Larry the Unlucky Part 3Larry the Unlucky Part 3

Game Details:  Adventure, 2021

Steam Achievements:  Completed (16/16)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam

Walkthrough Updated:  12/29/2021

Suggested Listening:  Caught Up in the Panic (Ash 25)

Larry the Unlucky Part 3 is the third in a series of short adventure games about Larry, a man who has been unlucky since birth. This game follows after Larry the Unlucky Part 2, and continues with the next segment of Larry's life.

Chapter 7


Enter the shed and pick up the burner, paint bucket and sponge from the shelves on the right. Also take the fishing rod on the left. Look at the newspaper on the desk and click on the crosses until the drawing turns red. Now look at the glass panel to the right and use the paint and sponge to color the same squares as in the newspaper:

You will automatically take the glass panel when it is complete. Climb down the ladder. Pick up the electric cable from the floor. Use the dispenser on the right to get some bait. Climb back up again, and now examine the fuse box on the wall. Insert your electric cable, then drag the ends of the wires on the right to the appropriate connectors on the left:

Go back outside and look at the fence to the left. Place the glass panel over the lights, to see the following pattern:

Next look at the tree stumps to the bottom left of the yard. You need to move the stumps to where you saw the colored lights:

Pick up the black key. Enter the shed and go down the ladder, then use the key to open the locker. Grab the transparent panel. Go back outside and put this over the top of the glass panel to show the following:


Go back to the shed and examine the fuse box again. Set the indicators on the right side according to the pattern you just saw:


Go outside, then head into the house on the right. Look at the piece of paper on the small table. Look at the gear puzzle on the right. When you turn the handle, the golden gear spins, but you need both purple gears to spin as well. Move the other gears around as follows (Small, Medium and Large gear positions shown):


Turn the handle to get all the gears to spin Gears. Look at the display just above the gears. Turn the dial to point down, and drag the slider 3/4 of the way to the right to get a clearer picture (you will know it is correct when there is a green tick displayed). Now scroll the image using the arrows to see a symbol (1/4) on the left bush. Back out and look at the piece of paper on the small table again.

Outside again, examine the beehive on the right. You need to drop the pieces of honeycomb down to cover the indicated spots (in 3 waves). Take the honey, then back out again. Enter the shed and go down the ladder. Examine the chemistry set. Pour your honey into the flask on the right, and put the burner beneath the horizontal flask. Now follow the instructions from the sheet of paper inside:

  • Turn the red valve 2 times
  • Turn the blue valve 1 time
  • Turn the green valve 3 times
  • Pull the right lever

Take the potion from the right side. Go back inside the house and give the potion to your wife. Look at the wheelchair and note the symbol (2/4). Look at the piece of paper on the small table to set the next step.

Go out to the lake and head to the lily pads on the right. You need to click on them to guide the frog to the rock, making sure to stop on each lily pad along the way:


Now take the frog. Return to the house and use the frog on the flies. Click on each of the flies so they get eaten. Take the fishing reel. Next examine the device at the top right. The goal is to get the ball to reach the bottom container. You need to adjust the metronomes on the left and set them swinging, to affect the fans in the device. Set the metronomes as follows for each of the 4 different targets (if there is no marker indicated, don't use that metronome at all):

After you get 2 balls in each of the indicated targets, the battery indicator should be full Tick-Tack. Take the fishing hook. Now head out to the shed again and go down the ladder. Examine the chemistry set. Put the bait on the left holder. Now follow the instructions from the sheet of paper inside:

  • Turn the red valve 3 times
  • Turn the blue valve 2 times
  • Turn the green valve 2 times
  • Pull the left lever

Take the bait again (it should now be rainbow-colored). Go out to the lake again and place your fishing rod against the upright stick. Attach the fishing reel, then the fishing hook, and finally your bait. Use the reel to catch a fish Fisherman. Examine the fish and note the symbol (3/4) on its head, and the symbol (4/4) on its tail. Return to the shed and look at the device on the back wall. You need to find the 4 symbols you have seen, and rotate the discs so they are aligned to the directions indicated on the piece of paper on the small table inside the house. From inner disc to outer disc they are:

  • Open box with a dot in the middle (point to the left)
  • Circle with a line through it (point to the top-right)
  • Squiggly line (point to the right)
  • Two touching triangles (point to the bottom)

Take the shovel. Go outside and use the shovel on the position marked, then head down through the opening and click on the lock The journey begins.

Chapter 8


Pick up the lockpick and use it on the lock. Click on the lock components in the following order:


Go down the stairs. Pick up the moss from the left. Click on the loose brick on the right until it falls out. Take the key, then go back up the stairs and use it on the padlock on the left. Take the torch, then light it using the torch on the right. Go down the stairs again and use the lit torch to get rid of the spider webs. Now you can open the door and head inside.

Open the small cabinet on the wall and take out the pestle and the tap. Look at the barrel, and insert the tap into the lower left, then turn the tap to empty it into the drain. Now use the bellows to blow over the barrel. Look at the grate in the floor and set the discs according to the left diagram beneath the cabinet:

  • Inner Disc: Purple circle to the right
  • Middle Disc: Green circle to the top-right, diamond to the bottom-left
  • Outer Disc: Yellow circle to the left, triangle to the right

Climb down the ladder. Take the Matryoshka component (1/2) from the top of the cabinet, and take out the others on the shelf above. Turn around and examine the brick wall. You need to click on the symbol that is the odd one out:

  1. Orange solid diamond (all others are red)
  2. Blue hollow square (all others are diamonds)
  3. Red hollow square (all others are solid)
  4. Blue solid square (all others are hollow)
  5. Blue symbol (all others have matching dots and lines)

Once you are done, the right compartment will open IQ Test. Take the crystal fragment (1/3). Put the pestle in the mortar, then add the moss. Take the spores. Turn back around and use the spores on the gray structure on the floor - note the green triangle that appears. Look at the chess board to the right - the pawns are mostly on black squares. Go back up the ladder and adjust the positions of the candles on the left - move the second one down, and move all the others up. Go back down the ladder and look at the chessboard again. Now move the white bishop around to capture all 5 pawns Mind games. Take the black key and note the red arrows.

Back out and use the black key on the left cabinet. Take out the crystal fragment (2/3) and the Matryoshka component (2/2). Look at the shelf above and place both components in the empty space. Now rearrange the dolls so the symbols on their sides match up (from left to right they should be white, brown, orange, green, gray). Take them all back out again and note the purple and orange symbols.

Turn around again and examine the symbols above the doorway. From the starting position, click on the colored boxes the indicated number of times to show the symbols you have seen:


Go through the door. Take the yellow key, then return through the door. Turn around and use the yellow key on the right cabinet, taking out the helmet. Climb up the ladder and look at the right symbols beneath the wall cabinets. Go back down the ladder, turn around and go through the door again. Look at the spiders near the ceiling here, and try moving them - notice the color of the musical note that appears, then match their positions to the colored symbols you just saw:

Take the key The last key. Use this on the cabinet here, then take out the brush and the last crystal fragment (3/3). Turn around and use the brush on the rusty helmet, then place your helmet on the left knight. Put your 3 crystal fragments in the empty symbol. Click on the shield until it directs the light to the left helmet. Direct the light up to the chandelier, then the right helmet, the sword, and finally the crystal. Click on the globe that appears Underground.

Chapter 9


Take the wrench from the right seat. Look at the closed panel on the right and use the wrench to remove both nuts so you can open the panel. Take out the magnifying glass. Use this to look at the small notices on the back of the left seat, next to the left controls, and inside the right panel.

Examine the left set of controls - you need to have ticks showing on all 25 boxes. From the starting position, press these red buttons:

  • Top left corner
  • 1st and 4th buttons along the top
  • 2nd and 4th buttons down the left side

Next examine the central set of controls - you need to set these according to the small notices you have examined:

Now examine the right set of controls - you need to drag wires to connect similar but rotated pairs of symbols:

Open the small compartment at the top and take out the hammer. Use this on the glass of the front window until you automatically climb out of the helicopter. Pick up the propeller from near the back of the helicopter. Approach the tent and take the rope from the right, the rubber band from the ground on the left, and the rat from the crates inside the tent. Look at the small sign near the top of the tent. Back out and approach the small tree stump to the left of the lake. Attach the propeller, rope and rubber band to create a large slingshot. Click on the slingshot and use it to knock the coconut out of the tree Slingshot. Use your hammer on the coconut and take out the red scarab.

Approach the device near the lake and open the lid. As per the sign in the tent, move the positions of the fuses:

Put the rat in the next open compartment, then back out. Once the water drains, look in the bottom of the lake and take the blue scarab. Go to the tent and give both scarabs to the vendor, then head along the path once the gate opens.

Enter the right sphinx and look at the tiles above the main wall. Rotate the segments here to create 4 complete drawings. Once all pieces are correctly aligned, they will be fixed in position. Notice the positions marked on each of the 4 drawings. Now you can back out and open the main wall. You need to shoot missiles at the various parts of the statues as they come out - there is no time limit:

  • Blue Statue: Left middle of head
  • Red Statue: Right middle of body
  • Green Statue: Left middle of body, right middle of head
  • Grey Statue: Left middle of head, left base, right middle of body

Take the crystal Sharp shooter. Go back out to the front of the sphinx and insert the crystal in its head.

Now enter the left sphinx. Solve the 4x4 sliding tile puzzle, then the top-right panel will open. The next part is complicated: you need to try pairs of jars on the balance scales until the marker points to an astronomical figure across the top, then back out and look for a new symbol on the sliding puzzle to the left. These are pairs of jars that will display the correct symbols:

  • Planet: Yellow and green
  • Sun: Yellow and blue
  • Moon: Blue and red
  • Star: Red and yellow

Now look at the bottom-right panel and press the buttons for the correct symbols:


Take the crystal. Go back out to the front of the sphinx and insert the crystal in its head. Now enter the pyramid and you will be trapped inside.

Turn right and pick up the parchment. Look at the puzzle on the left side of the wall here. You need to keep clicking on the beetle to move it, knowing that it will turn anti-clockwise when it hits a wall. You can move the blue blocks around to help guide it, so that it eventually reaches the target at the bottom left Crawling. Take the gift that appears below the puzzle. Now look at the right puzzle here. You need to rotate the discs so that the symbols around the edges are a combination of the central symbols and the numbers of dots shown in the margins. From the starting position, click the discs once each in this order:


Take the gift that appears below the puzzle. Turn around and give the 2 gifts to the statues. Now you need to use the information from the panels near the blocked entrance to rearrange the statues:

  • Left Statue: Cat head, holding urn
  • Middle Statue: Bird head, holding ankh
  • Right Statue: Crocodile head, holding cat

Go through the gate when it opens. There are three puzzles in this room; solving each one results in a blue flame appearing.

For the left puzzle, you need to use the controls to pain images matching the four shown on the left:

  • Top-Left: Yellow full, red left, red right, red top, red bottom
  • Top-Right: Blue full, pink ridge, white left, white right, pink bottom, pink dot
  • Bottom-Left: Yellow bottom, green left, green right, green dot
  • Bottom-Right: Yellow full, blue ridge, yellow dot, red bottom

For the middle puzzle, you need to spin the discs so the same symbols connect each end of the 6 paths. Start with the top-most disc and spin it until the yellow triangle is at the top. Now just work your way around to line up the rest.

For the right puzzle, you need to count the number of edges on the shape beneath each bottle, then touch the bottle that number of times:


Remove the lid from the sarcophagus and look inside. You need to click on the loose bandages in the correct order to remove them all:


Take the silver key, then use it in the lock. Look at the map that is revealed, then use your parchment on it. Drag the parchment over the matching part of the map, then click on it Sandy.

Chapter 10


Pick up the wood log from the base of the statue. Note the arrows on the 3 skulls of this statue. Back out and look at the front door to the cottage, then rotate the tusks on the boar to these same directions:

  • Top Tusk: Point straight down
  • Bottom-Left Tusk: Point to the top-right
  • Bottom-Right Tusk: Point to the bottom-left

Inside, pull back the curtain on the left and take the small roof. Search all of the drawers on the right to find ammo, a matchbox, and a hook. Load the ammo into the gun on the left, then use the gun. You need to find 5 targets to hit:

  • Bottle hanging from a tree on the left
  • Packet at the base of a tree in the middle
  • Bottle in a tree just to the right
  • Egg in a nest to the far right
  • Rocks blocking the stream to the bottom right

Back out and look at the colored symbols inside the hut. You need to change these to match those you saw at 4 of the targets you just shot. From left to right they are:

  • Squiggly line
  • Two touching triangles
  • Double down arrow
  • Triangle

Press the button to open the compartment, then take out the stand. Go outside and use your log on the rotating blade, then pick up the wooden box. Enter the hut again and look at the work bench. Place the roof, hook, stand and wooden box here. Now pick up the bird house. Back out and look at the side of the hut, then hang the bird house here. Wait until a bird arrives, then take the ring it is holding.

Next investigate the shelter opposite the hut. Light a fire with your match box. Now use the 4 sets of bellows in a specific order to build up the fire:

  1. Bottom-right
  2. Top-left
  3. Top-right
  4. Bottom-left

Melt the ring in the container at the top, then pick up the golden key. Return to the hut and use this key on the locked cabinet, then grab the axe. Go out to the tree next to the chasm and chop it down with the axe Lumberjack. Click on the far side to get across.

Pull the 5 vines up and down until the path ahead is completely cleared, then keep going forward. On the next screen, you need to click on the 7 signs to rotate them, so they each point to the next sign in the chain:


Continue right, and then press the panels with symbols in the same order as those on the signs you just rotated:


Click on the snake that appears in the doorway. Rotate its segments so that there are only triangles of the same color Ssssnake. Now enter the temple.

Turn right and pick up a figurine piece (1/3), then turn right and pick up another figurine piece (2/3). Turn back to the left to see 3 bells. Ring each 6 combination of 2 bells to open the 6 doors, then take the final figurine piece (3/3) and a bolt cutter. Use the bolt cutter on the cage, then take out the bell. Turn left and look at the grid of buttons on the left - three pairs of lights along the edges will light up. Just press the buttons at the intersection of these lights:


Complete a series of 6 patterns using the above layout:

  1. B2, C5, E3
  2. D4, E2, A1, D4
  3. B4, C1, A5, E4
  4. E5, B2, A4, A2, D3
  5. D4, E2, B3, B4, C1
  6. D1, B5, E3, C2, A1, D4

Take the gem. Look at the shelves to the right. Insert your 3 pieces of figurine. Now you need to rearrange the figurines based on the square emblems you have seen on the walls here. Each square shows the sum of numbers that need to be in each corner. Here is one solution:


Take the dagger. Turn left to see a series of 4 puzzles. For each of these, you need to rotate the disc so you can gradually slide the blue marker around to the target. Once you have solved all four, take the crystal ball. Turn left to an area with two totem poles and four recesses. You need to rotate the totem pole segments to show two complete matching poles, then insert the bell, gem, crystal ball or dagger into the open recess. Repeat with all four Almost there. Head through the opened doorway.

Turn left to see some colored banners with markers at 3 different heights. Turn left twice to see a colored flame with bags hanging at different heights. You need to set the bags at the correct heights according to the color of the flame, moving the flame to each holder to get the order correct:

After the bag drops down, look inside and take the sigil (1/2). Follow the bat until it stops in the tree outside the temple. Click on the bat, then pick up the shell. Return inside and look at the banners. Place the shell on the empty table. Now you need to set the 5 items on the tables in the correct order. Turn around and look at the white flame - it shows a different image when placed in each holder. When placed in each holder, you need to turn around and line up the item with its correct banner.

  • Scissors
  • Rose
  • Sword
  • Hat
  • Shell

Take another sigil (2/2). Turn left and insert your 2 sigils in the empty spaces. Click on the podium, then on the broken rubber duck Happily ever after.