzle - as it passes by the various symbols, the matching keys must be pointing in the correct directions. Do this successfully all the way until the marker reaches the top again. Go through the opened door into a new area.
Final Room
Walk forward until you meet the professor in his new form. Examine the machine on the left first. You need to get all the symbols to point to the right, by clicking on different symbols repeatedly (each one either moves 1 or 2 symbols). Once you are done, pay attention to the order in which they light up.
Now examine the machine on the right. You need to get all the symbols to point inwards, by clicking on different symbols repeatedly (each one either moves 1 or 2 groups of symbols. Once you are done, pay attention to the order in which they light up.
Approach the professor and solve his puzzle in one of two ways. You can choose to stay by pressing the red buttons in this order:
Or you can choose to leave by pressing the blue buttons in this order:
Either way, press the button at the bottom when you are done, then walk forward to the ending ESCAPE.