Silver Chains
Game Details: Horror, 2019
Steam Achievements: Completed (16/16)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 4/20/2024
Suggested Listening: Give Up Now (Ash 25)
Car Crash
After waking up, head straight forward along the path towards the house. You will blackout several times, but eventually make it to the front door. Everything will then go dark.
Second Floor
You will see a vision or dream with a burning tree, then you will wake up in a bedroom. In your inventory will be a locket - this is the first amulet (1/5). Look around to the left to find a small room with lots of dolls hanging from the ceiling. Pull the cord in this room to activate a light. There is a lantern hanging from a string here, but you will need scissors to be able to cut the rope. The door here is locked.
Return to the bedroom and go through the other door here into a small bathroom. Keep going through the next door, then approach the mirror on the dresser to see a message: "the key in the library". There is a locked music box on the dresser here. Just to the left, take the scissors and a diary page (1/13) that are stuck to a closed door.
Go back to the room with the hanging dolls and use the scissors to get the lantern, then start using it. Go back to get you found the scissors, then open the door to the left. You can now continue through here since you have some light. Crawl through the low opening, then open the next door to find a corridor with a large hole in the floor. Turn right and go to the end of this corridor - follow the ball and a boy will come out to grab it Welcome.
Continue into the living room and pick up the fire iron from next to the fireplace. Go over to the tea table at the opposite end of the room and pick up the next diary page (2/13). Turn left and open the next door, then go through into another bedroom. Approach the door with the light beneath it, and a note will be pushed beneath the door - read it to see the message "Let's play".
Return to the living room and go straight across towards the bathroom, but the door will close when you approach. Turn off the gramophone, then enter the bathroom. Reach into the bathtub and you will be drag forwards. Once you recover, pick up the paper boat and unfold it to read a message. Go back to the bedroom with the note beneath the door, and there will be an envelope on the floor. Pick this up and read the "Come in" message, then turn it over and take out a key. Use this to get into the room straight ahead. Look up at the right wall to see a hole in the wall. Push the chest on the floor so that it is beneath the hole, then climb up to look through the hole. Play a minigame where you need to keep the fire iron steady, and you will end up with another key.
Go back to the previous room and use this key to open the padlock on the other door, then open the door. Go through to find a landing with stairs leading up and down. Head downstairs.
First Floor
Go through the door to find a kitchen. Take the diary page (3/13) from the stove. Look on the wall to the left of one of the other doors here to see some names Eagle eye. Go through this door to find the dining room, then continue through the double doors to the right of the lit fireplace. Approach the girl in the corner, who gives you a warning and then vanishes. Continue through more double doors to find a piano room. Go over to the piano to get the next diary page (4/13). Play the piano, and a door will open in the distance The Pianist.
Leave through the other double doors from this room. Continue along a short hallway and through the doors at the other end. You will find a large sitting room with a lit fireplace. Head over to the stairs and go up.
Second Floor
While you are going up the stairs, the Mother will enter the sitting room. Run to the top of the stairs and turn left, hiding in the cupboard that the girl points to. Wait here to hide (1/6), then exit again once the Mother has left. Go through the door next to the wardrobe. Pick up the small lever on the table next to the lamp in the middle of the room. Go back out to the corridor and you will hear something from behind the closet where you hid. Go around to the other side and push the closet to reveal a narrow passage. Head along here, and you will hear a whisper that the Mother is returning. Run straight ahead and get into a second cupboard to hide (2/6).
Exit the cupboard once the Mother has left, and you will find yourself in a classroom. Read the diary page (5/13) on the teacher's desk. Go back to the middle of the classroom and open the book on one of the other desks, reading the note inside. Several pieces of furniture will move, and there is a message for you on the blackboard. You have to find 3 pieces of a photograph, in these locations:
- On the far side of a bookshelf in the far left corner of the room
- On a desk against the right wall of the room
- In the small photo frame on the teacher's desk
Place all 3 pieces of the photograph on the blackboard to complete the photo Restorer. Leave the room through the opened door. Turn left and go to the end of the corridor, through the open doorway to the left. Go past the fireplace and pull the light fitting on the wall to open a secret door. Enter a small bedroom where you will hear muffled crying. Notice the picture on the wall, which describes "the lamp's secret". Also pick up another diary page (6/13) from the table.
Go back through the room with the fireplace into the corridor - there will be a bandaged man in a chair that will disappear when you come close. Keep going all the way back to the room with the lamp. Examine the lamp, then follow the directions you saw in the picture on the wall:
- rotate 5 times clockwise
- rotate 3 times counterclockwise
- rotate 6 times clockwise
You just need the handle to move this much, not entire rotations of the lamp itself. Once you are down, the drawer will open and you can take a key from inside the lamp base. Leave this room again and go back through the classroom. As you exit the classroom, use the key on the padlocked doors straight ahead.
You will be at the base of a paired staircase. Go into the room on the left, and take the monocle that is hanging on the right wall of this room. Use the monocle and look for a glowing symbol on the floor. Walk towards the wall in the direction it indicates and move slightly to the right, then press to reveal a secret wall. Remove the monocle again and enter the secret room. Use the Ouija board until the puppet points back into the previous room. Go there and use the monocle to look at the map on the wall.
Go out to the paired staircase, going all the way to the top of the stairs.
Third Floor
Turn right and go through the large archway. Turn left at the end and follow this corridor to the end. Turn around and go back along the corridor, opening a door on the right wall. Enter a small room filled with covered furniture. Grab the fleur-de-lis from the bottom of the portrait on the wall, then immediately get into the nearby cupboard to hide (3/6) from the Mother.
Return out to the paired staircases and go all the way down to the first floor - on one of the small landings between the floors, pick up a statue head.
First Floor
Turn left and go through some open doors. Continue to the end of the corridor and open the doors for a jump scare. This room is a small study. Go to the desk to collect a diary page (7/13). Examine the portrait on the wall behind the desk and attach the fleur-de-lis. Now you need to turn the 4 fleur-de-lis symbols to point in these directions:
- north (turn 0 times)
- northwest (turn 7 times)
- northeast (turn 1 time)
- south (turn 4 times)
Take Georgie's leg from behind the portrait Inquisitive. Leave here and go back to the paired staircases. Go up to the second floor.
Second Floor
Turn right and go through to the Ouija board to use it again. Head back to the stairs and up to the top level.
Third Floor
Turn right and go through the large archway. Turn left at the end and follow this corridor to the end. Go through the door on the right and get ready to run quickly through a maze. Make it to the end and collect Georgie's jaw from the table within 60 seconds Theseus. Now go through the exit door into a small bathroom, then leave this room. Turn left and return to the stairs, then go down to the second floor.
Second Floor
Turn right and go through to the Ouija board to use it again. Return to the stairs and head into the classroom again. Turn left immediately to head back towards the other staircase. Turn right and go past the fallen cupboard, then go through the door on the left (with the red circle on it).
Head over to the table in here to get a diary page (8/13). Read the note on top of the chest of drawers against the opposite wall. Push this chest of drawers, then inspect the hole in the wall.
Chase Timmy back to the paired staircases and then up to the top floor.
Third Floor
Keep chasing the boy to the left. Keep going towards the ladder up to the attic, but it will disappear before you can get there. Return down the stairs again.
Second Floor
Turn right and go through to the Ouija board to use it again. You will get another key and some more instructions. Head back out towards the fallen cupboard again, and go down the stairs here.
First Floor
Use your new key on the padlock on the doors to the library, then head inside. Go forward towards the bookshelves, where you will be instructed to find the picture of the sun. Turn to the right and look at the walls between the bookshelves until you find a sun symbol. Open a secret panel here, then take the key from inside Keymaster. Turn around and pick up the aconite (1/5) from the small table. Exit the library and go up the stairs again.
Second Floor
Make your way back to the room with the Ouija board to find that the puppet is gone. Leave this room and turn left before reaching the classroom, then go through the doorway on the left and crawl through the hole near the floor. Go through the doorway to the right and use your new key to unlock the music box on the dresser. Play the minigame (just press the buttons when prompted) to open the music box Musician. Take the brooch from inside, which is the next amulet (2/5). Immediately hide (4/6) in the cupboard to the left - you will be caught by the Mother despite hiding here.
Walk towards the large tree and take the diary page (9/13) from the trunk. After the tree burns, turn around and take a another diary page (10/13) from the Mother - this diary page also gives you a ring, which is an amulet (3/5). Turn and walk away from her, then turn back around again.
You will wake up in a master bedroom. Look on the bedside table for a diary page (11/13). Go over to the sewing machine on a small table to find another diary page (12/13). Now look in the chest at the foot of the bed and click on the doll parts.
Now you will be in a red vision. Chase after a series of 3 dolls - kill the first 2 with your axe, then head towards the third one and the vision will end Obsession.
Listen to Georgie in the rocking chair, then go to open the door to leave this room and you will be knocked out.
Turn around, then go to the right and follow Ellie to the desk where she is writing. Talk to her, then take the wooden soldier, which is another amulet (4/5). Read the note on the desk. Turn around from the desk and go left. Follow the passage and crawl beneath the fallen wooden beams. Go forward a little more, then pick up the book and take out the aconite (2/5). Continue forward and climb down the ladder.
Third Floor
Turn around and follow the red trail on the floor through an open door. Look on the small table to get the final diary page (13/13) Diligent. Also pick up the ball, which is the final amulet (5/5) Keeper.
Leave this room and turn right. Go back to the paired staircases and head down.
Second Floor
Go towards the classroom and turn left, then go through the left doorway and crawl through the low hole. Make your way back to where the final doll in the vision was hiding, and push the small chest of drawers. Crawl through the new hole, then turn left and climb the stairs.
Third Floor
You will find yourself in a large study. Put your statue head on the headless statue, then tilt the head forwards. Find 2 other statues in the room and tilt their heads as well. Some bookcases will move aside, opening a path to a secret room. Go inside and collect the aconite (3/5) from the desk. Leave this room and find another door around to the right - unlatch this and push it open.
Go straight along this corridor and into the one directly opposite. At the far end you will see a doll on the ceiling, and the number 6896 written in blood. If you read this from the doll's perspective the number is 9689. Turn right and enter this code into the lock (IX, VI, VIII, IX). Open the door and go inside to collect the next aconite (4/5).
Leave this room and turn left to return to the paired staircases. Head down to the level below.
Second Floor
Enter the classroom and turn left, going along the narrow passage. Turn around to the left to see the hole in the floor. Use the monocle here to see a ladder that you can climb down.
First Floor
Grab the final aconite (5/5) The Herbalist. Now the Mother will come into the room - go left first, then dodge around the furniture to the right and leave through the door where she appeared. Turn left and head upstairs.
Second Floor
Go straight into the classroom and hide (5/6) in the cupboard on the right. Once the danger is over, leave the classroom and go up the paired staircases.
Third Floor
Turn left and follow the passage to the end, climbing up the ladder.
Make your way around to the ritual circles. Use the first circle to place the 5 amulets around the edges. Activate the second circle 5 times. Turn around and pick up Georgie from the chair, carrying him to the red circle. The doll will dissolve and a ghost will appear, then you will black out again.
First Floor
When you come to, go straight along the hallway and through the last door on the left. Continue along the next hallway and go through the last door on the right. This time, go forward and through the first set of double doors on the left. In the next room, pick up the photo from the small table in the library. Turn around and go back through the double doors. Now go forward and through the first set of double doors on the right. After apparently escaping the house, you will end up back in the corridor again.
Go straight along the hallway and through the last door on the left. As soon as the Mother starts to stand up, turn around and run back along the corridor, so you can hide (6/6) in the cupboard straight ahead. You will automatically give the Mother your photograph Memory.
There is an achievement for hiding successfully all 6 times Trickster. As soon as you receive this, load your game again and make sure you get caught Victim. Now hide successfully again to continue the story.
Run along the corridor and chase the ball until you reach the end. You will automatically stab Georgie.
This final part of the game is tricky, as you are constantly being chased. There are 3 items missing from the ritual circle and you need to locate them and return them. You will need to use the monocle to find the items, but should disable it again while you are running away from the monster, or you will likely lose your bearings and get caught.
From the starting position, move forward to the candle circle and part of the ceiling will collapse. Quickly move the rubble to try to reach the brooch, but there isn't enough time to do this in one go. Move half the rubble, then run all the way around the attic to build up space between you and the monster. You will be able to get the brooch the next time you come past here.
Continue past the ritual circle and take the path to the right. Follow this path and crawl beneath the fallen beams, then pick up the wooden soldier from the sofa on the left. Now keep some distance from the monster as you use the monocle to look for 2 red steam valves. You need to turn both of these (and they each take a while). Once you have done this, you can use the monocle to find and collect the ball.
Place the amulets in the ritual circle again and the circles will turn red and yellow. Lure the monster into the red circle, then stand in the yellow circle Liberator.