Tiny LandsTiny Lands

Game Details:  Puzzle, 2021

Steam Achievements:  Completed (14/14)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam

Walkthrough Updated:  12/1/2024

Suggested Listening:  Caught Up in the Panic (Ash 25)

Tiny Lands is a simple puzzle game where you must closely examine 2 similar small scenes and find the differences between them. To find these differences you will need to rotate the scenes and possibly zoom in for more details. This walkthrough includes the Anniversary levels and 3 Expansion Pack DLCs.


The objective in this world and all subsequent worlds is to identify 5 differences between the left and right scenes. You can click on the object in question in either scene, and you click on them in any order. The descriptions below detail the type of object followed by its description in the left scene, and the difference in its appearance in the right scene.

Level 1: Waterfall

  • Rock: Dark green, in the raised water in the middle (dark brown).
  • Pillar: Lying on ground to the left (leaning but not lying down).
  • Log: Leaning against the back of the hill (lying down).
  • Water Lily: Small and pink on a leaf in the lake (larger and white).
  • Bird Wings: Golden wings on a flying bird to the right (orange).

Level 2: Canoe Rack

  • Canoe: Leaning to the side in the standing canoe rack (standing straight).
  • Barrel: Behind the standing canoe rack (smaller).
  • Parcel: Inside the man's canoe in the water (lying flat).
  • Large Fish: In the water, heading towards the rock (moved).
  • Lily Pad: In the water near the beach (larger).

Level 3: Wooden Hut

  • Fish: Red, on a stick near the fire (blue).
  • Sword: Hanging vertically on the front of the hut (angled).
  • Broom: Leaning on a rock at the edge of the sand (moved).
  • Tree Stump: Beneath the tree in the back corner (larger).
  • Bird: Sitting on the roof of the hut (moved).

Level 4: Horse and Cart

  • Crate: On the ground to the side of the path (rotated).
  • Dark Banner: Hanging from the beam across the path (moved).
  • Potion: Blue, in the cart (green).
  • Shield: Red cross on the back of a soldier (white cross).
  • Large Stone: On top of another stone (rotated).

Level 5: Golden Tree

  • Leaf: Red, at the base of the main tree (yellow).
  • Spider: Crawling up the main tree (moved).
  • Butterfly: On the trunk of a small tree at the back (moved).
  • Log: Lying on the ground near the single small tree (rotated).
  • Egg: In the nest on the main tree (larger).

Level 6: Log Cabin

  • Wooden Shield: On the table (smaller).
  • Large Urn: To the far side of the cabin (moved).
  • Drum: Next to the well (larger).
  • Bucket: On the ground behind the horse (larger).
  • Red Banner: On the front of the cabin (moved).

Level 7: Canoe

  • Water Lily: White, on raised yellow leaf (green).
  • Lily Pad: Large and green, in the water near the back of the boat (brown).
  • Lily Pad: Raised and green, near the back of the boat (rotated).
  • Lily Pad: Raised and green, near a rock (larger).
  • Bucket: In the boat (moved).

Level 8: Barbecue

  • Meat: On the picnic table (rotated).
  • Fire Extinguisher: Against the van (fallen).
  • Umbrella: Red and white (rotated).
  • First Aid Kit: Next to the stack of logs (rotated).
  • Bicycle: On the back of the van (upside down).

Level 9: Tepees

  • Pillar Segment: Dark brown, bottom segment of a pillar (light brown).
  • Native: Standing near a flame on the edge of the sand (moved).
  • Pillar Segment: By itself on the ground with a beak on the front (smaller beak).
  • Eagle Wing: On the side of a segment second from top of a pillar (moved).
  • Pillar Segment: Third segment from bottom of a pillar (different shape).

Level 10: Stag

  • Butterfly: Glowing pink, low down over rock (glowing red).
  • Water Lily: On high dark green leaf (larger).
  • Lily Pad: Small dark green in the water (moved).
  • Mushroom: Gray, on the side of the tall rock (moved).
  • Mushroom: Purple, on the green land low down in front of the stag (green).


Level 1: Treasure Island

  • Starfish: Red, on the beach near the open treasure chest (orange).
  • Fish: Purple, along the back of the island aiming towards the raft (green).
  • Treasure Chest: On the raft (larger).
  • Shovel: Near the chest at the high part of the island (rotated).
  • Coral: Blue, in the water near the shark (larger).

Level 2: Beach

  • Fish: Purple, by itself in the water (green).
  • Lifebuoy: Leaning against the log wall (larger).
  • Bucket: Blue, beneath the large open umbrella (moved).
  • Flag: Light blue, on top of the sand castle (purple).
  • Umbrella: Closed and standing upright on the beach (fallen).

Level 3: Sailboats

  • Lifebuoy: Red, near the small sailboat (purple).
  • Surfboard: Yellow, on the side of the small sailboat (red).
  • Ladder: On the side of the large sailboat (moved).
  • Sail: Yellow stripes on the multi-colored windsurfer (purple).
  • Porthole: On the far side of the large sailboat (larger).

Level 4: Umbrella Island

  • Seagull: One of the birds in the flying group of 5 birds (larger).
  • Starfish: Orange, near the tall rock with the surfboard (red).
  • Basket: Blue, near the open blue umbrella (moved).
  • Towel: Blue, on the beach with nobody using it (pink).
  • Surfboard: Navy blue, in the water with a dog on the back (light blue).

Level 5: Lighthouse

  • Seagull: Flying to the side of the lighthouse (rotated).
  • Anchor: On the ground in the shadow of the lighthouse (rotated).
  • Flag: Green, on the jetty (red).
  • Bucket: White, on the ground near the ladder (red).
  • Coral: Green and spiky in the water beneath the rotated seagull (brown).

Level 6: Shark Attack

  • Shark: In the water nearest the fishing rod (larger).
  • Fish: Blue, in the water nearest the fishing rod (red).
  • Sandals: Near the corner of the raft (rotated).
  • Water Bottle: On the raft, near the base of the flag (rotated).
  • Rock: Underwater in the corner (larger).

Level 7: Whale

  • Seagull: Flying towards the whale's head (moved).
  • Seagull: Flying towards the back of the whale (smaller).
  • Fish: Blue, swimming over the whale's right pectoral fin (brown).
  • Fish: Red, swimming over the whale's left pectoral fin (brown).
  • Fish: Brown, in the air low down just below the blow-hole (rotated).

Level 8: Kraken

  • Sucker: On the inner aspect of the highest tentacle (larger).
  • Tentacle: The small tentacle touching the back of the boat (rotated).
  • Goblet: Falling out of a treasure chest being held by a tentacle (larger).
  • Barrel: In the front of the boat (larger).
  • Crossbow: On the front of the boat (rotated).

Level 9: Orcas

  • Pectoral Fin: Pectoral fin of orca furthest from vertical orca (rotated).
  • Dorsal fin: Dorsal fin of orca nearest the middle (larger).
  • Tail: Tail of medium-sized orca by itself (rotated).
  • Fish: Light blue, right in the middle underwater (larger).
  • Fish: Gray, in the air and aiming back down (red).

Level 10: Sunken Treasure

  • Sword: On the ocean floor, leaning against a large rock (rotated).
  • Clam: Purple, on top of a medium rock near the edge of the area (blue).
  • Fish: Red, swimming towards the central treasure chest (larger).
  • Anchor: Upright near the central rock (larger).
  • Turtle: Swimming down low towards a corner rock (larger).


Level 1: Cemetery

  • Brick: Light-colored brick in the wall near the gravedigger (larger).
  • Gravestone: With a cross, near the wall but far from the gravedigger (rotated).
  • Wooden Cross: In the ground near the gravedigger (tilted).
  • Gravestone: Dark colored, opposite corner from the gravedigger (larger).
  • Spider: On the back of a plain gray gravestone near the dark one (larger).

Level 2: Lonely Road

  • Tree: Yellow, near the far edge of the area (red).
  • Dead Tree: Near the side of the road (smaller).
  • Hitchhiker: Green, near the side of the road (blue).
  • Barrel: White, in the group behind the rock (red).
  • Tire: Leaning against the rock near the van (larger).

Level 3: Scary Forest

  • Sign: Next to the path (rotated).
  • Bicycle: Pink, next to the girl on the path (moved).
  • Backpack: Blue, on the back of a boy on the path (green).
  • Tire: On the ground to the right of the path (moved).
  • Rat: Near the fallen backpack on the path (larger).

Level 4: Church

  • Ghost: Flying over the left large roof (rotated).
  • Ghost: Coming out of right side of the tower (larger).
  • Ladder: Against the left side of the tower, on the ground (larger).
  • Tombstone: In the graveyard on the left side, near the church (taller).
  • Wooden Cross: In the graveyard on the right side (larger).

Level 5: Alchemy Lab

  • Potion: Green, on the ground floor table (white).
  • Potion: Dark green, on the upstairs floor near the cauldron (moved).
  • Candelabra: Next to the alchemist (rotated).
  • Book: Green, in the ground floor shelves (moved).
  • Urn: Gray, near the top of the stairs (red).

Level 6: Haunted Farm

  • Crow: On a fence post around the large corn field (moved).
  • Pumpkin: The head of a purple scarecrow in the large corn field (larger).
  • Pumpkin: The head of a yellow scarecrow in the small corn field (larger).
  • Pumpkin: One of the huge pumpkins in the corner (smaller).
  • Ladder: Leaning in the corner (tilted).

Level 7: Undead Battle

  • Wooden Shield: Held by the red ogre (larger).
  • Wooden Shield: On the ground in front of the tentacles (rotated).
  • Skeleton: Next to the red ogre (different shield).
  • Shield: Red, on the ground behind the green ogre (blue).
  • Knight: To the right of the black alchemist (rotated).

Level 8: Desecrated Graveyard

  • Flag: Red, to the right of the main staircase (green).
  • Sarcophagus Lid: Closed, to the side of the main statue (open).
  • Tombstone: Next to the dead tree in the corner (rotated).
  • Animal Horns: On the skull near the big skeleton (rotated).
  • Animal Rib: Part of the big skeleton (rotated).

Level 9: Alien Crystal

  • Container: Yellow, in the stacks near the stairs (red).
  • Stone: Cube-shaped, to the right of the stairs (larger).
  • Small Pillar: On the main platform near the crystal (moved).
  • Statue: On the edge of the main platform (rotated).
  • Large Pillar: On the ground behind the main platform, near a statue (taller).

Level 10: Haunted Tomb

  • Candles: On a flat stone near the tomb entrance (larger).
  • Tall Candle: Next to a statue at the side of the tomb (moved).
  • Crow: On top of the tomb (moved).
  • Tombstone: With a cross on top, near the back of the tomb (rotated).
  • Tombstone: With a pointed top in the main graveyard (larger).


Level 1: Backyard

  • Bird: In the tall pink tree (moved).
  • Road Sign: Behind the truck (larger).
  • Box: On top of the other boxes near the dog house (moved).
  • Broom: Leaning against side of house (moved).
  • Stepping Stone: On grass near the truck (moved).

Level 2: Bullet Trains

  • Roof Panel: At the back of the train nearest the buildings (larger).
  • Platform Pillar: Dark gray, beneath the train nearest the buildings (light gray).
  • Side Window: In the middle of the train away from the buildings (moved).
  • Side Doors: On the far side of the train nearest the buildings (moved).
  • Small Tree: Red, in the far corner (green).

Level 3: Zen Garden

  • Rock: Gray, at the base of the tree (brown).
  • Rock: Brown, near the person with the green shirt (larger).
  • Bush: Just inside the entrance (larger).
  • Bird: On the rock near the person sitting down (rotated).
  • Stone Sculpture: To the side of the tallest component (moved).

Level 4: Temple

  • Lantern: Near back side of temple (larger).
  • Tree: In the corner of the front garden area (rotated).
  • Arch: Main entrance arch (smaller).
  • Banner: Red, to the side of the red carpet (rotated).
  • Man: Purple, standing next to the red carpet (blue).

Level 5: Bridge

  • Lantern: Small, floating to the side of the bridge (moved).
  • Sunflower: On the bank in front of a rock (larger).
  • Man: Wearing black on the bridge (moved).
  • Lily Pad: In a group in the river (larger).
  • Water Lily: Pink, in the river on a leaf (white).

Level 6: Intersection

  • Bin Lid: Blue, behind the tall brown-roofed building (pink).
  • Transformer: On the pole outside the white-roofed building (moved).
  • Man: Wearing a hat, standing in front of a wooden bench (moved).
  • Roof Panel: On top of the train (moved).
  • Crossing Sign: Near the workmen (larger).

Level 7: Dinner Table

  • Sushi Roll: White, standing on a narrow wooden board near the edge (black).
  • Chopstick: In a bowl of soup (larger).
  • Radish: In the other bowl of soup (larger).
  • Sushi Roll: Black, lying down on a narrow wooden board with sashimi (moved).
  • Sushi Roll: Black, lying down on a large white board (orange).

Level 8: Koi Pond

  • Fish: White, near the yellow lily pad (orange).
  • Fish: White spots, yellow fish near the large water lily (red spots).
  • Fish: White, low near the middle rocks (orange).
  • Water Lily: Blue, near the middle (pink).
  • Lily Pad: Near the middle rocks (rotated).

Level 9: Lantern Lake

  • Woman: Red, on the jetty (green).
  • Lantern: Yellow, in front of the children on the bank (pink).
  • Lantern: White, in front of the archway (taller).
  • Lantern: Pink, in front of the man on the bank near a lily pad (taller).
  • Fish: In front of the man on the bank (larger).

Level 10: Night Town

  • Man: Orange shirt, near front of delivery bike (navy shirt).
  • Sign: Above doors at side of crab restaurant (moved).
  • Sign: Above red vending machine (larger).
  • Claws: On symbol at top of crab restaurant (larger).
  • Tentacle: Red, holding sign above seafood restaurant (gray).


Level 1: Polar Bears

  • Fish: In the mouth of a polar bear (larger).
  • Penguin: On an ice platform with a baby (rotated).
  • Penguin: On an ice platform with a smaller penguin (larger).
  • Penguin: On the high ledge (rotated).
  • Ice Platform: Ice in the water, near a platform with a penguin and baby (larger).

Level 2: Igloo

  • Sled: In the corner near a tree (rotated).
  • Sled: Near the cart (rotated).
  • Box: Closed, near the cart (opened).
  • Rock: Near the fire (moved).
  • Wolf: Gray, on the snow-covered rock (white).

Level 3: Fishing Hole

  • Fish: Blue, hanging from the largest rack (gray).
  • Penguin: On the ledge overlooking the fishing hole (moved).
  • Ice Platform: In the fishing hole, near one of the fishing lines (larger).
  • Bucket: Orange, next to one of the fishermen (blue).
  • Backpack: Red, near some wooden barrels in the corner (larger).

Level 4: Ice Barge

  • Shipping Container: Green, near the back of the ship (brown).
  • Shipping Container: Red, near the middle of the far side of the ship (orange).
  • Crate: Green, near the front of the ship (orange).
  • Porthole: Lit up on the far side of the ship (moved).
  • Ice Platform: In the water in front of the 3 whales (larger).

Level 5: Snow Lodge

  • Ladder: Leading up to the main platform (moved).
  • Fuel Container: Yellow, with other supplies on the side of the platform (red).
  • Barrel: With other supplies on the other side of the platform (smaller).
  • Snowman: In the snow to the side of the lodge (rotated).
  • Fish: On the ground beneath the back of the lodge (rotated).

Level 6: Cozy Room

  • Picture: Over the fireplace (moved).
  • Book: Open on the round table (rotated).
  • Rubbish Bag: Black, next to the kitchen bench (white).
  • Chair: Next to the dining table (moved).
  • Pizza: On the plate on the arm of the sofa (rotated).

Level 7: Night Train

  • Wolf Cub: White, on top of the round mountain-top (rotated).
  • Window: Open, on the near side of the train car nearest the round mountain-top (half-closed).
  • Window: Open, on the far side of the train car nearest the round mountain-top (half-closed).
  • Window: Open, on the far side of the train car coming out of the tunnel (closed).
  • Sign: On the snow on the far side of the train car nearest the round mountain-top (rotated).

Level 8: Cable Cars

  • Cable Car: Blue, heading up the left side (rotated).
  • Skier: Red, coming down to the right on a steep slope (moved).
  • Skier: Blue, coming down near the orange car at the bottom (moved).
  • Flag: Red, between the two jumps (rotated).
  • Skis: Leaning against the snow near the snowman (moved).

Level 9: Ice Block

  • Workman: Climbing up a ladder on the side of the ice block (moved).
  • Helmet: Sitting on the handle of a shovel between the bones of a skeleton (larger).
  • Backpack: Brown, on the back of a man helping to carry a yellow crate (green).
  • Cone: Red, near the base of one of the ladders (blue).
  • Shovel: Leaning in the sand mount containing artifacts (tilted).

Level 10: Night Village

  • Hedge: White flowers, around the base of the statue (red flowers).
  • Log Pile: On the raised rocky platform near the highest building (rotated).
  • Window: On the top floor of the double-story house nearest the caravan (moved).
  • Horse: Brown, with another horse in the corner of the area (white).
  • Banner: Hanging on a sign next to the road (larger).

Wild West

Level 1: Bank

  • Green Chair: Near the front doors (moved).
  • Dynamite: Brown, next to a chest on the roof (larger).
  • Curtains: Brown, on the far side of the wagon (red).
  • Wanted Sign: Hanging near the front doors (brown hat).
  • Wooden Sign: Near the cacti (rotated).

Level 2: Desert Path

  • Wooden Splinter: On the ground in front of the horse (larger).
  • Cactus Branch: To the horse's left side (moved).
  • Bird: Standing on a rock behind the horse (rotated).
  • Cactus Flower: Pink, to the horse's right side (red).
  • Short Cactus: Green, to the horse's right side (yellow).

Level 3: Gambling

  • Windmill Tail: Red, on the large windmill (green).
  • Wooden Stool: Behind the man in black (rotated).
  • Apple: On the crate next to the woman in white (became a food tin).
  • Food Tin: Behind the crate with the playing cards (larger).
  • Cactus Flower: Pink, on the largest cactus near the building (moved).

Level 4: Romance

  • Candles: On a lower step (moved).
  • Bird: Green breast, on top of a cactus (yellow breast).
  • Bucket: On the ground near the soldier (rotated).
  • Leaf: Green, on the vines over the rear of the archway (pink).
  • Short Cactus: Near the bed rolls (larger).

Level 5: Lake

  • Fabric: Red, drying on the wooden beam (green).
  • Large Pot: Green, next to a barrel at edge of lake (brown).
  • Lily Pad: Green, in a group behind the arches (larger).
  • Corn: Being held by the man on the rug (became a carrot).
  • Bird: On top of the arch (rotated).

Level 6: Spirits

  • Totem Pole: Middle segment (rotated).
  • Dear Skull: On the front of the tepee (lower).
  • Bottle: Yellow, inside the fallen basket (red).
  • Large Jug: Light green, in front of the woman in the yellow dress (darker).
  • Rock: On the ground near the large green jugs (moved).

Level 7: Dinosaur Bones

  • Shovel: In the ground near the front of the dinosaur skull (moved).
  • Bone: Straight bone in the middle of the skeleton (moved).
  • Parchment: Being held by the man sitting on the rock (rotated).
  • Small Rock: To the left of the ladder (moved).
  • Flat Rock: Grey, in the corner of the area (yellow).

Level 8: Mine Site

  • Ladder: Leaning against the high platform (moved).
  • Dynamite: Red, on the ground near the mine entrance (brown).
  • Wheel: Leaning against the tall rocks (smaller).
  • Gem: Yellow, on the wall inside the mine (red).
  • Shovel: Held by the man standing next to the train tracks (pick-axe).

Level 9: Saloon

  • Cocktail: Green, on the bar (yellow).
  • Small Jug: Blue, beneath the piano (red).
  • Broken Bottle: Next to a barrel in the middle of the floor (larger).
  • Man: Sitting by himself in the corner (moved).
  • Saloon Door: One of the paired wooden doors (lower).

Level 10: Train Station

  • Woman: Wearing blue dress on high balcony (moved).
  • Bell: Blue, on top of the front of the train (red).
  • Bucket: Beneath the ladder against the water tower (larger).
  • Chest: On top of the rear of the train (more open).
  • Sliding Door: On the side of the train, near the rear (moved).


Level 1: Hurdles

  • First Aid Kit: On a stretcher in the corner (fire hydrant).
  • Cone: Orange, on the edge of the running track (red).
  • Letter G: On the GOAL sign above the finish line (flipped).
  • Orange Hurdle: On the race track (moved).
  • Spectator: Wearing a pink top (moved).

Level 2: Tennis

  • Female Player: At the back of the court (moved).
  • Ball Boy: Wearing red, on side of the court (moved).
  • Female Spectator: Wearing white shirt, 3rd row of stands (moved).
  • Male Spectator: Wearing dark shirt, top row of stands (flipped).
  • Tennis Racquet: Held by one of the male players (rotated).

Level 3: Ice Skating

  • Bus Sign: In the corner (rotated).
  • Sport Player: In front of the small goals (moved).
  • Bag: Next to the park bench (became a sled).
  • Dog: Black, next to the park bench (brown).
  • Snowman: Near the corner of the ice (rotated).

Level 4: BMX

  • Blue Bird: Flying near the yellow and orange trees (moved).
  • White Bike: Lying against a bush (moved).
  • Bed Roll: Orange, next to the truck (blue).
  • Silver Barricade: On the side of the track near the green flag carrier (larger).
  • Tree Stump: On the track next to a pink rider (became a rock).

Level 5: Fitness Class

  • Boxing Glove: Green, on the floor in the corner (blue).
  • Dumb-Bell: Dark green, on the shelves in the corner (light green).
  • Dumb-Bell: Black, on the floor near the green mat (moved).
  • Plant: In a pot on the shelves (became incense).
  • Pot Plant: To the side of the glass doors (moved and rotated).

Level 6: Basketball

  • Orange Player: On the 3-point line (moved).
  • Stereo: In the corner (larger).
  • Boxing Glove: On the ground behind the baseline (became a basketball).
  • Tennis Racquet: Line on the wall near the exit door (became a broom).
  • Basketball Hoop: On the backboard (higher).

Level 7: Surfing

  • Coral: Purple, on the ocean floor near the person in the orange/white life ring (blue).
  • Scuba Diver: Upright, holding a red buoy (moved legs).
  • Scuba Diver: Swimming, beneath the largest wave (rotated).
  • Starfish: Purple, on the edge near the red coral (larger).
  • Surfboard: Green, beneath flying surfer (flipped).

Level 8: Skateboarding

  • Bag: On stone seat with raised garden bed (moved).
  • Skateboard: Beneath flying skateboarder on ramp (rotated).
  • Skateboard: Black, leaning against side of ramp, next to ladder (flipped).
  • Skateboarder: Red hair,waiting at top of ramp (rotated).
  • Rubbish Bag: White, next to orange bin (black).

Level 9: Swimming

  • Rubbish Bag: White, behind blue toilet room (larger).
  • Pool Lounge: Near the middle of the pool (part changed color).
  • Woman: At read of toilet queue (moved).
  • Lane Rope: Red, segment of the rope nearest the toilet (black).
  • Kick Board: In the water far from the toilet (became a ball).

Level 10: Awards Ceremony

  • Speaker: Black, on the ground near the pizza delivery guy (green).
  • Number 3: On the front of the podium (flipped).
  • Soccer Ball: In the stands behind the stage (became a basketball).
  • Light: On back-top of stage frame (became a small speaker).
  • Fire Extinguisher: On back-side of stage frame (higher).


Level 1: Shuttle Launch

  • Car: Olive, in the car park (green).
  • Lander: On raised platform in corner (rotated).
  • Wire Fence: Near medical tents (rotated).
  • Side Booster: Red, on side of main shuttle booster (black).
  • Silver Dish: On side of tower near main satellite dishes (moved).

Level 2: Moon Lander

  • Red Panel: On side of lander, near the steps (flipped).
  • Canister: White and blue, on blue container next to lander (moved).
  • Container: Purple, leaning near computer behind flag bearer (moved).
  • Crater: On moon surface, near flag site (smaller).
  • Crystal: Pink, in front of seated astronaut (blue).

Level 3: Habitat

  • Door: On side of square building (larger).
  • Tunnel: Connecting main habitat to square building (moved).
  • Machine: Orange, holding tire near repair bay (rotated).
  • Light Bollard: Along far side of main habitat (moved).
  • Satellite Dish: Silver, on top of main habitat (gray).

Level 4: Lava Jump

  • Tire: Rear left tire of jumping vehicle (moved).
  • Rock: Small pillar within lava flow (smaller).
  • Equipment: Blue, inside jumping vehicle (moved).
  • Crate: White, flying in front of vehicle (yellow).
  • Canister: White, flying in front of vehicle (yellow).

Level 5: Sea Monster

  • Starfish: Pink, along bank in front of monster (moved).
  • Picnic Rug: Beneath the astronauts (changed colors).
  • Flower Petals: Middle of tallest pink flower (rotated).
  • Horn: Side of right horn on monster's head (moved).
  • Laser Gun: Inside green crate next to picnic rug (rotated).

Level 6: Crystal Mining

  • Wheel: Grey, rear right wheel on truck (silver).
  • Mining Arm: Orange with red fittings (black fittings).
  • Mining Arm: Black with red fittings (rotated).
  • Crystal: Pink, next to largest pink crystal (blue).
  • Container: Leaning against the tall rock (moved).

Level 7: Downed UFO

  • Alien: Sitting on top of UFO (moved).
  • Propeller: On side of one of the hovering lights (tilted).
  • Rock: Small, floating in water to side of UFO (moved).
  • Boat Panel: On right side of astronaut's boat (rotated).
  • UFO Panel: Embedded in side of main rock platform (moved).

Level 8: Power Station

  • Astronaut: Standing with alien (moved).
  • Fuel Tank: Red, largest tank in the corner (black).
  • Solar Panel: One in the front row (tilted).
  • Bollard: Red, around edge of energy beam (larger).
  • Pizza Box: On a red container (rotated).

Level 9: Laboratory

  • Control Panel: On side of central vat (moved).
  • Book: Held by the supervisor wearing red (flipped).
  • Computer Panel: Yellow, on table next to 2 scientists (blue).
  • Scientist: Standing close to central vat (moved).
  • Crate: Orange, partially beneath computer desk (moved).

Level 10: Sacred Site

  • Crate: Orange, near the astronauts (opened).
  • Rock: On ground, beneath glowing orange symbol (moved).
  • Rock: Floating in the middle, with a green symbol (moved).
  • Glowing Symbol: Pink, C-shaped on ground near middle (green).
  • Mushroom: On side of tallest pillar (moved).


Level 1: Bell

  • Windmill Blades: On a cloud in the corner (rotated).
  • Medium Bell: Round blue, on a stand on a side cloud (spiky green).
  • Medium Bell: Spiky green, on a horizontal rod beneath the bell (blue).
  • Campfire: Near 2 tents (moved).
  • Pot: Purple, on the ground near the campfire (became a small bell).

Level 2: Helicopter

  • Skydiver: Next to the blue smoke (moved).
  • Skydiver: Orange clothes, near the pink smoke (white clothes).
  • Skydiver: Near front of helicopter (flipped).
  • Flag: Pink, held by a skydiver near the purple smoke (orange).
  • Parachute Pack: Pink, held by a skydiver near helicopter (red).

Level 3: Moon

  • Star: Glowing in a corner (larger).
  • Flower Kite: Yellow, in a corner (orange).
  • Star Kite: Purple and blue, near the ladder (blue and purple).
  • Lantern: On wooden platform from moon (moved).
  • Backpack: On surface of moon (became a spool).

Level 4: Greenhouse

  • Barrel: Inside the greenhouse (moved).
  • Lily Pad: On a stalk at the corner of the greenhouse (rotated).
  • Toadstool: Near one end of the bridge (became a bucket).
  • White Flower: Open, in a pot being watered in the corner (closed).
  • Hat: Yellow, on the back of the cloud eating watermelon (orange).

Level 5: Whale

  • Woman: Riding a dolphin near the whale's right eye (flipped).
  • Eyeglass: Blue, being held on top of the whale (red).
  • Anchor: Hanging off the back of the whale (rotated).
  • Sandbag: Open, on a wooden platform on the side of the whale (covered).
  • Star: Glowing red, in the group below the whale's head (glowing blue).

Level 6: Docks

  • Crate: Light brown, next to the green one along the side (orange).
  • Traffic Cone: Next to the middle dock (became a small blue sign).
  • Green Bird: On top of the tall blue stand (rotated).
  • Cardboard Box: Inside the docked boat (rotated).
  • Turbine: On the side of the docked boat (tilted).

Level 7: Ship

  • Fan Blades: On one of the side wings (rotated).
  • Insignia: Near front of the ship (moved down).
  • Man: Wearing white, standing near round table (flipped).
  • Fire Extinguisher: On bench next to stairs (larger).
  • Green Canister: Next to safe in back of ship (became a blanket).

Level 8: Lighthouse

  • Power Connector: Being carried by drone behind lighthouse (rotated).
  • Power Connector: On back of lighthouse, near the base (moved).
  • Blade: On back of lighthouse (flipped).
  • Drone: Carrying cable towards side of lighthouse (larger).
  • Man: On boat facing lighthouse (different clothes).

Level 9: Vortex

  • Pumpkin: Near middle of vortex (rotated).
  • Wizard Staff: On back of wizard near middle of vortex (tilted).
  • Wizard Hat: White, near diving woman (black).
  • Book: Open, near wizard holding side of broomstick (closed).
  • Book: Near white wizard on broom (became a potion).

Level 10: Ruins

  • Tall Pillar: Near raised angel statue (rotated).
  • Banner: Black, at one end of a bridge (white).
  • Shield: On one of 6 statues facing a canal together (moved).
  • Shield: White, on short pillar near raised warrior statue (black).
  • Barrel: Lying down near middle of area (became a pot).


Level 1: Swords

  • Main Sword: In the middle, black inlay (green inlay).
  • Gray Rock: In patch of grass, slightly leaning (larger).
  • Flowers: Red, in patch of grass (yellow).
  • Toadstool: Between books and black rock (became a green rock).
  • Small Sword: Black hilt, standing near green hilt sword (smaller).

Level 2: Forge

  • Striped Shield: On side wall (different pattern).
  • Round Shield: Leaning against crates (rotated).
  • Hammer: Held by blacksmith (rotated).
  • Hammer: Lying on flat stone (larger).
  • Large Jug: Next to side of forge (moved).

Level 3: Lava Bridge

  • Stone Platform: Beneath glowing doorway (rotated).
  • Mummy: Walking towards heroes on the bridge (flipped).
  • Gems: Beneath the bridge (became a green pot).
  • Cage: Hanging to the left of the bridge near the heroes (moved).
  • Wagon Wheels: Behind the heroes just off the bridge (larger).

Level 4: Crypt

  • Insignia: On side of the central stone platform (flipped).
  • Goblet: On the foot end of the central stone platform (became a candle).
  • Banner: Black and blue, in one of the corners (changed colors).
  • Sword: Black hilt, standing up next to candles at the foot end of the platform (rotated).
  • Sword: Red hilt, standing against the sword stand in the corner (black hilt).

Level 5: King's Chamber

  • Banner: Yellow, on the wall behind the king (longer).
  • Milk Carton: On the side of the table (different colors).
  • Flask: Cyan, on the top of a bookshelf (different shape).
  • Flask: On the floor behind the red chest (moved).
  • Footstool: Beneath the king's foot (moved).

Level 6: Tentacles

  • Candelabra: Standing in the corner next to a barrel (rotated).
  • Acolyte: Blue robes, between 2 others holding glowing staffs (green robes).
  • Green Flask: On the ground beneath a lily pad (different shape).
  • Candles: On the ground near a green-robed acolyte holding a scroll (moved).
  • Lily Pad: Near the base of the central portal, next to a purple-robed acolyte holding a staff (larger).

Level 7: Lava Traps

  • Lava Pipe: From side of green platform near middle of area (large).
  • Platform: Blue, next to the winged statue (red).
  • Stone Pillar: To the side of the winged statue (shorter).
  • Running Man: Green shirt, heading towards the winged statue (moved).
  • Dragon Head: Next to final platform (tilted).

Level 8: Treasure Room

  • Red Carpet: On the edge of the area (flipped).
  • Small Jug: Brown, to the side of the large chest (light brown).
  • Spider: On inner side of a pillar (became a scorpion).
  • Apple: Right next to side of large chest (became an apple core).
  • Scroll: Next to small red chest (red band around it).

Level 9: Portal

  • Stone: Gray, on top of a larger stone at edge of area (lighter color).
  • Large Hammer: Beneath foot of one of the people (larger head).
  • Torch: Next to red doorway (moved up).
  • Red Scorpion: On the ground behind the portal (rotated).
  • White Spider: On side of tall pillar (moved down).

Level 10: Dragon

  • Lantern: Furthest to the left along the wall (larger).
  • Goblet: On the floor near the red banner (flipped).
  • Open Chest: Next to dragon's head (missing gold lining).
  • Rib Bones: Behind dragon's front leg (moved).
  • Gem: Blue, inside open chest behind fallen pillar (green).

Expansion Pack 1

Cozy Xmas

Level 1: Living Room

  • Bow: Red, on the tree, nearest to the fireplace (white).
  • Person: Standing on ladder (moved).
  • Stocking: Hanging over the fireplace (larger).
  • Stocking: On the floor beneath the table (became a roller-skate).
  • Bell: Blue decoration on tree near ladder (became an angel).

Level 2: Snowmen

  • Scarf: On the tall snowman in the corner (rotated).
  • Scarf: Green, on one of the shorter snowmen (red).
  • Snowman Arm: On the tall middle snowman (moved).
  • Snowman Base: On the tilted snowman (rotated).
  • Stick: In the dog's mouth (different stick).

Level 3: Carols

  • Angel Statue: Green, to the side of the lower stage (white).
  • Violin Player: Wearing red and green (green and red).
  • Keyboard Player: At the back of the main stage (moved).
  • Candy Swirl: Red, on the back of the stage arch (blue).
  • White Bauble: On back of Christmas tree (became a bell).

Level 4: Preparations

  • Construction Worker: In red/orange hat at base of stairs (rotated).
  • Snowflake: In the cart behind the Christmas tree (moved).
  • Rubbish Bin Lid: Black, next to metal scaffolding (white).
  • Pink Bauble: On blue trolley at top of stairs (became a bell).
  • Box: On the ground next to the fork-lift (opened).

Level 5: Train Station

  • Clock: Tall, next to the covered area on the platform (rotated).
  • Red Signals: On a post next to the track (rotated).
  • Steam Dome: On top of the train, just behind the smoke stack (larger).
  • Rat: Beneath the covered area on the platform (became an angel statue).
  • Speaker: On the end of the roof over the covered area (moved).

Level 6: Dinner

  • Cat: Under the table (moved).
  • Cake: In the middle of the table (colors changed).
  • Steak: On the plate in front of the woman in the red dress (became cake).
  • Chair: Blue, sat on by the older man (burgundy).
  • Bottle: Next to the cake in the middle of the table (different bottle).

Level 7: Gingerbread House

  • Mushroom: Next to the front of the house (became a gum drop).
  • Snowflake: On the left side of the roof (moved).
  • Sprinkle: Green, on top of the middle of the roof (larger).
  • Cookie: Chocolate, leaning against a cupcake behind the house (vanilla).
  • Cookie: Front door mat (smaller).

Level 8: Snowball Fight

  • Fighter: Red and green, kneeling down and throwing snowball (green and red).
  • Santa Claus: Hiding behind the tree in the corner (flipped).
  • Small Flag: Red, at one end of the playing area (blue).
  • Sled: Holding a red flag embedded in snow (rotated).
  • Bucket: As a hat on a snowman in the corner (became a hat).

Level 9: Santa's Workshop

  • Paint Tin: Pink, on Mrs Claus' table (green).
  • Toy Train: Beneath Mrs Claus' table (larger).
  • Gift Box Lid: Green, on the floor near the purple doll house (rotated).
  • Wrapping Paper: Red, leaning against Santa Claus' chair (white, rotated).
  • Teddy Bear: Leaning against Santa Claus' table (rotated).

Level 10: North Pole

  • Penguin: White, with 2 other penguins in the corner (black).
  • Gift Box: White, on the ice near the snow (red).
  • Candy Cane: Giant blue and white (rotated).
  • Basketball: Inside a white gift box on the ice (became a pineapple).
  • Bell: Red, on the side of the lead reindeer (blue).

City Life

Level 1: House

  • Pizza Box: On the sloping roof of the house (moved).
  • Soccer Ball: In the backyard (became a basketball).
  • Gas Can: Green, on the shelf over the red car (red).
  • Trash Bag: Next to the large dumpster near the red car (larger).
  • Small Tree: Next to the front door of the house (became a trash bag).

Level 2: Fountain

  • Trash Bag: Black, next to the black rubbish bin (grey).
  • Statue: One of the people in the fountain (flipped).
  • Balloon: Blue, being held by a child standing near the fountain (larger).
  • Bird: Sitting on edge of fountain (moved).
  • Shovel: In the wheelbarrow in the corner (became a pickaxe).

Level 3: Cafe

  • Box: Inside the dumpster behind the building (became a trash bag).
  • Cupcake: Large decoration on top of the building (rotated).
  • Awning: Over the single front cafe window (changed colors).
  • Man: Green and brown, standing at the coffee cart (brown and green).
  • Chair: Black, at the corner table with 2 guests (rotated).

Level 4: Bus Stop

  • Cyclist: Wearing a green shirt (flipped).
  • Manhole Cover: In front of the bus (moved).
  • Scooter: Standing up in the back corner (rotated).
  • Skateboard: Held by a man in a red shirt behind the bus stand (tilted).
  • Backpack: Brown, on a child waiting for the bus (red).

Level 5: Park Bench

  • Water Bottle: Blue, next to the red backpack on the ground (moved).
  • Red Flowers: In a pot behind the bicycle (larger).
  • Bird: On the corner of the park bench (became a squirrel).
  • Apple Core: In the very back corner, on the ground (became an apple).
  • Potted Plant: Large plant in a yellow pot (rotated).

Level 6: Playground

  • Red Flag: At the top of the green slide (smaller).
  • Balloon: Pink, flying away from child (white).
  • Girl: On the pink rocking seahorse (moved).
  • Dog: Near the base of the red slide (rotated).
  • Log: At the base of the swings (became a backpack).

Level 7: Rock Concert

  • Snare Drum: On the stage as part of the drum kit (lower).
  • Woman: Blonde hair, in the crowd close to the stage (different woman).
  • Man: Wearing purple shirt, in the crowd close to the stage (rotated).
  • Box: White cover, beneath the stage (black cover).
  • Speaker: On the stage in front of the bass player (rotated).

Level 8: Train Station

  • Running Man: Dressed in blue with a hat (moved).
  • Display: Pink, small screen near one end of the platform (green).
  • Security Camera: Near the top of the central pole (rotated).
  • Bucket: Blue, near the train (became a cone).
  • Vent Cover: On top of the train (moved).

Level 9: Burger Joint

  • Ring: Blue and white, on the corner of the building (larger).
  • Fire Extinguisher: On the roof of the building (larger).
  • Awning: On a high window on the back of the building (less stripes).
  • Round Window: On the front of the building (smaller).
  • Chair: Blue, at one of the front tables (brown).

Level 10: Rooftop Party

  • Balloon: Pink, in a ground of 3 balloons near the pool (blue).
  • Woman: Standing on the diving board of the pool (moved).
  • Plant: On the speaker next to the DJ (became a cocktail).
  • Plant: Next to the edge of the pool (became a beach ball).
  • Beach Ball: On the ground near the table (moved).

Desert Mysteries

Level 1: Camp

  • Goblet: Inside the open chest (became a crystal).
  • Brick: On the inner aspect of the wall (moved).
  • Rocks: Cluster of rocks on the ground behind the standing camel (rotated).
  • Spice Dish: Brown spice on the ground behind the standing camel (white).
  • Large Pillar: Conical pillar in the corner (top has different shape).

Level 2: Jackal

  • Lantern: Held by one of the explorers (in other hand).
  • Sword: Embedded in the plinth next to the jackal (rotated).
  • Lantern: Green, behind the standing rocks (flipped).
  • Backpack: On the back of one of the explorers (rotated).
  • Rock: Flat rock near the sloping ground (larger).

Level 3: Mirrored Light

  • Sand Pile: Beneath the falling sand (moved).
  • Scorpion: Crawling down the side of a rock in the corner (became a spider).
  • Pot: Blue, on the edge near the man (flipped).
  • Pot: Blue, lying down near the middle of the area (flipped).
  • Mirror: Blue, directing the light, one step from the map (red).

Level 4: Boat

  • Fish: Swimming near the base of the steps (flipped).
  • Pot: Brown, at the back of the market stall (blue).
  • Spice Dish: Orange, at the edge (green).
  • Fan: Held by man at the front of the boat (different colors).
  • Person: Standing at the back of the boat (different person).

Level 5: Cat Statue

  • Torch: On the side of one of the pillars (moved down).
  • Cat: Brown and white striped, around edge of main statue (all brown).
  • Basket: Grey, at back edge of the area (flipped).
  • Pot: Red, in a ground of pots in front of the statue (smaller).
  • Pillar: On the side of the area with a red spider (rotated).

Level 6: Market

  • Barrel: On the roof of the building (became a pot).
  • Goblet: At the side of the spice merchant's table (became a bottle).
  • Pot: Orange, on the ground near the standing camel (moved).
  • Banner: Light blue, on the side of the building (moved).
  • Wooden Beam: Sticking out from the side of the building (larger).

Level 7: Mummies

  • Pot: Brown, to the side of the sarcophagus and a level lower (moved).
  • Pot: Blue, near the base of one of the standing banners (larger).
  • Pot: Brown, containing a flame, near the sarcophagus (larger).
  • Mummy: Climb one of the pillars (moved).
  • Bird: Standing near the sarcophagus (rotated).

Level 8: Factory

  • Beetle: Standing on top of a package (smaller).
  • Pot: At the base of vertical scaffolding (became a bucket).
  • Man: Standing in the corner with a blue tunic (red tunic).
  • Blanket: Rolled up, on top of the winch machine (moved).
  • Box: Green, being pulled by a beetle and stood on by a man (brown).

Level 9: Worship

  • Large Statue: Sitting down on throne (moved).
  • Pot Statue: At edge of area, near a tall pillar (different top).
  • Standing Fan: Being held up by man (different colors).
  • Man with Torch: On the stairs (moved).
  • Pot: Grey, near the base of a pillar (orange).

Level 10: Fingers

  • Ring: Near the base of one of the fingers (rotated).
  • Flag: Green, in a pair of standing flags (larger).
  • Hat: On top of a standing shovel (rotated).
  • Water Bottle: In a large cart (became a sack).
  • Scroll: On a flat rock beneath the man sitting on a platform (moved).

Expansion Pack 2

Traditional Food

Level 1: Breakfast

  • Bacon: On the plate in the corner (moved).
  • Berry: Purple, near the slice of toast (red).
  • Milk Carton: In the middle (rotated).
  • Cup of Coffee: Milky, near the milk carton (black).
  • Bread Roll: On a napkin near the bananas (larger).

Level 2: Desserts

  • Fork: In the strawberry cake in the corner (moved).
  • Candy: Star, near a banana split (became a heart).
  • Ice-cream Cone: Strawberry, on the stand in the middle (vanilla)
  • Creme Caramel: On a plate near the middle (changed colors).
  • Lime Half: Near the green icy poles (rotated).

Level 3: Fast Food

  • Salt Shaker: Orange, near the burger (green).
  • Pizza Server: Beneath the edge of the pizza (moved).
  • Mushroom: Next to the pizza (became a tomato wedge).
  • Soft Drink Can: Yellow, near the edge of the board (moved).
  • Salami: On the pizza (larger).

Level 4: Middle Eastern

  • Sauce Holder: Brown, in the corner (flipped).
  • Skewer: Brown ball on one of the 2 adjacent skewers (changed color).
  • Kebab: On the green board (smaller).
  • Condiment Jar: Green, near the tajine (moved).
  • Cup: Small and white, near the falafel (flipped).

Level 5: Mexican

  • Salsa Verde: Bowl of green sauce in the corner (rotated).
  • Green Pepper: Near the big tacos in the middle (became a tomato).
  • Avocado: Near the small tacos (rotated).
  • Corn Chip: Near the edge of the plate of chips (larger).
  • Napkin: Red, beneath the corn (checkered).

Level 6: Barbecue

  • Burger Patty: On a skewer in the corner (became onion).
  • Burger Patty: On the barbecue (smaller, rotated).
  • Corn: On a plate with 3 pieces of meat (became egg).
  • Prawn Sauce: White, in the middle of the prawns (red).
  • Cup: Next to the red bottle (taller).

Level 7: Cakes

  • Berry Pie: Purple with lattice pastry (red).
  • Macaron: Blue, inside a heart box (orange).
  • Cookie: Star-shaped, inside a heart box (became choc-chip).
  • Cookie: Chocolate with white icing, inside a heart box (plain chocolate).
  • Donut: Chocolate and vanilla swirl, near edge of board (larger).

Level 8: Chinese

  • Moon Cake: On the rectangular board (moved).
  • Mushroom: In the steamer in the middle (became a steamed bun).
  • Fortune Cookie: Inside the fallen box (rotated and moved).
  • Sauce Bottle: Red, next to the steamer (brown).
  • Plate: Holding the rice paper rolls (different shape).

Level 9: Spanish

  • Mussel: On the plate in the middle (flipped).
  • Mussel: Halved, on a green plate in the corner (rotated).
  • Cheese: On the board with the meat (larger).
  • Sauce Bottle: Purple sauce in small glass bottle (green sauce).
  • Octopus: On the plate with tentacles in the corner (rotated).

Level 10: Japanese

  • Sauce: White, next to the skewers (orange).
  • Sushi: Tuna, with rice and seaweed, in the boat (salmon).
  • Prawn: In the green bowl (larger).
  • Sushi: Round with fish roe, next to the green bowl (became striped tuna).
  • Sushi: Round, on its side on the boat (square).

Cozy Interiors

Level 1: Coffee Shop

  • Water Bottle: Next to the barista (became milk carton).
  • Bin Lid: Red, in front of the chef with 2 other bins (green).
  • Female Cop: Standing outside (flipped horizontally).
  • Light Fitting: The middle one over the counter (moved).
  • Coffee Cup: In the shelves beneath the cakes (became sugar).

Level 2: Bathroom

  • Window Shutter: Open, in the middle of the wall (closed).
  • Pants: Green, lying on the floor (blue).
  • Cupboard Handle: Beneath the mirror (smaller).
  • Slippers: In the shelves, beneath the flowers (became towels).
  • Rubber Duck: In the bath (rotated).

Level 3: Greenhouse

  • Cactus: On the floor in a purple pot near the door (different shape).
  • Sunflower: On the central table (larger).
  • Coat: Blue, hanging on a rack on the wall (moved).
  • Empty Pot: Beneath the larger side table (flipped).
  • Flowers: Pink, in the pot in the corner (red).

Level 4: Bedroom

  • Keyboard Player: Sitting at the desk in the corner (flipped).
  • Microphone: On the low shelves near the record player (smaller).
  • Bass Drum: Blue, part of the large drum kit (red).
  • Air Conditioner: On the wall near the computer screens (smaller).
  • Pillow: Flying through the air near the guitar on the bed (moved).

Level 5: Kitchen

  • Cupboard: Open, over the meat (closed).
  • Cheese: On the central table (smaller).
  • Flour: Yellow, near the grater on the central table (white).
  • Large Bag: White, on the floor against the central table (brown).
  • Drawer: Open, beneath the fruit (closed).

Level 6: Office

  • Clock: On the blue wall (rotated).
  • Paper Plane: Thrown by the man in the corner (became paper ball).
  • Chair: Blue, near the coffee machine (brown).
  • Scissors: Near the orange computer screen (rotated).
  • Coffee Cup: Near the 2 blue computer screens (became disposable cup).

Level 7: Living Room

  • Light Panel: Blue, behind the computer screens (orange).
  • Backpack: Orange, on the floor near the TV (moved).
  • Figurine: Wizard, to the left of the computer screens (became a knight).
  • VR Headset: White, on the person near the TV (black).
  • Cushion: Blue, on the corner sofa (grey).

Level 8: Art Studio

  • Man Statue: Sitting in the corner (rotated).
  • Rope Coil: Hanging on the end of the shelves (moved).
  • Vase: White, on the corner of the central platform (brown).
  • Painting: Green, in the shelves (blue).
  • Goblet: On the side table (became a bottle).

Level 9: Game Studio

  • Phone: On one of the central desks (became a game controller).
  • Coffee: On the side table (became a donut).
  • Man: Standing near the board (flipped).
  • Computer Screen: Turned off, near the red keyboard (turned on).
  • Studio Logo: On the wall (moved up).

Level 10: Play Room

  • Telescope: Looking out the window (tilted).
  • Ladder: For the bunk bed (moved).
  • Dinosaur Costume Head: Blue, near the middle of the room (green).
  • Figurine: Viking, lying near the round carpet (became an astronaut).
  • Police Car: Driving beneath an archway on the floor (smaller).

Fairy Tales

Level 1: Cinderella

  • Red Scarecrow: On the edge of the pumpkin patch (rotated).
  • Flower Bush: On the stone fence near the carriage door (became flower pot).
  • Guard: Wearing red and running after the carriage (moved).
  • Lantern: On the back of the carriage (larger).
  • Rabbit: In the pumpkin patch (became a rat).

Level 2: Aladdin

  • Cushion: Blue, on the orange sofa in the corner (purple).
  • Lantern: Green, on the edge of the fountain (moved).
  • Lamp: Blue, on the ground near the other orange sofa (became shoes).
  • Cap: On spectator near the camel (smaller).
  • Pillar: Purple, in the corner of the scene (orange).

Level 3: Jack and the Beanstalk

  • Girl: Sitting on one of the high leaves (moved).
  • Boy's Hat: Red, climbing up the beanstalk (yellow).
  • Baby Chick: Near the rooster in the corner (became a magic bean).
  • Bird: Sitting with 2 others on a high leaf (rotated).
  • Rock: In the wooden carriage (larger).

Level 4: King Arthur

  • Knight: At the back of the group in the corner (moved).
  • Shield: Lying down in the corner of the raised section of ground (smaller).
  • Stone: Gray, holding the sword in the middle (brown).
  • Carved Knight: On the back corner of the circle of stones (smaller).
  • Sword: On the inner aspect of the circle of stones (upside down).

Level 5: Little Red Riding Hood

  • Bucket: Water, next to the teddy bears (changed to milk).
  • Black Cat: Near the woodcutter (moved).
  • Coffee Pot: On the carpet (became a tall cup).
  • Hood: White, on the girl (red).
  • Large Cake: On a board on the edge of the carpet (rotated).

Level 6: The Mummy

  • Mummy: Lying on the stone slab (flipped).
  • Flask: Green, lying on the ground near the red carpet (silver).
  • Gas Canister: Brown, next to the mummy's head (blue).
  • Torch: On the wall near the gate (upside down).
  • Chair: Brown, beneath the scientist (white).

Level 7: Momotaro

  • Bell: On the floor near the table (became a peach).
  • Bell: On the wall next to the coiled rope (moved).
  • Wooden Table: In the corner, holding a lantern (inverse colors).
  • Pan: Hanging on the wall over the fire (smaller).
  • Slippers: On the floor near the corner of the room (moved).

Level 8: The Pied Piper

  • Reed: Near the end of the bridge (became corn).
  • Barrel: On the ground near the person falling into the water (became a bucket).
  • Musical Note: Third from the end of the piper's pipe.
  • Flag: Green, hanging from near the end of the bridge (green and blue).
  • Rat: Brown, near the back of the rat pack (white).

Level 9: The Water Fairy

  • Duck: Standing on the shore (smaller).
  • Frog: Sitting near the shore (became mushrooms).
  • Sword: Held by the man hiding behind the tree (became an axe).
  • Lily Pad: Light green, behind the rock in the corner (dark green).
  • Axe: Floating in front of the fairy (flipped).

Level 10: The Three Little Pigs

  • Pig: Outside the wooden house (moved).
  • Window: On the front of the wooden house (moved).
  • Pig Sign: Right pig on the banner (smaller).
  • Girl: Sitting and playing violin in the middle (changed colors).
  • Chimney: On top of the brick house (moved).

Expansion Pack 3

Fish Tanks

Level 1: Shoe House

  • Barrel: Next to the back of the house (became coral).
  • Fish: Light blue/brown, near the back of the house (moved).
  • Fish: Yellow, swimming towards back along side of house (pink).
  • Fish Tail: On the orange fish swimming away from the front of the house (smaller).
  • Fish Fin: On the yellow/purple fish swimming towards the side of the house (smaller).

Level 2: Turtle Island

  • Tomato Wedge: On the small wooden jetty (rotated).
  • Turtle Shell: Orange/green, on the diving board (orange).
  • Turtle Shell: Brown/green, on a rock in the corner (green).
  • Lily Pad: In the water behind the sitting blue turtle (became a turtle).
  • Broccoli: Lying down on the edge of the island (larger).

Level 3: Japanese Shrine

  • Orange Lantern: Hanging near the red Torii gate (smaller).
  • Bamboo: Green, standing up near the Torii gate (brown).
  • Fish Tail: White, on the orange fish near the wooden path (orange).
  • Flask: Leaning against a rock near the edge of the scene (became a pot).
  • Katana: Standing up near the central rock statue (moved).

Level 4: Castle

  • Snail: On the ground near the stack of logs (became a pot plant).
  • Fish: Pink and blue, swimming near the central turret (changed shape).
  • Banner: Blue and white, on the side of a turret (moved).
  • Star: Green, on the side of the central turret (pink).
  • Coral: Yellow, on one of the turret roofs (smaller).

Level 5: Tree Trunk

  • Mushroom: Tall and green, in the corner with 2 purple mushrooms (smaller).
  • Flower: Large with yellow petals (taller).
  • Big Jellyfish: Swimming away from the central tree trunk (rotated).
  • Step: Green, on the side of the tree trunk (gray).
  • Small Jellyfish: Pink, floating over the tree trunk (blue).

Level 6: Mermaid

  • Fish: Green, near one of the raised platforms (blue).
  • Trident: Leaning against the mermaid statue (rotated).
  • Pot: Brown, directly behind the mermaid (blue).
  • Snail: Purple, crawling up a short column in the corner (became coral).
  • Banner: Hanging from the side one of the raised platforms (moved).

Level 7: King Frog

  • Frog: Mauve, sitting on a water lily pad (became a lily flower).
  • Musical Notes: Green, behind a purple frog (pink).
  • Frog: Green, sitting on a raised lily pad (smaller).
  • Frog: Red, sitting on the platform in front of the king (green).
  • Wooden Cover: On top of the platform behind the king (rotated).

Level 8: Volcano

  • Fishbones: On the ground next to the main volcano (flipped).
  • Pearl: White, inside a heart-shaped shell on the edge of the scene (blue).
  • Seaweed: Green near the pearl in the shell on the edge of the scene (smaller).
  • Star: On a shell in the side of the volcano (became a shell).
  • Fish: Green, near the tallest tree (rotated).

Level 9: Kraken

  • Flower: Red, in the corner (green).
  • Fish: Orange and blue, swimming over a fallen column near the Kraken (colors changed).
  • Coin: Held by one of the Kraken's tentacles (became a crown).
  • Tentacle: In front of the Kraken's eyes (moved).
  • Fish Fin: Dorsal fin on the blue fish behind the Kraken (larger).

Level 10: Seahorses

  • Seahorse: Orange, near the opening in the boat hull (pink).
  • Seahorse: Pink, near the scarecrow to the side of the building (moved)
  • Wheel: Brown, over the doors beneath the red roof (light brown).
  • Coral: Green, on the red roof (changed shape).
  • Seahorse Fin: Green, on an orange seahorse near the large anchor to the side of the building (smaller).

Amusement Park

Level 1: Ferris Wheel

  • Cone: Purple and white, between the bridge and the Ferris wheel (orange and white).
  • Passenger: At the top of the Ferris wheel (changed).
  • Man: Sitting on the seat near the rainbow in the corner (moved).
  • Pram: Near the seat behind the Ferris wheel (rotated).
  • Heart Balloon: In a pair sticking up from rocks to the side of the Ferris wheel (smaller).

Level 2: Airplanes

  • Airplane: Blue/brown, one of the ride's airplanes (pink).
  • Clown: With blue hair, standing in the corner (flipped).
  • Propeller: On front of the purple airplane (changed).
  • Balloon: Blue, sticking up from the barrier around the ride (became a flag).
  • Support Arm: Holding up the high red airplane (moved).

Level 3: Bumper Cars

  • Tyre: White, on the barrier in the middle (red).
  • Man: In the orange bumper car (changed).
  • Banana Peel: between orange and blue bumper cars (moved).
  • Bumper Car: Orange, in the corner (blue).
  • Bench: Facing away from the bumper cars (larger).

Level 4: Shooting Gallery

  • Teddy Bear: Brown, held by a woman watching (pink).
  • Curtain: Brown, on the right side of the stall (moved).
  • Doll: Lying down behind the counter (became a chicken).
  • Violin: Hanging over the left side of the counter (smaller).
  • Cap: Blue, on the top prize shelf (became 3 balls).

Level 5: Alien Ride

  • Light: On top of the ride (moved).
  • Arm Rails: On one of the middle seats on the ride (moved).
  • Canister: Near the large white cylinder in the corner (became a cone).
  • Light Stand: Small group of 6 white hexagons on the corner counter (moved).
  • Passenger: In the left seat of a group of three (changed).

Level 6: Teacup Ride

  • Lantern: Orange, near the photographer on the ride (moved).
  • Light Pillar: Orange, near the photographer on the ride (blue).
  • Candy Floss: Held by man in white t-shirt next to ride (became water bottle).
  • Teacup: With a mean in a red t-shirt (rotated).
  • Giraffe Toy: Green, in one of the teacups (became a teddy bear).

Level 7: Go-Karts

  • Car Seats: Blue, on green car next to the race track (green).
  • Red Tyres: Stack of tyres in front of the spectator shield (moved).
  • Display: On one of the raised screens along the side of the track (smaller).
  • Light: Red, over the finishing line (green).
  • Spiky Obstacle: Green, in the middle of the track (smaller).

Level 8: Gravitron

  • Alien: Green, standing near middle of ride (moved).
  • Astronaut: Sitting in one of the ride's seats (became an alien).
  • Box: Purple, in the corner, outside of the ride (became a speaker).
  • Screen: Green, in the corner, outside of the ride (changed shape).
  • Seat: Green, on the ride, holding an astronaut (became gray).

Level 9: Rollercoaster

  • Stegosaurus Spine: Brown amongst red spines (smaller and red).
  • Dinosaur Rib: Near the end of the rollercoaster track (smaller).
  • Archway: Over the start of the rollercoaster track (tilted).
  • Passenger: Upside down near the top of the ride (moved).
  • Track Support: Blue, in the upside down part of the track (green).

Level 10: Bouncy Castle

  • Child: Wearing blue and white, in the air near the corner (flipped).
  • Pillar: Near the middle of the castle (changed colors).
  • Child: Wearing white shirt, near the red/white life saver ring (flipped).
  • Balloon: Blue, tied to teddy bear in the middle of the castle (white).
  • Flag: Red, on top of a pillar in the corner (rotated).


Level 1: Pirate Camp

  • Hammock: Red, holding a sleeping pirate (yellow).
  • Torch: Standing near the edge of the lake (rotated).
  • Small Crab: Next to a closed treasure chest near the edge of the lake (became a ruby).
  • Fish: Green, held by a large crab next to the lake (became a goblet).
  • Bird: Sitting on the shoulder of the woman in a chair (smaller).

Level 2: Spiky Island

  • Flag: Blue, at the very top of the largest island (orange).
  • Swimmer: In the water near the corner of the scene (moved arms).
  • Seagull: On top of the second largest island (rotated).
  • Snail Shell: Next to the entrance to the largest island (changed shape).
  • Small Island: Brown, just above the surface of the water (larger).

Level 3: Below Deck

  • Goblet: Gold, on the crate next to the pirate (moved).
  • Chair: Next to the table (rotated).
  • Book: Held by the pirate at the table (became a scroll).
  • Sword: Held by the man in blue near the stairs (became a spyglass).
  • Carpet: Blue, at the base of the stairs (red).

Level 4: Whale Rock

  • Rock: Green, being stood on by the pirate in the red hat (brown).
  • Bananas: In the smaller of the 2 trees (lower).
  • Sword: On the back of the man climbing up the hill (became a staff).
  • Barrel: Held by the man on the jetty (larger).
  • Coral: Purple, in the water near the jetty (rotated).

Level 5: Treasure Map

  • Ship: Near the middle of the map (moved).
  • Compass: In the corner of the map (direction changed).
  • Coin: Silver, next to the large lantern in the corner (copper).
  • Golf Ball: On the small hill near the large white quill (smaller).
  • Moai: The stone head on the crescent-shaped green hill near the spyglass (rotated).

Level 6: Easter

  • Easter Egg: Carried by the running pirates near the largest tree (changed colors).
  • Bunny Ear: On one of the large bunnies at the middle of the scene (larger).
  • Pirate: Lying down at the base of one of the trees (flipped).
  • Carrot: Near the base of the hill in the corner of the scene (larger).
  • Bunny: Sitting near the carrot treasure chest (changed position).

Level 7: Floating Restaurant

  • Bird: Blue, on the rock in the corner of the scene (became a frog).
  • Chef: Inside the restaurant (moved).
  • Rudder: On the back of the boat (rotated).
  • Pot: Blue, on the front of the boat (became a teapot).
  • Fish Tail: Orange, on the top of the boat (white).

Level 8: Robot Dock

  • Sack: Beneath the red sail (moved).
  • Feather: Red, on the robot's head (white).
  • Spiral: Blue marking on one of the robot's hands (changed shape).
  • Finger: Index finger on one of the robot's hands (extended).
  • Wooden Pillar: In the corner of the dock (shorter).

Level 9: Mermaid Performance

  • Shell: Purple, underwater along the side of the scene (became coral).
  • Harp: Held by the mermaid (flipped).
  • Violin: Held by the man standing in one of the boats (became a bottle).
  • Oar: In the back of the boat with 2 passengers (flipped).
  • Star: White, on the back of the shell (green).

Level 10: Kraken

  • Bird: Flying towards the pointy gray rock (moved).
  • Sail: Green, attached to the ship (gray).
  • Lantern: Held by the pirate in the air (moved).
  • Flag: Black, held by the pirate with the red jacket on the raft (white).
  • Crate: In the front of the ship (larger).

Anniversary Levels

Birthday Cake

This level contains 10 differences, and there is a specific achievement for finding them all 1st Anniversary Special!:

  • Candle: On the lower tier, near a ladder on the left (moved).
  • Pot: On the lower tier, in the recess on the right (lid removed).
  • Star: Gold, on the lower tier, near the open present on the left (blue).
  • Astronaut: On the lower tier, leaning between 2 people at the back (rotated).
  • Candle: On the lower tier, back-right corner (became a candy cane).
  • Cheerleader: On the middle tier, holding orange pom-poms at the back (blue pom-poms).
  • Gift: On the middle tier, next to the piano (box opened).
  • Gift: On the top tier, next to the large 1 (became a green swirl).
  • Pin-Wheel: On the top tier, in a small crate next to the large 1 (became a blue swirl).
  • Brown Swirl: On the top tier, on a corner (became a red dome).

Cluttered Room

This level contains 10 differences, and there is another specific achievement for finding them all 2nd Anniversary Special!:

  • Fan: Green, on a square table in the corner (rotated).
  • Can: On the big dark wooden table (became a coffee cup).
  • Place Mat: Red/pink, on the big dark wooden table (larger).
  • Ball: Blue/white, on the floor beneath the small dark wooden table (larger).
  • Ball:: Green, on the desk chair (moved).
  • Clock: On the wall near the window (became a vinyl record).
  • Vinyl Record: Black, on the wall in the corner of the room (red).
  • Book: Red, leaning against a box on the floor (became a ball).
  • Book: Aqua, standing up on the desk near the window (moved).
  • Pot-Plant: White, on a shelf near the lamp (green).

The Final Challenge

Level 1: Bike Racks

  • Bike: Silver and green, in the racks behind the ticket machines (red and blue).
  • Bike: Orange and blue, in the far corner near the green fence (blue and green).
  • Bike: Silver and green, in the racks in front of the ticket machines, near the man with the orange cap (rotated)
  • Fire Hydrant: Yellow, next to the ticket machines (red).
  • Diamond Sign: Yellow, just behind and right from the ticket machines (red).

Level 2: Supermarket

  • Water Bottles: On one of the checkout platforms (became purple juice).
  • Large Water Bottle: In the bottom shelf of aisle 2 (became soda).
  • Green Canister: In the bottom shelf of aisle 3 (moved).
  • Number 1: On the sign on the top of aisle 1 (moved).
  • Pineapple: In a crate near the checkouts (smaller).

Level 3: Border Check

  • Orange Car: In the outside large leaving the border (rotated).
  • Red Flag: On top of the border check (rotated).
  • Street Light: Middle light along the lanes going to the border (rotated).
  • Car: Orange, near the back of the queue going to the border (yellow taxi).
  • Lights: Over the entrance to one of the entrance border lanes (flipped).

Level 4: Beach Wave

  • Floatie: Pink and white donut, near one of the edges in front of the wave (pink bird).
  • Floatie: Pink bird, behind the wave (rotated).
  • Floatie: Blue and red donut, under the wave (brown and white donut).
  • Swimmer: Lying in blue and white floatie far in front of the wave (standing).
  • Swimmer: Hanging onto brown and white floatie behind the wave (moved).

Level 5: Zebra Crossing

  • Umbrella: Purple, near the corner (tilted).
  • Man: Orange hair, green suit, off the zebra crossing (rotated).
  • Backpack: Gray, on back of a man with a red shirt (green).
  • Manhole Cover: On the street next to the zebra crossing (moved).
  • Person: Woman, holding a white umbrella on the zebra crossing (man).

Level 6: Tulip Fields

  • Tulip: Purple, near the edge (larger).
  • Tulip: Yellow, near the base of the windmill (smaller).
  • Watering Can: Silver, on a bench near the tulips (became a pot).
  • Worker: Amongst the tulips, in the shadow from the windmill (moved).
  • Fence: Around the tulips in front of the windmill (moved).

Level 7: Floating Market

  • Fabric: Blue, on the tacks near the middle (purple).
  • Blue Pot: Near the person chopping vegetables (became a sack).
  • Umbrella: Yellow, near the corner of the area (opened).
  • Sack: With green powder, on the watermelon boat (became a watermelon).
  • Light: Hanging near the corner (moved).

Level 8: Terracotta Warriors

  • Warrior: Standing in the middle of the 1st (left) group (larger).
  • Warrior: Standing at the front of the 2nd group (kneeling).
  • Warrior: Standing at the side, near the back of the 2nd group (moved).
  • Warrior: Standing near the front of the 3rd group (moved).
  • Warrior: Standing near the back of the 4th (right) group (changed top).

Level 9: Game of Go

  • Playing Piece: White, in the white dish on the table (black).
  • Playing Piece: White, towards the corner of the playing board (smaller).
  • Playing Piece: Black, towards one middle edge of the playing board (moved).
  • Playing Piece: Black, near the edge of the playing board (white).
  • Playing Piece: White, just to the side of the middle of the playing board (moved).

Level 10: Orchestra

  • French Horn: Held by a woman in the front row (rotated).
  • Timpani: On the end (larger).
  • Trumpet: In the front row (became a trombone).
  • Music Stand: In front of a violin player on the lowest level (rotated).
  • Woman: Playing trombone in the highest level (became a man).


You will probably get most of the achievements just by playing the game, but here are the necessary steps to collect any you may have missed:

  • Find all 5 differences on the first level Piece of cake!
  • Find all 5 differences on all 50 levels Star Finder!
  • Find all 5 differences on any level without any wrong clicks Perfectionist!
  • Find all 5 differences on any level without zooming in All seeing eye
  • Find all 5 differences on any level within 60 seconds Sharp eye!
  • Find all 5 differences on any level within 15 seconds Eagle eye!
  • Find 50 differences in a single session with less than 10 wrong clicks Inspector!
  • Begin any level with both the sound and music disabled Silence! I'm focused!
  • Rotate any level 20 times Dizzy diorama
  • Stay in any level for 15 minutes Are you asleep?
  • Make 100 wrong clicks No fear to try!
  • Make 500 wrong clicks Tough!