Discworld Noir
Game Details: Fantasy, 1999
Links: Moby Games, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 1/12/2023
Suggested Listening: Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)
Act 1
Lewton's Office
After the introduction, leave your office.
The Wharf
Talk to Mr Scoplett, the first mate, who is standing up on the ship. Make sure you use the general chat option, as well as asking about "Mundy", "Milka", and "Milka's passengers".
Cafe Ankh
Enter the side alley and take the crowbar from the cart, then enter the cafe. Talk to Nobby with the general chat option, as well as asking about "Milka" and "Vimes". Also talk to Captain Jenkins (in the far left booth) about "Milka".
The Wharf
The sailor standing on the left should now be gone (if not, leave and come back until he is). Use your crowbar on the crate, and you will automatically end up in the fish hold. Grab the label floating in the water, then climb up to the top deck and enter the cabin opposite. Examine the lower bunk to get a scrap of cardboard.
Lewton's Office
After automatically returning here, leave and come back again. This time you will talk to Mr Al Khali.
Pseudopolis Yard
Talk to Nobby again (if he isn't here, leave and come back until he is), then exit to see a cutscene with Malachite.
Octarine Parrot
After Sapphire finishes her song, talk to her, asking about "Malachite" and "Therma".
Pseudopolis Yard
Talk to Nobby, asking him about "Madame Lodestone" and "Mysterious passengers" (twice).
Examine the lower tombs.
Cafe Ankh
Enter the cafe. Talk to Ilsa automatically, asking about "Mysterious passengers", and show her the label you obtained at the wharf.
Pier Five
Talk to the watchman, asking about "Mundy" and "Milka". Head around the corner to the left, and examine the skylight at the top left.
Lewton's Office
Pick up the note from the floor, which is an invitation from Carlotta.
Von Uberwald Mansion
You will automatically talk to the butler - show him your invitation. Now examine the painting over the door. Talk to Carlotta about "Selachii Mausoleum". While Carlotta gets changed, you will automatically talk to Count Von Uberwald.
Carlotta will guide you through the area when you arrive this time. You will automatically examine the inscription on Therma's tomb. Try moving the slab, but it is far too heavy.
Rhodan's Workshop
Speak to Rhodan, then go to the upper left area and talk to Malachite, asking about "Therma in the Mausoleum".
You will automatically come back to the Mausoleum with Malachite, and will open Therma's tomb. You will get a grappling iron. Look at the rubble inside, then take a troll's tooth.
Pier Five
Head around to the left again and use your grappling iron on the skylight. Use your crowbar on the skylight, then go through. Pick up the matchbook from the floor (to the right), then combine this with your scrap of cardboard. Climb back up through the skylight and leave.
Octarine Parrot
Talk to Mankin, showing the matchbook, then asking about "Mundy" and then "Lies" from the general chat options. Head upstairs to the right.
Act 2
Octarine Parrot
After automatically talking to Vimes and Nobby, examine the message in blood, Mundy's boots (next to the corpse), and the frayed rope (up high). Use your "Frayed rope" clue on Mundy's boots. Next use the "Mundy hung upside down" clue on the message in blood.
Go out and talk to Mankin, asking about "Mundy hung upside down", "Mundy was cut down" and "Mundy's boots". Next ask about "Sapphire lied?", so you can enter Sapphire's dressing room, which is to the left of the stage.
Von Uberwald Mansion
While talking to the butler, ask him about "Count Von Uberwald", then "Ask to see the Count". Ask the Count about "Missing companion" to receive an iconograph.
The Wharf
Talk to Mr Scoplett, showing him the iconograph.
Pseudopolis Yard
Talk to Nobby, asking about "Regin's carriage".
Maudlin Bridge
Grab the torn fabric from the broken railing.
The Wharf
Now that the Milka has departed, use your grappling iron on the mooring line.
Maudlin Bridge
Use your grappling iron on the River Ankh.
Rhodan's Workshop
Talk to Malachite, asking about "Something in the river", then show him your grappling iron.
Maudlin Bridge
You will automatically dredge the water with Malachite. Examine Regin's body and use your iconograph on Regin's body to get a key.
Head inside the casino. After the initial conversations, talk to Carlotta, asking about "Mundy hung upside down" and then "Did Carlotta kill Mundy?".
Next talk to Whirl (at the far table), showing your purse, then asking about "Sapphire's money". Now talk to Warb, the customer at Whirl's table. Show Warb the key, then leave via the left side of the gambling area. Use your key on the safety deposit boxes to get an envelope and a charm bracelet.
Octarine Parrot
Talk to Mankin, asking about "Sapphire's money". Go to Sapphire's dressing room and ask her about "Losing streak" and "Secret meeting", then "Confront Sapphire".
Lewton's Office
Talk to Al Khali and you will travel together to a new location.
Horst's Quarters
Automatically talking to Jasper Horst, ask about "Carlotta" and "Mundy hung upside down". Now leave and return to your office.
Lewton's Office
Pick up the card from the floor.
Go inside and talk to Carlotta, asking about "Golden sword". You will automatically travel again.
Von Uberwald Mansion
Ask Carlotta about "The Milka's cargo" to get a shipping order.
Pier Five
Talk to the watchman, showing him the shipping order.
Cafe Ankh
Enter the cafe and speak to Samael, who is sitting over to the left. Ask him about "Wine barrels". Go back outside and head to the side alley. Use the key to the wine cellar on the trapdoor here.
Examine the box of receipts. Speak to Isla, asking about "The Varberg crates". Also use the general chat option and ask about "Archaeology" and "Tsorta".
Rooftops Above Salis and Phedre
Try to go here, but you will decide you need to get Malachite.
Rhodan's Workshop
Talk to Malachite, asking about "Meeting with Therma". You will automatically go to the rooftops.
Rooftops Above Salis and Phedre
Watch the cutscene with Malachite.
Patrician's Palace
Watch the cutscene, then talk to Nobby, Detritus and Vimes until you can select the option "Give up". You will end up in a holding cell.
Pseudopolis Yard
Wait here until you see a rat arrive and then leave through a crack in the right wall. Examine the crack, then the block next to it, and you will find a secret passage. After automatically speaking to Leonard da Quirm, examine the gaping hole in the background. You will then speak to Nobby as you leave.
Rooftops Above Salis and Phedre
Talk to Gable (the gargoyle), asking about "Malachite's murder".
Patrician's Palace
Head right to a walkway. Examine the wall to see Leonard's cell, then use your grappling iron on the wall. Climb back down again, then use your "Hiding place" clue on the wall.
Cafe Ankh
Head into the alley, then down into the cellar. Speak to Ilsa.
Guild of Archaeologists
Talk to Laredo Cronk.
Horst's Quarters
Speak to Horst, asking about "Laredo Cronk".
Guild of Archaeologists
Talk to Laredo Cronk again, asking about "Jasper Horst". Look at the bookcase where Laredo was standing, and activate the hinged book, then you will go through the secret passage that is revealed. Examine the security notice here.
Temple of Small Gods
Talk to Malaclypse, showing the charm bracelet.
Speak to Warb again, showing the charm bracelet, then asking about "Vault 51".
Guild of Archaeologists
Head through the secret passage again, and use your "Back passage" clue on the panel beneath the security notice. Enter the vault. Use the "3712V" clue on the crates and displays to find the cabinet of urns. Try to use your grappling iron on the glass, then use the troll's tooth on the glass to get a Falchion and a tall urn.
Watch the cutscenes, where you transform into a werewolf and back again.
Act 3
Read the letter near the grave. Change into a werewolf and follow the magenta scent - you will automatically head to Saturnalia.
Pick up some moss next to the chalk outline. Transform into a werewolf again and follow the magenta scent again.
After the cutscene, look at the silhouette in the window.
Lewton's Office
You will automatically speak to Nobby, who is in your office. Grab the crowbar from your desk (if it isn't here, leave and come back to find it).
Octarine Parrot
Ask Mankin about "Wizard's murder" and "Merchant's murder". Read the notice board. Go to Sapphire's dressing room and transform into a werewolf. Follow the cyan scent, then change back to a human and take the bottle of perfume from here.
Von Uberwald Mansion
Ask to see the Count. During your conversation, show him your moss, and you will automatically go to the Library Apocrypha. Use the moss on the index cards, then use "The sewers" clue on the index cards. Leave and talk to the butler again, asking to see Carlotta. While the butler is gone, transform into a werewolf to realize that Carlotta is a werewolf.
Go through the large pipe to reach a new area. Transform into a werewolf and follow the magenta scent. Transform a second time and follow the magenta trail, then change back into a human. Search the debris on the floor and take the pendant - examine this in your inventory to note that it is hollow. Talk to Grim Squeaker, showing him the pendant.
Patrician's Palace
Visit Leonard and Two Conker's in their cell. Talk to them, showing them the pendant. Next go out to the trash heap and transform into a werewolf. Compare the killer scent in your inventory with the magenta trail to realize the killer concealed himself in a wine barrel.
New Hall
You will automatically speak to Mrs Fomes. Ask her about "Wizard's murder" and "Bedmaker and laundryman". Go through the door in the dormitory and talk to the Porter, asking about "Wizard's murder" and "Dead men's pointy boots".
Back in the dormitory, open the sturdy unlocker and look at the books inside. Next look at the octarineboard to see a list of subjects. Change into a werewolf and use the "Temple of Anu-Anu" clue on the list.
Leave and come back to this location again. Use the pendant on the book of temples inside the sturdy unlocker to get a list.
Merchant's Guild
On speaking with the gatekeeper, ask about "Dead men's pointy boots".
Von Uberwald Mansion
Ask to see the Count, then ask him about both "Wizard's murder" and "Merchant's murder" (twice).
Cafe Ankh
Enter the cafe and you will speak to Carlotta. Ask her about "Carlotta is a werewolf", "Mundy's murder", "Malachite's murder" and then "Carlotta's alibi". Next talk to Samael about "Clerk's murder". Enter the wine cellar and use your crowbar on the wine barrel to the far right - you will end up going back to the palace.
Patrician's Palace
From the kitchen, go to the hallway, then down the hall. Transform into a werewolf, then eavesdrop at the double doors. While you are here, also listen at the door opposite.
Lewton's Office
You will automatically head back to your office and talk to Remora Selachii.
Temple of Small Gods
Go to the back part of the sanctuary and talk to Mooncalf, showing him the list.
In the furthest part of the cemetery, go to the outside of the stained glass window behind Mooncalf. Transform into a werewolf and examine the window, listening to the silhouettes.
Temple of Small Gods
Speak to Malaclypse, asking about "Errata", "True believers meeting" and "Inner sanctum" - Malaclypse will take you there now. Look at the lectern, then hide inside it. During the sermon, use the perfume on Mooncalf's feet. After it concludes, you will automatically follow him. If you didn't use the perfume, talk to Malaclypse about the "Inner sanctum" again and try once more.
You will automatically follow Mooncalf here and then leave again. Come back here and examine the fresco and the strange symbol. Use your "Counterweight killings" clue on the map.
The Dysk Theater
Pick up the flyer from the bench.
Von Uberwald Mansion
Ask to visit the library. Use the "Nylonathatep" clue on the index cards. Also use the flyer and the "Strange symbol" clue on the index cards.
The Dysk Theater
Use the stage to talk to Privatier, but you cannot learn anything useful. Stand next to the stage and transform into a werewolf (you won't be seen by Privatier if you are close enough to the stage). Examine the marks on the stage, and use your "Sign of the eel" clue on them - you will automatically go through a secret passage. Use your "Octagram of murders" clue on the altar in here.
Use your "Counterweight killings" and "Octagram of murders" clues on the map.
Dagon Street
Read the sign over the boarded up shop. Use your crowbar to remove the boards, then climb through the window. Transform into a werewolf to find a dark magenta scent, then transform back again. Search through the debris on the floor, then examine the bone that you find.
The Wizard's Pleasuance
Examine the bushes, then hide here and wait for the final murder to occur.
The Dysk Theater
Watch the cutscene to conclude this act.
Act 4
The Dysk Theater
Search the rubble next to Warb's body to find the Falchion. Talk to Anu-Anu to hear mumbling about an inscription, then look at the instruction near the top left. Speak to Coom before leaving.
You will automatically eavesdrop and then kill Kondo. Search his corpse to find an amulet.
Von Uberwald Mansion
Ask to visit the library, then use your "Nylonathatep" clue on the index cards.
Patrician's Palace
Visit Leonard and Two Conkers again and ask about "Radiant trapezohedron".
Temple of Small Gods
Talk to Mooncalf inside the temple and show him the amulet. Ask about "Traitors in the cult"
Rhodan's Workshop
Talk to Rhodan, asking about "Foid". Go to the back area where you used to find Malachite, and pick up the bandages from the floor. Go back and talk to Rhodan, showing him the bandages, then ask about "Foid" once more.
Dagon Street
Go through the door opposite the Fish Bar and you will automatically talk to Foid. Show him the amulet and the Falchion, then ask about "Satrap's contract".
New Hall
Mrs Fomes will fire you when you arrive.
Pseudopolis Yard
Speak to Nobby, asking about "Gelid".
New Hall
You will automatically talk to Mrs Fomes again, and you will enter the bedroom. Look at the bloodstains where the porter used to be. As a werewolf, follow the trail of blood up to the observatory. You will automatically speak to Satrap. After the cutscene, pick up the astrolabe (near the telescope). Use the map on the mosaics (on the floor), then select the "Small Boring Group of Faint Stars" - the golem will adjust the telescope. Look through the telescope.
Use your astrolabe on the sky (visible through the broken roof). As long as the telescope has been set correctly, you will end up in a new area.
Examine the grotesque, and you will automatically enter the tomb. Insert your coin into the indentation to open the sarcophagus. Talk to the zombie, showing it the Falchion to receive the radiant trapezohedron. Head back outside to leave.
Lewton's Office
Automatically speak to Ilsa when you arrive. Use your radiant trapezohedron to see that Horst is at the Maudlin Bridge.
Maudlin Bridge
Watch the cutscene here, which ends with you back in possession of the Falchion.
Patrician's Palace
Return to visit Leonard and Two Conkers, and you will speak with them automatically. Move the floor rubble, then talk to Leonard again. Try to use the flying device. Use the "Elver sign" or "Sign of the eel" clue on the flying device, then use it again.