Adventurezator: When Pigs Fly
Game Details: Fantasy, 2015
Steam Achievements: Completed (15/15)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 2/20/2017
Suggested Listening: Help Me Out (Ash 25)
Welcome to the Jungle
First Steps
Look at the gate, then open the mailbox and take the lock pick from inside. Use this on the gate to unlock it, then open the gate. Pick up and read Cousin Woofruff's note. Check out Zookwinkle the garden gnome, who has been turned to stone. Turn off the portable lamp and wait until it is night time (speed up time using your clock), then talk to Zookwinkle.
Wake up Zookwinkle, then attack and kill him.
Angry Bears
Don't Starve
Talk to Baby Bear, then enter the house. Take the matches from the dining table, and the 2 fish from the wooden work table. Use the matches to ignite the logs beneath the cauldron here. Put one fish into the cauldron, wait a bit and then take it back out and eat it. Repeat this with the second fish. Next go to the baby's bedroom and take the bear claws from on top of the bedside table. Finally go to the parents' bedroom and take the bear claws from inside their bedside table.
Get captured and eaten by the bears.
Newton's Balls
Talk to Isaac Newton. You can now select from two different objectives.
Guinea Pig
Step on the stone plate around the side of the house and the wooden door will open. Head inside and pick up the alchemy recipe (old wine) from the wooden shelf. Read the recipe to see the ingredients you need to collect. While you are still inside, find and pick up a 300ml flask, two 100ml flasks and an alchemy kit. Pick up a purple mushroom from the path just outside. Go to the well outside and use it to fill up the 300ml flask and both 100ml flasks (avoiding the small gnome guarding the well). Go back inside and make sure the alchemy table is turned on. Pour the contents of all 3 of your flasks on to the table (a total of 500ml). Put the empty 300ml flask and the purple mushroom on the table. Use the alchemy recipe (old wine) with the alchemy table. Use the alchemy kit with the alchemy table. This will allow you to unlock the Village People level.
Newton's Cubes
Step on the stone plate around the side of the house and the wooden door will open. Head inside and pick up the alchemy recipe (potion of dwarfism) from the wooden shelf. Read the recipe to see the ingredients you need to collect. While you are still inside, find and pick up two 100ml flasks, two hearts (one from the potty, the other from a cabinet), two bear claws and an alchemy kit. Go to the well outside and use it to fill up both 100ml flasks (avoiding the small gnome guarding the well). Go back inside and make sure the alchemy table is turned on. Pour the contents of 1 of your flasks on to the table (100ml). Put the empty 100ml flask, 1 heart and 1 set of bear claws on the table. Use the alchemy recipe (potion of dwarfism) with the alchemy table. Use the alchemy kit with the alchemy table. Now pick up the potion of dwarfism. Make a second potion of dwarfism using the same method. Go outside and you will find a rat hole leading to the locked room. Drink both of your potions, then go through and step on the stone plate to open the door. Now you need to wait until the potions wear off before going through the portal. This will allow you to unlock the Newton's Cubes level.
Attack and kill Isaac Newton.
Village People
There are three potential objectives for this level.
A Thousand Bucks
Talk to the Coachman, who says that a ticket to the castle will cost you 980 coins. Go and talk to the Blacksmith, who will buy any weapons that you have to sell. You can use the forge in his back room and the recipes available there to craft your own weapons, or you can just wait until he leaves and goes to bed and steal everything from his shop (if you sell everything you find back to him you should get 950 coins). Search the 3 bedrooms in the inn just west of here and you will get another 70 coins. Return to the Coachman and you should have enough money to buy the coach ticket. This will allow you to unlock the Castle Crasher level.
Trouble in Orckatraz
Go and talk to the Blacksmith, who will buy any weapons that you have to sell. You can use the forge in his back room and the recipes available there to craft your own weapons, or you can just wait until he leaves and goes to bed and steal everything from his shop (if you sell everything you find back to him you will get $950). Now go and talk to Jane at the Inn, and buy a lock pick, green dye, and crafting recipe (green key). Go and visit the Coachman, and take the work hammer from the wooden wardrobe in his back room. Use the work bench in his main room to craft a green key. Go and visit the Deputy and unlock his chest, then open it and take the gold inside while he is there. This will allow you to unlock the Orckatraz level.
The Pied Piper's Pipe
You must have already completed the Castle Crasher level and the Orckatraz level so that you have a flute and an eye ball in your inventory. Go and talk to the Mayor, then give her the flute. This will allow you to unlock the Blackrock Mines level.
Attack and get killed by anyone.
Castle Crasher
There are two potential objectives for this level.
The Pied Piper's Rats
Pick up The Pied Piper's Pipe from the fancy table in the main corridor, and the torch from the wall nearby. Use the pipe to lure a whole lot of rats to the room at the end of the corridor, then use your torch to ignite the big boom bomb - you should end up killing around 10 rats and blowing a hole in the wall. Go through to find a workbench and some recipes, and use the work hammer and the nearby ingredients to make 2 classic bombs, then turn them into 2 auto bombs. Place an auto bomb on the ground somewhere, lure more rats towards it, then activate the bomb and kill another 10 rats. Repeat this one more time to kill your required 30 rats in total.
Pick up the torch from the wall in the main corridor and use it to ignite the big boom bomb. Go through the hole in the wall and use the work hammer and the nearby ingredients to make 1 classic bomb. Go out to the garden maze and place the bomb behind one of the statues (on the other side of the hedge). Ignite it with your torch and quickly run away. This should knock the statue down so that it cannot see the other one. Now go and stand in front of the other statue, facing away from it. Move your game view so you also cannot see the statue, and it will attack you. This will allow you to unlock the Timey Wimey level Timey Wimey.
Stand right next to the big boom bomb after igniting it.
Timey Wimey
There are several ways this level can end.
Space-Time Continuum
Go and talk to Edmund, sitting on the first wooden bench.
A Big Ball of Timey Wimey
Go to Edmund's cart and take the 150 coins from inside. Go and talk to Belle and buy a lock pick from her. Head around through the far gate into Moristamo's property. Use the lock pick to unlock the wooden door in his house, then go through and grab the red key. Use this to unlock the locked gate and open the gate. Now Edmund should be able to walk through rather than take the path Paradox.
Either fight the ogre and get killed, or just wait until Edmund walks near the ogre and gets killed.
Get Isaac to stand on the plate outside near where you start, and the lights will turn off throughout the prison. Next move Zookwinkle on to the pressure plate in the back left of the main room to open the stone door near Cronan. Send Isaac through the door and get him to stand on the pressure plate at the end of the hall - this will open the cell doors. Now switch to Edmund and wait until there is a gap in when the guards can see the front door, then run outside. Send Isaac out after him. Get Zookwinkle to pick up the 2 eyes from the table, then head outside and give them to Edmund. Move Edmund next to the signpost.
Go inside and fight Cronan.
Blackrock Mines
Go forward and light the candle, then read the note on the table. Step on the pressure plate in here, then send Zookwinkle in to step on the next plate and bring Edmund through the door as well. Look at the map, then talk to Grumpy and give him the forged Blacksmith's note. Grab the torch from the wall anywhere so that you have a portable light source. Pick up a knife and fork from the mess hall and some green dye from the doc's office. Now go to the supplies room and use the workbench to craft a lock pick and then a green key. Next use your green key to get through the locked Dwarven door. Explore the passages here and pick up the diamond. Follow the passages around to another door that you can get through using a pressure plate. There are 2 ways to complete the level from here.
Make sure that Zookwinkle is carrying the diamond, and walk through the exit door. This will allow you to unlock the Professor Azimuth level.
Make sure that Edmund is carrying the diamond, and walk to the exit door. This will allow you to unlock the Professor Newton level.
Go inside and fight Grumpy.
Professor Azimuth
The Schnibble of Azimuth
Talk to Woodruff in his yard, then go and talk to his neighbor Azimuth through his window. Open his mailbox and take the key from inside, then use this to get through the front door. Find a red key on the floor behind the long case clock in the dining room, and use this to unlock Azimuth's bedroom door. Open the door, and he will make his way to the alchemy table.
Walk over and fight Woodruff.
Professor Newton
Free Newton
Create 2 potions of dwarfism using the alchemy table. Give both of these to Isaac. Get Isaac to drink them both, then crawl out through the rat hole. Still as Isaac, go inside and stand next to the alchemy table.
After freeing Isaac, fight Edmund.
Angry Dwarves
Just using Azimuth for now, grab a small sword and a buckler from the first building, then go all the way to the final house and steal the auto bomb. Take the side path back through the woods and use the auto bomb to destroy the wooden barrier. Now attack either of the dwarves at the second house when they are alone. Wait until night time when the other dwarf is sleeping, then move both Edmund and Zookwinkle past this house, along the side path and to the temple signpost.
Get anyone killed by the dwarves.
Altar of Doom
Using Azimuth, grab a shield and a staff of protection. Drink all 3 potions in the entry hall, equip the staff and shield, and you should be able to kill the ogre. There are now two possible objectives.
Pick up the ogre's heart and use it with the poison potion and an alchemy kit to make a potion of cleansing. Get Zookwinkle to drink it When Gnomes Walk.
This Ain't Over Yet
Get a lock pick from the left chest and use it to open the right chest. Craft a small axe using the forge, and an auto bomb using the workbench. Get Edmund to pick up the ogre's heart. Look at the maze map, then head outside into the hedge maze. Using the map, make your way through the maze towards Garden A in the back left corner. You can use your axe to chop down the wooden barriers. Once you make it there, head through the portal.
Go and find the ogre directly.
Forgotten Caves
Pick up the matches and use them to light the torch on the wall. Read the dead miner's note. Use the workbench to craft an alchemy kit. Now there are two possible objectives.
Ed's Choice
Use the alchemy table to make a potion of cleansing and drink it When Pigs Die.
Outta Here
Use the alchemy table to make a potion of cleansing. Use the alchemy table again to convert this into a potion of might and drink it When Pigs Fly.
Drink the poisoned potion in your inventory.
Other Achievements
As well as completing the game, you can get further achievements by seeing all endings Swine Master and all cutscenes Pig Overlord.
In addition to the campaign, there is a separate small level called Arena that can be completed for an achievement Lord of the Arena. Another achievement is gained from the separate Halloween stand-alone level, Untrustworthy. There are also several achievements that can only be unlocked by using the game creation tool:
- Create and add a custom actor to a level Casting Call
- Create and finish a custom level Quickie Quotient
- Create and test a custom actor mask Masked Man
- Create and set a custom cutscene in a level Movie Maker
- Share a custom level to the Workshop Selfless
- Create and finish a custom campaign with at least 3 levels