Maupiti Island
Game Details: Mystery, 1990
Links: Moby Games, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 2/5/2003
Suggested Listening: Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)
31 January
Open the left door of the cupboard at the bottom right, then search your belongings here to find $35 and a letter to read. Now go to the front of Maguy's.
Maguy's House
Go through the bottom right door and talk to Maguy:
- ask about Bob
- ask her opinion on Marie's habits
- ask her opinion on the relationship between Bob and Marie
- ask what she noticed on the 30th
- ask her schedule on the night of the 30th
Now find Anita (her room is at the top right of Maguy's) and talk to her:
- ask her opinion on Marie's habits
Try to open the top left room to notice the door is locked. Next enter the 3rd door at the top to find the scene of the crime. Look at the tea cup, then smell it. Look at the ashtray next to the teacup. Look at the window, then search the ground beneath the dresser on the right to see a bracelet and a piece of broken glass. Search the aquarium and take the stone. Now turn the aquarium to find a hiding place, and search it. Take the jewel box, then read the letter and the sheet, and take the sheet. Raise the loose floorboard in front of the bed, then search this hiding place and take the cent from inside. Now close the aquarium and the floorboard.
Go and find Sue (outside or in the saloon) and talk to her:
- ask her opinion on locked room
- ask about Lucie
- ask about Anita
Now enter the top right room. Look at the pictures and books on the wall. Search the ground under the cupboard on the left, and read the pamphlet there. Open the cupboard and search inside; read the newspaper and take the $5, then close the cupboard again.
Head into the saloon (through the downstairs open door). Look at the piano, then the slot on its right side. Next go to the kitchen and open the left cupboard at the top right. Search and you will find a sedative; smell this. Close the cupboard again, then look at the ashtray on the table and take it. Read the calendar on the wall.
Find Maguy and talk to her again:
- show her the cent
- show her the ashtray
Return to the saloon. Open the bottom section of the piano. Put your ashtray in the hole on the top left of the piano, then you can open a secret compartment in the bottom right. Search inside to see some blank sheets of paper. Close the compartment and the bottom section of the piano.
Find Maguy yet again and talk to her:
- ask her opinion on the mechanical piano
Now you can leave this area for the time being.
Go through the far door on the left boat to enter the hold. Look at the box on the ground, then the floor in front of the box, and pick up the bullet from here. Go back outside to the pier. Now enter the bottom right cabin on the left boat. Open the drawer on the left and search it (there is a diamond here), then close it again. Look at the taps over the basin on the left and look at the bracelet here, then leave the room. Next enter the top right cabin on the left boat. Open the right cupboard below the bed and search to see an opium pipe, then close the cupboard again. Open the desk and search to find a log to read through. Make sure you pick up the binoculars. Close the desk and go back outside to the pier.
Find Anton and talk to him:
- ask him about Lucie
- ask his opinion on Lucie's departure
Now find Roy and talk to him:
- ask his opinion on Lucie's departure
Next find Chris and talk to him:
- ask what he noticed on the 30th
- ask what he noticed on the night of the 30th
Now find Bruce and talk to him:
- show him the bullet
You can now drop the bullet. Go through the doorway to the far right on the right boat to enter the corridor, then go through the door on the right. Search the open shelf on the top left and read the 2 letters you find. Next take the letter from the shelf below and read it in your inventory, then drop it again. Go back out to the pier, then into the bottom left cabin on the left boat. Open the blue box at the top left and search it, then look at the photo inside. Also read the sheet of paper. Close the box again and leave.
Juste's Cabin
Go inside and search under the cupboard to find a photo to look at, then take it.
Take the $3 from the pot plant on the right. Raise the stone in the ground on the right side, 3 from the bottom of the screen to find another hiding place. Search inside and read the paper to see a code; write down the letters or take a screenshot for later. Close the hiding place again.
Maguy's House
Go to Maguy's room at the bottom right when she is not there. Push the painting on the wall, then search the hiding place and take the key and another $10. Close the painting again. Now raise the carpet on the floor to see a trapdoor. Turn the lamp on the bedside table and search it to get another key. Open the trapdoor with this new key, then go down into the passageway. Read the plaque on the bottom of the back wall here, but you can't decipher it yet; write down the letters or take a screenshot for later. Go back up out of the cave, close the trapdoor, close the rug and close the lamp.
Go back outside and into the room at the far top left. Look near the bottom of the pillow end of the bedspread to see a black hair.
Go and find Sue (outside or in the saloon) and talk to her:
- show her the photo
Look at the statue in the pond. Next find Juste and talk to him:
- ask his opinion on the statue at the pond
- ask his opinion on Marie's habits
Still at the pond, wait until it is low tide at 4:00pm. Use your binoculars to read the plaque at the base of the statue. By superimposing the letters here with the letters from the cave and flipping them, you will see a message in Spanish:
3 muertos pesan 2 muertos y 5 muertos 2 muertos
El segundo es el primero y el primero segundo
El hierro yira sobre el señal de los piratas
Go to your room, which is through the top right door of the right boat, then the first door on the left, and sleep for a few hours.
Maguy's House
Return to the saloon. Open the bottom section of the piano, then open the secret compartment at the bottom right. Search here again and this time you will find a code; write down the letters or take a screenshot for later. Close the compartment and the bottom of the piano, then go outside. Enter the 3rd door at the top, and you will note the cabinet has been smashed open. Take the book called "The Pirates" from the top left shelf and read it to learn about one of the types of codes in the game, then drop it again.
Head back outside, then into the top right room. Search the glass bowl on the second shelf from the top and read the note.
Go to your room and sleep until around 3:00am.
1 February
Juste's Cabin
From the cabin, head to the north beach. Search the small rock in the water and take the medallion.
Wait here until 4:00am when low tide arrives again, then keep waiting until 5:00am and observe the area, to see that a box floats to the water's surface. Examine the box before you leave.
Go to your room and sleep until 7:00am, when someone will tell you Juste's body has been fished out of the water at the pier. Go outside to the pier and look at the body, then pick up the key from the left.
Juste's Cabin
Using the key you just found you can open the door and head inside. Look at the broken window and the diamond on the floor. Open the pot belly stove and search it to find a blonde wig. Close the stove before leaving.
Maguy's House
Find Maguy and talk to her again:
- ask what she noticed on the 31st between 2:00am and 3:00am
- memorise this in slot 1
Find Sue and talk to her again:
- ask what she noticed on the 31st between 6:00pm and 7:00pm
- ask what she noticed on the 31st between 7:00pm and 8:00pm
- show her the medallion
- ask her schedule on the 31st between 2:00am and 3:00am
- confront her with slot 1
Go to the saloon. Turn the right leg of the piano. Put your cent in the slot at the top right of the piano, then choose the song Ham and Eggs from the list. Open the bottom section of the piano, then open the secret compartment at the bottom right. Search here again and you will find another code; write down the letters or take a screenshot for later. Close the compartment and the bottom of the piano.
Find Anita and talk to her again:
- ask what she noticed on the 31st between 1:00am and 2:00am
Go through the bottom right door of the left boat. Open the drawer on the left and search it (the diamond is missing), then close it again. Turn the right knob on the radio to reveal a hidden area; search and read the sheet of paper for another code; write down the letters or take a screenshot for later. Take the book called "Chess" from the bookshelf and read it. This is the book you need to decode the messages from the piano.
From here, head to the south beach. Observe the area to see Roy and Chris. Wait and observe again to see Roy has a gun in his hand.
Maguy's House
Enter the saloon and take the cord hanging to the left of the piano.
From the pond, go to the well. Drop the jewel box on the ground, then search the ground and touch the jewel box; you need to touch the stones on the front of the box in the order 453352 (numbered left to right). Next drop the medallion on the ground, then search the ground and touch the medallion; you need to touch the stones on the medallion in the order 154236 (numbered left to right). Look at the medallion, then take it again.
Use your stone and put it in the hole in the front of the well. Use your cord and put it on the tree behind the well. Now wait until it is low tide at 4:00pm, then go down the well. Look at the wall to the right of the grate, then push the button and go through the passageway.
The solution to this puzzle is from the Spanish text you found earlier. Look at the mollusc shells on the ground to see that from left to right they have 5 death heads, 3 death heads and 8 death heads. You need to end up with 2 death heads worth of water in the receptacles on either side of the monkey's head. Use these steps:
- turn the 3 shell to empty it
- take the 5 shell and put it in the 3 shell
- put the 5 shell in the left receptacle (it now has 2 death heads of water)
- turn the 3 shell to empty it
- take the 8 shell and put it in the 3 shell
- turn the 3 shell to empty it
- put the 8 shell in the 3 shell again
- turn the 3 shell to empty it
- put the 8 shell in the 3 shell again
- drop the 8 shell
- pick up the 3 shell and put it in the right receptacle (it now has 2 death heads of water)
Now put your medallion in the hole beneath the monkey's head and turn it.
Final Quiz
You now must answer these questions to complete the game:
- Who is Anita?
A revolutionary
- Who was Anton with the night of the 31st?
- Other than his murderer, who was the last person to see Juste alive?
- Who kidnapped Marie?
- Who signs their name "The lady in black"?
- What does she do?
Arms traffic
- Where are the weapons delivered?
- Who killed Juste?
- The motive?
A wig
- Who did the wig belong to?
- What happened to Lucie?
She's dead
- Who was Lucie?
- The target of the shots?
- From what part of the south beach did the shots come?
- Who broke the bookshelf?
- What was he looking for?
A book
- To do what with?
Decode a message
- A message received by:
The piano
- Who is Menelik?
The wind