
Game Details:  Adventure, 2024

Steam Achievements:  Completed (11/11)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  7/6/2024

Suggested Listening:  Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)

Rauniot is a challenging post-apocalyptic isometric adventure game set in Finland. You play as Aino, a member of a group that are working together to try to survive in the harsh reality of the Earth as it now stands.

Gas Station

From the main menu of the game, read through the entire quick guide Now you know.

Once you arrive at the deserted gas station, click on the car door 3 times to get out. Examine the doll standing up on the left. Look at the horse tracks on the ground to the right, and also look at Toivo's path marker on the post just to the right. Walk up and look at another of Toivo's path markers on a post in the middle of the gas station. Examine the truck here and you will end up with a foldable canister.

Examine your inventory to see you also have a medium wrench, a combat knife, a pistol and 3 bullets. Pick up the rope from the ground to the top right of the area. Now finally and and examine the door leading into the gas station - you will end up in a trap. Use your combat knife to cut the rope and you will fall to the ground. Now you can head inside.

Look at the empty cans of dog food on the left. Ignore the two toilet stalls near the middle of the room. Over on the right, pick up the small red spark plug guide from the bench. There are two doors here - head through the left one first. Try to open the other door from this small room, but it is blocked from the other side. Back out and go through the right door. Look at the cardboard boxes filled with clothes, then continue through the next doorway.

Climb up the ladder onto the roof of the building. Attach your rope to the sturdy looking ventilation pipe, then use the rope to climb down through the collapsed roof. After a cutscene, remove the board from the door on the right (this was the blocked door from earlier). Now head down the stairs and along a corridor into a new area.

Talk to Esko about everything - he will give you a key for a metal hatch. Go back out to the area behind the gas station again, then head north along the path.

River Tunnels

Look at the buried corpses on the right of the path. Go over the narrow bridge and you will reach a locked metal hatch. Use the key you just got from Esko to unlock the padlock, then open the hatch and climb inside.

Head along the tunnel until you reach a bright orange section of pipe. Examine this and use your wrench on the nut, but you will need an extra tool. Remove the wrench again, then head back to your car.

Gas Station

Look in the back of your car, but your toolbox has been stolen. Go back down to Esko and ask him about the new options. Take the spanner from your toolbox, then go back to the tunnel beneath the river.

River Tunnels

Examine the orange section of pipe again, and use your wrench and spanner on each of the 2 nuts. Remove the section of pipe and climb inside. Kick the grill 3 times and you will exit the pipe. Continue down along the tunnel into a new area.

Hydroelectric Station

Press the yellow button on the wall to activate lights in the new area. Head down past the generators and through another doorway at the bottom right. Examine the map on the table to add power sectors to your own map. Examine the poster on the wall and the documents in the bookshelf.

Now look at the computer to the right of the bookshelf. Pick up the heavy metal chunk. Flip the power switch on the keyboard to the right and read through all the information screens to learn the following:

  • Sector 6: Warning (high radioactive level)
  • Sector 3: Power cables damaged

You will need a floppy disk to be able to copy the Sector 6 security token. The TV screen on the right will also be active. Adjust the left knob until you get a clear picture, and adjust the right knob to look at each of the 4 available camera feeds. Back out and examine the console on the left. Insert the heavy metal chunk, then rotate it to activate the console. For now, press the buttons to send electricity to 2H1, 4O1 and 4N1. Return to the previous corridor and you can now use the elevator call button. Enter the elevator and press the button here to go up.

River Tunnels

Kick open the doors and you will find yourself on the far side of the river - you will automatically open another hatch, so you can easily return to the tunnel that leads beneath the river. Look at the empty dog food can on the path, then head up to the right.


Look at the burned mattress, milk cart and 2 graves. Now enter the house and you will be captured. Bang up against the bookshelf until the helmet rolls to the right side, then bang up against the door and it will fall down onto your head. Now head out through the doorway and down the stairs.

Talk to Viljo about everything. Go back upstairs and collect a bloodstained note from the floor. Return downstairs and talk to Viljo about this. Leave the house and head to the right to find a crossroads. Look at the sign, then take the path to the left near the top of the area.

Look at the swing and the grave on the left (pay attention to the date 8.1.1949). Enter the cellar door on the side of the house. Look in the shelves to see a metal wire that you can collect later if you find a use for it. Head upstairs into the house. Look at all of the pictures on the walls and click on them for accompanying sounds. Go back downstairs and you can now look at the gap beneath the wooden boards on the right - you cannot reach the key. Search the shelves again to get the wire, then use this beneath the boards to get the key. Leave the house and return to the crossroads, then take the path up.


Look along the right side of the path and examine the empty shotgun shell Eagle eyes. Get into the crashed car and you will find another key. Further up along the path, look at the life vest on the left side of the path. Cross over the bridge and continue up along the path.

Tower Path

Talk to Elve about everything. You can head up along the path, but you won't get through the fence until Elve is happy to escort you. Return down to the bridge, then head left.

Train Station

Pick up the dog food can from the ground. Go through the gate and look at the blast doors, then go through the small open doorway. Look at the keypad on the wall (which will only be active if you sent power to 4O1 earlier). Examine the rivets on the corners of the keypad to find you will need a drill.

Gas Station

Return to Esko and search your toolbox to get a hand drill.


Visit Viljo and ask him about Shelter Number 4 to learn the correct code to open the door (904352)

Train Station

Use your hand drill on each of the 4 rivets on the corners of the keypad. Use your knife to cut the rubber tubing and expose the wires that used to run to the keypad. Based on the code you learned from Viljo, activate the wires in this order:

  • 9: Wire 9
  • 0: Wire 11
  • 4: Wire 4
  • 3: Wire 3
  • 5: Wire 5
  • 2: Wire 2
  • Key: Wire 10

Outside, the blast doors will open and you can go through into a train station. Use your canister to collect gasoline from the large tank at the top right. Over on the left of this area, you will see a generator on the ground near the N1 sign on the floor. Use the switch on the wall here, and you will end up lifting the generator up into the air.

Now enter the door on the right beneath the red light into a control room. Turn on the radio on the left, but there is no signal yet. Go through the door into a storage room. Search the shelves to get two radiophones. Back out to the control room and examine the machine on the right - it needs more power.

Hydroelectric Station

Return to the console send electricity to 2H1, 4RO1 and 4N1.

Train Station

In the control room, examine the machine on the right again. From the starting position take these steps:

  1. Press the top button at V1 and the bottom button at V2.
  2. Press the button at N2.
  3. Press the top button at V2 and the bottom button at V3.

Leave the control room again. Try to start the red train car near the top of the area, but it is out of fuel - use your canister on it, then start it up and you will drive it forward to the middle track. Return to the machine in the control room:

  1. Press the bottom button at V2.
  2. Press the button at R1 (so the green light is on).

Go out and drive the red train car again to end up at the bottom left. Return to the machine once more:

  1. Press the bottom button at V1.

Drive the red train car and it will stop beneath the generator. Press the button on the wall here to lower it onto the car. Try to use the car once more, but you need more fuel. Collect more gasoline from the large tank using your canister, then use the canister on the train car (you need to do this 3 times). Fill your canister one more time, as you will need more petrol shortly. Now you can drive the train car out.

Sector 3

Use the crane just to the left of your train car, and you will hoist the generator down to the ground. Examine the generator and try to pull the cord on the side, but it won't start. Look at the other parts of the generator - use your spanner on the belt tightener to remove a worn out toothed belt, and remove the spark plug cover, then use your wrench to remove a worn out spark plug. Examine the label to see the model number of the generator (B4SE-D). Look at your spark plug guide to see this needs an A8KW2S12.

Back out and look at the electrical box to the side to see you need an extension cord.

Gas Station

Return to Esko and ask him for parts for the generator - he will give them to you in exchange for cans of dog food.


Visit Viljo and ask him for an extension cord and some dog food.

Tower Path

Talk to Elve and ask her for an extension cord - she will come back with one for you.

Gas Station

Go back to Esko and trade your 2 cans of dog food for these parts:

  • Spark plug A8KW2S12
  • (Give worn out toothed belt to Esko)

Sector 3

Go back to where you left the generator. Use the extension cord on the electrical box to connect it to the generator. Examine the generator. Use your spanner on the belt tightener, then attach the new toothed belt. Also attach your new spark plug, then replace the cover. Use your canister on the gas tank to fill it up. Pull the cord on the side and it will start. Head further up to the right and go down the stairs.

Look at the table and lift up the telephone handset. Dial a number based on the grave you saw back at the houses: 811949. Go through the new opening into a hidden room. After automatically picking up 2 pieces of paper, also collect the bicycle bell that falls to the ground. Take a floppy disk from the table.

Hydroelectric Station

Return to the console send electricity to 2H1, 4RO1 and 6O1. Now use the computer on the right. Insert your floppy disk into the drive, then select "Copy Security Token Sector 6" on the computer. Open the floppy drive to get the disk back.

Sector 3

Return to the hidden room and now look at the computer here. Insert the floppy disk into the drive. Insert one of your 2 keys into the keyhole. Now flip the power switch on the keyboard. Select "Load Security Token Sector 6" on the computer. Now watch as the computer runs through a series of tests and powers up a reactor. Open the floppy drive to get the disk back again.

Return outside to your train car and use it to get back to the train station.

Train Station

Enter the control room and examine the machine on the right. Press the button at V4. Now get back into your train car once more to reach a new location.

Sector 6

Open the small box on the left wall of the tunnel, then examine it. Insert your other key and try to turn it, but it doesn't do anything. Use the train car to leave the tunnel again.


Visit Viljo and convince him to help you - you will automatically send him to Sector 3, and you will go back to Sector 6.

Sector 6

Examine the small box on the wall again and when you are ready to start the puzzle, tell Viljo to "Press SET". Now you need to turn your key when the follow lights are active:

  • 3 and 4 together
  • 5 and 6 together
  • 7 by itself

The blast door here will now open - use the train car to leave Sector 6.

Train Station

Save your game. There are several achievements you can get now, but they will stop you getting other achievements later. Perform these actions:

  • Go to the gas station and shoot Esko One down
  • Go to the houses and shoot Viljo Two down
  • Use the train car to get back to Sector 6
  • Walk right into the tunnel until you are poisoned Radiation poisoning
  • You will end up committing suicide From time to eternity

Load your game, and continue with the rest of the walkthrough. Go outside from the train station, and head up along the path just outside the gates. You will find a door with a triangle symbol on it. Use your bicycle bell on the door, then open the door. Head along the tunnel into a larger room. Look at the tables to get some Pirveten and Heroin. Look in the side room to find a protection suit. Go back out and talk to Louna about everything - now she will be the one to help you.

Sector 6

This time when you arrive you will automatically wear the protection suit. Go right through the opened blast door and press the button so you can enter an elevator. Inside here, examine another small panel on the wall. Go back and get the key from the previous panel, then come into the elevator and insert it. Tell Louna to "Press SET". Now turn the key in the same pattern as previously. Use the elevator controls to go down.

Press the light switch in the darkened room. Pick up a floppy disk from the middle of the table. Search the shelves to get some documents about the radio tower. Now use the computer. Insert the new floppy disk, then flip the power switch on the keyboard. Select "Reactor", then "Current Control", and click on the FOR button to send power to the radio tower. Now back out and select "Override DLSS", "Load DLSS Codes" and then "Print DLSS Codes" - you will eventually end up with the printed codes.

Use the computer again. Notice the date at the top of the screen 18.07.1981. Set the code according to the letters that match these numbers in each position: BSULPHQT. Now select "Unlock DLSS". Make your way back up to the train car to leave.

Tower Path

Talk to Elve about the documents, and you will eventually be allowed through the large gate.

Radio Tower

Inside the wooden building, there are 2 control panels over to the left. Look at the smaller one on the right first. Based on the numbers at the top right, you need to select the 3rd circuit by turning the large valve to show the number 3. Turn the crank on the right to see the current settings give a power of only 2. Adjust the switches at the bottom left and try again until you reach a power of 10. Now move the main power switch at the top left.

Now examine the larger control panel on the left. The knobs on the left and right control vertical and horizontal bars of lights. The 6 buttons at the bottom toggle on or off lights with matching numbers in the grid. You need to recreate the pattern of lights on the piece of paper above them. You can achieve that with these settings:

  • Press buttons 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6
  • Turn the left knob to point to the bottom left
  • Turn the right knob to point to the bottom right
  • Toggle buttons 1 and 4 off and then back on

Gas Station

Save your game. Talk to Esko and tell him the radio tower is working. He will confirm this is the case, then tell you where to find Toivo, which is on a path leading away from the back of the Gas Station. Look at the locked metal hatch and the generator with a tube going down the hatch. Return to where you saw Esko and he will have left. Pick up another key from the table in the corner. Go back to the locked metal hatch and use the key on it. You will automatically give the Heroin and Pirveten to Toivo, but he also wants some crutches.

Train Station

Head back to Louna and enter the side room to collect the crutches. You will automatically return to Toivo, then up end back at the Train Station. Once you are on the radio to Louna, get her to go through the door, look at the control panel and press button 4O1. Back out and go through the next doorway, then look at the keypad on the wall. Connect the wires in the same order as before (9, 11, 4, 3, 5, 2, 10).

You will now receive multiple achievements based on your actions:

  • Didn't kill Esko Chainsaw dance
  • Didn't kill Viljo Peace and coffee
  • Didn't shoot your pistol at all Zero shots
  • Complete the game The end of the journey

You can now load your game, but this time kill Esko rather than telling him about the radio tower. Take the key from his body. Now go and talk to Elve, who will lead you to Toivo. Play the rest of the game to the end to get the final achievement:

  • Killed Esko Cool down