Mystery Point and Click Adventure

Game Details:  Mystery, 2021

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  2/15/2022

Suggested Listening:  Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)

TARAKAN is a first-person mystery adventure game. The previous game by the same developer is TIERRA. After discovering a secret base while out walking in the forest, you find a submarine docked by the nearby river. Your curiosity gets the better of you, and you decide to investigate. The next game by the same developer is SOTANO.


Try to open the hatch, but it is too heavy. Turn around and pick up the crowbar, then turn back and use this on the hatch. Inside the submarine, read the note on the left, which mentions an access code of 74951. Press the red button next to the note to activate the screens. Look at the screen in the far right corner, which allows you to insert a series of 3 microchips. Now look at the blue screens on the back wall. Click on the first target location (Alpha).


Approach the building ahead. Look at the keypad to the right of the door and enter the code 74951, then go inside to find a corridor with a large window on the left.

Head around the corridor to the left, then go through the door to the far left. Find a note in the crate to the left that mentions the year 1578. Look at the periodic table on the far wall, and zoom in on the yellow section for a closer view. Back out to return to the corridor with the large window.

Now head around the corridor to the right, then go through the door to the far left. Look in the box on the desk to find a security card. Examine the safe on the floor and open it with the code 1578. Take the screwdriver. Leave this room and go to the elevator, which needs a card to access. Use your security card on the elevator to get inside, then pick up the key from the floor.

Return to the left corridor and approach the far right door. Use the key on the locked door. Examine the paper on the left here to see the highlighted letters of the word Omicron. Enter this as the password to the computer, and you will see a safe code of ScTiVCr. Return to the periodic table to see that this corresponds with a series of yellow elements. Read the atomic numbers to convert this to 21222324. Come back to the office with the computer and examine the safe along the far wall. Open it with the code 21222324 and take another key. Now examine the vent on the right wall in here. Use your screw on it to head through.

Look at the old wooden cupboard on the floor and unlock it with your key. Take the microchip, then return all the way back to the submarine.


Look at the screen in the right corner and insert your microchip into slot 1. Look at the blue screens and click on the second target location (Beta).


Look left to see a locked shipping container and a small console that displays a blue 5 when you push the button. Back out and look right to see a locked gate and a wooden board with some curved symbols. Back out again and go straight this time, to see a plaque explaining the curved numbers, and a small console that displays a red 7 when you push the button.

Return outside and look right again. Convert the curved symbols on the wooden board into numbers and unlock the gate here with the code 331577. Inside, find another small console that displays a green 2 when you push the button. Look at the toolbox and use the hint on the front to open it with the code 5173, then take the key. Look at the large door in the ground, but you will need a crowbar to get it open.

Back out twice then look left to see the shipping container again. Use your key to get inside. Go through to the back area and pick up the crowbar. Take this to the large door in the ground and force it open with the crowbar. Inside, look at the small console on the left that shows a yellow 8 when you push the button. Notice the colored symbols above the other door here (red, green, blue, yellow). Open this door with the code from the 4 colored numbers you have seen: 7258.

In the large warehouse, go forward and look in the largest box to see a piece of paper with the ID MMDCCXLI (2741 in Roman numbers). There is an explanation for how to interpret Roman numbers in the other box. Go back and find another door to the left, then open it with code 2741. Look at the open box in this room to find a fuse. Back out and approach the far end of the warehouse again. Use your fuse on the electrical box here, then go left up the stairs and through the door.

Examine the piece of paper on the desk here, which gives 4 colors and numbers. Examine the safe, which requires 5 numbers based on 5 colors. The logic for these is as follows:

  • Red: 6
  • Yellow: 2 (red - orange)
  • Green: 4
  • Blue: 3
  • Purple: 9 (blue + red)

Open the safe with the code 62439. Take the microchip, then return all the way back to the submarine.


Look at the screen in the right corner and insert your microchip into slot 2. Look at the blue screens and click on the third target location (Gamma).


Go forward along the path and note the sign on the left that says A=1. Continue forward to see a large sign that says GAMMA, and a locked keypad. Given that A=1, if you continue through the alphabet, G=7 and M=13. Enter the code 7113131 and continue inside.

Look at the door to the left. There are 4 shapes above the door: triangle, circle, octagon, square. Count the number of sides on each shape, then enter 3184 into the keypad and head through the door to a short hallway. Look at the plaque on the left wall, which shows a pattern of symbols and the letters V and H. The other door here is locked, so back out for now.

Go through the security door on the right. Search the boxes to find a key and a rectangular mirror. Leave this room for now. Use your mirror on the red lasers to disable them. Approach the door at the back and unlock it with your key. In the next room there is a safe that mentions V+H. Using the pattern of symbols from the plaque in the short hallway, you need to count the symbols in each row (23312) and each column (23213). Add these together since you need V+H, and enter the safe code as 46525. Take another key.

Return to the short hallway and use this key on the locked door. Approach the safe here, which has three colored buttons and the word GAMMA. If you assume the colored buttons are Amber, Magenta and Green, press them in this order: Green, Amber, Magenta, Magenta, Amber (GAMMA). Take the microchip, then return all the way back to the submarine.


Look at the screen in the right corner and insert your microchip into slot 2. Look at the blue screens and click on the final target location (Tarakan).


Look at the sign on the gate. Each number is made up from adding the 2 numbers below and subtracting 15. Based on this pattern, D is 1345 and E is 2440. Examine the keypad, which needs you to enter ED, so enter the code 24401345.

Go forward towards the rocket. There is a panel here that prompts you for an abort code. Look at the blue crate just left of the rocket to see a torn piece of paper. In each row, the number on the right indicates the number of circles hidden in the numbers on the left. If you complete the pattern, the numbers on the right will be 6004002. Enter this code into the panel.