Women's Murder Club 3
Twice in a Blue Moon
Game Details: Mystery, 2009
Links: Moby Games, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 11/8/2011
Suggested Listening: Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)
Investigation 1
Police Station
Find the required items, then look at your desk. You can cross off every street on the map using the clues provided, until you are left with Jack Kerouac Alley.
Jack Kerouac Alley
Try moving the ladder up against the light, but it is not high enough. Move the seat and two boxes there, then put the ladder on top. Climb up to the light, open the cover and turn the globe until it works well. Now find the required items, then look behind the dumpster.
Look at the body. Use the UV light and look at the victim's chin and neck. Now look at the bottom of her jacket and open the jacket. Look at the bloodstain on the shirt, the pocket handkerchief, the comb and the mirror.
Investigation 2
SF Register
Find the required items, then look at the CDs on the desk. Put the 12 CDs in their correct spots and rotate them into position. Next look at the computer, insert the CD and enter the name "Mary Nichols".
Police Station
Pick up the sticky note from the computer and the fax from the fax machine. Down in the lobby, find the required items. Back in the office, look at the map on the desk. Cross off every street except McAllister Street and Octavia Street.
McAllister and Octavia
Quickly try to open the window, then pick up the small table next to the window and throw it through. Find the required items - look at the vent and take the cover off to see the hose pipe. Next look at the victims and use the UV light to identify some hair, foam, a ticket and a bottle of acid.
Forensic Lab
Look at the computer. Click on the brown bottles and rearrange them into the correct order according to their labels. Once they are correct, wait for the computer, then click on the button to get the results.
Investigation 3
SF Register
Look at the computer, insert the CD and enter the words "Pitezel, 1893, Columbian Exposition, Gas". Now find the required items. Look at the CDs on the desk. Put the 12 CDs in their correct spots and rotate them into position. Look at the computer again and insert the CD.
Find the required items, then look at the pamphlets. Click on the first letter of each one, going across and then down, to make the message "Please Make Him Stop S". Ring the bell to speak to the manager.
"Home Turf" Weapons Store
Find the illegal weapons.
Police Station
Look at the computer and use it to search for "R Janus" then "Ned Edda". Rearrange the letters to form the phrase "Dead End".
Investigation 4
Library Front Desk
Follow TC Browning through 10 random doors to finally reach the archives room. Look at the cubicle on the right, then find the required items as they scroll past.
The Murder on Market Bookstore
Down in the basement, turn the dials and switches to guide the green goo out into the drain in the bottom right.
Herbert Smythe's Apartment
Find the required items, then look at the puzzle box. Put all the pieces in place (people in top row, symbols in middle row, countries in bottom row), then open the clasp.
Lemond Boyd's Victorian
Find the required items from the street scene. Now look at each house and use a rag to clean the steps until you completely reveal the house number - keep doing this until you find Boyd's house.
Investigation 5
Orpheum Theatre
Find the required items, and place each of the 12 pieces of the costume on the mannequin in the required order.
SF Register
Find the required items, then look at the letter. You need to click on every 7th letter to display "1964useasteRnseaboard". Now insert the CD into your computer and enter the words "1964, Eastern, Seaboard, US". Put in the next CD and read the message.
Police Station
Look at the computer and look up "Mary Sullivan".
Mary Sullivan's Apartment
Find the required items; when looking at the desk, pick up the letter opener and use it to pry open the drawer, then take the card from within.
Look at the body. Use the UV light and look at the victim's thigh (take a sample), feet (take the card), neck and wrist.
Forensic Lab
Look at the computer. Click on the brown bottles and rearrange them into the correct order according to their labels. Once they are correct, wait for the computer, then click on the button to get the results.
Investigation 6
Police Station
Look at the sticky note, then at the computer. Start the profiling program, and fill in all the details (if you get some wrong you will be prompted accordingly).
Jack Kerouac Alley Dumspter
Find the required items, then look at the library card.
Library Front Desk
After talking to Miss Lucy, look at the computer. Find the 12 notes, then look at the computer and enter the password "SANFRANCISCO". Now look up some names, but you won't find anything useful. When you are done, you will be shown another note you picked up, describing how to get to the archives.
On each screen, count the number of doors from the top left, going clockwise. To get to the archives, take doors 3, 2, 1, 2, 4, 5, 2, 1, 1, 5.
Investigation 7
Deadlines Coffee
Find the required items, then click on the computer game. Enter the tokens to be able to guess letters to complete the word puzzle. Back out of the game.
Americo Daley's Office
Find the required items.
Lemond Boyd's House
Find the required items.
Actor's Cafe West
Collect the 12 moths and 12 cakes.
Investigation 8
Hall of Justice: Jill's Office
Find the required items, then use the list of suspects on the fax machine. At the Law Archives, just move through the blocks avoiding the interns, to find years 1972 and 1987.
Police Station
Look at the message on the fax machine.
Library Front Desk
Talk to both of your suspects.
Police Station
Find the required items. Ask each of the suspects an appropriate pair of starting questions, then the remainder, marking them as truth or lie.
SF Register
Open the letter, then collect the 21 pieces and put them back together. Click on every 5th letter to display "thenextonediesat11pmonoct24".
Investigation 9
Dudley's Day Care
Look at the arrow made out of rocks on the ground, then look at the tree. Find the required objects including the note from Sally.
SF Register
Use the computer to look up "Dr Kratzen" and read the message that appears.
Deadlines Coffee
Find the required items, then click on the computer game. Enter the tokens to be able to guess letters to complete the word puzzle. Back out of the game.
Dr Kratzen's Home
Collect the 12 rose brambles and 12 fireflies, then approach the door. Show the note from Sally to the doctor.
San Francisco Library: TC's Office
Look behind the cracked mirror to see a safe. Enter the code word "RICHARD". Now use the computer to look up "Stephanie Thomas".
Make your way through the dark to the top right part of the screen to find the fire alarm.