Full Pipe
Game Details: Fantasy, 2003
Links: Moby Games, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 12/12/2015
Suggested Listening: Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)
Second Floor
Head up the ladder and pick up the extra drawer, then climb down the ladder here. Pick up a domino from the box at the bottom left, then go to the right to find a room with a large jar. Pick up the shoe behind the pipe on the left, then reach into the second small hole in the wall to find an apple. Continue right and give Weird Wacko your drawer in exchange for his glasses. Return left twice and up the ladder and give Guv-the-Drawer your glasses, apple, and shoe to receive them back in egg form. Climb down and give all 3 eggs to Egggulper (glasses last), and you will receive a coin. Go left twice and you will fall down next to some domino players. Give your domino to the guy on the left, then pick up the hammer.
Use your map to go back to the room with the large jar. Use your coin in the slot on the right - now you need to get 3 of the small creatures into the jar by climb up to the top of the ladder and jumping on to the see-saw at the right time. Once you are done, use the hammer on the coin slot to get your coin back again, before dropping down the hole beneath the jar.
Third Floor
Pull the lever just to the right, then pick up the ball and throw it into the pouch of Big Mumsy. Repeat this a total of 4 times and she will sit enter the elevator and leave (repeat this game if this doesn't happen). Use your hammer on the 2 small white patches on the wall to break them. Continue to the left to find a room with 3 creatures. Pull the chain being held by The First Guard to change its sign to "-". Continue left to see Tummy-Trampie, but there is nothing to do here yet.
Second Floor
Use your map to return to Eggulper up on the second floor. Give him the coin and he will return your glasses in an egg (if you receive a different egg, keep trading until you get the right one). Go left and give this to Eggcracker to receive the glasses. Head right 3 times and give the glasses back to Weird Wacko.
Third Floor
Use your map to get down to the room on the third floor with 3 creatures. Give the drawer to Hare-the-Nooksiter and you will receive his crank. Go right and use the crank in the hole to the right of the elevator. Turn the crank 3 times, then go left twice. Jump down on to Tummy-Trampie's belly, and keep jumping to get higher so you can climb up the ladder.
First Floor
Pull the tail of Ballspiter to release a bubble that will float to the right. Pull the tails of the Danglings so that the bubble avoids them on its way to Ballgulper. Repeat this 3 times, then continue up the ladder and reach into the tube to get a pot. Head left and give your pot to Elephantine in exchange for her shoe. Now head right and to the right end of this room, where you can use your hammer on a loose piece of wall to find another coin. Go right again to find Inflater. Hold you hand over his gum, and when it turns green quickly click to steal some. Continue right once more to meet Swingie, who needs a new pair of shoes.
Second Floor
Use your map to return to Eggulper down on the second floor. Give him the coin and he will return your shoe in an egg (if you receive a different egg, keep trading until you get the right one). Go left and give this to Eggcracker to receive the shoe.
First Floor
Use your map to go back to Swingie. Give him both of your shoes and he will jump off the swing. Use the swing to gradually increase your speed then catapult yourself to the far right and down the next tube.
Second Floor
You will end up back next to Weird Wacko. Pull the lever on the wall to open the lower pipe, but he closes it again quite quickly.
First Floor
Use your map to go back to Swingie again and give him a piece of gum in exchange for his plunger.
Second Floor
Use your map to o to Weird Wacko again and give him the plunger in exchange for his glasses.
First Floor
Use your map to return to Swingie. Use the swing to fly into the pipe on the right, and this time you will keep falling to your new destination.
Fourth Floor
Try pulling the lever to see what happens. Give your other piece of gum to The Watchman, then pick it up and use it on the lever. Now head left over the bridge and into the next room to meet Granny. Use your hammer on the wall here to find another coin. Walk forward and headbutt the balls back at Granny (pull your head back and release at the right time) until she falls back, then jump down the pipe after her.
Fifth Floor
Pull the chain being held by The Second Guard to change its sign to "-". Pull one of Granny's shoes off, then head right and down a ladder. In this room is Bootlegger, as well as a hand in the pipe to the right. Give your coin to the hand, then continue right. Pick up another domino from the ground near the first ladder, then climb up both ladders and take the sponge from the string. Use your map to get back to where Granny is stuck in the pipe, and climb down the ladder here. Give your domino to the left player and you will now get a glass bottle. Go back to Bootlegger and put the glass bottle on the platform under the tap, then give him the sponge and pick up your bottle full of blue liquid. Go back to the domino game and give the bottle to the left player so you can collect his silver mug.
Fourth Floor
Use your map to return to the bridge you unrolled earlier, and use your hammer on the lever on its left end.
Fifth Floor
Use your map to return to the room above Bootlegger. Put your silver mug on the stand, then try to take it when one of the boys is there. Try again when the girl is there and you will have a drink; the girl will not go back to work after this. Take the mug, then go down the ladder and to the right. Stand on the blue area beneath the turning wheel, and you will automatically get on the empty seat (where the girl was sitting before). When you reach the right side of the area, get into the bottom of the 3 pipes heading to the right.
Secret Floor
Climb the ladder here and take a sock from Old Pioneer on the right. Climb up again and take the stool from the left, then use it to try to get the lever handle on the right. Go back down the ladder once and use your stool to reach the high lever on the right. Do this twice more, and Granny will steal your stool. Now take the broom from behind Old Pioneer before heading down the ladder again. Give the broom to the Janitor Brothers on the right and you will get another coin. Go up the ladder and put the coin in the slot, then continue up, where you can now pick up the lever handle. Go down twice and put the lever handle in its slot, then pull it before returning up twice. Enter the code for Valentine's Day on the control panel (1402). Go back down twice, retrieve your broom, and go down through the unblocked hole in the floor.
Pick up the board from the left, then continue down via the left ladder. Turn the middle valve, then go back up and climb down the other ladder (where the water should now be gone). Pick up the shovel and the pot, then climb up and return down to the valve room. Adjust the valves so the water is at half height (use your map to adjust valves then return to the water room as needed, as the positions of the valves seem random). Once achieved, use your board in the water, then your shovel in your water to get through to the room on the right. Play the game with the discs, where the goal is to get 3 discs in the blue area (just pull your arm back 3 positions each time you go to slide a disc and you will win). Collect the valve handle, then give your broom to Molly in exchange for her mop. Return left and use your mop to bring the board closer, then go on to it and use your shovel in the water. Return to the valve room and use your valve handle on the hatch to the left, then use it and go through.
Seventh Floor
Ignore all the doors here for now; just go to the far left and down the hole.
Eighth Floor
Ass_1 will be blocking the left tube. Head right over the treadmill, dodging the balls by jumping or ducking until you reach the other side; Ass_1 will now block the right tube. Return over the treadmill and continue to the left. Use your mop on the large foot, then use your pot on it to cover the 4th toe.
First Floor
Use your map to return to Elephantine and swap your shoe for the pot.
Eighth Floor
Return to the big foot and put your pot on the 1st toe, then the foot will leave. Continue left, then pull the chain being held by The Third Guard to change its sign to "-". Now drop down the hole.
Ninth Floor
You will see another hole in the wall to place a crank.
Third Floor
Use your map to return to the large room on the third floor. Push the blue button, then pick up the crank handle.
Ninth Floor
Return to the ninth floor and put your crank handle in the hole, then turn it but nothing useful will happen. Head through the tunnel on the right. Put your metal cup on the stand here, then pull the lever to fill it with water. Return left and pour the water down the hole, and a cactus will rise up through the ceiling. Turn the crank to bring the cactus back down again. Go right and get some more water, then return left, pour the water again and quickly sit on the hole to be lifted up.
Seventh Floor
Pick up the shoe here. Try standing on the left end of the see-saw, but the pipe above you is blocked.
Fourth Floor
Use your map to return to the left end of the rolled-up bridge and retrieve your hammer.
Ninth Floor
Retrieve your crank from the wall by pushing the blue button and then picking it up.
Third Floor
Use your map to return to Hare-the-Nooksiter and trade your crank for the drawer.
Fifth Floor
Use your map to head to the fifth floor and take the left tube to find Granny. Swap your shoe for the stool.
Seventh Floor
Use your map to get back to the room with the see-saw. Use your hammer on the 2 white patches on the wall, but there is nothing hidden here. Use your stool on the wheel on the wall, but you still cannot reach it. Use your drawer on it and you will now open the hatch. Try standing on the left end of the see-saw again, but now Granny will not come to help you. Pick up the drawer and the stool again.
Fifth Floor
Use your map to return to Granny and give the stool back to her.
Seventh Floor
Stand on the left end of the see-saw to reach the final floor.
Sixth Floor
Use your hammer on the white patch on the wall and then on the coin slot to get a coin. Head left and pick up the scissors and rusty pipe.
Ninth Floor
Give your rusty pipe to The Pompier in exchange for his rubber hose.
Sixth Floor
Connect the rubber hose to the faucet, then put the coin in the coin slot. After the inflation, use your scissors on the hose to cut it. Pick up the rug and head left. Give the rug to Tailpiper here, then walk inside. Keep walking left through this room and through the next pipe. Walk forward a little, then pick up the coin that drops down.