Blue ForceBlue Force

Game Details:  Mystery, 1993

Links:  Moby Games, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  12/19/2009

Suggested Listening:  Help Me Out (Ash 25)

Blue Force is a police drama designed by the creator of the original Police Quest games, Jim Walls. It similarly involves following correct police procedures. You play as Jake Ryan, a boy that witnesses the murder of his own parents and then grows up to become a police officer.

Day 1

Police Department

Enter the police station through the double doors. After you get changed, enter the briefing room. Pick up Follet's rap sheet from the shelf and read it. Head back outside and get on your motorbike. Press the ignition button. Select the Police Department again and you will return there. Get on the bike again to receive a message, then press ignition.


Talk to the woman twice and you will hear a noise. Go back to your bike and use your radio to send 10-97 and 10-35. Get off your bike and wait for your partner to arrive, then head along the pier. Draw your gun, then board the boat called Future Wave. Knock on the door twice and you will get inside. Knock on the next door, then talk to the man until he puts down his gun. Handcuff the man, then search him to find a knife, and pick up his gun from the bed. Talk to your partner then to the girl, then return to your bike. Send 10-15, 10-27 and 10-98.

City Hall & Jail

Head inside, then through the grey door into the jail. Pick up a booking form from the box, and use the license from your inventory on it to complete it. Give the completed form to Larry. Go back out to your bike and leave.

Police Department

Head inside and give the gun and knife to Barry, then put your copy of the booking form in the top left mail slot on the back wall. Look at the bulletin board and read the memo and teletype. Head outside to your bike and drive anywhere.

Tower District

On your way to your destination you will stop a pickup truck. After the gang member exits the truck, go back to your bike and send 10-97 and 10-35. Open the small compartment on the right and take out your ticket book, then get off the bike again. Talk to the gang member until you keep repeating yourself, then handcuff him and search him. Now talk to the driver to get him to come out. Talk to him, then write him a ticket and ask your partner to cuff him.

Click on the truck to look inside. Examine the small shelf to see some cartridges; use your rap sheet on them to compare, then take them. Pull the lever on the side of the driver's seat. Use your rap sheet on the rifle, then take the rifle and the wig. Tell your partner about the evidence. Get back on your bike and send 10-15, 10-27 and 10-98.

City Hall & Jail

Head inside, then through the grey door into the jail. Pick up a booking form from the box, and use the license from your inventory on it to complete it. Give the completed form to Larry. Go back out to your bike and leave.

Police Department

Head inside and give the gun, rifle, wig and cartridges to Barry, then put your copy of the booking form in the top left mail slot on the back wall. Now go down the side corridor to get changed, then go outside and head right to get your civilian bike.

Grandma Frannie

Talk to your Gran, then leave again.


Go left to the rental office and look at the bulletin board on the right, then take the note. Head into the office and give the note to Carter to get a card and a coupon book.

Child Protective Services

Head inside and talk to Laura, then give the card to Skip and you will automatically head home.

Grandma Frannie

After dinner, undo your dog's lead, then open the gate and you will all go to the beach. Talk to Laura, then go and throw your dog's stick until he brings back a different one. Look at it and pick it up, then talk to Laura and go back to the house. Talk to Lyle until you mention junk from the beach, then show the piece of crate to Lyle. Talk to Lyle and he will leave. Go through to your den. Look at the items in the glass frame on the wall (the number on the badge is 172). Now open the shoebox in the shelves and open the small safe within using the combination 172, then take the Indian nickel. Go back to the living room and you will go to sleep.

Day 2

Police Department

Go inside and you will get changed. Take the paper from your mail slot and read it. Enter the briefing room, then use your gun on the cleaning kit under the mail slots before heading outside. Get on your bike and take the ticket book out of the compartment.

Jamison & Ryan

Use your ticket book on the car parked on the side street, then head inside. Talk to Lyle then leave. Get on your bike, then after you get a message send 10-4.

Bikini Hut

Try to talk to the man in the car, then return to your bike and send 10-97. Leave your bike again and open your partner's trunk, then take the punch from it. Use this on the man's car and he will fall out. Cuff him, then return to your bike and send 10-98 and 10-15. Drive anywhere and you will end up at home.

Grandma Frannie

After Lyle comes and goes, go into the den and turn on the computer. Click on the letter icon to read the letter and note your mother's name: Jackie. Click on the lock icon and enter the password Jackie to see some blueprints. Click on the blueprint icon to get some more information, then click on the printer icon and blueprint icon to print them out. Leave the den and go out to your bike.

City Hall & Jail

Go inside and show the blueprints to Jim, then go back to your bike.

Jamison & Ryan

After Lyle leaves, pick up the file from the desk and read the clipping, then pick it up again to find a microfiche. Use this in the reader on the right desk. When Lyle returns, show him Follet's rap sheet and the blueprint, then fax the blueprint to police HQ to get Cobb's rap sheet. Outside, get into Lyle's car and turn the key.

Police Department

Head inside and show Cobb's rap sheet to Barry to get his mug shot, then head back outside.

Tony's Bar

Enter the bar and talk to Tony, then show him the mug shot twice. Talk next to Kate and show her your badge to get a message on a napkin. Head outside and into the car again.

Alley Cat

Head inside and talk to Eugene, then show him your badge and the napkin. Talk to Follet and show him his rap sheet. After Lyle takes him outside, talk to the manager again to get a key, then leave.

Bikini Hut

Talk to Lyle, then use the key to get into the trailer. Look at the small box high up on the cupboards, then take it. Pick up the old boots on the left and look at them, then move the heel and take a note from inside. Read the note, then head back outside and talk to Lyle again; you will end up back at the office.

Jamison & Ryan

Get on your bike.

Grandma Frannie

You will automatically sleep.

Day 3

Grandma Frannie

Get on your bike.


Go left to the rental office and head inside. Talk to Carter, then give him your coupon book and take the yellow rental key. Show him your Indian nickel and while he is in the back room take the blue Future Wave key. Leave the office and take the net from the ground on the left. Go back to the main part of the marina and then along the pier. Open the fire box and take the hook from inside. Board the Future Wave and use your key to unlock the door, then head inside. Search the pot plant on the table to get a key. Leave this boat and return to outside the rental office. Use the rental keys on the yellow boat.

Marble Island

Drive the boat on to the beach. Open the closed crate on the sand and look inside, then take the rags and jar of diesel fuel. Now walk along the path and throw your net on the guard dog. Use the key from the boat to unlock the gate, then open it. Use the key to unlock the next door and open it to get inside.

Open the circuit breaker box on the wall and move the switch to turn on the lights. Open the two secret panels in the bottom right of this circuit breaker box. Pick up the black power cord from on top of the forklift, and connect this from the generator to the circuit breaker box. Turn on the generator, then move the switch in the hidden panel of the circuit breaker box.

Go through to the secret room. Open the crate on the ground and look inside, then take a gun and close the crate again. Now you need to cover your tracks in the warehouse: close the secret wall, unplug the cord and put it back on the forklift, turn off the generator, close the secret panels and turn off the lights. Head outside and lock the door, then close the gate and lock it. Take the net off the dog using the hook. Head back to your boat and use the keys to start the engine, then drive away from the island.


Enter the office and put the keys back in the box. Go back to your bike.

Jamison & Ryan

Go inside and show the gun to Jamison, then go back outside and get on your bike.

Grandma Frannie

You will automatically sleep.

Day 4

Grandma Frannie

Get on your bike.


Go left and enter the office and give Carter the coupons to get the rental keys again. Go outside and use the keys on the boat.

Marble Island

Approach the Future Wave and yell at the door. Take a screwdriver from under the seat in your rental boat, and use it to unscrew the locker on the side of the Future Wave. Take the flare from inside and then throw the oily rags, diesel fuel and flare into the ship's air vent. Talk to Bradford until you can safely handcuff him. Search him to get a grenade, then go back to your boat and drive to the beach.

Follow the path towards the warehouse, but when you meet the gunman throw the grenade at him. Search his body to get a whistle, then keep going to the warehouse. Blow the whistle when you get there to subdue the dog. Unlock and open the doors and head inside.

Use the circuit breaker box to close the secret wall, then take the yellow cord. Talk to Lyle to get him to open the wall. Talk to the man until he surrenders, then the other man will come out and surrender as well. Use your yellow cord to secure both of them. Search them both and you will turn them over to the ATF.