Day of the Tentacle Remastered
Game Details: Comedy, 2016
Steam Achievements: Completed (58/58)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 6/20/2017
Suggested Listening: Give Up Now (Ash 25)
The Super-Battery
Push the service bell on the reception desk 100 times Most Annoying Guest Ever. Enter the office and close the door behind you Not Raised in a Barn. Open the portrait to reveal a wall safe. Pick up the Swiss bankbook from the desk, then open the desk drawer and take the Booboo-B-Gone from inside. Leave the office and pick up the flier from the rack, the help-wanted sign from the window, and the dime from the payphone. Now open the grandfather clock, and go down to the secret lab Rap Sheet: Trespasser.
After the long cutscene, get the paper (battery plans) from the notice board in the lab.
Just stand still until you eat a Hoagie Dude, It's Like, Cannibalism. Walk left and enter the inn, then talk to the mummy at the reception desk. Go upstairs 3 times to enter the attic. Pick up the can of red paint from the floor, then head all the way back outside. Use the red paint on the kumquat tree beside the outhouses Only Hoagie Can Make a Tree. Go back to the inn and enter the main hall. Talk to George Washington, and convince him to cut down the cherry tree Only George Can Destroy a Tree - this frees Laverne in the future.
Tell the guard you feel sick and you will reach the medical room. Take the tentacle chart from the wall and return to the kennel (leave the doctor's room, go through the main door, then go through the small door in the back wall). Now tell the guard that you need to use the bathroom. Go right and use the tentacle chart on the Chron-O-John.
Collect the tentacle chart from the Chron-O-John, then go back inside and head upstairs. Enter the middle room and put the chart on top of the prototype flag plans Windsock it to Me - this will cause a tentacle flag to appear in the future.
Go up to the foyer, then into the main hall, and use the fireplace to get up to the roof, then take the crank from the base of the flagpole. Send it to Laverne (now that you have used the Chron-O-John once, you can just drag items on to the character portraits to use the "quick-flush" feature). Also send the help-wanted sign and flier to Hoagie. You may want to just spend some time sending objects backwards and forwards using this method to get an achievement for doing it 50 times Master Plumber.
Return to the kennel and tell the guard you don't feel well again. Leave the doctor's room, go through the main door, then enter the fireplace to reach the roof. Put the crank in the crank box, then use it and get the flag. Use the flag to disguise yourself as a tentacle Costume Quest.
Climb back down the chimney to reach the main hall. Open the grating in the floor. Go right and chase the chattering teeth into the open grating, then pick them up. Go through the swinging door into the kitchen. Pick up both the regular coffee and decaf coffee. Try to combine the two coffees in your inventory And Then the Universe Explodes. Pick up the fork from the table, then try to use it in the microwave Voiding the Warranty. Go through the door into the laundry and take the funnel from inside the cabinet. Go back out to the foyer, and down to the secret lab. Use the decaf coffee in the mug.
Now head out of the lab and upstairs. Enter the "W" room and turn on the television, then turn it off again Energy Conscious. Leave here and go to the "R" room, where you can pick up the disappearing ink. Try to combine this with your Booboo-B-Gone And Then the Universe Implodes. Next enter the "F" room and talk to Green Tentacle. Pick up the video tape (around now you should have picked up 15 items Rap Sheet: Thief), push the right speaker and turn on the stereo (make sure you leave this turned on). Now go and use the disappearing ink on 5 separate characters (Green Tentacle here, the sleeping conventioneer in the "W" room, Nurse Edna upstairs on the left, Weird Ed upstairs on the right, and the cigar salesman in the main hall) That Joke Never Gets Old. Pick up the fake barf from the floor in the foyer, then go up to the right room on the 3rd floor and pick up the hamster. Try to send the hamster to Hoagie That Only Works With Alligators. Try to swap your textbook for Weird Ed's stamp album I'm Sure He'd Never Notice.
Go down 1 set of stairs and open the ice machine. Put the hamster inside, then close the lid. Send the textbook to Hoagie, and the Booboo-B-Gone, fork, fake barf and chattering teeth to Laverne.
Go downstairs to the foyer, and enter the grandfather clock to reach the basement. Give the patent application to Red Edison. Also give him the help-wanted sign Moronic drone, then pick up the lab coat and left-handed hammer. Go back upstairs to the foyer, then into the main hall. Go through the swinging door into the kitchen. Pick up the oil and spaghetti from the shelves. Enter the laundry through the other door here and pick up the bucket, then open the cabinet and take the brush. Go the kitchen again and use the bucket with the water pump to fill it up. Back in the main hall, put the flier in the suggestion box.
Now go back to the foyer and head upstairs. Enter the right room here and take the bottle of wine. Enter the left room and push George's bed, then pull the cord on the wall. Go out to the hall and take some soap from the maid's cart, then use it with your bucket of water. Go back down to the main hall and talk to Thomas Jefferson, then use the wine on his time capsule.
Head up to the 3rd floor and talk to the horse, then use the textbook on the horse. Take the dentures from the glass. Enter the room on the left and swap your left-handed hammer for the right-handed hammer. Go up to the attic and use Ned's bed. Now use the squeaky mattress on Jed's bed. Use the squeaky mattress to attract the cat, then pick up the squeaky mouse toy. Climb out the window, then down the chimney (this means all 3 characters should now have used the chimney WWSCD?). Send the can opener, squeaky mouse toy, spaghetti, dentures, and red paint to Laverne, and the brush to Bernard.
Try to combine the red paint with the Booboo-B-Gone Missing Pink. Go down the chimney, out to the foyer, and upstairs. Open the ice machine, look inside, and pick up the frozen hamster. Head downstairs and outside, and use the Booboo-B-Gone on the fence Oh Right, I'm Playing a Cartoon!. Now use your squeaky mouse toy on the cat. Try to use the fork on the cat ESRB Violation. Go inside, enter the main hall, and go through the right door to find the kitchen. Use the frozen hamster in the microwave Don't Try This at Home. Try to put the hamster in the microwave again Now You're Pushing It.
Go out to the foyer and upstairs again. Enter the "W" room and use your can opener on the time capsule. Pick up the vinegar Chateau Eau Neaux (around now you should have picked up 30 items Rap Sheet: Kleptomaniac). Send the vinegar to Hoagie, and the scalpel, red paint and Booboo-B-Gone to Bernard.
Go out the front of the house and open the mailbox, then take the letter from inside and read it. Send the letter to Bernard.
Enter the "R" room on the second floor and give the letter to Dwayne. Take the flag gun from his room. Go to the main hall and use the scalpel on the clown Rap Sheet: Vandal. Pick up the box o' laughs from the floor. Swap your flag gun for the the cigar lighter on the table. Talk to the cigar salesman about his cigars and take one when offered Novelty Enthusiast. Send the exploding cigar and cigar lighter to Hoagie, and the box o' laughs to Laverne.
Go to the main hall and talk to the blue tentacle to get a name tag. Head upstairs again and enter the "R" room, then talk to the mummy. Now pick up the roller skates and the extension cord. Use the roller skates on the mummy, then push the mummy. Go down to the foyer and use the name tag on the mummy It's an Honor Just to Compete. Go up to the 3rd floor and try to use the chattering teeth on the mummy Can't Win and Chew Gum at the Same Time, then send the chattering teeth to Hoagie.
Go inside and enter the main hall. Give your exploding cigar to George Washington, and after it explodes, give him the chattering teeth. Pick up the blanket from the floor. Go up to the attic and climb out the window on to the roof. Put the blanket over the chimney. Now climb back inside, and go outside to talk to George Washington while he is still standing outside Alas, Our Lazy Speechwriters Didn't Cover This. Go back inside and into the main hall and take the gold-plated quill pen. Head out to the foyer and send the gold-plated quill pen to Bernard.
Go up to the 3rd floor and enter the room on the left. Push Nurse Edna, then use your videotape on the VCR. Use the VCR. Push record and then rewind. Set the speed to EP, then press play and you will see the combination. Press the eject button. Leave this room and go up to the attic, then talk to the IRS agents and ask if they are brothers We're All Brothers.
Go downstairs to the foyer, and then enter the office. Open the safe Rap Sheet: Yegg and take the contract from inside. Try to use the gold-plated quill pen on the contract Rap Sheet: Forger and then try to use the Booboo-B-Gone on the contract Rap Sheet: Fraud. Send the gold-plated quill pen back to Hoagie.
Go down to the basement and give the gold-plated quill pen, oil and vinegar to Red Behind Every Great Man is a Quality Roadie. Pick up the battery once it has been completed.
The Diamond
Go outside and talk to the mummy (this means all 3 characters should have spoken to the mummy Are You My Mummy?), then go right to the parking lot and try to use the brush on the filthy car You Call That a Hint?. Send the brush back to Hoagie.
Go to the dirty carriage and use your soapy water on it Obvious, Really.... Go up to the 2nd floor and enter the right room. Give your lab coat to Ben Franklin, and you will end up outside with him. Use your battery in the pocket of the kite, then push the kite. Pick up the fully-charged battery after it falls to the ground.
Go to the main hall and climb the chimney, then head inside through the right window. Pick up the rope, then go back outside and use the rope on the pulley. Climb down the chimney and go outside. Use your red paint on the mummy, then use the dangling rope on the mummy. Go back inside and up the chimney again. Pull the rope. Climb up once more and go in through the right window, then use the mummy with Dr Fred. Use the rope with Dr Fred, then climb outside and pull the rope. You will automatically end up in the basement. Use your funnel on Dr Fred, then use your regular coffee on the funnel Coffee Achiever.
Go up to Weird Ed's room on the 3rd floor. Use the computer here and start a game of Maniac Mansion Games History Major. Select Dave, Bernard and Razor, then start the game itself.
As Dave, walk left to the house. Pick up the front door mat, then pick up the key. Use the key in the front door, then head inside. Open the first door you find, then enter the kitchen and go right until you are caught and locked up by Nurse Edna.
Switch to Razor, and also go to the kitchen. Open the door to the far right and go through to the dining room, then go through the next door on the far right to find the pantry. Pick up the fruit drinks from the bottom shelf, then go back out to the foyer and head upstairs. Open the door to the left to find an art studio, and pick up the bowl of wax fruit. Leave this room and go through the steel security door, then upstairs to the right. Give the bowl of wax fruit and the fruit drinks to Green Tentacle, then continue up some more stairs to the left. Open the first door and enter Dr Fred's room, then close the door behind you.
Switch to Bernard, and approach the front door. Push the door bell, then run away from the house again.
Switch back to Razor, wait a few seconds for Weird Ed to go past, then open the door and return to the hallway. Enter the 3rd door, pick up the hamster, and quickly return to Dr Fred's room, then close the door again. Wait for a while so Weird Ed can return to his room. Now leave the room, go down the left stairs, down the right stairs, through the steel security door, down the main stairs, and through the door on the left into the kitchen. Open the microwave, put the hamster inside, close the microwave, and turn it on Chef.
After quitting the game, use the invisible ink on Weird Ed's stamp album. When you get kicked out of his room pick up the stamp and the stamp album, then go back into the room and give Weird Ed his stamp album Olive Branch.
Go all the way back down to the basement and talk to Dr Fred to convince him to sign the contract Dialog Puzzles Are Hard. Use your stamp on the signed contract, then send it to Hoagie.
Go to the front of the house and put the signed contract in the mailbox.
Leave the basement and enter the office, then use the phone to order a diamond Flush.
Reaching Yesterday
Use the fake barf with Harold Rap Sheet: Cheat. Use the wet soggy noodles on the mummy, then use your fork on him. Now use your dentures and box o' laughs on the mummy. Head right and talk to the judges, asking them to judge each category - you will be awarded a dinner certificate and a trophy It's an Honor Just to Compete But Winning Is Better.
Go upstairs to the 2nd floor and enter the "W" room. Close the door and take the keys, then open the door and leave again. Head outside and go right to the parking lot. Give the keys to the man in the ski mask, and he will give you his crowbar. Go back inside and use the crowbar with the gum on the floor, then use the gum in your inventory to get another dime. Go back upstairs to the "W" room and use both of your dimes in the FickleFingers coin slot, then pick up the sweater. Leave the room and use your crowbar on the candy vending machine. Pick up the quarters (around now you should have picked up 45 items Rap Sheet: Adventure Gamer).
Go downstairs to the main hall, and through the kitchen to the laundry. Use the sweater with the dryer, then use the quarters with the dryer.
Go outside to the Chron-O-John and try to use your battery with the Chron-O-John That Should Have Worked. Now use the battery with the plug instead Number One.
Go outside to the Chron-O-John and use your extension cord with the plug, then use it with the open window. Go back inside and head to the laundry. Open the dryer and pick up the sweater Of Course It Would Still Weigh the Same. Use the sweater with the hamster. Leave the laundry and go back to the kennel. Give the dinner certificate to the tentacle guard, then push the switch. Use the cat, and the Edisons will escape.
Go out to the foyer and open the grandfather clock, then go through to the basement. Use the extension cord with the outlet, then use the toasty warm hamster with the generator. Now use the built-in shop vac on the mouse hole You Suck. Open the hatch and pick up the dust ball from inside, then use the dusty warm hamster with the generator Number Two.
Assuming the stereo is still turned on, you will get an achievement now Music Appreciation Award.
After the cutscene, go to the 2nd floor hallway and get shrunk again, then run into the "W" room and go through the mouse hole. Wait until you return to normal size, and pick up the bowling ball. Leave the room and head downstairs, then enter the grandfather clock. Use your bowling ball on the purple tentacles. Talk to Purple Tentacle and convince him to zap Dr Fred Yesterday's News.
Watch through the credits to the very end ...Take on the Words!. You will get another achievement if you didn't skip any cutscenes during the whole game Mental Patience. Now you should have collected 57 of the achievements, and will be awarded with the final one OCD.