
The Painted Tower

Game Details:  Fantasy, 2009

Steam Achievements:  Completed (30/30)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  11/23/2020

Suggested Listening:  Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)

Drawn: The Painted Tower is the first in a series of first-person casual adventures by Big Fish Games. A girl has been imprisoned at the top of a tower by the King and his evil Chancellor. You must find a way to climb the tower and free her so that she may save the land. The series continues with Drawn 2: Dark Flight.

Chapter 1: The Foyer

The Tower

Read the note on the door, then examine the red ribbon and pick up the sketch. Use the sketch on the door, then enter the tower. Talk to Franklin, then read the two letters on the ground, and pick up the part of a chest. Over on the right, pick up the squirrel drawing and the glowing eye. Look at the chest on the left and take the rabbit drawing. Look at the chest in the middle of the room. Put your part of a chest on it, then solve the foyer dial puzzle:

  • Slide the right pin to the bottom right
  • Drag the large disc to the far right
  • Slide the left pin to the bottom
  • Drag the small disc to the far left
  • Turn the large disc so the picture aligns
  • Turn the small disc so the picture aligns Off to a good start

Slide open the two compartments, taking the canvas fragment from inside. Look at the picture on the far wall, and complete it with your canvas fragment Farm Fresh. You will automatically enter the painting.

The Farm

Talk to the scarecrow, who needs you to find his glove. Use your two pictures on the scene - the rabbit on the pumpkins, and the squirrel on the stump. Now pick up the glove and give it to the scarecrow. Use your hedge clippers to cut back the reeds on the far side of the water, and you will find the hat. Give this to the scarecrow. Look at the pumpkins, and pick up the small shovel head you see. Next use the carving knife on the pumpkins, and pick up the button eyes. Give these to the scarecrow.

Now combine the shovel handle with the shovel head Sum of Its Parts. Dig in the patch of dirt and pick up the belt. Give this to the scarecrow. Use the fishing pole in the water. Give the boot you catch to the scarecrow to make him whole again, and you will receive another glowing eye Strawesome. Now you can exit the painting.

The Tower

Take the 4 scraps of paper from around the edge of the painting. Look at the main chest again, and place these 4 scraps inside to complete the picture like a jigsaw puzzle. You now have to solve the foyer tile puzzle, by clicking on pairs of pieces to swap their positions. Try to solve this in 16 moves or less Stay Awhile.

Pick up the cold iron sun. Look at the fireplace on the left, and insert your two glowing eyes to start a fire. Put the sun in the fire, then grab the tongs from the left and use them to collect the sun. Back out and look at the door on the right. Insert the radiant sun and the cloud door will open Let there be Light. Go through and up the stairs.

Chapter 2: The Window

The Tower

Pick up the hammer from the ground. Continue up the steps and take the stone star, the candle, and 4 window fragments. Look at the picture and the note. Head further upstairs and put the stone star in the door - a heart-shaped hole will appear. Take another window fragment then head downstairs twice. Look at the painting on the far wall - click on it and it will explode. Use the hammer on the hole in the wall, and pick up a 6th window fragment. Also take the wooden ear from the right mask, and the wooden teeth from the left mask.

Step back and there will be sand covering the floor. Take the witch doctor picture from the column, and note the picture of the arrow in a frame. Look at the broken window on the wall, to see the broken window puzzle. Place the broken window fragments in the frame and rotate them until they turn dark gray and stay fixed in position. You need to recreate the pattern of the arrow as shown on the column. Try to do this before the skip puzzle timer can charge up Pane in the Glass.

Light will shine through on to the sand. Dig 3 times with your shovel, then pick up the canvas fragment. Pick up the dry rag at the base of the steps, and dip it in the water to make it a wet rag. Look at the painting again. Put the canvas fragment in the hole, then use the wet rag on the painting.

The Witch Doctor

Pull the branch hanging from the ceiling 3 times Over Achiever. Pick up the magic staff that falls to the ground. Put the witch doctor behind his cauldron. Light the cauldron with your flickering candle. Now use your hammer on the 4 pots on the floor. Pick up the two pieces of net and combine them. Also pick up the two shrunken heads. Look at the shelf on the right, and replace the two shrunken heads. Add the ear and teeth to the two heads, and you will be rewarded with magic beads and magic feathers. Talk to the witch doctor again, then put the three magic items in the glowing circles. Now he needs you to collect a list of further items. It is time to exit the painting.

The Farm

Go back downstairs to the foyer, and enter the farm painting. Use the net to catch the bee, dragonfly and butterfly. Pick up the blue thistle from the right and the half sunflower from the middle of the screen, then catch a falling yellow maple leaf.

The Witch Doctor

Go back upstairs and into the witch doctor painting. Give the insects to the witch doctor, then look at the left shelf. Prepare your three flower ingredients, then pay attention to the witch doctor's instructions, before clicking on the following in this order:

  1. Blue thistle powder
  2. Small green vial
  3. Yellow maple leaf fragments
  4. Sunflower petals Toil and Trouble

Give the bottle to the witch doctor, and you will receive a stone heart and be told to return for the completed potion.

The Tower

Climb the stairs twice and put the stone heart in its place in the heart door, then take the needle and thread Romancing the Stone. Try to go through the door, but the bridge will be destroyed. Go all the way back down to the foyer and look at the painting above the fireplace. Take the cardinal sketch from the right, then repair the main painting with your needle and thread.

The Giant Tree

Try talking to the tree, then look at its roots - they need moisture. Take the teddy bear from the right, then look in the hole beneath the tree. Use your flickering candle here to reveal the tree spider puzzle. You need to change the color of all of the eyes, with the shortest solution involving clicking on the red eyes as follows:

Try to solve the puzzle with 4 clicks Arachnophobia. Alternatively you can choose to skip the puzzle Eye Hate Spiders. Take the hourglass and the watering can, then back out and exit the painting.

The Witch Doctor

Get some of the completed potion in your watering can.

The Giant Tree

Pour the growth potion on the roots of the tree, then talk to him. Climb the tree to reach the top, where you will see a lot of bugs. Use the cardinal sketch here, then move the cardinal around to remove the bugs. Now enter the tree-house. Look at the sketch book and take the letter and metal bird cage. Move the other items off the rug, then move the rug and you will see the tree house floor puzzle. You need to move all the small circles to their correct color positions around the outside, then adjust the positions of the sectors in the middle. Try to do this before the skip puzzle timer can charge up Nailed it!.

Take the chalk after you complete the puzzle, then head outside. Use the chalk to draw in the cloud outlines (start and end where the arrows indicate). Try to get all 3 clouds correct on your first try Finger Painting. After the rain begins, head into the tree-house again and take the wooden tree symbol. Climb down the tree and exit the painting.

The Tower

Use the wooden tree symbol on the top of the fireplace Where the Sidewalk Ends. Return upstairs to the broken bridge, where the giant tree has filled the void. Cross the bridge to enter a darkened theater.

Chapter 3: The Theater

The Tower

Return to the large tree bridge and pick up the phoenix egg from the nest. Take this down to the fireplace in the foyer, and put it in the fire so the phoenix will hatch. Collect the phoenix in the metal birdcage. Now head back up to the theater and use the phoenix on the room to light the lanterns. Look at the papers on the desk, and take the two sketches and the yellow chalk. Now look at the chalkboard on the right, and use your yellow chalk to trace around the sun - you will automatically enter the painting.

The Clock Tower

Talk to the merchant, but he doesn't have the time. Look at the sign on the right, which mentions the time 7:30. Use your sketch of a clock hand on the large clock, then change the time to 7:30. When the second merchant appears, you can try talking to him, but he can't start work until the clock is working. Head through the door on the right and talk to the clockmaker twice - he needs a gear.

Go back outside and talk to the left merchant, then try to take the golden gear. Give your old teddy bear to the merchant, then take the gear. Head inside and give this to the clockmaker, then put it in its place (directly above the clockmaker). Now you need an oil can. Head outside and try to take the oil can, then give your old letter to the left merchant and take it. Go inside and use the oil can on the gear.

The clock should now be working, so head out and talk to the right merchant to see the flood fill puzzle. Pick up the paintbrush and use it on a paint, then click on a zone to color it:

Try to solve this without making any mistakes Just Filling Time. You will now receive some magic paints. Go up in the elevator on the left and use the magic paints on the scene, then use the bell sketch. Go back down and visit the clockmaker - talk to him and he will give you a dragon costume. Go out and give this to the right merchant, and he will give you some blue chalk. Give him your hourglass and he will enchant it for you. Exit the painting.

The Tower

Look down at the chalkboard and use the blue chalk to draw the moon outline, then enter the painting again.

The Clock Tower

Head up in the elevator and use the hourglass on the constellation to slow down time. Grab the shooting star as it enters the constellation. Head back down and talk to the left merchant. Play and win his game:


A solution is to make these moves: P-N, N-F, T-M, M-B, B-K. Take the slingshot he offers you. Now exit the painting.

The Tower

Draw the sun with your yellow chalk and re-enter the painting.

The Clock Tower

Give the constellation to the right merchant and he will give you a seed. Go inside and up the stairs on the left. Put the seed in its place in the middle of the room. Open the two side windows by clicking on the eyes beneath them, and use your slingshot to make a hole in the left window. Now turn the mirrors so they reflect the sunlight on to the top of the plant as it steadily grows upwards. Once it reaches the top, back out and exit the painting.

The Tower

Draw the moon again and enter the painting.

The Clock Tower

Go up to the plant and redirect the moonlight on to its top to make it bloom. On the next scene, you must create an actor from pieces of wood. Slot the wood into position like a jigsaw puzzle. Next pick up the chisel and use it to carve the figure. Pick up the big paintbrush and prime the wood. Pick up the small paintbrush and copy the colors from the model on the left. Now you need to place 3 items in the slots beneath your hero to combat 3 scenarios: a knight, a dragon and a maiden. Select the shovel, metal shield and heart. Pull the lever on the left Happily Ever After?. There is an extra achievement for select the correct 3 items on the first try Once Upon a Time.

The Tower

Climb up the rope.

Chapter 4: The Catwalk

The Tower

Continue forward through the doorway. Take the chisel from the left, and the griffon skeleton key and sheet of symbols from the right. Also take the red rock from the picture frame. Climb the ladder, then look up at the ceiling to see a number rings puzzle. You must rearrange the pairs of numbers so the adjacent matching numbers add up to the sum in the middle of each circle:

  • Around the 12: 1-2, 2-1, 1-5, 5-3, 3-1
  • Around the 13: 1-1, 1-4, 4-2, 2-5, 5-1
  • Around the 15: 1-3, 3-4, 4-5, 5-2, 2-1

Try to do this before the skip puzzle timer can charge up Number Crunching. Alternatively you can choose to skip the puzzle Beam Me Up!. Continue upwards.

Chapter 5: Hall of Giants

The Tower

Look at the note on the ground, and look through the window on the right. Take the yellow rock from the scaffolding, then back out again. Try to go up the stairs, but a massive boulder will fall to the ground. Use your chisel on the lit rock on top of the statue, then pick up the lit torch and put it in the bracket on the far left. Take the tile you can now see. Next look at the painting. Put the tile in its place, then rotate the tiles to make a continuous lightning bolt pattern - when it is complete you will enter the painting.

The Deep Forest

Pick up the apple and the blue rock. Take the axe from the tree (twice). Wait until the bird lands on the branch, then hit the branch with the axe. Pick up the stone bird and set it in the rock. Now use the axe on the large snail in the bottom right corner. Pick up the stone snail and set it in the rock. Next look at the small cave. You need to make a range of colored paints, using combinations of the yellow, red and blue rocks. Start with a single color in the mortar, pour it into the mixing bowl and add egg to make paint. Pour the finished paint into the palette. Mix each combination of two colors in the same way to complete the palette. Pick up the palette of paints, then back out and exit the painting.

The Tower

Step back and climb up to the rabbit statue again. Place the palette on the scaffolding, then use the colors to copy the rabbit's other eye. Take the carrot sketch from the rabbit's mouth, then head back into the painting.

The Deep Forest

Use the carrot sketch on the rabbit. Pick up the stone rabbit and set it in the rock, then enter the tunnel that is revealed. It is too dark in here to see anything, so back out and exit the painting.

The Tower

Take the weight that is revealed behind the painting. Also take the lit torch from the bracket on the left wall, then re-enter the painting.

The Deep Forest

Enter the tunnel and set the torch in the bracket. Use your sheet of symbols on the top left part of the wall. Now you need to swap the symbols on the wall so that the groups of symbols (words) match groups of symbols on the list. The order of the words is indicated by their first letters in white in the central part of the wall. As you complete each word, a picture will appear above it, and the corresponding white symbol will light up. Once you are finished creating all 8 words The Writing on the Wall, take the stone star and the torch, then back out and exit the painting.

The Tower

Go up the stairs into the next area.

Chapter 6: Fire & Ice

The Tower

Hang your stone weight on the free rope, then pull the two weights to spin the segments of the column until you display Iris. Place your stone star in the hole. Now look to the left. Pick up the gnome and the chalice, then enter the painting.

The Dragon's Cave

Put the torch in the bracket on the wall and you will meet the dragon. Take the pickaxe from the floor on the left, and the mallet from near the missing right gong. Now head over to the left. Take the bellows and use them on the fire to create some light - notice the glowing numbers on the wall (1, 3, 2, 2, 1). Now look at the skeleton in the background. Talk to it, then use the pickaxe on the wall here and take the gold ore. Put the gold ore in the stove to melt it. Dip the apple, gnome and chalice in the gold, then head back to the right. Place all 3 of these items on the scales, and you will automatically exit the painting Breath of Fire.

The Tower

Look at the central pedestal and take the canvas. Now look over to the right and use the canvas with the painting - you will automatically enter the painting.

The Ice Castle

Pick up the two pieces of frozen statue from the ground, then exit the painting.

The Tower

There are now two ways to continue the game, choosing to be either a friend or foe.


Examine the friend statue on the left of the painting. Pull each of its whiskers until its teeth are all closed, then its eyes will turn green. Enter the painting again. Click on the gate segments so that a circle is formed in the middle, and the gate will open Speak, friend, and Enter!.


Examine the foe statue on the right of the painting. Skip the puzzle Foe Real?. Click on the nose to reset the puzzle. Now continue from the Friend section above.

The Ice Castle

Head through the gate after it opens. Pick up the 3 remaining pieces of statue from the ground, then use them to complete the ice statue in the middle of the room. Now you will see the griffon's castle window puzzle. There are 3 eyes you can click on to move a green marker around the ceiling, and you need it to line up with another marker. The fastest solution is left, middle, middle, right. Try to solve this in 5 steps or less It's drafty in here!. Now pick up the shield lying here, then exit this painting and return to the dragon's cave.

The Dragon's Cave

Go left and dip the shield in gold, then head back to the right. Hang the shield in the place of the missing gong. Now remembering the order of numbers glowing in the other cave, use your mallet to hit the gongs in this order: 1, 3, 2, 2, 1. When the dragon falls asleep, pick up the key and use it on the chest. Look in the chest and slide back the 4 bolts to reveal another picture puzzle. To solve this, you need to press a corner button, then interpret the meaning of the central symbol that is displayed, and select the three appropriate pictures that match this symbol:

  • Top Left (Fire): sun, torch, candle
  • Top Right (Red): heart, apple, strawberry
  • Bottom Left (Water): ice, snow, rain
  • Bottom Right (Metal): horseshoe, anvil, sword
  • Final Symbol (8): 3 flowers, 3 people, 2 rabbits

Take the gear of flame and 3 red gems, then back out and exit the painting.

The Ice Castle

Return to the griffon's room and talk to it again. Take another red gem from the ceiling, then place one in each of the stone elephants' eyes. Now play a simple pattern matching game where you must click on the discs in the same order as they light up. Do this successfully 4 times without a mistake Eye for Detail, then take the gear of ice from the griffon's chest. Back out and exit the painting.

The Tower

Look at the pedestal and insert the gear of flame and the gear of ice Movin' On Up. Climb the staircase that appears.

Chapter 7: The Book

The Tower

Look at the book, and insert the griffon skeleton key in its cover. Now flip through the 5 pages to see rough sketches of paintings you have previously visited. You need to go back to each of these and take sketches from the front of the paintings (griffon, dragon, scarecrow, witch doctor and tree). Come back to the book and open it again, then place each of the sketches on the appropriate pages. Close the book, then pick it up and climb the stairs that appear.

Chapter 8: The Rooftop

The Tower

Talk to Iris and give her the book Drawn to a Conclusion. There are extra achievements for not skipping any puzzles Taking the Long Way and for not using any hints Drawnslaught.