Samorost 3Samorost 3

Game Details:  Fantasy, 2016

Steam Achievements:  Completed (30/30)

Links:  Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers

Walkthrough Updated:  3/5/2017

Suggested Listening:  Wild Hearts Meet (Ash 25)

Samorost 3 is the third in a series of surreal fantasy adventure games from Amanita Design. This game follows on from Samorost 2. Your adventures with the little white space gnome continue as you explore a series of planets with the aid of your magical flute.

Home Planet

Touch all of the white flowers on the trees here Blossoms. Use your flute on the tree with the hole in it to listen to the woodpecker. Go inside your home and take the blue book from your bedside table, then read it. Sleep in your bed, and you will dream about flying a spaceship. Climb up further and look through the telescope to see another planet (move the view around), then pull the lever and look again. Check out the space around you in all 4 possible directions, then go back outside.

Go left and use your flute on the large mushroom. Follow the path down and talk to the inventor, who needs you to find the components for the spaceship and he will build it for you. Examine the large plastic bottle, but you can't do anything with it yet. Climb up into the small cave and wait until the deer is next to you, then jump on to it Chamois.

Climb back down and go right twice to return to your home, then continue further right to find a bridge. Look at the controls - you need to use them to destroy the bridge. Move the right lever to the second position from the bottom (this one can stay here for the rest of this puzzle). Move the left lever to the bottom and press the button - the beam will hit the right post. Move the left lever to the top and press the button, then move it back to the bottom and press the button to hit the post again. Repeat this once more, then walk across. While standing just to the right of the bridge, click on 3 loose rocks at the tops of the rock piles Rockheads.

Continue right to a green area. Go up to the top tree and use your flute on it. Pull the white structures up and some mushrooms will start sprouting. After the man has pulled some out, repeat this process twice more Mushrooms. Now go over and talk to the man, then play a card game with him. Start by placing the men in the tent in the 4th position. To complete the game, you need to feed these men with 4 different types of food:


Put the fisherman in the 1st slot and the mushroom in the 2nd slot, so that the fisherman catches a mushroom. Place a campfire in the 2nd slot and wait until there is a worm on the fisherman's hook, then place a lake in the 2nd slot. Put the campfire back in the 2nd slot to cook the fish. Move the cooked fish into the 3rd slot.


Put the archer in the 1st slot and the pig in the 2nd slot. Place a campfire in the 3rd slot to cook the pig. Move the campfire out of the way, and put the cooked pig in the 3rd slot.


Put the moose in the 2nd slot and the mushroom in the 3rd slot. Once the moose is sick, put the archer in the 1st slot. Place a campfire in the 3rd slot to cook the moose. Move the campfire out of the way, and put the cooked moose in the 3rd slot.


Put the spearmen in the 1st slot, the lake in the 3rd slot, and then the mammoth in the 2nd slot. Place a campfire in the 3rd slot to cook the mammoth. Move the campfire out of the way, and put the cooked mammoth in the 3rd slot.

The card in the 4th slot should now turn green - take it out of the slot. The man will now give you his knife. Go left and take the controls from left of the bridge. You will automatically take these back to the inventor. Use your knife on the large plastic bottle and you will also give this to the inventor. Go right twice and into your home, then pick up the bathtub. After you give this to the inventor, go back to your home once more and take the small wooden stool. The inventor will complete your spaceship Knife.

Fly up into space, and land on the small asteroid that flies close by.


Use your flute on the small mound to the right, and a puzzle will appear. You just need to turn all the red symbols to white, by sucking them into the central object and then spitting them somewhere else out of the way (don't put more than 4 symbols in a column). You then need to make sure there are three white symbols in each column, and the ground will open up. Head down into the hole.

Now you must wake up the creature by playing with its antennae; the correct order is left, right twice, left twice and right. Open the bulge on the left to reveal a keyhole.

Head back outside and climb into your spaceship, then leave the asteroid. Now that you are orbiting around a second planet, you can fly there.

Forest Planet

Head left from your spaceship and enter the hole at the base of the first tree - you will emerge through a log just above. Use your flute to listen to the tree next to you, and you will see images of how you can navigate around this planet. Hold the smoke stack to your right closed until a creature comes out through a door below you. Quickly go through the hole to the right, then through the open door before the creature closes it again.

Pull down on the rope here, then go back through the hole. Enter the hole at the base of the largest tree to arrive at the very top, next to the antennae of a large sleeping bug. Numbering the antennae 1-4 from left to right, touch them in the following order: 1, 3, 3, 2, 4, 1. Now use the flute on the bug, before touching the antennae in this order: 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2 Jing Jang.

Enter the hole to return to the ground, then go left. Wait until the woodpecker is on the top of the small platform to the left, then click on it and it will fly away Woodworm. Jump on the platform to travel further to the left. Get off the platform on the other side.

Look at the tall plant on the right and use your flute on it to see the positions to which its 3 dials should be set. Now walk around to the left and touch each of the 3 creatures so they start singing. Click on the tall plant to see the positions of its dials, then slide the reeds up and down in the middle of the area to adjust the dials. Once they have reached the positions indicated earlier, the top of the tall plant will be ejected. Drag this plant down to the left until a seed falls out and a new pale plant grows. Drag this plant down to the right until some glue hangs out; if you are standing close enough you will take the glue (if not, move and try again). Get back on the platform and drag the lever left and right until you reach the previous area to the right.

Get off the platform again and return right twice to where your spaceship landed. Use your glue on each of the broken pieces of the cup, then put them all back together. Make sure that the rose on the left is dangling free and not covering the spout. Continue right and use your flute on the giant turtle. Press all the shells on its back and use your flute on it again - this time a pattern will be shown. Press just the shells indicated on the pattern, then wait and the turtle will move backwards to reveal a hole. Climb down the hole.

Grab and release all 6 bats on this screen Liana Bats. Now you need to jump over the series of hanging sticks to the left by adjusting their positions so that you avoid the spikes; you can do this by hanging the larger bats from the hooks at the bottom. Follow these instructions from the starting platform:

  • Hang bats from sticks 1 and 6
  • Jump to stick 6
  • Jump to stick 5
  • Hang bats from sticks 2 and 6
  • Jump to stick 4
  • Hang bats from sticks 3 and 6
  • Jump to stick 3
  • Hang bats from sticks 2 and 5
  • Jump to stick 2
  • Hang bats from sticks 1 and 6
  • Jump to stick 1

Now jump to the platform on the left and continue left to find some monkeys in bathtubs. Walk up to the central platform. Take the connecting pipe from the left and use it to connect to the top pipe instead - this will fill the bottom bath with water. Now pull the pipe down from above the right bath, and use the connecting pipe to connect it to the one below; wait and you will see movement within the bottom bath. Go down and look through the telescope at the bottom right to see your fixed vase. Pull the lever here up and down until the cup lowers into the ground. Reconnect the pipes to their original positions, then return right.

Make your way back over the sticks as follows:

  • Hang bats from sticks 1 and 3
  • Jump to stick 1
  • Jump to stick 2
  • Hang bats from sticks 1 and 4
  • Jump to stick 3
  • Hang bats from sticks 4 and 6
  • Jump to stick 4
  • Hang bats from sticks 1 and 5
  • Jump to stick 5
  • Hang bats from sticks 3 and 6
  • Jump to stick 6

Now jump to the platform on the right. Return up and left to the cup. Now pull down on the rose so that it pops up and covers the spout. Go back down and repeat the monkey bath puzzle again; this time when you pump water it will spray from the shower head on to the ground around the cup and flowers will grow. Climb back up once more. This time when you see the large turtle, press the same shells as last time and the turtle will move forward, but a bug will escape from its mouth Goldbug. Go left to the cup again. Wait and click on the fish as it jumps out of the water Goldfish.

Climb down the opening in the base of the water spout to find 2 more large bugs. You need to click on their antennae in the same order as you did at the beginning of this planet. Numbering the antennae 1-4 from left to right, touch them in the following order: 1, 3, 3, 2, 4, 1. Use the blue and purple symbol on one of the bugs, then touch the antennae in this order: 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2. Take the key that appears, then climb up the rope.

Return to your spaceship and fly up into space, then return to the asteroid.


Go down into the hole and touch the antennae again (left, right twice, left twice and right), then open the bulge and use the key in the keyhole. Return up to your spaceship and fly off into space again. Wait until you are near the large tree stump and set that as your new target.

Tree Stump

Get out of your spaceship and head left. Sit on the left cushion in front of the shopkeeper, and talk to him to be shown an image of a root creature. Click on the teapot to receive a drink. Click on the shisha, but you are not allowed to use it. Touch the green parrot in the tree above, then wait until the shopkeeper starts cleaning the roof of his tent, and quickly use the shisha Spiral Smoke.

Go slightly left until the view zooms out. Pull the green bulb upwards from the tree above until the birds fight over it; after it falls down, pick it up. Go further left and click on all 3 cicadas in the branches of the tree (one is beneath the branch on the left), then listen using your flute Cicadas.

Head right twice and use your flute in the hole in the tree sticking up. Click on the vision for more details. Continue right to reach the end of the tree stump. Click on the termites that you see pause at the end of the stump and they will start singing. Once you have caused enough to sing, a flying termite will appear from the right Saint Termite.

Pull down the ladder on the right and climb down, then return left through the hole. Go down and right, then down and through another hole to the left. Head into the central chamber of the termite nest, where there are 4 bulbs that you can pull. From the starting position do the following:

  • Pull the 1st bulb until the left switch is angled down
  • Pull the 2nd bulb until the middle switch is angled down
  • Pull the 3rd bulb until the right switch is to the far right
  • Pull the 4th bulb and drop the ball into the right hole Dancing Fungus
  • Pull the 1st bulb until the left switch is angled up
  • Pull the 3rd bulb until the right switch is to the far left
  • Pull the 4th bulb and drop the ball into the left hole

Now head down the hole to the right and follow the tunnel left to reach the fungus, and left again into a new cave. There are 8 bags hanging from the ceiling here, and there is a fly trapped inside. You need to pull the bags to lift the left one. If they are numbered 1-8 from left to right, pull bags 7, 5, 7, 5, 3, 3, 2, 4. After the fly leaves, return right and into the central chamber. Now do the following:

  • Pull the 2nd bulb until the middle switch is angled up
  • Pull the 4th bulb and drop the ball into the middle hole

You will now be sucked into a white bag - click on it to head down another tunnel to a new area. Towards the right you will see a parrot, surrounded by 5 other things that make noises. Click on the parrot, then click on these other things in the correct order to copy the sounds it makes. You need to get a total of 4 progressively longer sequences correct, and they are randomised for each game Mimicking Parrot.

Go all the way to the left and pull the suction cup on the end of the lowest branch up, then release it so that it gets stuck on the hanging creature; now a second flower will be able to bloom. Click on the beehive to get a bee to emerge. Now click on the right flower to get the bee there, followed by the left flower. A yellow fruit will grow and the parrot will eat it. Repeat this a second time and the parrot will fall asleep Sleeping Parrot. Repeat a third time and this time take the yellow fruit for yourself.

Climb the two ladders, then go between the trees and up another ladder to return to the shopkeeper. Head right to return to your ship. Click on the beehive to get a bee to emerge. Now click on the left flower, followed by the right flower. Take the red fruit that appears.

There should now be 1 red flower and a number of empty holes in this area. Plant your green fruit in one of the holes to get a yellow flower. Plant your yellow fruit in another of the holes to get a white flower. Now get the bee to visit the white flower followed by the red flower, and take the orange fruit. Plant the orange fruit in an empty hole to get a pink flower. Get the bee to visit the yellow flower followed by the pink flower. Pick up the root creature that appears. Go left and give this to the shopkeeper. After he puts it into the pot, use your flute on it - you will receive the root creature back as well as a pot. Head right and use the pot on the vines holding your spaceship.

Now get in and fly up into space. Head to the orange planet.

Volcano Planet

Use your flute on the crashed meteor on the left to see what happened to it. Now go right and you will see a lot of crabs walking around. When you see a conical hermit crab, click on it to stop it walking. Keep doing this until a smaller hermit crab comes along and jumps on top ot it Hermit Crabs. Now use your flute on each of the 3 poles on the mound here to see their respective symbols. Continue right to see more crabs at the bottom of the screen. Create a stack of 4 crabs from largest on the bottom to smallest on the top Crab Pyramid.

Use your flute on the metal dome here and a series of bubbles will appear in the air. The goal is to get rid of the white bubbles. You need to merge individual blue bubbles into groups of two, then the groups of two into groups of four. Use these large blue bubbles on individual white ones to destroy them. Once all the white bubbles are gone, combine the blue bubbles into groups of two, then four, then eight and finally sixteen Sputnik. Take the book from inside the metal dome. Now pull the totem pole repeatedly left and right until it gets stuck and you can climb it to head into the cavern.

Click several times on the black centipede over on the left Centipede. Now you need to adjust the poles hanging from the ceiling (which are parts of the 3 poles on the mound from earlier). Move them all to their highest positions, then pull the left pole down 2 segments and the middle pole down 5 segments. Once correct, the wheel on the back wall of the cavern will spin. Go back outside and then head left. Get on to the new platform and you will descend into a volcano.

Throw your root creature into the large pot. Click on the guy stirring the pot and he will start singing. Next get the one just to the right joining in, then the one on the far right, and finally the one on the left; your timing for starting each of them singing needs to be correct. Once they are all singing and dancing, wait for a while and a large brown ball will be presented. Roll this to the left and you will end up blowing the meteor back into orbit.

Go back to the right and look for 3 pairs bats hanging on the wall. Climb up the stairs and click on the left pair of bats, then head down and slightly right and quickly get the middle pair and right pair flying as well. You need to be standing near them to be able to do this. Make sure you get them all in the air at the same time Cave Bats. Now get on the platform to return to the surface. Head left. Get into your spaceship and fly into space, then land on the meteor.


Go straight back into space and land on the blue moon.

Blue Moon

Talk to the monk, then head back into space and travel to the green planet.

Temple Planet

Get out of your spaceship and use your flute to listen to the mouse in the hole on the terraces here. Repeat his tune using the nearby pipe machine; if they are numbered 1-8 from left to right, play this sequence: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 4, 5, 6 Singing Mouse.

Head down and right and talk to all 3 monks. Click on the white owlseveral times while it has landed Owl, then get into the boat. Go right over the lake and get out on the other side. Use your flute on the entrance to the temple, and a creature will come out and ask for a large melon. Get back into the boat and head left over the lake. Return left and pull the large lever down at the top of the terraces. Go to the pipe machine and enter this sequence: 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4. Pick up the big melon from the bottom of the area and you will automatically take it back to the temple.

Now that you are up on the ledge, use your flute on the door just to the left and you will see 4 fish. Click on one to turn it around, then quickly spin the whole circle clockwise until that fish changes color. Repeat with one more fish at a time until they are all green, and the door will open. Head inside.

Pick up the basket of potatoes and use this on the furnace, then pump the bellows up and down until the whistle blows. The evil monk will hurt his throat and then return to his room. Pick up the basket again, then climb down the hole to return outside. Click on the large creature to get a lift down to the ground, then get some potatoes from the pile. Pick up the basket again. Get a lift up from the creature and go through the doorway again. Head back up and repeat the process with the furnace and bellows a second time - the evil monk will now leave. Repeat everything a third time Distilled Spirits.

Climb up the stairs to the top level and grab the black sphere from under the glass dome. Climb back down, return to your ship and launch into space.

Crescent Moon

Land and use your black sphere on the robot. Talk to the robot and it will fly off to attack the evil monk.

Extra Achievements

After watching the credits, walk away from the monks to stop playing the flute Four Flutes. You will automatically head back to the spaceship. Climb inside and take off Cosmic Ring.

Crescent Moon

Take the black sphere back from the top of the robot, then leave again.

Blue Moon

Give the black sphere to the monk Shem Is Home before leaving once more.


Just land on the meteor Young Spirits and take off again.

Tree Stump

Go right from your spaceship and approach the tree to see it has new life Sprouting Tree. Return left and take off one last time.

Home Planet

Leave your spaceship and go right to your home Dog.