Drawn Down
Game Details: Mystery, 2018
Steam Achievements: Completed (9/9)
Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers
Walkthrough Updated: 1/18/2020
Suggested Listening: Help Me Out (Ash 25)
Game Setup
Start by turning on the Commentary in the Options menu of the game. Leaving this turned on for the entire game will get you an achievement at the end Commentary.
Take a bottle of wine from the drinks fridge, then use it on the clerk to pay for it. Try to leave the store, and you will see a thief run away with some food. Talk to the clerk, then leave to the right.
Police HQ
Go over to call the elevator, and you will meet Vance Riviera. Talk to Wayde in the elevator, then enter the interview room to meet Case. Follow the descriptions give to you to gradually come up with your sketch of the suspect. Use the drawing on the LINC terminal over to the left. On your tablet, select Qiri (the purple icon) then search for Reid Herring. Next select to cross-reference with PatRec. Go back into the interview room and you will pick up a matchbook.
Go right to return to the elevator, then use the panel and head to IT Support. Pick up the key card from the ground and use it on the card reader Good Egg. Get back into the elevator and use the panel to head down to the Lobby. Leave the station.
Try to enter the wet room 5 times Gotta Go. Use the matchbook on your TV, then leave again.
Talk to the bouncer on the right and tell her you are with the police - you don't have any ID.
Police HQ
Call the elevator, then use the panel to go up to SCS. Go through the blue door on the left. Talk to Wayde about Secrets, then offer him the bottle of wine (you will end up with the cork in your inventory). Look at the printer here twice to see a yellow sticker that says 93. Leave his office and Wayde will ask you to get some printer paper for him. Use the elevator to go to IT Support again. Go through the green door into the tech support office and pick up some paper from the boxes on the left. Use the self service screen and enter code 93, then select to disconnect the printer. Return to the elevator and up to Wayde's office again. Put the paper in the printer, then Wayde will leave to get his printer reconnected. Steal Wayde's ID from his jacket, then leave the station.
Show the matchbook to Carla over on the right, then leave again, and you will be forced into a dark car outside. As soon as you meet Frank, tell him he is under arrest Cute. After Frank leaves, talk to Landon about everything. Leave by heading left.
Leave your apartment straight away.
Horizon Gallery
Walk around the outside of the gallery to the left. Pick up the rock, then take the fishing wire from the gnome next to the pool. Talk to the workman about everything, then he will return into the tent. Return right and throw your rock at camera. Pick up the rock again, then go through the doors into the gallery. Talk to InfoBot twice, asking about the painting on the back wall. Wait for it to start talking about the painting, then go through the security door.
Talk to the security guard and tell him there's a suspicious guy outside. After he leaves, talk to InfoBot about the painting on the back wall again, then wait once more so you can head into the security office again. Now examine the alarm panel on the right. You need to rewire this so there is no power to the fire exit or pictures, but power still going to all 4 LEDs.
Leave the security office and head to the far right. Use your fishing wire on the fire exit. Return left and out through the main entrance, then head around to the left outside again. Use your cork on the fire exit to attach it to the fishing wire. Now you can leave this area.
You will automatically relax and then get changed, returning to the gallery.
Horizon Gallery
Enter the work tent on the left to get a hammer. Head around to the front of the gallery and use the hammer on one of the windows next to the front doors. Go right to see that the painting has been stolen. Take the note, then go to the right and leave via the fire exit. Enter the tent again.
Leave again.
Police HQ
Call the elevator, then use the panel to go up to SCS and enter Wayde's office. Talk to him about everything, then use your tablet. Select the Qiri app and use it to cross-reference Wolf and Homeless. Search for Freetown, then leave the station.
Enter the alley and talk to the man twice. Leave by heading right, then return left and try to leave by heading left - a hooded girl will call out to you. Follow her to the right and you will end up down in the sewers below. After the conversation with the Wolf, climb up the ladder to leave. Now use your notepad to draw a sketch of the wolf using your own instructions. Use the Qiri app on your tablet to cross-reference The Syndicate and Freetown, then LincAS and Freetown. Leave Freetown by heading left 3 times.
Police HQ
Head up to Wayde's office and talk to him about Freetown. Use the Qiri app on your tablet to cross-reference Damocles and LincAS, then Damocles and Freetown. Leave Wayde's office, then use your Wolf drawing on the LINC terminal. Use the Qiri app to cross-reference The Syndicate and Cochise Mosely. Leave the station once more.
Head into the alley, then up the right staircase. Knock on the door, then talk to the care man who answers it. Use the Qiri app to cross-reference LincAS and CADs. Return outside, then go right and down into the sewers. Talk to the Wolf until she attacks you and then gives you some information. Back on the surface, head left until you leave the area.
Zhong Xin
Enter the pawn shop and talk to Rosa, who will give you a photo of a man she wants located.
Police HQ
Call the elevator and use the panel to go up to SCS. Use the photo on the LINC terminal. Wait for Cerys to go over to the case board, then pick up her key-card. Use the elevator to head down to IT support. Go through the green door and give the key-card to Daniel. Use the elevator to return up to SCS, then use your photo on the LINC terminal. After getting the address, leave the station.
Zhong Xin
Enter the pawn shop and give the address to Rosa. Use the Qiri app on your tablet to search for Frank Harrigan. Go outside and wait until Wayde leaves, then head right.
Frank's Home
Go inside, then head right and click on the painting. Talk to Vance about everything. Once you are left alone, click on the curtains behind you. After the car crash, search the car to get a gun. Now save your game so you can try out the 4 different endings:
- Walk to the right Coward.
- Walk to the left and enter the factory. Use your notepad to draw Wayde, then go and use the computer to deactivate Damocles. Continue left, then shoot Vance First Kill.
- Walk to the left and enter the factory. Use your notepad to draw Wayde, then go and use the computer to deactivate Damocles. Continue left, then shoot Wayde Betrayal.
- Walk to the left and enter the factory. Use your notepad to draw Wayde, then go and use the computer to deactivate Damocles. Continue left, then put your gun down Sensible. Use the computer to reactivate Damocles.
With any of them, you will also get an achievement for finishing the game Complete Game.